
时间:2019-05-15 14:22:27下载本文作者:会员上传


A Forever Waiting

Ten years’ time only for waiting;

Ten years’ waiting only for one man;

Predestined set this life, only for itself determination.Please don’t treat me so perfect, or I will devote myself only for treat you better.I can’t talk and I am not into people-pleasing, but what I can do is let you see that I am struggling.——Hatchiko

You can stay with me in a nice and warm house.——Parker

I believe he already had his own decision.He is your trouble, not mine.Whether he found you or you found him, that mean to be.——Ken

This is a simple story about a loyal dog.There is no intricate plot, and even it is only a straight still, but it was still moved me deeply with its most simple pieces of normal life which we can easily find around us such as the train station, the restaurant, the food stand and a warm home.Maybe you will only think it is a moving film;

maybe you had been impressed by the loyal of the dog;or maybe you will think there is nothing special and it is just a movie.But I view it differently.The story is rearranged by a real story.Hatchi is an unusual dog which

belongs to akita.The real Hatchi, the dog in this story, was born in Odatr Japan in 1923.As soon as his master Dr.Eisabour Uero, a professor at Tokyo

University, died in May 1925.Hatchi returned to the Shibuya train station the next day after professor died and for the next nine years to wait, until Hatchi himself died.In the movie Hatchi crossed an ocean and thousands of miles of transportation by train, and then he met Parker(the main actor)in a snowy day.Because it was snowing

and the dog, Hatchi, was lost.Parker took Hatchi back to his home, and then kept it.Parker treated it very well and so did Hatchi.When Hatchi had grown up, he fetched parker to work everyday.All these years they played together, bathed together, slept together and Parker gave Hatchi full-body massage everyday.They just look like a couple.Parker looks happy because Hatchi is happy, and Hatchi’s happy due to Parker being happy.But Hatchi never fetched ball for anyone even Parker, so he went to his Japanese friend, Ken, for help.Ken told Parker that the akita will never get the ball unless there are some special reasons.However, Parker didn’t notice what Ken told him.In the

morning of last day of Parker’s life, Hatchi felt that something bad would happen to Parker, and it tried his best to stop Parker going to work, and Hatchi fetched ball for Parker to tell him to stop.But it was pity that Parker only paid all his attention to

Hatchi’s first fetching and ignored the special reasons of fetching.He said “Come on boy, I have to go to work or I’ll be late.See you at 5.Stay!Go home!Go on.” Finally, the old professor, Parker, hadn’t come back as he said, and he will never come back.He broke the engagement he made with Hatchi.He left everybody on the earth up to heaven.As the old professor’s friends and relatives nobody could accepted the fact that Parker has dead.As the result, professor’s wife, Kate, escaped all the staff which will let she recall the memories about Parker, so she sold the house where they used to live and was away from the small town.Meanwhile she sent Hatchi to her daughter, but Hatchi always ran out of her house, and try its best to back to station, because Hatchi and professor had a deal to meet each other.He’s so firmly persisted on the engagement that Parker’s daughter, Andy, had to gave up and let it go.While, have you ever noticed the detail that how unwilling Hatchi was when it left professor,because Hatchi can’t apart with Andy, too.But he missed Parker too much, he had to Andy and his warm home.Then Hatchi spent ten years waiting for his master, his only friend coming back.Ten years time, maybe it is just one-tenth of a human life, but for a dog that means its whole life.During those years Hatchi hadn’t exact place to live, just come and go to the train station everyday at the same place and time.Have you even considered why Hatchi spent all his life just for waiting? After a long time consideration, I find the answer in the end.The only reason is that Hatchi have nothing but his master.The happiest time of Hatchi is the time with Parker;the most enjoyable time of Hatchi is the time fetching Parker to work.Just one year after Parker’s death, Ken came to the station and had a look at

Hatchi.He felt as sorrow as Hatchi.He tried his best to persuade Hatchi to leave because Parker’s never coming back.But he didn’t succeed, and said “If Hatchiko

wants to wait, then Hatchiko should wait.You want to wait for him, didn’t you? Then, you most have a long life.”

Then ten years past, Hatchi became a dirty and rather old guy.Over these years, everything had changed but Hatchi’s endless waiting and loyalty had never changed.One day Parker’s wife backed to the small town and saw Hatchi was still stand there waiting.She cried and said “You, old thing, you are still waiting, let me wait for the next train together with you please.” Hearing these tough words and seeing the loyal dog I cried sadly.This is Hatchi’s whole life.He almost spent all his life only doing one

thing—waiting for its only friend Parker, waiting to complete the uncompletedM engagement.Hatchi’s story showed how great the power of loyalty and love is with all his life.He tell us what the real loyalty and true love is.Because of the real loyalty and true love Hatchi spent all his life waiting;because of the real loyalty and true love Hatchi sacrisficed all his youth just for waiting;because of the real loyalty and true love Hatchi abandon the warm house of Parker’s daughter.I think that is the real loyalty, the ture love.However, in our human life, how many of us can be as loyalty as an animal;how many person can be loyal to another one for even ten years? I think nobody can.In the end of the film Parker’s grandson asked Kate “Where did grandpa found Hatchi?” She answered “I suppose that Hatchi happened to found your grandpa.” I believe that as soon as Parker and Hatchi happened to meet, Hatchi had already found its own destination, and then the loyalty and love was built.Lasse Hallström dishes up more classy mediocrity with this brazenly uncomplicated treat for dog lovers.Richard Gere(ageing with such elegance you half-expect him to appear in velvet monogrammed slippers)is a music professor who takes in a lost puppy.The dog is a Japanese Akita(which looks something like a super fluffy blow-dried German shepherd)and the story is tenuously based on that of a real dog in Tokyo in the 1920s.It kept up a loyal vigil outside the station used by its master for a decade after he died and was commemorated with a statue.So, man bonds picturesquely with dog before tragedy hits.Gere comes into his own for the bonding: all twinkly, hard-won wisdom, flashing just a tantalising glint of misspent youth.The dog delivers, too.Unfashionably slow, the film offers gentle observations on grief and pets(the companionship, the breed-bores new owners become, the disruption to domestic harmony and hygiene)which will no doubt have you squeezing out tears, either of boredom, or slushy emotion.Embarrassingly, for me it was the latter.


Hachi, an Akito dog,who wait for his master nearly nine years at the Shibuya station,once had truly exsisted in Japan.So famous is the real dog Hachi that a life-size bronze statue of him was erected in Shibuya station.In this film he is sent to America, where his story unfolds.Richard Gere, the university professor,who finds Hachi lost on a railway platform give the little puppy new life.Richard Gere is absolutely superb as the man who learns to love his dog more than anyone or anything.He and Hachi become inseparable after a Extremely difficult process and also a journey full of love.Every day at 5 PM, Hachi trots over to the railway station to meet his master's train and accompany him on the walk home.But once Richard Gere has a heart attack and dies whilst teaching, and when Hachi goes to meet the train that day, his master does not appear as normal at the station door.Various events ensue, Hachi cannot live with any other member of the family, as they have all left the original house near the station, so Hachi returns to his post every day and waits for his master.He does this every day for ten years.He faithfully waits and scans the station door every day at 5 PM, never giving up hope or losing his loyalty to the man he adores.He does this come rain or shine, he sits in the snow, he lives on scraps, but nothing can deter him or shake his loyalty.There are some really good performances by minor characters associated with the station, a hot-dog

seller, some station employees, and other locals such as a friendly

butcher and his wife, and even a real Japanese professor who had been a friend of Gere, who comes and speaks to Hachi in Japanese, which Hachi from his facial expression clearly recognises.They are very

effective indeed, which is not an easy thing to pull off.I don't know why poor Hachi was left outside at night in a doghouse.People have wanted Hachi in the house at night, rather than in the cold during the winter.But then people are weird, and only dogs are sensible and loving, as this film proves.If ever a dog could teach us all something it is Hachi.He can instruct us in the true meaning of the word 'loyalty'.Richard Gere

teaches Hachi the meaning of love,and Hachi guards the love with all the life.The name of “Hachi” Was registered by love!
































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