


Er 8230; the loveliest house that I’ve ever lived in was one that I lived in with my grandparents when I was a child. And the name of the house was Crosslands. And I have some very happy memories of Crosslands.

It was, it seemed so huge to me as a child. And it had a lovely living room with a piano in it and a lovely sort of hall with lots of carpets and chests and antiques and so on. And there was a mysterious room, it was the drawing room, and we only used it on Sundays, or when the vicar came for tea, or Christmas Day or Easter Day, and I was 8211; used to be amazed about this room because it had the best furniture in it but it was covered up with sheets 8211; it was as if all the furniture was wearing clothes 8211; and it seemed to me ridiculous that we couldn’t en- joy this beautiful furniture all the week through really.

And probably my favorite room was the kitchen. It had a lovely red flagstone floor, which was always highly polished, and an Aga, you know one of those big cookers that heats the whole room so it was always warm there, and there was a kind of clothes-horse above it that we used to hang all our clothes on, and it was just 8211; it was lovely. It was a very warm room with baked bread and 8211; my grandmother used to make ice cream and we’d eat it in there and 8230; there was a vegetable garden leading from there so I spent a lot of time in the vegetable garden picking peas and eating them 8211; my grandmother used to get really cross with me because I used to pick all the vegetables and the fruit for our meals and then I’d eat half of them, because they tasted so delicious coming fresh from the garden.

Now, I went back to it a few years ago and it was a big mistake. They’ve modernized it inside, they’ve got rid of those lovely old fire- places 8230; have just gone. And they’ve knocked a wall down so the drawing room and the living room have become one big modern plastic kind of room.

But I think what upset me most about it was the feeling that the house had shrunk, it had become smaller and that my memory of this lovely large warm comfortable house had turned into an old house with modernized rooms inside it. And it taught me a lesson really, that you can’t go back on the past and recapture it. But there’s a beautiful memory there.


房子,在儿时的我眼里,感觉真是好大啊!可爱的起居室里摆放着一架钢琴,漂亮的大厅里有各种各样的地毯、柜子、古董等东西。还有一间很神秘的房间,就是会客厅,我们只在周日,以及牧师来喝茶、圣诞节或者复活节的时候才用它。里面有最好家具,却总是覆盖着东西―― 就好像所有的家具都穿上了外衣,因此,那时候我一直对这间房子很好奇。不过,令我感到荒谬的是,这么漂亮的家具我们却一个星期都不能连续享用。


曾经总抱怨学校的食堂饭菜太硬太烂,抱怨学校的网速慢如老牛拉破车,当我在菜市场彷徨时才念起了学校煮得稀巴烂的套餐。在学校里日子并不全是快乐,我忆起楼顶自己洒下的泪水,球场的汗水与222的开心和羞涩的过往,曾伤心曾欢笑,这一切都值得回忆和想念。还记得毕业那时,大家都忙着毕业,忙着相聚,忙着照相,忙着相互问候谈话,忙着相互告别欢送,泪眼分别。那是一个毕业的季节,行政楼前的一撮撮灿烂的花束,昔日欢笑树荫下,含泪相对视;那也是一个伤感的岁月,当花瓣洒满一地,彼此各奔东西。花落人散去,泪红脸还笑。默默地忧伤地回视,离殇即是想念的开始。如果相遇是为了相识 如果相识是为了相知,那么相聚是否是为了分别,当邂逅被时间遗忘带着点忧伤的,分别却悄然而来,尽管千百的留恋,但却知道,花开花落是注定的结果,不哭泣,因为相遇太美。






1.Goodbye, Dear Friend and Graduate

Goodbye, dear friend and graduate!

Our golden time is over now, Our time of nothing more than time, Days of simply being friends.But I will always treasure how Your love for me slipped into mine, Embracing me where courage ends.2.Graduation Is a Time

Graduation is a time For feeling very proud, For thinking lots of lovely thoughts

And saying them out loud.It's a time for feeling love

About to overflow,And just before it leaps its banks,To let the loved one know.And so I'm very proud of you For being who you are, For making something of yourself,For making it this far.I'm proud because I am a part

Of everything you do.This time's the time to say how much

In love I am with you.3.Thank You for Your Love Throughout the Years

Thank you for your love throughout the years.How else could I become what I've become? All your plans and hopes and even fears Now come together in what I have done.Know that I am grateful for your love.Your hard work is mirrored now in mine.On you all my accomplishments must shine.Underneath my pride, your spirits move.



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