
时间:2019-05-15 14:45:10下载本文作者:会员上传


Ladies and Gentlemen,It’s my great honor to stand here and nice to meet all of you.My name is Lvxueyuan,I’m from Qingdao No.2 middle school.Well, the topic I'm going to deal with is discover yourself.Now I’m a senior high school freshman in grade 1 and I have found that facing some of the tension made me under too much pressure.Actually,I felt heavy breath, and for the future, Who am I?What kind of life will I lead ?Questions crowded my mind.Until then understood, in life ups and downs and difficulties every time before, only you can save your own,You need to discover yourself.Discovering yourself is not only mean self-confidence, to give encouragement to yourself and to explore your own talent,but an attitude to your life as well.First,discover yourself means you should enjoy your life and appreciate what you have.THOUGH Geniuses amaze us,impress us and make us all a little jealous,WE CAN still find something valuable on ourselves.DO YOU think so?Your dreams are waiting to be realized.Don't waste time making excuses.Reach for your peak,your goal and change your limits!!

Secondly, to discover yourself you need to develop your ability to deal with some situstions or difficulties and the virtue Now, I want to share with you a story of a girl who used to be very shy and not brave enough.But according to the summer military training,she has changed a lot.The girl, he-he,definitely is me.ATTENTION!At ease!March off!The Military training impressed me a lot.So far I have ears still ringing those voices back.Five days of military training is much more difficult than expected.The top discipline is to obey orders.We often stop military posture more than an hour.The long march and the High-intensity training left me unforgetable pain, The midday sun burnt my skin,I was getting darker and darker.Emergency dril in the midnight made me completely crazy!The coach punished me by forcing me to run five laps of the track made me exhuasted and my voice became hoarse.On the third day of training,I said to myself” I can’t stand it!I could not get on!I'm not a strong girl!” My tears fell down.In tears,I saw the figure of the instructors in the distant.They have a strong spirit of resolute character.They never give up.Why can’t I?I can do it!Just believe in yourself;you have the talent to overcome the obstacles.The potential is waiting to be discovered.”After that,I made every effort in traing because I knew that was an opportunity for me to discover myself.I eventually completed military training, when walking though the platform as a pioneer of the team,I was so proud of myself.As an old saying says,”Noting is written,you’ve been taught how to write for yourself.”Dare to compare,dare to care,dare to dream,dare to love.The door to all the best things in the world will open to me, but the key to that door is in my hand.That is all my presentation, thank you for listening.


































谭晶华 上海外国语大学教授、博导中国翻译协会副会长上海翻译家协会会长














第四篇:第七届CASIO 杯翻译竞赛英译中


〔英〕伊恩·麦克尤恩 作 张春柏 译

迈克尔·比尔德是个独子。他自己就会首先承认,他根本不懂手足之情为何物,对于这一点,谁也不会感到诧异。他的母亲安琪拉,是位骨感美人,对他千般宠,万般爱,她表达爱的渠道便是食物,她拼命给他喂食,远远超出了他的需要。早在他荣获诺贝尔物理学奖四十年前,就曾在科尔德诺顿 地区0至6个月组超级宝宝大赛中拔得头筹。在那战后的艰难岁月里,人们理想中漂亮宝宝的主要特征,就是脂肪多多、有着邱吉尔式的多重下巴。人们梦想结束配给制,梦想物质丰富的时代早日到来。在那些竞赛中,宝宝们如同一根根参赛的西葫芦,公开陈列,供人评判。1947年,五个月大的迈克尔,圆滚滚,胖嘟嘟,惹人疼,惹人爱, 横扫群婴,轻松夺魁。不过,要她这样的中产妇女、证券经纪人的太太,在村里难得的盛会上,不去光顾糕饼甜酱摊子,而带孩子去参加这种俗气的比赛,绝非寻常。她一准知道他注定会赢。正如她后来常说的,她早就料定他将得到牛津大学的奖学金。一待他断奶,她便以同样的激情,为他烧饭做菜,乐此不疲,终此一生。六十年代中期,她甚至不顾病痛,到蓝带烹饪学校学习, 为的是他偶尔回家时能一显身手,端上三五盘新菜。她丈夫亨利,每餐一荤两素,但忌食洋葱,不喜橄榄油。两人新婚不久,由于迄今没有公开的原因,安琪拉便收回了对他的爱。她活着只是为了儿子,她留下的遗产也同样一目了然:一个大腹便便的男人,一个不停地追逐会烧菜的美女的男人。

亨利·比尔德,瘦瘦的身材,一对八字胡,垂向下方,光亮的棕发,整齐地梳向脑后。他那深色的花呢外套略嫌肥大,领子更是过于宽松。对这个小家庭,他供妻养儿,尽心尽责。对于儿子,他则一如当时典型的严父,很少有身体上的接触。他从不拥抱迈克尔,很少亲昵地拍他的肩膀,但却给了他所有合适的礼物——从麦卡诺牌的拆装玩具,到自己动手装的无线电收音机、百科全书和飞机模型,以及军事史、地质学著作和名人传记,无所不包,应有尽有。二战期间他长期服役,当过步兵的低级军官,在敦刻尔克、北非和西西里打过仗,到了盟军进攻日 时,他已经是个中校,还获得了一枚勋章。贝尔森 集中营解放一周后,他到达那里,战后还在柏林驻扎了八个月。和许多同辈的男人一样,他对自己的经历绝口不提,只是尽情地享受着战后恬淡的生活,享受着那种宁静和整洁,以及日渐改善的物质条件。更重要的是,他享受着那种安全感 —— 一句话,后来令和平初期出生的人们感到窒息痛苦的一切东西,他都趋之若渴,甘之如饴。

1952年,迈尔尔五岁时,四十岁的亨利·比尔德放弃了他在伦敦老城商业银行的工作,重拾旧爱,干起了法律。他在不远的切姆斯福市 的一家老字号律师事务所当了合伙人,直到退休。为了庆祝这个重要的转变,庆祝自己从每天来往利物浦大街 的交通中解放出来,他买了辆二手的罗斯莱斯银云。这台浅蓝色座驾,他一用就是三十三年,直到去世。他儿子成年后,回首当年,略有歉疚,他爱父亲的,就是这种手笔和气派。作为小镇上的初级律师,亨利?比尔德的生活很快便被财产转让、遗嘱检验之类的琐事所吞噬,此后的生活更加平淡,波澜不惊。每逢周末,他基本上就是种种花,养养车,或者和扶轮国际 的朋友打打高尔夫。他平静地接受了无爱的婚姻,那是为他的所得付出的代价。


回家后,他和父亲喝了三杯威士忌,回到自己的房间,和衣倒在床上,回味良久,这才恍然大悟, 明白了她的非凡“成就”。天哪,短短十一年她竟有十七个情人!想当年,比尔德中校三十三岁时,经历过何等惊心动魄的战斗,何等险象环生的厮杀!可安琪拉也得有她的“惊”与“险”。她的情人便是她对隆美尔发起的沙漠之战、她的情人便是她的进攻日、她的柏林之战。她靠在医院的枕头上, 对迈克尔说,没有他们,她准会自怨自责的,她准会神经崩溃的。可结果她还是自责不已,只不过这种自责是因为她觉得亏欠了自己唯一的儿子。



第七届CASIO 杯翻译竞赛原文

The Use of Poetry Ian McEwan

It surprised no one to learn that Michael Beard had been an only child, and he would have been the first to concede that he’d never quite got the hang of brotherly feeling.His mother, Angela, was an angular beauty who doted on him, and the medium of her love was food.She bottle-fed him with passion, surplus to demand.Some four decades before he won the Nobel Prize in Physics, he came top in the Cold Norton and District Baby Competition, birth-to-six-months class.In those harsh postwar years, ideals of infant beauty resided chiefly in fat, in Churchillian multiple chins, in dreams of an end to rationing and of the reign of plenty to come.Babies were exhibited and judged like prize marrows, and, in 1947, the five-month-old Michael, bloated and jolly, swept all before him.However, it was unusual at a village fête for a middle-class woman, a stockbroker’s wife, to abandon the cake-and-chutney stall and enter her child for such a gaudy event.She must have known that he was bound to win, just as she later claimed always to have known that he would get a scholarship to Oxford.Once he was on solids, and for the rest of her life, she cooked for him with the same commitment with which she had held the bottle, sending herself in the mid-sixties, despite her illness, on a Cordon Bleu cookery course so that she could try new meals during his occasional visits home.Her husband, Henry, was a meat-and-two-veg man, who despised garlic and the smell of olive oil.Early in the marriage, for reasons that remained private, Angela withdrew her love from him.She lived for her son, and her legacy was clear: a fat man who restlessly craved the attentions of beautiful women who could cook.Henry Beard was a lean sort with a drooping mustache and slicked-back brown hair, whose dark suits and brown tweeds seemed a cut too large, especially around the neck.He provided for his miniature family well and, in the fashion of the time, loved his son sternly and with little physical contact.Though he never embraced Michael, and rarely laid an affectionate hand on his shoulder, he supplied all the right kinds of present—Meccano and chemistry sets, a build-it-yourself wireless, encyclopedias, model airplanes, and books about military history, geology, and the lives of great men.He had had a long war, serving as a junior officer in the infantry in Dunkirk, North Africa, and Sicily, and then, as a lieutenant colonel, in the D Day landings, where he won a medal.He had arrived at the concentration camp of Belsen a week after it was liberated, and was stationed in Berlin for eight months after the war ended.Like many men of his generation, he did not speak about his experiences and he relished the ordinariness of postwar life, its tranquil routines, its tidiness and rising material well-being, and, above all, its lack of danger—everything that would later appear stifling to those born in the first years of the peace.In 1952, when Michael was five, the forty-year-old Henry Beard gave up his job at a merchant bank in the City and returned to his first love, which was the law.He became a partner in an old firm in nearby Chelmsford and stayed there for the rest of his working life.To celebrate the momentous change and his liberation from the daily commute to Liverpool Street, he bought himself a secondhand Rolls-Royce Silver Cloud.This pale-blue machine lasted him thirty-three years, until his death.From the vantage of adulthood, and with some retrospective guilt, his son loved him for this grand gesture.But the life of a small-town solicitor, absorbed by matters of conveyancing and probate, settled on Henry Beard an even greater tranquillity.At weekends, he mostly cared for his roses, or his car, or golf with fellow-Rotarians.He stolidly accepted his loveless marriage as the price he must pay for his gains.It was about this time that Angela Beard began a series of affairs that stretched over eleven years.Young Michael registered no outward hostilities or silent tensions in the home, but, then, he was neither observant nor sensitive, and was often in his room after school, building, reading, gluing, and later took up pornography and masturbation full time, and then girls.Nor, at the age of seventeen, did he notice that his mother had retreated, exhausted, to the sanctuary of her marriage.He heard of her adventures only when she was dying of breast cancer, in her early fifties.She seemed to want his forgiveness for ruining his childhood.By then he was nearing the end of his second year at Oxford and his head was full of maths and girlfriends, physics and drinking, and at first he could not take in what she was telling him.She lay propped up on pillows in her private room on the nineteenth floor of a tower-block hospital, with views toward the industrialized salt marshes by Canvey Island and the south shore of the Thames.He was grownup enough to know that it would have insulted her to say that he had noticed nothing.Or that she was apologizing to the wrong person.Or that he could not imagine anyone over thirty having sex.He held her hand and squeezed it to signal his warm feelings, and said that there was nothing to forgive.It was only after he had driven home, and drunk three nightcap Scotches with his father, then gone to his old room and lain on the bed fully dressed and considered what she had told him, that he grasped the extent of her achievement.Seventeen lovers in eleven years.Lieutenant Colonel Beard had had all the excitement and danger he could stand by the age of thirty-three.Angela had to have hers.Her lovers were her desert campaign against Rommel, her D Day, and her Berlin.Without them, she had told Michael from her hospital pillows, she would have hated herself and gone mad.But she hated herself anyway, for what she thought she had done to her only child.He went back to the hospital the next day and, while she sweatily clung to his hand, told her that his childhood had been the happiest and most secure imaginable, that he had never felt neglected or doubted her love or eaten so well, and that he was proud of what he called her appetite for life and hoped to emulate it.It was the first time that he had ever given a speech.These half and quarter truths were the best words he had ever spoken.Six weeks later, she was dead.Naturally, her love life was a closed subject between father and son, but for years afterward Michael could not drive through Chelmsford or the surrounding villages without wondering whether this or that old fellow tottering along the pavement or slumped near a bus stop was one of the seventeen.



海选时,采取突然淘汰法,即准备不充分、语音语调差的直接淘汰。反之,直接晋级。只是.......要麻烦大家背诵了!其实.......你有把握前两段就打动评委,那.......(不说了)。we are the world,we are the future someone said “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”.i don’t know who wrote these words, but i’ve always liked them as a reminder that the future can be anything we want it to be.we are all in the position of the farmers.if we plant a good seed, we reap a good harvest.if we plant nothing at all, we harvest nothing at all.we are young.“how to spend the youth?” it is a meaningful question.to answer it, first i have to ask “what do you understand by the word youth?” youth is not a time of life, it’s a state of mind.it’s not a matter of rosy cheeks, red lips or supple knees.it’s the matter of the will.it’s the freshness of the deep spring of life.a poet said “to see a world in a grain of sand, and a heaven in a wild flower, hold infinity in the palm of your hand, and eternity in an hour.several days ago, i had a chance to listen to a lecture.i learnt a lot there.i’d like to share it with all of you.let’s show our right palms.we can see three lines that show how our love, career and life is.i have a short line of life.what about yours? i wondered whether we could see our future in this way.well, let’s make a fist.where is our future? where is our love, career, and life? tell me.yeah, it is in our hands.it is held in ourselves.we all want the future to be better than the past.but the future can go better itself.don’t cry because it is over, smile because it happened.from the past, we’ve learnt that the life is tough, but we are tougher.we’ve learnt that we can’t choose how we feel, but we can choose what about it.failure doesn’t mean you don’t have it, it does mean you should do it in a different way.failure doesn’t mean you should give up, it does mean you must try harder.as what i said at the beginning, “we are reading the first verse of the first chapter of a book, whose pages are infinite”.the past has gone.nothing we do will change it.but the future is in front of us.believe that what we give to the world, the world will give to us.and from today on, let’s be the owners of ourselves, and speak out “we are the world, we are the future.”


世界是我们的,未来是我们的 一些人说“我们正在读一本无穷的书中的第一章的第一节。”我不知道谁写了这些话,但是我一直很喜欢它,因为它提醒了我,我们能够创造我们想要的未来。


我们是年轻的。“怎样度过青春?”这是个有意义的问题。为了去回答它,我首先要问“从‘青春’这个词中你能理解到什么?” 青春不是人生的一个时期,而是精神的一种状态。青春不是桃面、丹唇、柔膝,而是深沉的意志。青春是生命的深泉在涌流.一位诗人说“从一粒沙看世界,从一朵花看天堂,把无限放在你的手掌,永恒在一刹那里收藏”。几天前,我有了一个听讲座的机会,从中我学到了很多东西。现在,我想把这些与大家共享。让我们伸出右手,我们可以看到手掌中的展示我们的爱,事业和生活的三条线。我在生活方面这条线很短,那你们的呢?我想知道我们是否可以用这种办法去看我们的未来。好的,让我们一起握拳。我们的未来在哪儿?我们的爱、事业和生活在哪儿?告诉我!是的,它们就在我们的手中。它们被我们自己掌握着。

我们所有人都希望未来能比过去更美好,但是未来能自己变得更好。不要因为结束而哭泣,微笑吧,为你的曾经拥有。从过去来看,生活是艰苦的,但我们是更坚强。我们知道我们不能选择感觉,但是我们能选择和它相关的东西。失败并不意味着你不拥有成功,它只意味着你应该用另一种方式去做这件事。失败并不意味着你应该放弃,只意味着你应该更加努力。正如我在前面所说的“我们正在读一本无穷的书中的第一章的第一节。”过去的已经过去,无论我们无力改变,但是未来却在我们前方。相信“我们给了世界什么,世界也将给我们”。并且从今天起,让我们一起做我们自己的主人,一起大声说出“世界是我们的,未来是我们的。”篇二:外研社杯英语演讲比赛演讲稿 let’s check out how serious the environmental situation is in the world.recent years have seen an increasing number of reports on the extinction of species, soil erosion as well as air pollution.the history of industrialization and urbanization has been a history of declining environmental quality.we may be satisfied with our so called modern life, but please do not turn a blind eye to what’s happened around us.water is polluted.animals are killed.resources are devoured.and farmlands turn into desserts.ladies and gentlemen, the earth is in our hands.save it, or destroy it, it’s our choice.our efforts will be powerful enough to save the world.if everyone, including you and me, is engaged in this world-saving project, environment will never ever be my top concern.篇三:2014外研社杯英语演讲稿 change the unchangeable—you will when you believe good evening, ladies and gentleman!it’s my great honor to be here giving this speech to you.thank you so much.my topic of the speech is change the unchangeable-you will when you believe!in our daily life, there are many things which we considered as the unchangeable.for example, you think you cannot remember all the english words.you think its impossible to be the number one in your class because many students are doing better than you.and also you do not believe that you can change the world by yourself.but now, i am telling you, all of these are not true.there is a chance that you can change the so-called unchangeable things.it’s not a hard as it looks like.all you need to do is to be confident, believing in yourself that you can do it.in this world, there are two kinds of animals that can climb to the top of the pyramid.one is the eagle, its wings can help it fly to the top of the pyramid easily.the other is the snail, no one believes the snail can do such unchangeable things.but the snail itself believes.just like water constantly dripping wears holes in stone.step by step, the confidence and persistence finally help the snail manage to arrive at the top of the pyramid.the unchangeable things, just like a wall that prevents us from seeing through the essence of life and exploring the colorful world.but confidence can give us courage to break that wall, and a strong will can finally get us there.when meeting with the unchangeable things next time, face it with confidence.believing that you can do it under any circumstances.as long as we are confident enough to pursue our future dream with great passion and courage, we will make a difference!nothing is difficult to a willing heart.change the unchangeable-you will when you believe!篇四:2013外研社杯英语演讲大赛主持词 ?.老师,同学们,大家中午好,欢迎来到 “外研社”杯英语演讲比赛的现场。this contest is sponsored by college, undertaken by english teaching and researching office.学院牵头,学院英语教研室承办。

今天的决赛共有12位选手,他们均在初赛中有着优异的表现,是初赛的获胜者。因此,今天的比赛将是一个精彩而又激烈的角逐。firstly, let’s introduce todays honored guests and judges.首先,我介绍一下参加我们比赛的嘉宾和评委老师们。他们是,„ now please let me introduce the regulations of this final.the final consist of 2 parts—

现在,我来介绍一下本次大赛的规则。本次大赛分为两个环节。part one is prepared speech, every contestant has 3 minutes to deliver their speech.第一环节,是选手自备演讲。每个选手有三分钟时间。part two is questions and answers, our judges will raise questions to the contestant according to the prepared speech.第二环节是问答环节,评委会就选手的自备演讲提一个问题。at last, the judging panel will give scores on the screen.最后,评委团会将选手最后得分显示在大屏幕上。

at this moment,(两个主持人呈谈话状态)i have a strong desire to see it.and that’s exactly what we will see today.now it’s the time for asking,(问选手)are you ready? next, no.1, you need to choose one questions among question 1to 10.which number do you like?(工作人员操作ppt,大屏幕显示口语问题)thanks for your answering, next, no.2, you need to choose one questions among question 1to 10.which number do you like?(工作人员操作ppt,大屏幕显示口语问题)(3号答完,主持人公布选手分数)thank you,(人名)。now ,our judges has already give the score for top 3 contestant, it is(具体分数看屏幕)congratulation!四号演讲、老师提问两环节串词一样。


请允许我来宣布三等奖的名单。congratulations.祝贺他们!(三等奖上台)thank you mr.--allow me to announce the list of second prize---(二等奖名单)congratulations.my dear classmates, who will gain the first prize? let’s hold our breath同学们,谁将是一等奖的获得者呢?让我们一起来见证这个伟大的时刻 the luckiest person today is------congratulations!thank you mr.--once again, congratulations on your winning!today is your day, you deserve this award for your wonderful performance.让我们再一次对获胜者表示祝贺!今天,是你们的日子,因为你们今天都有着精彩的表现。x: congratulations.you are really excellent.thank you for your outstanding performance.ladies and gentlemen, now, “fltrp cup” english public speaking contest is ending.i know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful speeches presented by the 12 contestants.thank you for your hard work.老师同学们,外研社杯英语演讲比赛即将结束,感谢12位选手为之所付出的努力,相信选手们的精彩表现一定给我们留下了深刻的印象。boys and girls,(转向听众)lets give them a big round of applause.同学们,让我们把最热烈的掌声送给所有参赛的同学。and i think our distinguished judges,they make this contest possible, they deserve a big round of applause, too.同时,我们的评委老师们也为大赛付出了辛勤的劳动,我们也把掌声送给他们!ladies and gentlemen, my honorable teachers, and dear classmates,“fltrp cup” english public speaking contest is close.once again thanks for your attending.see you next time.老师,同学们,外研社杯英语演讲大赛到此结束。感谢你的参与。再见!篇五:外研社杯英语演讲比赛

“cctv杯”全国英语演讲大赛推荐参考资料 为帮助广大英语演讲爱好者和有志于参加“cctv杯”全国英语演讲大赛的大学生提高英语能力,提升演讲水平,扩展知识面,为参加比赛做好充分准备,大赛组委会经征求多方专家意见,提出如下建议:


《演讲的艺术》(第八版)(作者:stephen e.lucas)

《英语演讲比赛参赛指南》(作者:宿玉荣 王帆 范悦)

《英语演讲比赛实训指南》(作者:connie gibson)

《英语演讲选评100篇》(作者:sue kay 金利民 樊葳葳)2002-2008“cctv杯”全国英语演讲大赛(历届大赛实况录像光盘)


《中国文化读本》(中文版、英文版)(作者:叶朗 朱良志)



《欧美文学名篇选读》(作者:田祥斌 王秀银)

《商务英语入门》(作者:任书梅 王璐)

《欧洲文化概况》(作者:duncan sidwell)







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