写给梦想 写给未来-书信文化活动通讯稿

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第一篇:写给梦想 写给未来-书信文化活动通讯稿

写给梦想 写给未来








With reference to our file records, it has been a long time we have not contacted with you.We sincerely wish you having a prosperous business.From our past communications, we know of your interest in our subject products and glad enclose herewith our new catalogue for reference。please take look in and feel free to contact us if any item interests you .We will accordingly offer you the best quotation and the relevant sample right away.Thank you for your kind attention and look forward to renewing and continue the good business relationship with you very soon.如何在报价后近一步推进: 范一:

How are you? Wish everything well with you and your company.We have received your email of Aug 10, and as requested sent you a quotation for our item No.CS4934 that day.Have you got(or checked)the prices? Any comments by return will be much appreciated.It will be our pleasure if we have opportunities to serve you in near future.Looking forward to your prompt reply.范二:

How are you?Hope everything is ok with you all along.Now I am writing for keeping in touch with you for further business.If any new inquiry, welcome here and I will try my best to satisfy you well with competitive prices as per your request.By the way, how about your business your Item No.CS494? If still pending , I would like to offer our latest prices to promote an opportunity to cooperate with each other.Looking forward to your prompt reply.面对客户在次询盘的回复:

Dear Ms.Limpias,It is good to hear from you again.You inquired about my bamboo baskets on November 23 last year.I sent you a company catalogue at that time and I can send you a second one if you need.有助于买家回忆起什么时候,通过什么方式对你产品感兴趣。

You are not the only importer in Brail who has asked us about the bamboo baskets.I have received inquires from MBA, Mettler, SAP in Brazil, but they always inquired another kind of baskets.I will introduce this kind of basket for you id you need, or would you like me to help you by making special sample for your Brazil market?

We are the professional bamboo products manufacturer with 14 years’ experience in china, offering over 1500 various kinds of bamboo products and monthly output up to 5 million pieces.We are the best manufacturer that you can trust in china.The detail for the product(as attached photo)you inquired are as following: Size:******** Unit price: ```````` Min.order:````````` Packing: Shipment: Payment:

Looking forward to your early reply.Yours sincerely,收到客户询盘后顺便拜访客户:

Mr.lee, our overseas director, will be London early next month and will be glad to call on you.He will have with him a wide range of our manufactures, and when you see them we think you will agree that the quality of materials used.And the higher standard of craftsmanship will appeal to the most selective buyers.要求客户负担样品运费:

Dear Mr.Lee,Thanks a lot for your continued interests in our products.We have sincerity in doing business with you too.On your request of samples we are glad to tell you they are available now.in order to promote our business in future.They shall be free of charge for you.But as our company principle, you need to pay the freight charges.The samples shall be posted to you as soon as you supply us your express account: DHL, FEDEX, or UPS account.Hope this little discommodiousness will not stand in the way of our business.Looking forward to your early reply and cooperating with you in near future.Best regards!


Referring to your letter of 5 June, we very much regret that we are unable to make you an offer for the product you inquire, because it is out of stock.What’s more, our manufacturers have declined orders because of shortage of raw materials.We shall, however, file your inquiry and email you our offers as soon as we have got supplies.出口商拒绝降低成本:

1.以成本上涨为理由拒绝。You may notice that the price for this commodity has gone up since last year.As labor cost and the costs of the materials have risen substantially, we are compelled to adjust our prices to cover at least part of this rise.Therefore we are not in a position to accept your proposal.2.以价格已降至谷底为理由拒绝。

The price we quoted in our letter of 12th November only leaves us with the narrowest profit.In fact, if it were not for a substantial order we hope to receive from you.We couldn’t offer you such a low price.As prices has been reduced as low as possible, further reduction would not be possible a sacrifice of quality.Our price already makes full allowance for large order and, as we are sure you know, we operate in a high competitive market in which we have been forced to cut our prices to the bottom.3.已符合市场价格为理由拒绝.Actually, at the price quoted our products can compete very well with others on the home or foreign market.On closer investigation you will be convinced of this truth.Our price is reasonable as compared with that in the international market.4.以品质好为理由拒绝。

The quality is the best available at the prices we offered to you.And far superior to those of other foreign markets who are supplying to your market.We are quit earnest, of course, to meet your wish, but regret our inability to give any further discount at present.出口商同意降低价格:


In order to show our sincerity, we finally decided to accept your prices.2.破例接受。

Regarding your request for a reduction in price of 5%, we agree to this, as an exceptional case, because it can help you to extend sales and build your market.We may, however, be unable to repeat this after may.We will offer a special discount of 5% only for this time.3.基于长期合作而接受。

In view of the long business relations, we are compelled to accept your demand for discount, but we hope that you will help us when you are in the market next.4.为开发市场调整自生收益来接受。

As we would like enter the market in your country.We have cut our margin of profits to give you the benefit of a 5% price reduction.出口商有条件的接受了客户的还价 1.要求增加订单金额(或者数量)。

However, in order to meet your request, we will grant you a special discount of 3% if you can increase your order to USD 80,000 in value.2.以改变付款方式降低降价。

Considering the further reduction you asked for, we are prepared to change payment from D/P at sight to D/A at 30 day’s sight.We think this is a more practical way to meet your requirement.If you can make the terms of payment by T/T in advance, then we will offer you another cash discount of 4%.出口商拒绝更变出口方式.First transaction the L/C basis is a policy of our company.I hope you can understand and cooperate.Certainly, when the business with you is stable, we will be very glad to welcome you as one of our credit customers.It’s our company rules to use L/C terms with new customers.I hope you can understand my inability and accept this situation which is only temporary.出口商统一变更付款方式。

We have received your letter of 8 December in which you ask for concession of our terms of payment.In consideration of the very pleasant business we have had with you, we have decided to agree to your suggestion.Therefore we will do business on a D/A basis in the future.But may we indicate that if your outstanding payment is up to USD60.000 we will change payment to L/C basis.We hope that this concession will result in a considerable increase of your orders and assure you that we will always do our best to execute them to meet your complete satisfaction.催预付款

Please arrange your down payment by T/T within this week.Our bank information is as follows.答复订单已签署。

The duly signed P.O.is enclosed herewith.寄形式发票。

Enclosed please find our Proforma Invoice No.022-B as requested for opening the L/C.出口商确认如期收到信用证。

Thank you very much for your letter of Credit No.FT3453 issued by bank of America covering your order No.RJ 2011 dated November 28 for energy-saving lamps.We have carefully observed the terms and conditions stipulated in your L/C, and will surely comply with them in every respect.出口商通知进口商货物已装船。

We are pleased to inform you that the goods of order No.XXX have been shipped/delivered/dispatched via APL today.出口商通知进口商货物已备好待运。

Your order is already finished, and we will deliver them in accordance with your instructions.The goods you ordered will be ready for shipment soon, so please advise us of your shipping instructions quickly.各种信息来源的准确表达方式:


Mr.Alex Black of MGD Co., Ltd.Our mutual friend, gave us your name and recommended that you are an experienced importer of the jewelry products in the UK.2.在展会上认识。

We would like to thank you for your visit our booth and your interest in our products at the Cebit Fair held in XX last month, As required, we are now glad to send you our catalogue of cooling fans for your evaluation.3.从报刊上获悉。

We are glad to know from XX magazine that you are interested in XXX and enclose our relevant catalogues for your initial reference.致函目的的示例。


We have the pleasure to introduce ourselves to you and hope we may have a cooperation opportunity with you in your business extension.2.期待与贵公司建立业务关系。

We are writing to you with a view to building up business relations with your firm.3.希望建立互利的业务关系。

We wish to introduce ourselves in the hope of establishing business



























10、我不准你吃醋,这辈子除了你我谁都不要,无论我的身边有谁,我也只要你ONLY YOU;















写给未来老公 虽然是转的但经修改绝对可以代表我的心声

我们在一起,不是因为将就,不是因为肉体,不是因为金钱。我们在一起,我们在一起,不是因为将就,不是因为肉体,不是因为金钱。我们在一起,只是因为一个很简单的 理由:相爱,愿意一起度过日日夜夜。理由:相爱,愿意一起度过日日夜夜。

嫁给你,做你的妻子。即使你不是一个有钱人,但是在我眼里,嫁给你,嫁给你,做你的妻子。即使你不是一个有钱人,但是在我眼里,嫁给你,我将是这个世界上最富有 的新娘。因为你给了我别人无法代替的爱。而且在结婚以后,在我眼里,的新娘。因为你给了我别人无法代替的爱。而且在结婚以后,在我眼里,我依然是这个世界上最富有的女 人。即便是你给我的只是一室一厅的小房子,亦或是租房子,能跟你窝在一起看看电视说说悄悄话,能让 即便是你给我的只是一室一厅的小房子,亦或是租房子,能跟你窝在一起看看电视说说悄悄话,我在困倦的时候躺在你的怀里,有个休憩的港湾,都感觉足够了,只要有你在,哪里都不是问题。我在困倦的时候躺在你的怀里,有个休憩的港湾,都感觉足够了,只要有你在,哪里都不是问题。时候躺在你的怀里 每天早上醒来,第一眼看到的就是你,短暂的亲昵,起床,洗刷,做早点,每天早上醒来,第一眼看到的就是你,短暂的亲昵,起床,洗刷,做早点,怀着一份美好的心情奔向 外面的世界。下了班,或者在外面随意逛逛,或者买菜回家,做点小菜,暖暖的灯光,吃完饭,出去走走,外面的世界。下了班,或者在外面随意逛逛,或者买菜回家,做点小菜,暖暖的灯光,吃完饭,出去走走,聊聊心事,排解白天工作的压力。而后,或看书,或看电视,或上网,或听音乐。聊聊心事,排解白天工作的压力。而后,或看书,或看电视,或上网,或听音乐。平淡而又不乏激情的生 活。你尽管去做你的事业,我将尽我的全力去支持你,并且承担我应做的家务,偶尔要求你下厨房、你尽管去做你的事业,我将尽我的全力去支持你,并且承担我应做的家务,偶尔要求你下厨房、洗衣 服等等。服等等。我绝对不会问“我和你妈妈同时落水你会救谁的”的问题 知道你不会游泳呀)我会待你的双亲如自己 我绝对不会问 我和你妈妈同时落水你会救谁的 的问题(知道你不会游泳呀)。我和你妈妈同时落水你会救谁的 的问题(的爸妈,因为我知道没有他们就不会有你,也不会有我今天的幸福。我会对你妈很好很好。的爸妈,因为我知道没有他们就不会有你,也不会有我今天的幸福。我会对你妈

很好很好。即使她是个不 讲理的老人家,我也会尽量迁就她,因为我知道,你一定会体恤我所受的委屈。讲理的老人家,我也会尽量迁就她,因为我知道,你一定会体恤我所受的委屈。但也希望你能经常陪我回 家看看我的父母,让他们对我的生活安心,放心!家看看我的父母,让他们对我的生活安心,放心!我希望我们有共同的朋友,也有自己独立的朋友圈。我不会将你生活圈子彻底打乱。我希望我们有共同的朋友,也有自己独立的朋友圈。我不会将你生活圈子彻底打乱。你没有必要推掉 所有的不必要的应酬而早些回家,虽然我在家里会寂寞,但是我知道,推掉所有约会陪我在家的你,所有的不必要的应酬而早些回家,虽然我在家里会寂寞,但是我知道,推掉所有约会陪我在家的你,会更 加寂寞。我会给你自由,因为爱上你,就要接受你的一切。如果你带我走进你的圈子,加寂寞。我会给你自由,因为爱上你,就要接受你的一切。如果你带我走进你的圈子,我向你保证在你的 朋友面前不会表现的像一个母老虎,在你朋友面前,我会给足你面子!让你成为最幸福的男人!朋友面前不会表现的像一个母老虎,在你朋友面前,我会给足你面子!让你成为最幸福的男人!你可以大男子主义,在某些方面,我不相信也不希望男女平等,男人,还是应该象个男人。你可以大男子主义,在某些方面,我不相信也不希望男女平等,男人,还是应该象个男人。但前提是 彼此的尊重。你也可以软弱,可以偶尔孩子气,我会疼惜你 爱怜你。男人也有脆弱的一面,彼此的尊重。你也可以软弱,可以偶尔孩子气,我会疼惜你,爱怜你。男人也有脆弱的一面,我能理解并 接受。接受。你不需要多么高大威猛,你的胳膊不需要有多么强壮,在我半夜从梦中惊醒时你能揽我入怀,你不需要多么高大威猛,你的胳膊不需要有多么强壮,在我半夜从梦中惊醒时你能揽我入怀,在我悲 伤时你会无言的搂住我,让我在你怀里痛哭一场。你不需要有丰厚的收入,我亦不会在经济上给你压力,伤时你会无言的搂住我,让我在你怀里痛哭一场。你不需要有丰厚的收入,我亦不会在经济上给你压力,我会顶住我的这一片天,为了我们将来的幸福,我愿意和你一起奋斗。我会顶住我的这一片天,为了我们将来的幸福,我愿意和你一起奋斗。但你一定要有广博的胸怀,能包容我,因为我偶尔会任性,我亦不成熟,有时会象小孩无理取闹。但你一定要有广博的胸怀,能包容我,因为我偶尔会任性,我亦不成熟,有时会象小孩无理取闹。但你一定要专一而忠诚,你心里只能有我一个

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