
时间:2019-05-13 00:40:41下载本文作者:会员上传






Dear Mr.Ross Jennings, honored leaders, friends, teachers and students:Good morning!

躬耕杏坛育桃李,联合办学起新篇。在这春意盎然的四月我们怀着无比喜悦的心情迎来了美国华盛顿州和省市的贵宾与朋友,隆重 举行大庆市东风中学与美国华盛顿州高等教育合作项目启动仪式。

Devotion creates talents, and cooperation makes starts.In warm April, we have welcomed the honored guests, friends in or around Daqing to hold the starting ceremony of the Cooperation Program.2011年4月20日,注定在大庆市东风中学历史上是意义非凡的一天。我们相信,此举在大庆教育发展历程上,也一定会书写下浓重的一笔。

April 20, 2011 is meant to be a significant day in the history of Dongfeng High School.We believe that, this will certainly make a landmark in our memories and in the history of Daqing education development.首先,请允许我荣幸的向大家介绍今天出席的贵宾:

First of all, please allow me to introduce the honored guests present.他们是:

1.大庆市东风中学校长;英语特级教师刘国前 先生Principal of Daqing Dongfeng High School;Honored

English teacherLiu Guoqian

2.大庆市东风中学党委书记;英语特级教师王翠香 女士 General Secretary of the Party Committee of Daqing Dongfeng

High School;Honored English teacherWang Cuixiang



绿河学院国际事务副院长Ross Jennings 先生Project Leader of Higher Education of Washington State;

PHD.Education of Stanford Universtiy

and Vice president of green river community college

Ross Jennings

4.黑龙江省教育厅教育国际交流中心副主任范治国 先生Vice-director of International Education Exchange Center

of Heilongjiang Educational DepartmentFan Zhiguo

5.大庆市教师进修学院副院长卢士安 先生Deputy Director of the Teachers’ Training College of Daqing Lu Shian

6.美国华盛顿州绿河学院中国首席代表焦阳 先生

Chief Representative in China of Green River Community College

Jiao Yang

7.美国华盛顿州绿河学院黑龙江地区代表刘林华女士 The representative of Green River Community College in Heilongjiang

Liu Linhua

8.大庆市东风中学副校长凌国军 先生Vice-principal of Daqing Dongfeng High SchoolLing Guojun

9.大庆市东风中学副校长李国文 先生Vice-principal of Daqing Dongfeng High SchoolLi Guowen

10.大庆市东风中学副校长陈晓伟 先生Vice-principal of Daqing Dongfeng High SchoolChen Xiaowei


And some brotherly schools’ English teachers and parents


Ladies and Gentlemen: I’d like to announce the beginning of the Starting Ceremony.会议进行第一项,让我们用热烈的掌声欢迎大庆市东风中学校长刘国前先生致欢迎辞。

Please welcome Mr.Liu Guoqian to deliver the welcoming speech.会议进行第二项,请美国华盛顿州高等教育项目负责人罗斯·杰宁先生致辞。

Let’s welcome Mr.Ross Jennings to give us a speech.会议进行第三项,举行签约和揭牌仪式。

It’s time to begin the signing and opening ceremony.1).请主席台上嘉宾全体起立,首先请Ross Jennings 先生向刘国前校长转交 美国华盛顿原州长;现美国驻中国大使 骆家辉先生亲笔签署的授权绿河学院进行国际文化项目交流的政府公函。

Please welcome Mr.Ross Jennings to pass the letter of Governor from Gary Locke to Mr.Lui Guoqian.2).再请Ross Jennings 先生转交由美国华盛顿州现任州长 克里斯蒂娜女士签署的政府公函。

Please pass the letter of Governor from Christine.3).现在签约仪式正式开始。


Please welcome Mr.Liu Guoqian and Mr.Ross Jennings

4).请Ross Jennings先生,刘国前校长,范治国先生,卢士安院长揭牌

Please welcome Mr.Ross Jennings, Mr.Liu Guoqian, Mr.Fan Zhiguo and Mr.Lu Shian.5).最后请双方交换正式礼物。衷心祝愿两校友谊地久天长。Please exchange the presents.会议进行第四项,请黑龙江省教育国际交流中心副主任范治国先生讲话。

Please welcome Mr.Fan Zhiguo to give us a speech.感谢省市领导对我们的关心和帮助,感谢兄弟院校对我们多年的支持。

We are thankful to our leaders’ continuous concern and help and give many thanks to our brotherly schools’ support during these years.刚才,我们一起见证了这个庄严而神圣的时刻,让我们携起手,共同开创国际交流的新篇章,铸就东风中学新的卓越。

Ladies and Gentlemen, we witness the solemn moment.Let’s work together to open up a new chapter of the International exchange, to create this new achievement of Dongfeng Senior Middle School.衷心的祝愿罗斯·杰宁先生、各位领导、各位来宾工作顺利、学习进步!此次项目合作,是东风中学发展历程中具有重要意义的战略举措,是实现中美校级交流,推进国际办学的崭新跨越,我们深信,在未来的发展过程中,两地之间、两校之间,必将在学术、文化、人才、友谊等各方面实现深层次的对接与深化。

Finally, give our best wishes to Mr.Ross Jennings, honored leaders, guests.May all go well!

We believe that this cooperation is a significant strategy in the development process of Dongfeng High School, and it’s a new leaping to

realize the school-level exchange between the US and China.我宣布大庆市东风中学与美国华盛顿州高等教育合作项目启动仪式到此结束!谢谢大家!

I’d like to declare:

The starting ceremony comes to the end!Thank you!

接下来,请大家以热烈的掌声欢迎罗斯·杰宁先生 做 题为《国外教育》的报告。

Next, please welcome Mr.Ross Jennings to give us a lecture about Foreign Education.



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