
时间:2019-05-15 14:21:38下载本文作者:会员上传


Shool Sport Meeting

Life is movement, in the busy learning, we need to exercise to relieve the pressure, so we can greatly improve the efficiency of learning.Sports meeting, it provides a good opportunity to exercise.Let us in exercise while learn many classroom can not learn things Last week,our school held a sports meeting once a year.Many students are hurt because violent exercise,I am sorry to hear that,butIknow They are in order to the class honors.They are good!

Through the Sports meeting, It makes me understand the profound meaning of“insisted that victory”.

第二篇:运动会 英语作文

At the elementary school today it is a sports day;all the parents and friends were invited to attend.Each class in the school was competing in one or more sports events such as relay races, distance races, ball games, parades, and so on.All the guests had small chairs to sit on at one side of the school field.There were refreshments given and a concession stand available if you wanted to buy ice-cream or candy.everyone cheered and clapped after each event.Special honors were given to individual winners, but all in all, everyone felt great that day.All over the world millions of people take part in different kinds of sports.Sports are perhaps the most popular form of relaxation that almost all can enjoy.Some people seem to think that sports and games are unimportant things that people do at times when they are not working.But in fact sports and games can be of great value, especially to people who work with their brains most of the day.They should not be treated only as ammusements.Sports and games build our bodies, prevent us from getting too fat, and keep us healthy.They also give us valuable practice in helping the eyes, brain and muscles to work together.In table tennis, the eyes see the ball coming, judge its speed and direction, and pass the information on to the brain.The brain has to decide what to do and sends its orders to the muscles of the arms legs and so on, so that the bah is met and hit back where the player wants it to do.All this must happen with very great speed, and only those who have had a lot of practice can do this successfully.Sports and games are also very useful for character-training.In their lessons, boys and girls may learn about such virrues as unselfishness courage disciple and love of one's country, but what is learned in books can not have the same deep effect on a child's character as what is learned through practice.Most of students' time is spent in classes, studying lessons.So what the students do in their spare time is of great importance.If each of them learns to go all out for his team and not for himself on the sports field, he will later find it natural to work for the good of society, for the good of his country.To a Chinese, the task of learning English well is not easy.So I, like many other English learners, have met with difficulties in learning English during the past seven years.But I managed to overcome them and made much progress.The spelling and meaning of words can be said to be the first difficulty I met as a beginner.But I found our my own way to deal with them.As to spelling, I never copied a new work again and again to remember it, but tried to find its relevance to the sound.In fact, as long as I can read the word out, I can write it out.As to the meaning, I rarely recite its Chinese translation but often put the word into the sentence to learn its meaning.Moreover, if you use a word quite often, its spelling and meaning will be no problem.After all, we are learning English in order to use it.Grammar and idioms may be another difficulty.But I have also got over it.I have not read lots of grammar books.But I spent much time reading the articles written by native speakers or specialists in English.By doing so, I came to gain “a sense of English language”.I began to gain a feel for which sentences are “good English” and which are not.Finally, I want to say that overcoming all these difficulties requires perseverance.In the past seven years I spent at least an hour on English each day.I believe this is an important reason why I am able to make progress in learning English.All over the world people enjoy sports.Sports help to keep people healthy and happy, and to live longer.Sports change with the seasons.People play different games in winter and summer.Swimming is fun in warm weather, but skating is good in winter.Some sports are so interesting that people everywhere go in for them.Football, for example, has spread around the world.Swimming is popular in all countries near the sea or in those with many rivers.Some sports or games go back thou-sands of years, like running or jumping.Chinese wushu, for example, has a very long history.But basketball and volleyball are rather new.People are inventing new sports or games all the time.Water-skiing is one of the newest in the family of sports.Last month we had a sports meeting.Though the weather wasn't very fine that day, the students were all very excited and the whole school was alive.This time, I was even more excited.Because I went in for the sports meeting and my item was high jump.I didn't want to get any place, I only wanted to enjoy the game because I knew I wasn't good at sports.When I got to the field with my friend.I was both excited and nervous.When I saw the first height, my heart could hardly heat.How high it was!It was higher than our desks.I couldn't believe my eyes.This was too high for me to jump over.I wasn't nervous at that timewhile I was a bit afraid.But I had gone there, I must have a try.Not long after, the game began.The first person was great.He jumped over easily.I was too surprised to say a word.The second was good, too.The third nearly jumped over, but he wasn't bad…

It was my turn.I had a deep breath and then ran towards.In front of the pole, I began to jump.Oh, no!My right foot hit the pole.“I failed.” I thought.And then, another unlucky thing happened.I didn't stand firm and I tumbled.I hurt my back badly.At that moment I felt my back was broken.It was too painful.It seemed that the people around field all didn't know that, they only laughed at my foolish posture.After a very short rest, I stood up.I push my pain back and then went out of the field with my red face.My friend hurried to come to me.He asked me if this was terrible.I was too pained with my back to answer his questions.I only shook my head.I was sad.Not only I had hurt my back but also I couldn't go on in the game.I had to see the others jump and wish them to get a good place.Though I didn't have the whole game.I was still very happy.Because a lot of my classmates tried their best in the game and they got a lot of good places.They were all best in my eyes.I was thankful to them for doing their best for our class


School Sports Meeting Last month we had a sports meeting.Though the weather wasn't very fine that day, the students were all very excited and the whole school was alive.This time, I was even more excited.上月,我们学校开了运动会。虽然那天天气并不是非常好,但是同学们都非常兴奋,整个学校一片欢乐的海洋,我更是激动的要命。

Because I went for the sports meeting and my item was high jump.I didn't want to join any sport event, I only wanted to enjoy the game because I knew I wasn't good at sports.因为我参加了运动会,并且我的团队是跳高。(作文地带建议:我们对参加了比赛项目是跳高)。我并不希望参加任何比赛项目,因为我并不擅长于运动,所以我只能静静的享受比赛。When I arrived the playground with my friend.I was both excited and nervous.When I saw the first height, my heart could hardly heat.当我和朋友们走进比赛区域。我又激动又拘束(担心)。当我看到第一高度,我的心跳就非常厉害 How high it was!It was higher than our desks.I couldn't believe my eyes.This was too high for me to jump over.I wasn't nervous at that time while I was a bit afraid.But I had gone there, I must have a try.好高啊!比我们课桌都高一大截。我简直不能相信我的眼睛。这让我跳过去,简直太高了。我那时已经不是紧张不安了,取而代之的是害怕。但是我必须往前走,我必须得尝试一下。Not long after, the game began.The first person was great.He jumped over easily.I was too surprised to say a word.The second was good, too.The third nearly jumped over, but he wasn't the best.不一会儿,比赛开始了。第一个运动员做的非常好,很容易就跃过去了。我简直惊呆了。第二个也一样顺利完成。第三个刚好越过,但是他不是最好的一个。

It was my turn.I had a deep breath and then ran towards.In front of the pole, I began to jump.Oh, no!My right foot hit the pole.“I failed.” I thought.And then, another unlucky thing happened.轮到我了。我深呼一口气朝前跑去。在杆子前面,我开始跃起。噢,不!我的右脚碰到了杆子。我想“我失败了。”,但是接下来更糟糕的事发生了。

I didn't stand firmly and I tumbled.I hurt my back badly.At that moment I felt my back was broken.It was too painful.It seemed that the people around field all didn't know that, they only laughed at my foolish posture.我没有站稳,摔倒了。我的背狠狠的摔了一下。那时我感觉我的背摔坏了。太疼了。我周围的人似乎都不知道发生了什么,他们只是一个劲的笑我愚蠢的姿态。After a very short rest, I stood up.休息了一会后,我站了起来。

I push my pain back and then went out of the field with my red face.My friend hurried to come to me.He asked me if this was terrible.I was too pained with my back to answer his questions.I only shook my head.I was sad.Not only I had hurt my back but also I couldn't go on in the game.I had to see the others jump and wish them to get a good place.我揉揉我疼痛的背红着脸走出了比赛区域。我的朋友跑过来。他问我是否严重。我强忍背部疼痛回答了他的问题。我只摇头。我很沮丧。不仅仅是摔坏了背,更主要的是我不能再继续参加比赛了。我只能观看其他人的比赛,并祝福他们得到一个好名次。

Though I didn't finish the whole game.I was still very happy.Because a lot of my classmates tried their best in the game and they got a lot of good score.They were all best in my eyes.I was thankful to them for doing their best for our class.虽然我没有能完成比赛。但我依旧很高兴。因为我的同学们都尽其所能的完成比赛,并且都取得了很好的成绩。他们在我眼里是最棒的。我很感谢他们能为班级做出这么大的贡献。




We had a sports meeting last Friday.All of the students took an active part in it.Our class did very well in the sports meeting.The boys won the boys' 400 metres, and the girls won the girls' 200 metres.I joined in the sports meeting, too.In the long jump, I won the second prize.But unluckily, I was the last one in the high jump.Though the sports meeting has been over, I'll always remember the spirit of “ Faster, Higher and Stronger”..................





Sports meeting

Every year, my school holds sports meeting in aboutOctober, I am very exciting about it, I can watch thewonderful game and don't have class.

My school's sports meeting lasts three days, the classis suspended, all the students go to the play groundto watch the game.

As an audience, I am so nervous and yell out "come on" to my classmate, watching they get tothe final line, I am so proud of them.

The part I like most is relay race, that is so exciting, all the students yell loudly, the athleteschase one by one, nobody can be sure who is the champion until the last minute.

Sports meeting bring me so many beautiful memories.


On the afternoon of November 18, we had the opening ceremony of the Fourth Dongzhou Middle School Sports Festival. Each class gave a wonderful performance. The next day, we had an exciting sports meeting. Many players were in it. All the others just watched them. Some were busy writing articles about it. The boys and girls 1500 metres races were the most exciting games. The relay races were exciting, too. Everyone cheered for the competitions. They did their best. When they scored for their own class, everyone was so excited that they jumped to their feet. The sports meeting didn’t end until four in the afternoon. We were tired but we were so happy.


Every year, my school holds sports meeting in about October, I am very exciting about it, I can watch the wonderful game and don’t have class. My school’s sports meeting lasts three days, the class is suspended, all the students go to the play ground to watch the game. As an audience, I am so nervous and yell out “come on” to my classmate, watching they get to the final line, I am so proud of them. The part I like most is relay race, that is so exciting, all the students yell loudly, the athletes chase one by one, nobody can be sure who is the champion until the last minute. Sports meeting bring me so many beautiful memories.



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