俄罗斯国家统计局 统计季报2013 英文 第9-11页 2012年社会经济发展综述

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第一篇:俄罗斯国家统计局 统计季报2013 英文 第9-11页 2012年社会经济发展综述


FOR 2012

Federal State Statistics Service presents statistical review on social and economic situation of the RussianFederation for 2012.Population.According to the estimate the resident population size of the Russian Federation as of January 1, 2013 was 143.3 mln.persons and for the year increased by 292.4 thousand people or by 0.2 %.Population growth was stipulated by access of migration increase over natural decrease.For 2012 the number of deaths exceeded the number of births by 1.001 times;the natural decrease rate amountedtoby 8.4%.According to preliminary data the average pension in 2012 amounted to 9040.5 rubles and increased by 10.2% com-pared to 2011, and real pensions for 2012 also increased by 4.9% in comparison with the corresponding period of 2011.Gross domestic product** for 2012 at current prices made 62356.9 billion roubles and its volume index compared to 2011 amounted to 103.4%.Index of industrial production *** for 2012 compared to the corresponding period of 2011 comprised 102.6%.Production index for mining and quarrying **** for 2012 amounted to 101.1%, including for mining of energy producing minerals – 101.2, and for mining except of energy producing minerals – 100.9%.__________

*The indicator is estimated using population size recalculated with regard to results of the 2010 Russia population census.Provisional data.**First estimation.***Index industrial production is calculated for economic activities “Mining and quarrying”, “Manufacturing”, “Electricity, gas and water supply” on the basis of time series of production of goods-representatives(in quantity and value).The structure of the gross value added by economic activity forthe base year is used as weights for calculations.With due regard for informal activities.**** With due regard for informal activities.CURRENT STATISTICAL SURVEY№1(84),20139

Statistical review __________________________________________________________

Production index for manufacturing * for 2012 compared to the corresponding period of 2011 made 104.1%.The growth of production output was observed for the following economic activities: manufacture of transport means and equipment107.4%;manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products105.1%;manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products104.3%;manufacture of wood and wood products102.2%;manufacture of pulp, paper and paper products;publishing and printing101.3%;manufacture of machinery and equipment99.1%;manufac-ture of textiles and textile products89.9%.Production index for the activity «Electricity, gas and water supply»* for 2012 accounted for 101.2% compared to respective period of 2011.Agriculture.According to estimates, in 2012 the volume of agricultural production of all producers(agricultural enterprises, private peasants farms, individual entrepreneurs, household farms)at actual current prices amounted to 3190.4 billion roubles or 95.3% to the comparable estimate of the corresponding period of 2011.The gross crop of grain in the Russian Federation in 2012 made 70.9 mln.ton(weight after processing)and de-creased compared to the volume of the previous year by 23.3 mln.ton(by 24.7%).In 2012 gross crop of technical crops: sunflower seeds(by 17.6%)and sugar beets(by 5.4%)– decreased.The drop in output of sugar beetsand sunflower was conditioned by reduction in harvested acreage(by 14.7% and 9.4% с cor-respondingly).The gross harvest of potatoes decreased by 9.6% due to the drop of yield;gross harvest of vegetable decreased by 0.5% due to reduction in harvested acreage(by 1.9%)with an increase in yield of potatoes(by 1.3%).Production of flax-fibre increased(by 6.0%)mainly due to the increase of land in crops(by 4.1%).For 2012 в the production of cattle and poultry for slaughter(live weight)of agricultural farms of all types amounted to 11.6 mln.ton(106.1% to the level of 2011), production of milk– 31.9 mln.ton(100.9%), of eggs –42.0 bln.pieces(102.2%).Construction.The value of works performed for the economic activity “Construction” for 2012 amounted to 5711.8 billionroubles or 102.4% to the level of 2011.During 2012 organizations of all ownership types have put in place 826.8 thousand new flats of total floor space of 65.2 mln.sq.m.Transport and communication.The freight turnover of transport for 2012 amounted to 4998.6 billion ton-kilometers(101.7% to the level of 2011), including railway – 2222.4(104.4%), motor transport – 247.9(111.3%), water – 125.9(91.9%), air – 5.1(102.5%), pipeline – 2397.3 billionton-kilometers(99.0%).Passenger turnover of public transport for 2012 accounted for 473.9 billion passenger-kilometers(106.7% to the level of 2011), including railway 144.6(103.4%), motor vehicle transport – 132.8(97.0%), air transport – 195.8 billion passenger-kilometers(117.4%).The value of service rendered by all operators of communication for 2012 was 1530.5 billion roubles.For 2012 compared to the corresponding period of 2011 number of dispatched parcels increased by 7.7 %, number of dispatched mail by 1.8%.As of January 1, 2013 number of user terminals of moving radiotelephone(cellular)communication reached 261.9 million, their growth in comparison to the beginning of 2012 made 5.8 million or 2.3%.Trade.Retail trade turnover in 2012 amounted to 21319.9 billion roubles and made in terms of trade mass 5.9% in-crease in comparison to 2011.In the structure of retail trade turnover for 2012 the share of non-food products amounted to 53.5%(in 2011 – 52.3%).Market services rendered to population.Market services rendered to population in 2012 accounted for5916.6 billion roubles.The volume index in comparison to 2011 made 103.5%.Housing communal service took the first place in the structure of market service rendered to population in 2012 and its share reached 26.7% of the total volume of market services.Finances.According to data of the Federal Treasury of Russia the consolidated budget including extra-budget state funds for 2012 was executed with the proficit(surplus)of 262.9 billion roubles.Expenditures comprised of 22825.8 billion roubles, revenue – 23088.7 billion roubles.__________

* With due regard for informal activities.10CURRENT STATISTICAL SURVEY№1(84), 2013

__________________________________________________________ Statistical review The major part of the revenue was made up by income tax for individuals – 2261.5 billionroubles or 9.8%, taxes on profit of organizations – 2355.7 billion roubles or 10.2%, insurance benefits on compulsory social se-curity – 3867.0 billion roublesor 16.7%, VAT on goods(works, services)sold on the territory of the Russian Federation – 1886.4 billion roubles or 8.2%, revenue from external economic activity – 4962.7 billion roubles or 21.5%.12870.6 billion roubles or 56.4% of total expenditures of the consolidated budget expenditures in 2012 were allocated to social and cultural arrangements, to the public administration needs – 1436.3 billion roubles(6.3%), to the national defense – 1814.0 billion roubles(7.9%), national security and militia – 1929.2 billion roubles(8.5%), national economy – 3271.0 billion roubles(14.3%).In accordance with operational data of the Federal Treasury of Russia the federal budget in 2012 was ex-ecuted with the deficit of 37.1 billion roubles.Revenue amounted to 12853.7 billion roubles, expenses –12890.7 billon roubles.Money supply(M2)according to the Bank of Russia as of January 1, 2013 accounted for 27405.4 billion roubles and increased by 11.9% in comparison with the beginning of 2012.Investments.For 2012 organizations of all types of ownership had used 12568.8 billion roubles of invest-ments in fixed capital for the economic and social development or 106.6% compared to the level of 2011.The share of investments(excluding small businesses)at own expenses amounted to 45.4%, attracted funds – 54.6%, including 9.6% – from the federal budget.For 2012 the total foreign investments allocated in non-financial sector of the economy, according to data of organi-zations presented statistical reports(excluding monetary and crediting institutions, commercial banks), including roubles investments converted in US dollars, amounted to 154.6 billion US dollars.In the structure of foreign investments allocated to Russia during 2012 the direct investments made up 12.1%, 1.2 – portfolio investments, 86.7 % – other investments.Prices and tariffs.Consumer price index for 2012(December to December 2011)comprised106.6%, which for food products – 107.5, non-food products – 105.2, for services – 107.3%.At the end of December 2012 the cost of the fixed basket of consumer goods and service in average for Russia used for international comparison of purchasing power of population accounted for 9868.0 roubles cal-culated per month.Its increase compared to the end of November was 0.6%(from the beginning of year –

7.6%).Producer price indices for selected sectors of the economy for 2012(December to December 2011)were as follows: for manufactured goods – 105.1%, for agricultural production – 110.8, for construction production –106.9, index of freight transportation tariffs 107.5%.For December 2012 compared to December 2011 the producer price index for mining and quarrying com-prised 109.3%, including for mining of energy producing materials – 110.5, for mining except of energy produc-ing materials – 98.9%.For 2012 producer price index of manufacturing compared to December of 2011 made 103.2%, including for manu-facture of food products, including beverages, and tobacco – 107.4, manufacture of textiles and textile products – 100.7, manufacture of leather, leather products and footwear – 112.9, manufacture of wood and wood products – 101.6, manu-facture of pulp, paper and paper products;publishing and printing – 101.6, manufacture of coke – 77.2, manufacture of refined petroleum products – 105.2, manufacture of chemical products – 103.4, manufacture of rubber and plastics prod-ucts – 101.5, manufacture of other non-metallic mineral products – 106.6, manufacture of basic metals and fabricated metal products – 96.5, manufacture of machinery and equipment – 104.1, manufacture of electrical, electronic and optical equipment – 102.9, manufacture of transport equipment – 102.9%.The producer price index for “Electricity, gas and water supply” in 2012 compared to December 2011 amounted to 107.0%.External economic activity.The external trade turnover for 2012 reached the value of 864.7 billion US dollars, in-cluding exports – 529.3 billion US dollars, imports – 335.4 billion US dollars and made the external trade balance net-ting of 193.8 billionUS dollars.In comparison with 2011 the external trade turnover increased by 2.2%, exports by 1.4 %, imports –

3.6%.The share of the far abroad countries in total external trade turnover comprises 85.1%.Fuel and energy resources prevailed in commodity structure of exports(70.4%).Machinery, equipment and transport means took the leading position in imports(50.3%).CURRENT STATISTICAL SURVEY№1(84),201311





(一)○1俄罗斯联邦地质构造复杂,矿产资源丰富,如煤、石油、天然气、泥炭、铁、锰、铜、铅、锌、镍、钴、钒、钛、铬的储量均名列世界前茅。只有锡、钨、汞等金属资源储量较少,不能自给。主要资源分布集中,有些大型能源资源、矿 物原料的分布相互接近,但是,资源分布很不平衡:其中大部分集中在国土的北部和东部地区; 而急需燃料、原料的西部(欧洲部分)地区却感到资源不足、品种欠缺;矿产资源丰富、品种也较齐全的乌拉尔地区,由于长期开采已造成资源不足,开采难度愈来 愈大。上述情况势必造成远距离运输,给交通部门带来了很大的压力,每年由东部地区运往西部地区的燃料都达几亿标准吨以上,这在一定程度上影响了俄罗斯联邦 经济发展和生产力的合理分布。俄罗斯自然资源的丰富还表现在:它拥有原苏联90%以上的森林面积和水能资惊,70%的煤炭,80%的天然气,100%的磷灰石,60%的钾盐和大部分铁 矿石。西伯利亚和远东是全世界自然资源丰富的地区。这里的森林面积达5.03亿公顷,木材积蓄量达600多亿立方米。还有大量的各种金属矿藏,如铁、铜、镍、锌、锡、铝、霞石、金刚石、水银、镁、云母、铝、钨、金、银等。西伯利亚拥有大量的各种珍贵皮毛动物和价值较高的药用植物。远东海域生物资源丰富,总量为 2850万吨,其中鱼类资源2300万吨。


方面很大程度上依赖进口,矿物原料(钢、铝土矿、锰、磷酸、钨和锡)对外国的依赖特别大。德国拥有少量铁矿和石油, 天然气需求量的三分之一可以由国内满足,2/3的初级能源需要进口。德国的工业以重工业为主,汽车、机械制造、化工、电气等占全部工业产值的40%以上。食品、纺织与服装、钢铁加工、采矿、精密仪器、光学以及航空与航天工业也很发达。中小企业多,工业结构布局均衡。农业发达,机械化程度很高。农业用地约占德国国土面积的一半。产品可满足本 1









主; 法国的地势东南高西北低,以平原丘陵为主,北部有盆地,南部有高原和山地。气候:德国处于温湿的西风带,属于西欧海洋性与东欧大陆性气候间的过渡性气候。西北部主要呈海洋性气候,夏季不热,冬季不冷。东部和东南部的大陆性气候特征显著,冬冷夏热;法国大部分为海洋性气候,东南部为地中海气候,由西向东海洋性逐渐减弱,东南部地中海气候夏季高温少雨,冬季温和多雨。植被:德国的植被以温带落叶阔叶林为主;法国的植被以温带落叶阔叶林和亚热带硬叶林为主;河流 :法国与德国的河流走向基本相似,均由东南流向西北;自然资源:德国的煤、钾盐资源丰富,其他资源靠进口;




温度相对俄罗斯更高,北部平原适于牧草的生长,主要有乳肉畜牧业,还有麦类、甜菜、马铃薯种植;中部高原山地蓄养乳牛,南部主要种植经济作物,农业机械化水平高,且重视生物技术。德国工业占绝对优势,重工业比重大,部门齐全,原料对外依赖大,西德各工业部门之间发展不平衡, 一些传统工业--钢铁, 造船,采煤,纺织工业现都成为夕阳工业,电子工业占全世界重要地位。德国的经济发展在各地区发展相对平衡,服务业均匀分布在全国各地区,服务业较为发达。2法国的农业发达,是欧洲重要的农业出口国,畜牧业、耕作业、西南和地中○


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