第一篇:Unite One
Festivals in China
元旦New Year’s Day
春节The Spring Festival
元宵The Lantern Festival
国际劳动妇女节International Working Women’s Day
植树节Arbor Day
邮政节Postal Day
世界气象节World Meteorology Day
清明节Ching Ming
国际劳动节International Labor Day
中国青年节Chinese Youth Day
护士节(5/12)Nurses’ Festival
端午节The Dragon Boat Festival
国际儿童节International Children’s Day
中国共产党成立纪念日The Party’s Birthday
建军节The Army’s Day
教师节Teacher’s Day
重阳节Double-ninth Day
国庆节National Day
除夕New Year’s Eve
Festivals in Western Countries
新年New Year’s Day
愚人节April Fool's Day
母亲节Mother’s Day
父亲节Father's Day
情人节Saint Valentine's Day
自由女神(The Statue of Liberty)
American、New York
right hand :lifts up a 12 metres torch
left hand :the “Declaration of Independence”, which reads “July 4, 1776”.has seven sharp tip awns
under her foot :broken handcuffs(手铐), leg irons(脚镣)and chains(锁链)The Merlion(Singapore),The Eiffel Tower(Paris),Windsor Castle(Royal),十戒the Ten Commandments
(1)You shall have no other gods but me
(2)You shall not worship anything you make with your hands that looks like a creation of Mine.(3)You shall not use the name of the Lord to swear or curse
(4)You shall keep the Sabbath day holy.(5)Honour your father andmother
(6)You shall not commit murder.(7)You shall not commit adultery.(8)You shall not steal.(9).You shall not lie.(10)You shall not covet ['kʌvit](垂涎), but be content with what you have.(1)除了我(上帝)以外你不可有别的神;
something old, something new, something borrowed, something blue, and silver sixpence in your shoe.Something old: continued ties to her family and her old life.Something new: success and hope in the bride's new life and in her marriage.Something borrowed: happily married
Something blue: purity, fidelity and love
Silver sixpence: wealth
Musical Instruments1、弦乐器(string):小提琴(Violin)、吉它(Guitar)、大提琴(Cello)、2、木管乐器(wood):长笛(Flute)、双簧管(Oboe)、3、铜管乐器(brass):短号(Cornet)、大号(Tuba)、4、键盘乐器(keyboard):钢琴(Piano)、管风琴(Organ)、5、打击乐器(percussion):锣(Gong)、大鼓(Bass Drum)、歌曲
蓝色多瑙河圆舞曲(the Blue Danube):J.Strauss,Piano
爱的罗曼史(Romance de Amor):Yepes, Classical Guitar
二泉映月(The moon Reflected in Er-quan):华彦钧(阿炳),二胡
土耳其进行曲(Rondo Alla Turca):Mozart, Piano
圣母颂(Ave Mana):Wilhelmj, Violin
沉思(Meditation):Massenst, Violin