
时间:2019-05-15 15:29:06下载本文作者:会员上传


情境剧《音乐之声》Sound of Music
















It happened in Austria [英] [ˈɔ:stri:ə] 奥地利, a small European [英] [ˌjʊərəˈpi:ən]欧洲的country.这个故事发生在奥地利,欧洲的一个小国家。

There is a family of seven children.这个家庭有七个孩子。

Their father is Captain Von [vɔn;fɔn;fən]prep.(常加在姓前)Trapp特拉普, a retired英]

[rɪˈtaɪəd] 退役 officer [英] [ˈɔfisə] 军官 of the Navy英] [ˈneivi] 海军.他们的父亲是特拉普上校,一位退役的海军军官。

He is a fine and brave [英] [breiv] 勇敢的 man.他是一位优秀勇敢的男人。

His wife died several years ago.几年前他的妻子去世了。

Now the family needs a governess [英] [ˈgʌvənɪs] 女家庭教师to take care of seven children.现在这个家庭急需一位女家庭教师来照顾这七个孩子。

Maria stayed in an abbey [英] [ˈæbi:]修道院and she was sent to this family as a governess.玛利亚一直住在修道院,现在她被指派到这个家庭做家庭教师。

Look,Now the seven children are playing together.看,现在七个孩子正在一起玩。


The first act: Children’s father ——Captain Trappcomes back.第一幕: 孩子们的父亲——特拉普上校回来了。

Dad:Attention![əˈtenʃən]立正!Children , you’ll have a governess[ˈgʌvənɪs] 女家庭教师.OK,Goback to your room!

The secondact: Maria and Captain meet for the first time.第二幕:Maria 与Captain初次见面

Dad:I’m seven children’s father.Please call me captain.I employ [imˈplɔi]

a new teacher.The dean [英] [di:n]院长told me her name is Maria.Maria:Hello!Sir.Nice to meet you.Dad:Nice to meet you.What are you staring at?

Maria:You don’t look like a captain.Sir.Dad:Have you ever seen a real captain?Turn round.You don’t look like a nun[nʌn]女 ,either.How much did the dean told you?

Maria:Not much.Dad:I hope you will be patient [英] [ˈpeiʃənt] 耐心的 on them.Maria:Yes.Sir.(吹哨,孩子们出来)

The third act: Maria and the seven childrenmeet for the first time.第三幕:Maria与孩子们初次见面

Maria: Please tell me your names and how old are you.Lisa: I’m Lisa.I’m sixteen, andI don’t need guidance.[英] [ˈɡaidəns] 领导

Maria: I’m very glad to know we can be good friends.Fagriter: I’m Fagriter.I’m fourteen.I’m impossible.[英] [imˈpɔsəbl] 难以忍受的 Maria: Who told you ?

Luisa: I’m Bagita.Maria: Bagita, you didn’t tell me your age.雇佣修

Bagita: I’m Bagita, she’s Luisa.She is thirteen, I’m ten.And your clothes is theugliest [英] [ˈʌɡlist] 最丑的that I saw.Kuter: Bagita, you shouldn’t say like that.Bagita: Why? Don’t you think her clothes is ugly?

Kuter: Certainly.But Mrs King’s clothes is the ugliest.I ‘m Kuter, eleven.Mata:I’m Mata.I’m going to be seven next Tuesday.Maria: Oh, I’m sorry,and you are…

Geter: I’m Geter.I’m five.Maria: I have a secret to you.I have never been a guidance, please tell me some advice.[英]

[ədˈvais] 建议

Lisa:You should not have dinner on time.Geter: You can wear whatever you want.Luisa: You should tell father mind his own business.Mata;You must speak loudly.Fagriter: Do make nosie when you drink soup.Dad;What happen? Fagriter, what’s wrong?…Bagita,…

Maria: Excuse me, sir.This is a secret between children and I.Dad: Secret?…Ok, get along well.The fourth act : Maria takes the seven children into the music world.第四幕:Maria带领孩子们进入音乐的世界。

Maria: What do you often do ?

Together: Nothing!

Maria: Nothing? That means you never sing a note?…OK, follow me.Let's start at the very beginning


A very good place to start


When you read you begin with A-B-C


When you sing you begin with do-re-mi

当你唱歌你要先学do re mi

Do-re-mi, do-re-mi

The first three notes just happen to be


Do-re-mi, do-re-mi




Let's see if I can make it easy


Doe, a deer, a female deer


Ray, a drop of golden sun


Me, a name I call myself


Far, a long, long way to run


Sew, a needle pulling thread


La, a note to follow Sew


Tea, a drink with jam and bread


That will bring us back to Do(oh-oh-oh)


第二篇:英语情景剧《音乐之声》Sound of Music

《音乐之声》Sound of Music

第一幕:Maria 与Captain初次见面

Dad:I’m seven children’s father.Please call me captain.I employ a new teacher.The dean told me her name is Maria.Maria:Hello!Sir.Nice to meet you.Dad:Nice to meet you.What are you staring at?

Maria:You don’t look like a captain.Sir.Dad:Have you ever seen a real captain?Turn round.You don’t look like a nun ,either.How much did the dean told you?

Maria:Not much.Dad:I hope you will be patient on them.Maria:Yes.Sir.第二幕:Maria与孩子们初次见面

Maria: Please tell me your names and how old are you.Lisa: I’m Lisa.I’m sixteen, andI don’t need guidance.Maria: I’m very glad to know we can be good friends.Fagriter: I’m Fagriter.I’m fourteen.I’m impossible.Maria: Who told you ?

Luisa: I’m Bagita.Maria: Bagita, you didn’t tell me your age.Bagita: I’m Bagita, she’s Luisa.She is thirteen, I’m ten.And your clothes is the ugliest that I saw.Kuter: Bagita, you shouldn’t say like that.Bagita: Why? Don’t you think her clothes is ugly?

Kuter: Certainly.But Mrs King’s clothes is the ugliest.I ‘m Kuter, eleven.Mata:I’m Mata.I’m going to be seven next Tuesday.Maria: Oh, I’m sorry,and you are…

Geter: I’m Geter.I’m five.Maria: I have a secret to you.I have never been a guidance, please tell me some advice.Lisa:You should not have dinner on time.Geter: You can wear whatever you want.Luisa: You should tell father mind his own business.Mata;You must speak loudly.Fagriter: Do make nosie when you drink soup.Dad;What happen? Fagriter, what’s wrong?…Bagita,…

Maria: Excuse me, sir.This is a secret between children and I.Dad: Secret?…Ok, get along well.第三幕:Maria带领孩子们进入音乐的世界。

Maria: What do you often do ?

Together: Nothing!

Maria: Nothing? That means you never sing a note?…Ok, follow me.Let's start at the very beginning


A very good place to start


When you read you begin with A-B-C


When you sing you begin with do-re-mi

当你唱歌你要先学do re mi

Do-re-mi, do-re-mi

The first three notes just happen to be


Do-re-mi, do-re-mi




Let's see if I can make it easy


Doe, a deer, a female deer


Ray, a drop of golden sun


Me, a name I call myself


Far, a long, long way to run


Sew, a needle pulling thread


La, a note to follow Sew


Tea, a drink with jam and bread


That will bring us back to Do(oh-oh-oh)



Dad:After their mother died,they have never touch the music,but now it’s change.Maria is different from others.That’s it?I’ll join in them.Kids.Do you remember?


Lisa:I find she is very kind.Fagriter:That’s right.Luisa:I think so.Kuter:So do I.Begita:I agree.Mata:Me too.Geter:I think she is also love us.Lisa:Dad…

Dad:I think they love you very much.Do you?

Together: Yes!

Lisa: Dad.So do you ?

Dad: But kids.It’s time to go to bed.



“The Sound of Music” is one of the best musicals ever filmed. It deservedly won the Best Picture Oscar for 1965 along with a number of other awards. Filmed largely on location in Austria, the scenery is simply breathtaking. Who can ever forget the beautiful opening sequence where the camera pans over the mountains before zooming in on star Julie Andrews singing the title song. And there's that unforgettable Rodgers and Hammerstein score.

The story line is simple. A novice nun Maria, (Andrews at the peak of her career) is sent to be governess for a family of seven children ranging in age from 5 to 16. The family is that of Captain Von Trapp (Christopher Plummer) a former naval hero. The story takes place during the 30s just prior to WWII. The Nazi influence is felt more or less as a background to the story until the final minutes of the movie.

“The Sound of Music” has stood the test of time as evidenced by the recent release of a sing-a-long version to theaters. It is a true classic of family entertainment.



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