
时间:2019-05-15 14:35:48下载本文作者:会员上传


Dear Admission Office:

My name is Yu, a six-grade student studies in NK elementary school.My parents and I found your school from the School Home Page Website.We learned “SW” school has a long history and

enjoys a very good reputation.Like many other prospective students, I would like to attend your school and eager to begin my studies in your school soon.In this new century, able to speak multi-languages has already become very widespread in our society.Learning foreign language is also very important to the people becoming successful.I started to learn English when I was in Pre-school because my parents told me to do so.But, I am in love in learning English afterward.Currently, I am not only taking English classes in the school, but also taking after-school courses.These have enhanced and improved my English a lot.Other than learning English, I am highly committed my

education in all fields such as mathematic, Chinese literature, so forth.I believe that all my excellent transcriptions will attest to the fact.I am also one of the leaders in my class for the past six years.As part of this role, I was required to organize meeting, planning study as well as give written and verbal reports to the school

principal.By being a leader, I learned many skills such as problem solving and interpersonal communication.In year 2012, I won student of the year Award in Tianjin Province and many other

awards as below.I am also one of the most popular students in my class because I am a valuable team member, a quick learner and exceptionally accountable

I choose to attend to your school because of interesting course offering, exciting academic programs, exceptional teachers and friendly campus atmosphere.Please consider my application

favorably.I believe that with my educational background and deep interest in learning other new languages, I will benefit when I study at your school.I hope to receive an excellent education in school of XW, which will prepare me to meet other challenges in my life.Thank you so much for your considerations












Recommendation letter

To whom it may concern:

My name is XXX, I’ m 12 years old and study in a bilingual class in XXX Primary-school.I am vivid and outgoing, in school I am always strictly follow all the rules, respect the teachers, helping my classmate, and I love team work, I’ve always been helping with my group to achieve our goals.I am very diligent and always do my best and take part in every activity that was organized by the school.I am enthusiastic about social service and helping the less fortunate.I have donated things to the poor students who live in remote regions for many times.I have also acquired the title of the honorable:“triple-A” outstanding student(qu san hao)continuously for three years.I had the honor to acquiring the title of “Best Norm Student in The District” continuously for two years, “Best Norm Student in The City ” for one year, and also acquire the honor of “charity and care” scholarship in 2009-2010 academic years.In terms of Study, I am always attentive and actively in class.I have always been an independent thinker.and I have already had ten Cambridge English shields, passed EETS English Class3 B ,Class3 A ect„ have won the national primary school English Contest grade five, six prize of excelentcy.I like to study foreign languages.In the future, I’d like to become a translator.Whenever I saw people who can speak a foreign language fluently I would be encouraged to study a foreign language.I want to have such skill so I can communicate freely with people from other cultures.Just like what Russian writer Tolstoy says “dream is lantern for life;for it lit the path of life, without dream life would have no direction." That is why without any hesitation I choose Xiao Wai, I believe this is the place that can make my dreams come true.This passion to become a part of Xiao Wai grows even stronger after the experience I had in the training camp of Xiao Wai.I know the obstacle to make my dream come true is my lack of confident in Olympic Math, but I will not quit or waver.I will give my best to try to overcome all the difficulties to enter the previous dream school of mine.I also believe “there is a will there is a way!” I am determined and motivated.My Best Regards



























敬礼 to whom it may concern: my name is xxx, i’ m 12 years old and study in a bilingual class in xxx primary-school.i am vivid and outgoing, in school i am always strictly follow all the rules, respect the teachers, helping my classmate, and i love team work, i’ve always been helping with my group to achieve our goals.i am very diligent and always do my best and take part in every activity that was organized by the school.i am enthusiastic about social service and helping the less fortunate.i have donated things to the poor students who live in remote regions for many times.i have also acquired the title of the honorable:triple-a outstanding student(qu san hao)continuously for three years.i had the honor to acquiring the title of best norm student in the district continuously for two years, best norm student in the city for one year, and also acquire the honor of charity and care scholarship in 2009-2010 academic years.in terms of study, i am always attentive and actively in class.i have always been an independent thinker.and i have already had ten cambridge english shields, passed eets english class3 b ,class3 a ect? have won the national primary school english contest grade five, six prize of excelentcy.my best regards 尊敬的xx中学老师:














敬礼!自荐人:xxx xxx小学x年x班




一直以來,本人十分敬佩貴校在教育社會楝樑方面的成就。貴校的學生往往給人一種謙遜、乖巧的感覺。上次幸與小兒/小女(名字)參觀 貴校開放日時,學生們知書識禮的表現令人印象深刻。同時,本人亦非常認同 貴校採取全方位學習法,透過不同的主題及活動擴闊學生的知識領域。貴校堅持以學生為本的宗旨,不斷研究引入有效的教學法,並盡力發揮發生潛能,一直讓本人嚮往不已。小兒/小女將於明年的九月展開人生的另一階段的學習歷程。在眾多學校中,本人與小兒/小女均視 貴校為首選。為了配合 貴校學生的發展方面,小兒/小女女自幼便選讀一些優質的課程以增廣見聞,從而亦培養他/她的自信心和合群性。小兒/小女個性活潑,本身也具備不錯的語言天份,她喜歡閱讀,尤其是英文和科學類的書籍。

我深信小兒/小女的特質和潛能如果能夠與優質的教育結合起來,將為 貴校帶來相得益彰的效果。希望 貴校能撥冗面試小兒/小女入讀 貴校的資格,讓他/她有機會度過一個充實快樂的小學生活。


敬祝 教安



x年x月x日 xxxx小學xxx校長: 本人乃xxx之家長。小兒將於本年九月入讀小學一年級。現特來函,期盼面提教晦,賜予機會,與小兒進行面試,以便 校長閣下能對他有更深刻認識。

本人一直對 貴校之辦學方針推崇備至,既著重學生的學業,又兼顧學生在課餘的發展,對德育培訓亦重視有加。本人曾多次在公眾場合遇上 貴校學生,他們均表現得謙遜有禮,面上更是充滿好比陽光燦爛般笑容。校長閣下與一眾教職員對教育事業俱有滿腔熱誠,作育英材,實為社會之幸。若小兒有幸獲 閣下惜才,到 貴校接受教育,這對小兒之成長實在有莫大益處。

小兒資質實屬不差,勸奮主動,若能獲得校長及 貴校老師啟蒙,定必能造出顯著就。在學業方面,小兒尤其在中英書法環節;另一方面,小兒亦屬生性好動的孩子,熱愛足球及舞蹈,多次出外表演,課外活動參加 了交通安全隊。素仰 貴校在上述兩方面在歷年學界比賽中均有卓越表現,若小兒能有幸入讀 貴校,小兒


本人誠懇希望,校長先生能與小兒作一短談,給小兒賜。隨函附上小兒之成績表,歷年獲頒之獎狀,幼稚園校長對小兒之推薦信副本,敬希 卓裁。若有任何遺漏,煩請 閣下致電xxxxxxxx與本人聯絡。



xxx 家長 xxx 謹上

二零零x年x月x日 xxxxxxxx校長:

本人乃xxxx之家長。小女/兒將於明年九月升讀小學一年級。現特來函,期盼賜予機會,讓小女/兒能在貴校之啟蒙下盡展所長.本 人一直對 貴校之辦學方針推崇備至,既著重學生的學業,又兼顧學生在課餘的發展,對德育培訓亦重視有加。本人曾多次在公眾場合遇上 貴校學生,他們均表現得謙遜有禮,面上更是充滿好比陽光燦爛般笑容。校長閣下與一眾教職員對教育事業俱有滿腔熱誠,作育英材,實為社會之幸。若小女/兒有 幸獲 閣下惜才,到 貴校接受教育,這對小女/兒之成長實在有莫大益處。

小女/兒資質實屬不差,勸奮主動,若能獲得校長及 貴校老師啟蒙,定必能造出顯著就。在學業方面,小女/兒尤其喜愛英文環節;另一方面,小女/兒是個動靜皆宜的孩子,課餘時間學習繒畫及鋼琴,在校內積極參 與詩歌合唱團,多次參與表演,若小女/兒能有幸入讀 貴校,小女/兒在這方面的潛能定能得到悉心栽培。本人誠懇希望,校長先生給與支持,給小女/兒賜。隨函附上小女/兒之成績表,歷年獲頒之獎狀,卓裁。


教安 xxxxx家長謹上

二零零x年xx月xx日 xxxxxx小學校長:

本人乃xxxx之家長。小兒 / 小女將於本年九月入讀小學一年級。小兒 / 小女曾於「自行收生」及「統一派位」兩階段嘗試報讀貴校,均未如願取錄。(先前曾親手送上三封信給校長,可惜迄今未有回音,所以特別再致函校長)現特來函,期盼面提教晦,賜予機會,與小兒 / 小女進行面試,以便 校長閣下能對他 / 她有更深刻認識。

本人一直對 貴校之辦學方針推崇備至,既著重學生的學業,又兼顧學生在課餘的發展,對德育培訓亦重視有加。本人曾多次在公眾場合遇上 貴校學生,他們均表現得謙遜有禮,面上更是充滿好比陽光燦爛般笑容。校長閣下與一眾教職員對教育事業俱有滿腔熱誠,作育英材,實為社會之幸。若小兒 / 小女有幸獲 閣下惜才,到 貴校接受教育,這對小兒之成長實在有莫大益處。小兒 / 小女資質實屬不差,勸奮主動,若能獲得校長及 貴校老師啟蒙,定必能造出顯著成就。在學業方面,小兒 / 小女尤其喜愛 中、英文書法 環節;另一方面,小兒 / 小女亦屬生性好動的孩子,熱愛 足球及舞蹈,曾多次出外參與表演,在課外活動方面亦參加了 英語唱遊及珠心算。若小兒 / 小女能有幸入讀 貴校,小兒 / 小女在這方面的潛能定能得到悉心栽培及發揮。

本人誠懇希望 校長大人能賜與小兒 / 小女機會和支持。隨函附上小兒 / 小女之成績表、歷年獲頒之獎狀及幼稚園校長對小兒 / 小女之推薦信副本,敬希卓裁。若有任何遺漏,煩請 閣下致電 xxxxxxxx 與本人聯絡。敬祝

教安 xxxx 家長 xxxx 謹上

二零一 年 月 日 xxxxxx小學xxxx校長:

您好!首先多謝 校長閣下去年十二月中來電,回覆小兒 / 小女申請後補生之信件。時間過得很快,小一派位結果公佈日期將近,作為家長心情亦非常緊張。回想年初小兒 / 小女xxxx為了將會成為小學生,主動要求裝備自己,如減少午睡及遊戲等時間,並積極溫習功課及學習如何分配時間,作為家長真是感到非常安慰;只可惜現今派位制度所限,我們除了在小兒 / 小女裝備自己的過程中給與指導和協助外,對於派位結果真感到無能為力。我們確信有良好的小學教育,將會為日後升學打好基礎,因此我們將揀選與小兒 / 小女性格配合的小學為首要的目標。但小兒 / 小女於六月 xx日派位公佈後,未能成功派往 貴校就學。因此,現懇請 校長大人能賜與小兒 / 小女一個小一學位,希望小兒 / 小女有機會接受 貴校的優質教育,成為 貴校的一份子,渡過一個快樂的校園




素聞 貴校校風淳樸,辦學嚴謹,懷作育英才之抱負,致力推動德智體群四育,學生表現出類拔萃,在社會及學界備受稱譽,本人十分欽佩。

上月適值 貴校開放日,本人偕小女xxx到校參觀,深感 貴校學生知書達禮,才藝兼備,教師教導有方,乃一秉持崇高教學理念之優良學府。小女將於明年九月升讀小學,本人冀盼小女能入讀 貴校,接受全人教育。小女年幼時已參加xxx幼稚園舉辦之學前輔導課程,得以增進知識,培養自信及合群性格。小女聰敏好學,對語言、藝術尤具天分,學業成績一直名列前茅。貴校一向重發展多元教學,培訓學生兩文三語能力﹔跨學科教學更充分發展學生潛能。倘若小女有幸在 貴校接受啟蒙訓練,定必獲益良多。

本人認同子女之成長發展,有賴家長與學校攜手合作。知悉 貴校早年已成立家長會,如小女獲 貴校取錄,本人樂意參與家校活動,與學校共同肩負孩子成長發展之責任。

隨函附上小女就讀幼稚園之成績單及個人資料,懇請 察閱。如蒙 貴校給予入讀機會,小女定當勤奮向學,謹遵校長與老師之諄諄教誨,日後貢獻社會,為 貴校爭光,以報悉心栽培之恩。






dear principal, please excuse me for this unexpected letter expressing the eagerness of mine and my son/daughter for the education offered by the xxx primary school.my son/daughter and i are very much impressed by the education offered by your school which stresses a balanced and all-rounded development of ones potential.the school is so renowned for its academic and extra-curricular activities standing that all parents would like to have their children educated in such a sounding environment.i am sure my son/daughter will obtain great benefit if he/she is with the xxx.and follows his/her own initiative in learning and being diligent.though he/she might not have done as well as others, he/she is likely to show great progress if some form of enlightenment is given by someone who is a real educationalist.testimonials are enclosed for your consideration.regards, yours sincerely, xxxxxxxxxxx dear principal, please excuse me for this unexpected letter expressing the eagerness of my daughter xxxxx(xxxxxxxxx)for the education offered by the st.xxxxx school.my daughter and i are very much impressed by the education offered by your school, which stresses a balanced and all-rounded development of one’s potential.the school is so renowned for its academic and extra-curricular activities standing that all parents would like to have their children educated in such a sounding environment.i attribute the success solely to the devotion and enthusiasms by the principal and every members of the school.the st.xxxxx school really makes a difference.篇三:天津大学自主招生自荐信范文 天津大学自主招生自荐信范文

——录取啦 自主招生自荐信是考生向高校老师展现自己的重要媒介,考生需要重点把握,录取啦精心准备天津大学自主招生自荐信范文,希望对自主招生备考考生有借鉴和帮助作用。尊敬的天津大学招生办老师:




我热爱科学。邓小平同志的“计算机要从娃娃抓起”对我影响很大。因此,从小我便对计算机编程产生了浓厚的兴趣。科教兴国,国家的未来是掌握在高科技人才手中的。在学校老师的培养下,我在青少年信息学(计算机)奥林匹克全国竞赛中取得高中组贰等奖的好成绩。我热爱艺术。在学校合唱团中任男低音声部长。曾在天津市文艺展演比赛获得壹等奖的好成绩,我们激情澎湃的演唱了《祖国颂》《共青团员歌》《美哉一中》,赢得了评委和观众热烈的掌声。如果将来我考上天津大学,只要学校有合唱 队,我一定参加,为学校争光。



敬礼!篇四:天津市外国语学院(小外)初中小卷招生报名表 2012年天津外大附校(小外)小卷招生方案


















1、报名时间:自2012年5月17日至20日止,以邮戳为准; 2、5月23日在天津外国语大学附属外国语学校网站上公布初选名单; 3、5月23日下午和5月24日全天,凡进入初选名单的同学,请携带1张1寸近照(与报名表同底板的)和本人的各种获奖证书原件,进行验证并发测试证;

验证时间为:5月23日下午:1:30-5:00 5月24日上午:8:30-11:00,下午:1:30-5:00 4、5月26日(周六)上午8:30进行英语综合能力测试; 5、5月27日(周日)上午10:00公布面试名单并换面试证,同时填报英、日、德、法、西语种志愿; 6、5月27日(周日)下午1:30进行面试和体能测试; 7、5月29日(周二)下午2:00在天津外国语大学附属外国语学校和网站上公布录取结果,凡被录取的学生到校办理入学注册手续;

办理入学注册时间:5月29日下午2:00-5:00 5月30日上午8:00-11:30 8、5月30日(周三)下午办理调档手续。

五、其他有关招生事宜可可拨打天津外国语大学附属外国语学校招生咨询电话。咨询电话:(022)26295569(022)26353573 地 址:天津市河北区南口路11号

邮 编:300230篇五:天津大学自主招生自荐信范文






















I would welcome the opportunity for a personal interview with you at your convenience.Sincerely,Caoqiang


My name is Liu Ling Yun.Thank you for taking the efforts to read my resume and it is my pleasure to introduce myself to you.Please consider me for your Sales Management Program.Attitudes predict behavior-or so goes the saying in medicals.If this holds true, I am sure to be as successful in sales management as I am in my college endeavors.My unceasing optimism, self-determination and ability to set goals have allowed me to achieve academic and personal objectives.态度决定成败

Because of my “can do” attitude, sales will provide the challenge and opportunity to continue my successful history of setting and achieving goals.Please allow me the opportunity to elaborate on how my background predicts sales success.I guaran

tee you'll be providing your hospital with an outstanding doctor.Thank you for your attention.My business acumen, technical expertise, and leadership capabilities have contributed to a number of successful projects.The enclosed resume outlines my credentials and accomplishments in greater detail.附录


According to the advertisement ,your position requires top university,Bachelor or above in Computer Science or equivalent field and proficient in Windows NT4.0 and LINUX System.I feel that I am competent to meet the requirements.I will be graduating from Graduate School of Tsinghua University this year with a M.S.degree.My studies have included courses in computer control and management and I designed a control simulation system developed with Microsoft Visual InterDev and SQL Server.During my education, I have grasped the principals of my major and skills of practice.Not only have I passed CET-6, but more important I can communicate with others freely in English.My ability to write and speak English is out of question.I would appreciate your time in reviewing my enclosed resume and if there is any additional information you require, please contact me.I would welcome an opportunity to meet with you for a personal interview.With many thanks,个人自传

My name is Cao Qiang.On Sep 3, 1985, I was born in Shanshan, a little town in middle part of Xinjiang.My father is a railroad-worker, as well as my mother.Though not well-to-do, my parents have been able to provide the whole family with sufficient means to live decently and enjoy all modern conveniences.My early education was received in my hometown, i.e.six years in primary school and three years in junior middle school,and three years in senior high school,.After completing nine years of formal education and senior high school,in 2004.I participated in the joint entrance examination for five-year colleges.Fortunately, I was admitted to the Department of Clinic Medical at Luzhouyixueyuan.I chose Clinic Medical as my major because, on the one hand , I liked Physic very much;and on the other hand, Clinic Medical is a major sector of the hospital.The five years of intensive training and study came to an end in June 2009 when I received a diploma, However, I've Found that what I have learned in school is limited

and far from sufficient to handle the treatment.Therefore, I have decided to work harder and learning in the practice.Then, if possible, I would like to continue my education toward a Master's degree.Recommendation letter

Dear Sir or Madam:

My name is Liu Ling Yun.Thank you for taking the efforts to read my resume and it is my pleasure to introduce myself to you.I graduate from Sun Yat-sen University of medical Science.I major in clinical medicine.During the past three years , I always kept our school’s maxim “consolidation, diligence, practicalism, innovation” in my mind , I think a person should be contructed on the basis of the length, the width, the height.Therefore, I studied hard and strived for excellence in our field.During three noviciatation in clinic , I worked hard and had deeply acquaintance with most kinds of diseases which are occurred regularly.Besides, I also surely know that just professional skills are not enough for being a good doctor.Hence, I mastered the some knowledge of Immulogy and molecular biology during my leisure time.Furthermore, I possess of some experimental skill such as CRUSH PLAN, which is the basis of my development in future.At the same time ,I spent much time improving my English, which makes me master a lot of vocabularies of Medical English and pass the College English Test Band 6.I always read the foreign literature on my specialty and deeply acknowledge the evolvement of them.During the clinical experiment, I found the healing heart is the most important.So being a physician, I try my best to cure my patients.I have learned a lot from these experiences and the knowledge help me further in my clinical career.While strengthening my clinical ability, I enhance accomplishment never-ending.I always think of the patients firstly , and try my best to relieve the patients’ sufferings.Moreover, I took part in many conversazione, from which I earned a great deal of working experience and professional opinion which improved my management expert and made me more adaptable to the society,more observed to my profession and more innovative.Thus I have more confidence in bringing my knowledge into practice when at work.Now I am going to leave our university and be a part of the complex society.It’s a key turning point of my life;I am qualified for being a good doctor, now I am looking for an opportunity.It’s well

known that your hospital is an excellent hospital;I am looking forward to working in your hospital.If I am admitted, I will be thankful and try my best to work for your hospital.Looking forward to your early reply.Best wishes.Yours sincerely

Well…I am both honored and pleased to be asked to introduce myself to all of you.My name is ×××.I’ll graduate from China Medical University in July next year.And, my major is Imaging of Medicine, which is one of the most famous majors in our university.In my way of thinking, education is an important aspect of my life.I appreciate that our professors put great emphasize on the academic teaching of the solid theory foundation during our four year course.On the other hand, I must admit, practice is the sole criterion for testing truth.Through the whole semesters of the fifth year in school for clinic practice, I make great progress in practical application.At the mention of my qualification, I have passed CET-4 in English and CCT-2(=the second level)on computer already.I have

a good command of imaging computer system “PACS”;Not only do my qualification make me a perfect candidate, my personality is well suited: I’m honest, stable, aspiring, and have high sense of responsibility, strong will and indomitable spirit.I think I have the excellent ability of working independent1y or with a diverse work force as well.Apart from the above mentioned, my scholastic pursuit make me spare no effort to get down to everything.Needless to say, nothing but perseverance, diligence can lead me to the way of success.It’s indeed unchangeable truth.It is my eagerness for putting my book knowledge into the farthest application.With my pious enthusiasm and sincerity, I want to join you to work for your hospital.I believe that, “I can because I think I can.”

Thank you for your consideration of my application…T


November 7, 2009

Cover Letter

Distinguished Leadership,It’s my honor and privilege that you open this letter.I am xxx, Bachelor candidate inxxx.A few days ago I got that news that you Nippon Kaiji

Kyokai would take in the fresh.I collected information and thought about myself time after time.Nowadays , I consider that I’m consistent with your request.I believe that what you first concern is what employee can contribute to the company.I’m provided with so many hobbies and specialty.I love chewing books and absorb or model a variety of skills and technologies.I consider that people can’t be successful before he had study comprehensive.I like reading the classics – especially Period of Three Kingdoms.I have learned under the tutelage of former chief violinist of Guangdong orchestra.Explore the resource of river when facing the sea-that’s my way.I attach importance to practice a variety of abilities and explore my potential.I want myself overall development in moral, intellectual, physical and aesthetic aspects.First I joined the Student Union and became the backbone of Student Arts Department.When I was sophomore, I play many roles in organizing activities accomplished successfully.Second, I got a part-time-job in computer shop with my knowledge of computer and Internet.And I had experience with procurement of computer and setting up LAN.I had designed web for my teacher and layout poster for my university with Photoshop.Meanwhile, I took active part in voluntary activities.On winter holiday, I participated the “Caring leftover children in rural”.I love public service activities and I think it’s my responsibility.These are some reasons why I apply for your kyokai-jobs.And I believe through my own hard work and efforts I can make valuable contribution to your company.However, I’m not satisfied with the existing level of knowledge.I found those areas were provided with all conditions to become an international shipping centre when I was hit this sun-lit coast of East sea.Thus my knowledge can’t be enough for shipping-industry which takes on a new look with each passing day.So I study in Anglo-Sino Interpretation and Translation nowadays.And I’ll rejuvenate my Japanese study now.I’ll be someone who can make Anglo-Sino, Anglo-Nippon and Sino-Nippon Interpretation.I’m grateful of you to provide me with concern in your busy schedule.This is my first time to submit resume because I absolutely attach the importance to make a right choice.I eagerly look forward to hearing from you.You can phone *** anytime.My honored day has befalling if I would be favored.The best wishes for your good health!

With many thanks,xxx



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