
时间:2019-05-15 14:20:09下载本文作者:会员上传


As a student, we always think about how to develop our learning and communications this year.The primary difficulty is how to overcome our shyness.Due to the shyness, we are afraid to ask questions to teachers and other students.Also, the shyness students do not like talking with others.Especially, the strange people.Apparently, it is bad for our learning and communications.I deem the best thing is to join a club and do activities where you have to meet and talk to different people.Like if you can join a theater group and work on putting on a play, you will probably be able to overcome your shyness.Or how about getting one of those self-books from library? I think there must be a lot of books around with of good suggestions that you can try.I think if you are really shy it might be a good idea to see a therapist or someone like that.You know, to get some professional help is more useful than others.You can not always change by yourself.Besides overcoming shyness, the way to develop our learning and communications is also significant.We can get the good ways from books, friends and famous figures.Also, we can practice by ourselves.Practice is the criterion for testing truth.At last but not the least, we can take advantage of the Internet.Do not spend much time in playing games or watching TV!You can search good ways on the Internet.It is a useful and effective way.

第二篇:英文推荐信 国外 名校

难得一见的好文章, 申请信出自北京贵族学校的学生之手, 推荐信出自剑桥大学博士,北京康福外国语学校校长刘煜炎笔下


Dear Sir or Madam:

My name is Ru Han Li, a student studying A-Level courses at Beijing Royal School(BRS).Iintend to spend my college years in a British university by the end of September 2006 for myhigher education at the same time to develop my scientific skill since I love to have acareer in the field of Chemical Engineering.I had been an excellent student ever since I started my education.When I was 13 I passed theentrance exams of Chengdu Foreign Language School, the leading high school in SichuanProvince.This school accepts only 1000 top students among some 300000 candidates in theprovince each year.One year later I started to learn chemistry.I was extremely interestedin knowing how a reaction happens, and used to find out the answer by myself.Because mypersonal knowledge is limited, I could not understand the professional words and graphs,which disturbed my mind for a while.A short time later, I decided to learn more about itsbasic know-how.I am very proud to say that I did quite a good job in my middle school.Imaintained as one of the top 5 students of the 60-students in my class.In September 2005,after two years senior high school education, I transferred to BRS for A-Levels.I have chosenmathematics, physics and chemistry in order to study chemical Engineering.With a greateffort in absorbing knowledge, I began realizing that chemical world is so huge that iscompletely out of my imagination.Chemistry is widely applied in vast areas in our dailylife.I performed well and won a first-class scholarship in my second year in BRS.I amconfident that I will achieve AAA for A-Level in math, physics and chemistry, which shouldenable me to enter an excellent UK university.I am quite confident that I can arrange both my study and my daily life well in newenvironment.I also took part in a great deal of social activities and some of them werereally impressive.For instance, I found a part time job in a real estate company as a

salesman for a month.I really enjoyed it and learnt a lot about how to express my opinion,communicate with different kinds of people and also about how to deal with a individual andhow to work in a team.I had great honor in companying the president of the university ofMinnesota when he visited BRS with his subordinates.We had a great talk about my schoolduring his visit.Ive made up mind to read for a Bachelor degree in Chemical engineering in UK.The educationin UK is well developed.The universities have perfect facilities with a long history andwith some kind of strong financial and economic support.The shorter period of courses alsoattract me.Last but not the least, conscientious study atmosphere and the rich culture ofthis beautiful country, always inspiring my desire for further studies in UK

Apart from my academic excellence, I enjoy many activities in my leisure time.Basketball,computing and music are my main interests.I play the goalkeeper for our football team.I would be grateful if you could give my application your favorable consideration.I amlooking forward to hearing from you in the future.With all my best regards,Yours truly

Ru Han Li


Reference in support of Mr.LI Ruhan's application

It is a great pleasure for me to recommend Mr.LI Ruhan, one of the most outstanding studentsin Beijing Royal School, to your university of Bachelor's program in Chemistry or ChemicalEngineering related field.Three years ago, I returned China from Cambridge University where I had studied for my PhD inphysical chemistry and then worked for over 10 years, to establish a British type school,Beijing Royal School(BRS)to offer A-level program to Chinese and international students.Werecruit students who have completed their Chinese senior high school to AS/A-level programrestrictly.In August 2004, Mr.Li intended to join our AS class straightly in September 2004although by then he just completed two years education in his senior high school.I then

personally give him thorough interview on math, physics, chemistry and English conducted inEnglish.After the interview I immediately offered her a place in AS class, where I lecturedphysics.Therefore he skipped one year and joint the class in September 2004, and soon becomeone of the most excellent students in academic performance.He has maintained among the top20% of his class.He is active in class discussion and group project.He helps his classmatesin study and in other respect.He can manage his time most efficiently as compare with hisclassmates.He likes projects and open problems.No wonder he progresses so quickly.Mr.LI is very responsible as well as pleasant person.He has helped many students in manyaspects.He has helped his teachers in organizing some class or school activities.He

concerns about the elder and the weak people.I also know that he came from a famous provincial Key school in Sichuan Province.This schoolselects 1000 out of about 300000 students in that province.At the key school he received alot of awards and honors such as most outstanding student awards

I am glad to have such a bright boy as my student.He is a promising student to achieve AAA/Bfor Math, Physics and Chemistry in A-level exams.He will have every success in his futurestudy and career.He deserves the high quality university education in the word.Her

application has my strongest support.If you have any further enquiry, please feel free to contact me.Sincerely yours,Yuyan Liu, PhD Cambridge University

Headmaster of Beijing Royal School

National Distinguished University and Research Professor of Physics

①Scholastic aptitude(学习方面的才能)

a.Native intellectual ability(天赋)



d.Capacity for analytical thinking(分析思考能力)

e.Intellectual curiosity或Spirit of inquiry(好奇心)

f.Ability to work independently(独立学习工作的能力)




j.Capability for abstract reasoning(抽象推理的能力)

k.Potential as a researcher(研究的潜力)

l.Potential as teacher(教学的潜力)

m.Ability to express his ideas orally and in writing(口头或文字的表达能力)

n.Capacity, desire and determination for good quality graduate work(是否有获致学业成功的能力、愿望与决心)

o.Probable success as a graduate student(作为研究生成功的可能性)

②Academic performance(学业上的表现)

a.Breadth of general knowledge(知识是否丰富)

b.Knowledge of literature in his field(本专业领域知识)

c.Grade or achievement(成绩或成就)


e.Participation in discussion(讨论是否积极)

f.Academic maturity(学业上的成熟)


a.Ability to speak, understand, read and write the English language(说、听、读、写英文的能力)b.Ability to read significant literature in other languages than English(英语以外的语言能力)④Character(品行)



c.Sense of responsibility(责任感)




g.Ethical and moral standards(伦理与道德标准)


i.Concern for others(关怀他人)



l.Seriousness of purpose(求学认真)

m.Work habits(工作习惯)


o.Record of disciplinary action or misconduct(曾受弄罚或品行不良纪录)⑤ Personality(个性)



c.Ability to work with others(能否与他人相处)

⑥ Motivation(动力)

a.Internal drive for exellence(好胜心)

b.Objective defined(有无确定的目标)

c.Capability of sustained independent work(长期独立工作的能力)d.Motivation to pursue graduate study(进入研究所的决心)

⑦ Leadership Ability(领导才能)

⑧ Emotion(情绪)

a.Emotional maturity(心理成熟)

b.Emotional balance(情绪稳定)

c.Emotional adjustment(情绪调节能力)


⑨ Health(健康)

a.Physical health(身体健康)

b.Mental health(精神健康)

c.Physical defects(生理缺陷)

⑩ Professional experience(工作经验)


Watching Films Will Benefit Our Study At first, I believe it's beneficial to improve the capacity of study English study by watching foreign films.I must to mention five films: Pride and prejudice, Purple, Tess, the Notebook, and Rain Man.When I wtach Pride and prejudice at first time, I didn't have deeply impression of it.After I read the novel and watched again, I found that always neglected details which are not obvious but important.For instance, in different situation, women would dress differently and their garment also reflect the culture at that time.And the words people use to communicat and hold the mirror up to social status.And people who has accent,like Mrs Bronte, may have poor education background.In addition, for a woman,it’s indispensable to read books and improve quality.What's more,in fact,Elizabeth is not be bound by conventions who sees the world through her heart.She is a brave woman to pursues her happiness.Finally,she gain her own love with unique characters.Everyone can be attracted by her characters and admire her love story with Mr.Darcy.At last semester, one of our teacher recommended us a movie: Purple, which has similar theme with the text we studyed.After konw something about the black culture,I enjoyed the movie which is a perfect embodiment of lives of the majority of black people.I was touched deeply by the main character who eventually learns that her abusive husband has been keeping her sister's letters from her and the rage she feels, combined with an example of love and independence provided by her close friend Shug, pushes her finally toward an awakening of her creative and loving self..At the same time, I understood what is the American dream and why Martin Luther King Jr.delivered his famous speech.I kown the important of freedom and fight for ourselves.To sum up, we can not merely learn our listening skills and understand but we also develop our emotiional intelligence.


Dear Mr(MISS),Being specialized in the trade of ……, we express our desire to trade with you in this line.On the basis of equality, mutual benefit and the exchange of needed goods We are glad to invite you to interview our company and inspect the machine.please inform us of your itinerary so as to facilitate our arrangements in advance.please feel free to ask any question if there is anything you are particularly interested in.Looking forward to your visit.Faithfully,YOUR NAME



Dear Professor xxx:

I am glad to receive your letter and the good news to Mr xxx. As his supervisor,I have known him for more than five years,and I am pleased to give you a formal statement.

Mr. xxx graduated from xx University and began his Ph.D. study under my supervision in xxx in xxx. His research work mainly focused on xxx. He was proficient in xxx. Due to his hard work,a lot of progresses have been made in this years. I know that he have acquired a broad and strong experience in xxx,especially in xxx study.

In my close contact with him,I was deeply impressed by his strong interest and enthusiasm in scientific research. Besides,he has fine ideas and can design reasonable plans for his research. From my observation,he can undergo a new research project independently and quickly because of his mastery of xxx techniques and quickly taking in new techniques.

Furthermore,he is also modest and easy to get along with,he showed high respecting to teachers or advisors. He energetically participated in some common affairs in the lab. These characters will allow him to adapt to a new environment rapidly.

Mr. xxx is one of the most studious and promising fellows among my students. I recommend him to you without any hesitation and expected that the postdoctoral experience in your laboratory will provide further refinement and specific training for him.

Sincerely yours,xxx


xxx University




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