英语作文 dog is fun

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第一篇:英语作文 dog is fun

My Dog Is Fun

I have a cute dog in my home.It is only 1 year old.It is very activity.It always runs in the house and makes noise.when I walk my dog in the park , it usually plays in the grassland and makes itself dirty.So I always wash it when I come back home.In the evening when I do my homework , it stays on my feet quietly.When I finish my homework , it jumps to me to give me a surprise.It is very fun.Do you think so?


杜绝浪费Never Wasting the Food

When I was small, I like to eat a lot of food, but I have a habit, I will not eat up all the food, I just like to taste all of it.When my mother saw this, she felt bad for me, she told me that all the food was the farmers’ hard work, I should not waste it.Thinking about this, I felt so shameful about my bad behavior, I decided to eat up the food.Wasting the food should be condemned, especially in the cities, people like to waste the food, they want to keep thin and only eat small portion.Now, the government advocates people clean the plate, this movement is welcomed by the public, more and more people have the idea not to waste the food.在我小的时候,我喜欢吃很多东西,但是我有一个习惯,我不会把东西吃完,我喜欢浪费食物。当我的妈妈看到这些,她对我感觉不好,她告诉我所有的食物都是农民辛勤劳作的,我不应该浪费食物。想到这些,我对自己的坏习惯感到惭愧,我决定吃完所有的食物。浪费食物应该受到谴责,特别是在大城市,人们喜欢浪费食物,他们想要保持苗条,只吃小部分。现在,政府提倡人们光盘,这个做法得到了大众的肯定,越来越多的人意识到不浪费食物。


美味的食物 Delicious Food

I like to go out with my parents, they will take me to different shops.In the shop, they like to order different food for me to taste them.My parents know me so much, they know I like to eat delicious food, so when they order the new food for me, it makes so happy, I like my parents.我喜欢和我的父母外出,他们会带我去不同的商店。在商店里,他们喜欢为我点不同的食物,来让我品尝。我的父母很了解我,他们知道我喜欢吃美味的食物,所以当他们为我点新食物的时候,我很高兴,我喜欢我的父母。

我的宠物 My Pet

When I was a child, I really want a pet, like ducks, rabbits, cats, dogs, even a pig!Finally, my parents bought me a puppy as my birthday gift.I really love it, it was really lovely.When I was tired, it always made me happy.I take it for a walk every evening.I was very happy when we get together.In a word, pets can bring us a lot of fun, they are important to us.当我还是个孩子的时候,我真的很想要只宠物,例如鸭子、兔子、猫咪、小狗、甚至是小猪!后来,我爸妈买了只小狗给我做生日礼物。我真得很喜欢它。它真得很可爱。


介绍我的学校 My School

Hello!I'm Lily.I study in Hongda School.It is in Zhejiang.It is divided into primary school, middle school and high school.So, it is very big.And it is beautiful, too.Here there are many teaching building and many dormitory building.We often learn in the teaching building.And there are many trees, flowers and grass.Look, this is the playground.We often run in it.I love my school.嗨!我叫莉莉。我在宏大小学上学,学校在浙江。它分为小学部、初中部和高中部。所以学校很大,还很漂亮。这儿有很多教学楼和宿舍楼。我们常常在教学楼学习,那儿有很多树木花草。看,这里是我们的操场,我们经常在里面跑步。我爱我的学校!



复习要点 Learn English 请你以“How to learn English well?”写份演讲稿80字左右.范文:Dear classmates:

We have been learning English for over 6

years and really love it.English is one of the most important langnages in the world.It’s necessary for us to learn it well.How do you study? Everyone learns English in different ways.I think the best way to improve your English is to improve your English skills.They are/include listening reading and writing.We should practice them every day.we should remember more words and grammar.Reading more English story books or novels Watching more English cartoon TVs or moves.Listening English tapes and repeating after the speaker.Second you are not afraid to make any mistakes you speak English as much as possible.Third you ask the teachers when you don’t understand any knowledge.It’s very good for you if you are interested in Egnlish.You will find studying Egnlish is interesting and helpful.One more thing remember“Practice makes perfect”!I hope everyone makes progress.Thanks!

2.卫生健康饮食:健康一直是人们关注的问题我校要举行以“关爱健康”为题的主题班会,请根据下表内容谈谈你的看法,写一篇80字左右的演讲槁。51-51免 费论文网-网-欢迎您








How to stay our health /fit?

范文1: Dear boys and grils :

I’m talking about / Here is my advice about how to keep health/fit? As a middle shool studentfirst you’d better do more exercise such as playing ball games running swimming and jumping rope(绳子).Then you should pay attention to your diet or meals Don’t eat too much meat and suger but more vegetables and fruit.Third you need enough sleep or rest.Nextkeep yourself happy.As people often say smiling makes younger.Last you mustn’t drink wine or smoke.They are bad for

your health.That is my advice.I hope you are healthy and enjoy your life.Thank youbye!

范文2:Dear boys and girls:

I’m talking about / Here is my advice about how to keep health/fit?Today many teenagers are unhealthybecause they do less exercise eat more junk foodisn’t enough time to sleep.If we keep fitwe must keep taking exercises every day.Eat lots of fruit and vegetables.Sleep for about 8 hours a night.Stay away from cigarettes/smoking/drugs毒品.Early to bed early to rise/get up.Breathe(呼吸)the fresh air in the open air.Keep happy every day.That is my advice.I hope you are healthy and enjoy your life.3.假如你叫李华,你校初三年级同学正在开展一场讨论,主题是“初三学生要不要参加体育锻炼”。请根据下面所提供的信息,用英语总结出讨论情况。51-51免 费论文网-网-欢迎您











Dear classmates:

I’m Li Hua After the discussion we found that 70% of the students think they should take all kinds of exercise every day but not spend too much time.They think exercise builds body and can keep them healthy.Sports also let them have a good rest so that their study will be more effective.On the other hand 30% students believe taking exercise is tiring and it’s a waste of time.They say that after having sports they are too excited for a long time to focus on their lessons.And it’s possible to be hurt while doing sports.4.环境问题:今天环境变得越来越糟糕环境问题影响着人们的工作学习生活等而我们的工作生活生产等又使环境污染越来越严重..........如何保护我们的环境?请以“ How to protect/save our environment/world? ”为题写一篇短文。提示:存在问题:1.水污染越来越严重 2.砍伐森林严重 3.大气污染严重 4.白色垃圾 等 要求 : 如何改善/保护环境?至少:3---4个方面, 80字左右的。5

范文: How to protect/save our environment/world?

The environmental pollution is worse and worse /more and more seriously today.Water is polluted we have no clean water to drink Many trees are cutting down some animals is getting less and less.Some factories is poring dirty air in the sky the population is

increasing faster and faster resources is getting less and less„etc.Not only does it affect our lives and health it also has a great affection in the future.people's health has been greatly affected by air noise and water pollution.Many people died of diseases.In order to live a better life we need protect our world.We should n’t throw away rubbish everywhere.We want to recycle reduce reuse things.Don’t waste things This saves money and reduces pollution.Use things for as long as possible.We don’t use plastic bags.We mus plant more trees and stop the people cutting them.We hope our world is more and more beautiful.8.春节习俗与计划,如何过2009年的春节,假如你是LINGLING给外国朋友JHON发一份电子邮件。5

The spring Festival

Dear Jhon :

The Spring Festival is the most important festival in China.It is on January 1st according to the Chinese lunar calendar(中国的农历).It’s China’s New Year’s Day.So usually a month before the festival people begin to buy food clothes and decorations(装饰)for houses.About a week before the festival housewives are busy preparing the new year dinner.And they will do a lot of washing and cleaning in the houses.People who are far away on business are hurrying to return home for the new year’s family reunion(团聚).On New Year Eve each family will gather tighter eating talking and watching TV for almost the whole night.And there will be some interesting programmes on TV.The children are the happiest of all bec

ause they can get presents from parents or grandparents.On Lunar New Year’s Day after getting up people will eat dumplings.When they meet their neighbours or friends they’ll say: “Happy New Year!”

I am ready to spend with together my family on the Spring Festival I’am going to see my grandparents and friengs.I ’m going to Diseyland in HONGKONG with my parents I will revise lessinos do exercise every day help the old and children.Wellcom to China.Waiting for your e-mail Yours



Happy new year to everyone!

(Mr Yin 2008.12 30)

(从健康饮食,卫生习惯,加强锻炼等方面:以“How to keep healthy ?”写一篇 80 字左右的作文)

Health is very important to people.Our health depends on our eating and living habits.In my opinion the kinds of food that we eat are really important so we should be careful while choosing our food.We should eat neither too much sugar chocolate candy or cakes nor junk food like food from KFC or McDonald.Fresh vegetables fruit some meat rice ad noodles are healthy food.Second we should form good eating habits.Three regular meals a day are necessary.We should only eat when we are hungry.Never eat between meals or eat too much at a time./at a meal.Drinking enough water every day and taking enough exercise are needed too.



Asisvividlyportrayedinthedrawingabove….This indicates that ….There isnodenyingthatthepicturedoesreflectaprevalentphenomenoninourdailylife.Why is there such a phenomenon? A couple of reasons could account for it.Foronething, withthemiraculouseconomictake-off broughtaboutbythetwentyyearsofreformand opening-up, Itisofsignificancethat….For another, thereareincreasingnumberofpeoplewho arenotrealizingXisindispensabletous.Ifwelettheproblemgoasitis, thenightmarewillknockourdoors.Astohowtosolvetheproblem, severaltentativesuggestionsareasfollows.Ontheonehand, weshouldappealtoauthoritiesthatexplicitlawswereworkedout(implemented)tocontrol/protectX.Ontheotherhand, people’sawarenessshould beenhancedthatXisvitaltous.Onlywhentheseabove-mentionedstepsarecarriedoutcanwesucceedinsolvingtheproblem, andmakeourworlddimensional, colorfulandvigorous.附加模板二

IwasreallyshockedbywhatIhaveseenintheabovethought-provokingcartoon.As is vividlyportrayedinthedrawingthat….Thereisnodenyingthatthepicturedoesreflectacommonphenomenonin ourdailylife.Whatisconveyedinthepicture,goesfar beyondmerelyanissueofX.Instead, itcarriesthe messagethatweshouldpayattentiontoX.Foronething, withthemiraculouseconomictake-off broughtaboutbythetwentyyearsofreformand opening-up, Xisbecomingverysignificanttous.For another, thereareincreasingnumberofpeoplewho arenotrealizingXisindispensabletous.Ifwelettheproblemgoasitis, thenightmarewillknockourdoors.Therefore, it is imperativeforustocarryouteffectivemeasures.Ontheonehand, weshouldappealto ourauthoritiestoworkoutexplicitlawstocontrol/protectX.Ontheotherhand, weshouldenhancepeople’sawarenessthatXisvitaltous.Onlywhenthese above-mentionedstepsarecarriedoutcanwesucceedinsolvingtheproblem, andmakeourworlddimensional, colorfulandvigorous.附加模板三

IwasprofoundlyshockedbywhatIhaveseen in thispicture.As is vividly demonstrsted in the drawing above ….The cartoon does mirror a prevalent phenomenon in contemporary society.Obviously, what the drawing symbolically illustrates is that ….It would be no exaggeration to say that, in any period or in any conditions that can now be foreseen, X is utmost significance to us humans.Unfortunatelly,….There is no denying that due attentionshould be attached to X.If we turn a blind eye to the problem, our community will go from bad to worse.Accordingly, it is high time that we took measures to tackle the problem.Both the government and citizens should make the efforts.Our authorities, most important of all, need to enact strict law to do ….In addition, we may cultivate the people’s awareness that X is essential to us.Only in this way can we succeed in pulling through the difficulties and toils.Also, I am confident that the prospect we are looking forward to will be both brilliant and encouraging.

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