
时间:2019-05-13 00:05:58下载本文作者:会员上传


传染病,不是重点,顶多15分,没什么知识就掌握几个点就行,一共八个病4个病毒4个革兰氏阴性细菌, 肝炎重点是乙肝大小三阳,和急性慢性,重型於胆型肝炎的临表。出血热分为5期发热,低血压休克,少尿,多尿,恢复期,重点热退病重.HIV更简单4期急性感染期,无症状期,爱滋病前期,爱滋病期.SARS是重点早期进展期恢复期。伤寒伤寒的病理解剖特征是全身单核一巨噬细胞系统增生性反应,回肠下段的集合淋巴结与孤立淋巴滤泡最具特征.分为4期初期极期(该期的主要并发症有肠出血和肠穿孔。)缓解期,恢复期.喹诺酮类的氧氟沙星、左氧氟沙星、环丙沙星等抗菌谱广,杀菌作用强,药敏率高,列为首选药。流脑普通型流脑的诊断主要依据流行病学资料(冬春季发病,儿童多见)、临床症状(剧烈头痛、频繁呕吐、皮肤粘膜瘀点)、体征(脑膜刺激征)和实验室检查(白细胞总数和中性粒细胞明显升高)及细菌性脑脊液改变首选青霉素,菌痢普通型:肠道症状重、中毒症状轻,中毒型:肠道症状轻、中毒症状重首选喹诺酮类,霍乱泻吐脱水恢复3期注意补液.首选四环素 1肝炎甲小RNA 病毒 粪-口传播乙DNA病毒丙RNA黄病毒丁RNA 病毒戊RNA杯状病毒


3爱滋病RNA病毒HIV-1HIV-2性传播、血液传播和母婴传播 4非典SARS--VOV病毒RNA直接接触患者的呼吸道分泌物(病毒含量高),如近距离飞沫,气溶胶,被污染的手触摸眼、口、鼻等。


6流脑 革兰氏阴性双球菌通过呼吸道传播 7菌痢 革兰氏阴性杆菌(志贺福氏鲍氏宋内)粪-口传播

8霍乱 革兰氏阴性弧菌(古典生物爱尔托)经水传播

1肝炎甲小RNA 病毒乙DNA病毒丙RNA黄病毒丁RNA 病毒戊RNA杯状病毒




6流脑 革兰氏阴性双球菌 7菌痢 革兰氏阴性杆菌(志贺福氏鲍氏宋内)

8霍乱 革兰氏阴性弧菌(古典生物爱尔托)




3.不予执业医师资格注册有4种情况,特别是 2、3两种情况。







11.医疗事故分四级,各级的具体内容。12.因抢救急危患者而未能及时书写病历,应在 6小时内据实补记。





























(1)国家机关、国有企业、事业单位任用会计人员应当实行回避制 度。










(2)离岗备案:持证人员离开会计工作岗位超过6个月的,应当填写注册登记表,并持会 计从业资格证书,向原注册登记的会计从业资格的管理机构备案。



















16、授权审批制度 例:超越权限处理业务等。当某项经济业务的数额超过某部门的批准权限时,只有经过特定授权批准才能处理。





(1)单位负责人的责任——授意,指使,强令会计人员造假 构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。尚不构成犯罪的,可以处五千元以上五万元以下的罚款,属于国家工作人员的,还应当由其所在单位或有关单位依法给予降级、撤职、开除的行政处分。





















































发票。(D)A.三联B.四联C.五联D.六联 申请领购增值税专用发票的单位和个人,提供除了提供经




.13 根据《税收征收管理法》规定,因税务机关的责任,致使




.14 根据《税收征收管理法》规定,纳税人自结算缴纳税款之


缴纳的税款。(B)A.两年B.三年C.五年D.十年 对外省、自治区、直辖市来本辖区从事临时经营活动,申





得超过(180天)。A.45日B.60日C.90日D.180日 实行定期定额征收方式的个体工商户,需要停业的,应当








Better Control of TB Seen If a Faster Cure

Is Found

The World Health Organization1 estimates that about one-third of all people are infected with bacteria that cause tuberculosis.Most times, the infection remains inactive.But each year about eight million people develop active cases of TB, usually in their lungs.Two million people die of of it.The disease has increased with the spread of AIDS and drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis.Current treatments take at least six months.People have toa combination of several antibiotic drugs daily.But many people stop they feel better.Doing that canto an infection that resists treatment.Public health experts agree that a faster-acting cure for tuberculosis would be more effective.Now a study estimates just how it might be.A professor of international health at Harvard University2 led the study.Joshua Salomon says a shorter treatment program would likely mean not just more patients.It would also mean infectious patients who can pass on their infection to others.The researchers developed a mathematical model to examine the effects of a two-month treatment plan.They the model with current TB conditions in Southeast Asia.The scientists found that a two-month treatment could prevent about twenty percent of new cases.And it mightabout twenty-five percent of TB deaths.The model shows that thesewould take place between two thousand twelve and two thousand thirty.That is, if a faster cure is developed and in wide use by two thousand twelve.The World Health Organization the DOTS3 program in nineteen ninety.DOTS is Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course.Health workers watch tuberculosis patients take their daily pills to makethey continue treatment.Earlier this year, an international partnership of organizations announced a plan to expand the DOTS program.The ten-year plan also aims to finance research new TB drugs.The four most common drugs used now are more than forty years old.The Global Alliance for TB Drug Development4 says its long-term goal is a treatment that could work in as few as ten doses.A Biological Clock

Every living thing has what scientists call a biological clock that controls behavior.The biological clock tells(plants)when to form flowers and when the flowers should open.It tells(insects)_ when to leave the protective cocoons and fly away,and it tells animals and human beings when to eat, sleep and wake.Events outside the plant and animal(affect)_ the actions of some biological clocks.Scientists recently found, for example,(because of)_ the number of hours of fur becomes white.The fur becomes gray brown in color in the longer hours of daylight in summer.Inner signals control other biological clocks.German scientists found that some kind

of internal clock seems to order birds to begin Birds flying become restless when it is time for the trip,flight has ended.Scientists say they are beginning to learn which An American researcher, Martin Moorhead, said a small group of cells near the front of the brain _(.seems)_ to control the timing of some of our(awaken)_,when to sleep and when to seek food.Scientists say there probably are other biological clock cells that control other body activities.Dr.Moorhead is studying _(how)_ our biological clocks affect the way we do our work.For example, most of us have great difficulty if we must often change to different work hours._(It)_ can take many days for a human body to accept the major change in work hours.Dr.Moorhead said industrial officials should have a better understanding of biological clocksunderstanding could cut sickness and accidents at work and would help increase a factory’s production,One Good Reason to Let Smallpox Live It’s now a fair bet that we will never see the total extinction of the smallpox virus.The idea was to cap the glorious achievement of 1980, when smallpox was eradicated in the wild, by destroying the killer virus in the last two labs that are supposed to have it—one in the US and one in Russia.If smallpox had truly gone from the planet, what point was there in keeping these reserves?

in reality, of course, it was naive to that everyone would let of such a potential weapon.Undoubtedly several nations still havevials.the last “official” stocks of lice virus bred mistrust of the US and Russia,no obvious gain.Now American researchers havean animal model of the human disease, opening thefor tests on new treatments and vaccines.So one again there’s a good reason tothe virus—just inthe disease puts in a reappearance.How do we_ with the mistrust of the US and Russia?Keep the virusinternational auspices in a well-guarded UN laboratory that’s open to all countries.The US will object, of course, just as it rejects a multilateral approach to just about everything.But it doesn’tthe idea is wrong.If the virus useful, then let’s make it the servant of all humanity—not just a part of it.Diet, Alcohol Linked to Nearly One Third of


Diet is second only to tobacco as a leadingof cancer and, along with alcohol, is responsible for nearly one third of cases of the disease developed countries, a leading researcher said on Tuesday.Dr.Tim Key, of the University of Oxford, told a cancer conference that scientists are still discovering how certain foods contribute to ,but they know that diet, alcohol and obesity.a major role.“Five percent of cancers could be avoidednobody was obese,” he said.While tobacco is blinked to about 30 of cancer cases, diet is involved in an estimated 25 percent and alcoholabout six percent.Obesity raises the of breast, womb, bowel and kidney cancer, while alcohol is known to cause cancers of the mouth, throat and liver, Its dangerous impact iswhen combined with smoking.Key told the meeting of the charity Cancer Research UKother elements of diet linked to cancer are unknown but scientists are hoping that the EPIC study, which is comparing the diets of 500,000 people in 10 countries and their risk of cancer, will provide someEarly results of the study have revealed that Norway, Sweden and Denmark have the consumption of fruit and vegetables among European countries while Italy and Spain have the highest.Eating at five portions of fruit and vegetables a day is recommended to reduce the risk of cancer.Key, principal scientist on the EPIC study, said it is looking at dietary links to some of the most common cancers including colorectal, breast and prostate.Men Too May Suffer from Domestic


Nearly three in 10 men have experienced violence at the hands of an intimate partner during their lifetimes, according to one of the few studies to lookdomestic violence and health among men.“Many men actually do experience domestic violence, although we don't hear about it,” Dr.Robert J.Reid of the University of Washington in Seattle, one of the study's authors, told Reuters Health.“They often don't tellwe don't ask.We want to get the message out to men whoexperience domestic violence that they are not alone and there are resources available to” The researchers asked study participants about physical abuse and non-physical , such as threats that made them for their safety, controlling behavior(for example, being told who they could associate with and where they could go), and constant name-calling.Among men 18 to 54 years old, 14.2 percent said they had experienced intimate partner __ in the past five years, while 6.1 percent reported domestic violence in the previous year.Rates were lower for men 55 and,with 5.3 percent reporting violence in the past five years and 2.4 percent having experienced it in the past 12 months.Overall, 30.5 percent of men younger than 55 and 26.5 percent of older men said they had been victims ofviolence at some point in their lives.About half of the violence the men experienced was physical.However, the physical violence men reported wasn't as harsh assuffered by women in a previous study;20 percent to 40 percent of the men rated it as severe, compared to 61 percent of

Men who reported experiencing domestic violence had more emotional and mental health problems those who had not, especially older men, thefound.


Better Control of TB Seen If a Faster Cure

Is Found

The World Health Organization1 estimates that about one-third of all people are infected with bacteria that cause tuberculosis.Most times, the infection remains inactive.But each year about eight million people develop active cases of TB, usually in their Two million people dieit.The disease haswith the spread of AIDS and drug-resistant forms of tuberculosis.Current treatments take at least six months.People have to a combination of several antibiotic drugs daily.But many people stop they feel better.Doing that canto an infection that resists treatment.Public health experts agree that a faster-acting cure for tuberculosis would be more effective.Now a study estimates just how it might be.A professor of international health at Harvard University2 led the study.Joshua Salomon says a shorter treatment program would likely mean not just more patients.It would also meaninfectious patients who can pass on their infection to others.The researchers developed a mathematical model to examine the effects of a two-month treatment plan.Theythe model with current TB conditions in Southeast Asia.The scientists found that a two-month treatment could prevent about twenty percent of new cases.And it might about twenty-five percent of TB deaths.The model shows that thesewould take place between two thousand twelve and two thousand thirty.That is, if a faster cure is developed and in wide use by two thousand twelve.The World Health Organization the DOTS3 program in nineteen ninety.DOTS is Directly Observed Treatment, Short-course.Health workers watch tuberculosis patients take their daily pills to makethey continue treatment.Earlier this year, an international partnership of organizations announced a plan to expand the DOTS program.The ten-year plan also aims to finance research new TB drugs.The four most common drugs used now are more than forty years old.The Global Alliance for TB Drug Development4 says its long-term goal is a treatment that could work in as few as ten doses.A Biological Clock

Every living thing has what scientists call a biological clock that controls behavior.The biological clock tells when to form flowers and when the flowers should open.It tellscocoons and fly away,and it tells animals and human beings when to eat, sleep and wake.Events outside the plant and animal(affect)_ the actions of some biological clocks.Scientists recently found, for example,(because of)_ the number of hours of daylight.In the short _(days)__ of winter, its fur becomes white.The fur becomes gray brown in color in the longer hours of daylight in summer.Inner signals control other biological

clocks.German scientists found that some kind of internal clock seems to order birds to begin Birds flying become restless when it is time for the trip,flight has ended.Scientists say they are beginning to learn which An American researcher, Martin Moorhead, said a small group of cells near the front of the brain(awaken)_,when to sleep and when to seek food.Scientists say there probably are other biological clock cells that control other body activities.Dr.Moorhead is studying our biological clocks affect the way we do our work.For example, most of us have great difficulty if we must often change to different work hours.can take many days for a human body to accept the major change in work hours.Dr.Moorhead said industrial officials should have a better understanding of biological clocksunderstanding could cut sickness and accidents at work and would help increase a factory’s production,One Good Reason to Let Smallpox Live It’s now a fair bet that we will never see the total extinction of the smallpox virus.The idea was to cap the glorious achievement of 1980, when smallpox was eradicated in the wild, by destroying the killer virus in the last two labs that are supposed to have it—one in the US and one in Russia.If smallpox had truly gone from the planet, what point was there in keeping these reserves?

reality, of course, it was naive to that everyone would let of such a potential weapon.Undoubtedly several nations still havevials.the last “official” stocks of lice virus bred mistrust of the US and Russia,no obvious gain.Now American researchers havean animal model of the human disease, opening thefor tests on new treatments and vaccines.So one again there’s a good reason tothe virus—just inthe disease puts in a reappearance.How do we_ with the mistrust of the US and Russia?Keep the virusinternational auspices in a well-guarded UN laboratory that’s open to all countries.The US will object, of course, just as it rejects a multilateral approach to just about everything.But it doesn’tthe idea is wrong.If the virus useful, then let’s make it the servant of all humanity—not just a part of it.Diet, Alcohol Linked to Nearly One Third of


Diet is second only to tobacco as a leadingof cancer and, along with alcohol, is responsible for nearly one third of cases of the disease developed countries, a leading researcher said on Tuesday.Dr.Tim Key, of the University of Oxford, told a cancer conference that scientists are still discovering how certain foods contribute to ,but they know that diet, alcohol and obesity.a major role.“Five percent of cancers could be avoidednobody was obese,” he said.While tobacco is blinked to about 30 of cancer cases, diet is involved in an estimated 25 percent and alcoholabout six percent.Obesity raises the of breast, womb, bowel and kidney cancer, while alcohol is known to cause cancers of the mouth, throat and liver, Its dangerous impact iswhen combined with smoking.Key told the meeting of the charity Cancer Research UKother elements of diet linked to cancer are unknown but scientists are hoping that the EPIC study, which is comparing the diets of 500,000 people in 10 countries and their risk of cancer, will provide someEarly results of the study have revealed that Norway, Sweden and Denmark have the consumption of fruit and vegetables among European countries while Italy and Spain have the highest.Eating at five portions of fruit and vegetables a day is recommended to reduce the risk of cancer.Key, principal scientist on the EPIC study, said it is looking at dietary links to some of the most common cancers colorectal, breast and prostate.Men Too May Suffer from Domestic


Nearly three in 10 men have experienced violence at the hands of an intimate partner during their lifetimes, according to one of the few studies to lookdomestic violence and health among men.“Many men actually do experience domestic violence, although we don't hear about it,” Dr.Robert J.Reid of the University of Washington in Seattle, one of the study's authors, told Reuters Health.“They often don't tellwe don't ask.We want to get the message out to men whoexperience domestic violence that they are not alone and there are resources available to” The researchers asked study participants about physical abuse and non-physical , such as threats that made them for their safety, controlling behavior(for example, being told who they could associate with and where they could go), and constant name-calling.Among men 18 to 54 years old, 14.2 percent said they had experienced intimate partner __ in the past five years, while 6.1 percent reported domestic violence in the previous year.Rates were lower for men 55 and,with 5.3 percent reporting violence in the past five years and 2.4 percent having experienced it in the past 12 months.Overall, 30.5 percent of men younger than 55 and 26.5 percent of older men said they had been victims ofviolence at some point in their lives.About half of the violence the men experienced was physical.However, the physical violence men reported wasn't as harsh assuffered by women in a previous study;20 percent to 40 percent of the men rated it as severe, compared to 61 percent of

Men who reported experiencing domestic violence had more emotional and mental health problems those who had not, especially older men, thefound.



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