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商务部陈德铭部长在WTO第七届部长级会议的发言时间:2009-12-03 18:49来源:口译网 作者:口译网 点击:671次



2009年12月1日 日内瓦

Speech of Minister Chen Deming in the 7th WTO Ministerial Conference

Geneva, December 1st, 2009


Mr.Chair, dear Colleagues,过去一年来,我们经历了一场百年不遇的金融和经济危机。目前,全球经济出现企稳回升的积极迹象,但危机的深层次影响依然存在,形势好转的基础并不牢固,经济全面恢复增长任重道远。今天我们齐聚一堂,应该共同向世界发出一个积极的信号,一个关于“开放、前行、改革”的信号。

We suffered a rare financial and economic crisis in the past year.Currently, positive signs of recovery and growth have shown in the global economy.However, the profound impact of the crisis still lingers, the foundation for a turnaround is not yet solid, and the road to complete recovery remains long and winding.Today at this gathering, we should send a positive signal to the rest of the world, a signal to “open up, advance and reform”.第一,保持开放

Firstly, we should keep opening-up.危机发生以来,各国为恢复经济纷纷出台刺激方案,但全球范围内未出现保护主义泛滥的局面,这很大程度上归功于WTO规则的约束和及时启动的监督机制。在危机中,发展中国家遭受了更大冲击,面临更多困难,但我们不能因为风险和挑战就关闭对外开放大门。WTO成员如能形成同样共识,继续恪守WTO承诺,不采取保护主义措施,坚定不移地坚持对外


Since the outbreak of the crisis, all countries have adopted a series of stimulating measures in hope of economic recovery.The fact that protectionism did not avalanche around the globe should, to a large extent, be attributed to the restrictions of WTO rules and the timely WTO supervision mechanism.In the crisis, developing countries suffered more and faced more difficulties, but we shouldn’t close the door of opening-up for fear of risks and challenges.As long as WTO members can form consensus to stand by their WTO commitments, not adopt protectionist measures and remain open, we will be able to gather enormous strength to tide over the crisis.第二,坚持前行

Secondly, we should keep advancing.多哈回合谈判还未走出僵局,但纵观多边贸易体制60年历史,自由贸易的车轮始终在逆境中前行。因此,我们应该坚定信心。经过七年的努力,目前,摆在谈判桌上的成果来之不易,不能以任何借口推倒重来。如果我们能够坚持 “尊重授权,锁定成果,将2008年12月农业和非农主席案文作为谈判基础”三项原则,坚持多边主渠道作用,就有希望在2010年成功结束谈判。

In spite of the Doha Round deadlock, the 60-year history of Multilateral Trading System has shown that free trade has kept advancing through adversity at all times.So, we should proceed with confidence.At present, achievements are hard won after 7 years of efforts and shall not be overturned for any excuse.As long as we can stick to the three principles of “respecting the mandate, locking the results and taking as the foundation the chairpersons’ texts concerning agriculture and non-agricultural market access negotiations as of December 2008”, and keep multilateral negotiations as the major channel, it is hopeful that the talks can be successfully concluded in 2010.第三,推动改革

Thirdly, we should keep promoting reforms.WTO作为唯一规范国际贸易的制度性安排,它所具有的约束力为成员参与并受益于国际贸易提供了基本保障,此次危机再次证明了这一点。同时,应对危机的过程也表明,WTO需要通过必要的改革,不断完善规则,强化自身职能,增强对其他重要国际协调机制的影响力,在全球经济治理中承担更高的责任,发挥更大的作用。要以促进可持续发展作为改革的方向,在推进贸易自由化的同时加强“促贸援助”和贸易融资工作,让发展中国家,特别是最不发达国家真正分享全球化的利益。

The WTO, as the only institutional arrangement governing global trade, has provided basic guarantee for its members to participate in and benefit from international trade with its constraining forces.And this has been proven again in the crisis.Meanwhile, the process of tackling the crisis has also shown that the WTO needs necessary reforms to improve its rules and functions, broaden its influence over other important international coordinating mechanisms, and assume a greater responsibility and role in governing global economy.The organization should reform toward the direction of promoting sustainable development and step up efforts in Aid for Trade and trade finance while advancing trade liberalization.As a result, developing countries, especially LDCs(Least Developed Countries), can gain real benefits from globalization.中国始终是多边贸易体制的坚定支持者,始终是自由贸易原则的忠实维护者,始终是多哈回合谈判的积极推动者。中国愿与其他成员一道,共同努力,不断推进多边贸易体制向更加民主、更加高效和更加公正、平衡的方向发展。

China has always been a strong supporter of the Multilateral Trading System, a loyal defender of the free trade principles, and a positive promoter of the Doha Round talks.China is willing to make joint efforts with other members to promote the development of the Multilateral Trading System toward a more democratic, more efficient, much fairer and more balanced direction.谢谢大家!

Thank you!



2009年12月1日商务部长WTO第七届部长级会议上的发言 中国商务部陈德铭部长在WTO第七届部长级会议上的发言


Speech of Minister Chen Deming in the 7th WTO Ministerial Conference

Geneva, December 1st, 2009


Mr.Chair, dear Colleagues,过去一年来,我们经历了一场百年不遇的金融和经济危机。目前,全球经济出现企稳回升的积极迹象,但危机的深层次影响依然存在,形势好转的基础并不牢固,经济全面恢复增长任重道远。今天我们齐聚一堂,应该共同向世界发出一个积极的信号,一个关于“开放、前行、改革”的信号。

We suffered a rare financial and economic crisis in the past year.Currently, positive signs of recovery and growth have shown in the global economy.However, the profound impact of the crisis still lingers, the foundation for a turnaround is not yet solid, and the road to complete recovery remains long and winding.Today at this gathering, we should send a positive signal to the rest of the world, a signal to “open up, advance and reform”.第一,保持开放

Firstly, we should keep opening-up.危机发生以来,各国为恢复经济纷纷出台刺激方案,但全球范围内未出现保护主义泛滥的局面,这很大程度上归功于WTO规则的约束和及时启动的监督机 制。在危机中,发展中国家遭受了更大冲击,面临更多困难,但我们不能因为风险和挑战就关闭对外开放大门。WTO成员如能形成同样共识,继续恪守 WTO承诺,不采取保护主义措施,坚定不移地坚持对外开放,就可凝聚起强大的力量共克时艰。

Since the outbreak of the crisis, all countries have adopted a series of stimulating measures in hope of economic recovery.The fact that protectionism did not avalanche around the globe should, to a large extent, be attributed to the restrictions of WTO rules and the timely WTO supervision mechanism.In the crisis, developing countries suffered more and faced more difficulties, but we shouldn’t close the door of opening-up for fear of risks and challenges.As long as WTO members can form consensus to stand by their WTO commitments, not adopt protectionist measures and remain open, we will be able to gather enormous strength to tide over the crisis.第二,坚持前行

Secondly, we should keep advancing.多哈回合谈判还未走出僵局,但纵观多边贸易体制60年历史,自由贸易的车轮始终在逆境中前行。因此,我们应该坚定信心。经过七年的努力,目前,摆在谈判桌上 的成果来之不易,不能以任何借口推倒重来。如果我们能够坚持“尊重授权,锁定成果,将2008年12月农业和非农主席案文作为谈判基础”三项原则,坚持多 边主渠道作用,就有希望在2010年成功结束谈判。

In spite of the Doha Round deadlock, the 60-year history of Multilateral Trading System has shown that free trade has kept advancing through adversity at all times.So, we should proceed with confidence.At present, achievements are hard won after 7 years of efforts and shall not be overturned for any excuse.As long as we can stick to the three principles of “respecting the mandate, locking the results and taking as the foundation the chairpersons’ texts concerning agriculture and non-agricultural market access negotiations as of December 2008”, and keep

multilateral negotiations as the major channel, it is hopeful that the talks can be successfully concluded in 2010.第三,推动改革

Thirdly, we should keep promoting reforms.WTO作为唯一规范国际贸易的制度性安排,它所具有的约束力为成员参与并受益于国际贸易提供了基本保障,此次危机再次证明了这一点。同时,应对危机 的过程也表明,WTO需要通过必要的改革,不断完善规则,强化自身职能,增强对其他重要国际协调机制的影响力,在全球经济治理中承担更高的责任,发挥更大 的作用。要以促进可持续发展作为改革的方向,在推进贸易自由化的同时加强“促贸援助”和贸易融资工作,让发展中国家,特别是最不发达国家真正分享全球化的 利益。

The WTO, as the only institutional arrangement governing global trade, has provided basic guarantee for its members to participate in and benefit from international trade with its constraining forces.And this has been proven again in the crisis.Meanwhile, the process of tackling the crisis has also shown that the WTO needs necessary reforms to improve its rules and functions, broaden its influence over other important international coordinating mechanisms, and assume a greater responsibility and role in governing global economy.The organization should reform toward the direction of promoting sustainable development and step up efforts in Aid for Trade and trade finance while advancing trade liberalization.As a result, developing countries, especially LDCs(Least Developed Countries), can gain real benefits from globalization.中国始终是多边贸易体制的坚定支持者,始终是自由贸易原则的忠实维护者,始终是多哈回合谈判的积极推动者。中国愿与其他成员一道,共同努力,不断推进多边贸易体制向更加民主、更加高效和更加公正、平衡的方向发展。

China has always been a strong supporter of the Multilateral Trading System, a loyal defender of the free trade principles, and a positive promoter of the Doha Round talks.China is willing to make joint efforts with other members to promote the development of the Multilateral Trading System toward a more democratic, more efficient, much fairer and more balanced direction.谢谢大家!

Thank you!











































Remarks at the Investment, Trade and Tourism Ministerial Conference of the China-Pacific Island Countries Economic Development and

Cooperation Forum

2008-10-08 17:09 Department of Foreign Affairs

Chen Deming, Minister of Commerce

September 7, 2008

Respected Deputy Prime Minister of Cook Islands, Mr.Maoate, Respected Deputy Prime Minister of Samoa, Mr.Retzlaff, Ministers and diplomats from Pacific Island Countries, Ladies and Gentlemen, Friends,It gives me great pleasure to attend the Investment, Trade and Tourism Ministerial Conference of the China-Pacific Island Countries Economic Development and Cooperation Forum.On behalf of the Ministry of Commerce of China, I’d like to extend my congratulations on the opening of the Ministerial Conference and my warm welcome to all friends from the island countries.We are profusely thankful to your governments and people for offering sympathy and assistance in the wake of the Wenchuan earthquake.In recent years, the friendly relations between China and PICs have flourished with increased high-level visits and widened areas of cooperation.Tonga, Vanuatu, and Micronesia have successively opened their embassies in Beijing, creating an enabling environment for furthering China-PICs ties.Bilateral trade volume exceeded 1.5 billion USD in 2007.In the first half of this year, our two-way trade stood above 900 million USD, up by 8% year on year.The total volume for this year is expected to reach or even exceed the mark of 2 billion USD.Since 2006, Chinese enterprises have made more than 300 million USD worth of direct investments in the island countries and launched a number of major projects including Papua New Guinea Nickel and Cobalt Mine Project and the aquatic food processing plant on Marshall Islands.Based on the principles set in the Guiding Framework on China-Pacific Island Countries Economic Development and Cooperation, the bilateral cooperation on human resources development, investment, tourism, agriculture, education, transportation, infrastructure and financial aid has been deepening steadily thanks to our concerted efforts.China has signed MOUs on implementing schemes for Chinese group travel to PICs with PNG, Fiji, Vanuatu, Tonga and Micronesia, and initiated group travel to countries such as Fiji, Vanuatu and Tonga.Ladies and Gentlemen,The world today is undergoing sweeping changes and adjustments.In an increasingly globalized world, countries have grown increasingly interdependent.The pursuit of peace, development and cooperation has become the irreversible tide of the times.However, with the escalation of destabilizing factors in the world economy---continued turbulences in the financial market, soaring energy prices, intensifying food security concerns and mounting inflationary pressure--the cause of building a harmonious world is being tested on many fronts.Against this backdrop, it has become a major topic facing developing countries including China and PICs to maximize advantages and avert hazards and achieve sustainable development.To meet the need for enhanced cooperation and common development under new circumstances, the first Ministerial Conference of the China-Pacific Island Countries Economic Development and Cooperation Forum was successfully concluded in Nandi, Fiji in April, 2006.On that occasion, Premier Wen Jiabao announced, on behalf of the Chinese government, six major measures in support of the economic development of PICs, which were warmly received by the latter.With the support and cooperation from these countries, China has translated its commitments into concrete actions and garnered encouraging results over the past two years.I’d like to take this opportunity to give you an overview of the progress made in this area.(I)China has provided 1.243 billion RMB in concessional loans to finance the six projects proposed by PICs in areas such as infrastructure, air transport, communications and urban redevelopment.Special funds have also been appropriated to relevant Chinese companies for their efforts in developing economic and trade ties with the island countries.(II)Starting from July 1, 2006, China granted zero tariff treatment to 278 tariff lines of products originated from Samoa and Vanuatu and canceled 170 million RMB mature debts for the two countries.It also reached consensus and agreed to sign agreements with Fiji and PNG on a moratorium on interest-free loans due as of the end of 2005.(III)China donated anti-malaria drugs worth 1 million RMB to PNG.It has already dispatched medical teams to Samoa and Vanuatu and is preparing to send one to Micronesia as well.(IV)China has cumulatively trained more than 1,200 officials and technical staff for PICs and plans to train another 700 this year.(V)China has signed respectively with PNG and Micronesia an MOU on Approved Destination Status that will enable the two countries to host group travelers from China.China is also about to sign a similar MOU with Samoa on the margin of this conference.(VI)China has signed respectively with Vanuatu, Fiji and Samoa an MOU on the assistance in building a seismic observation network to support earthquake and tsunami pre-alarming exercise in relevant countries.In April 2009, we will celebrate the 3rd anniversary of the China-Pacific Island Countries Economic Development and Cooperation Forum Ministerial Conference in Fiji.China is confident that in the coming 8 months, following the principles of “reciprocity, mutual benefits and common development” and through close collaboration with the PIC governments, the 6 measures will materialize one by one and deliver tangible benefits for the people of the pacific island countries.To enhance the level of China-PIC trade and economic cooperation going forward, the two sides could make efforts primarily in the following areas.First, increasing bilateral trade toward the ambitious target of doubling its volume to 3 billion USD by 2010 compared with the base year of 2007.China will adopt a host of measures to encourage the imports of advantageous goods from PICs and gradually broaden the scope of duty exemption on imports from least developed island countries.Second, encouraging investment collaboration.China remains committed to encouraging competent and reputable Chinese enterprises to invest and conduct business in PICs, actively seek government loans and commercial credit in joint projects with PICs in infrastructure, telecommunications, agriculture, forestry and fishery.Third, promoting two-way cooperation in tourism development.China actively encourages its tour operators to organize group travel to PICs.It will continue to invite PIC tourism officials for the annual China International Travel Fair to facilitate the exchanges between tourism administrations.Fourth, prioritizing energy for bilateral cooperation.China has built a number of clean energy projects, small-hydro, solar and wind-power, for the island countries.Building on existing cooperation, China will continue to share its cutting-edge technology for energy-saving and the utilization of renewable and alternative energy sources, in a bid to help PICs respond better to energy security issues.Fifth, conducting technology exchanges and practical cooperation in quality breeds culturing, agro-science, pest control and disease prevention and food reserves, to increase agricultural productivity for PICs.China will continue to send both bilaterally and within the framework of South-South Cooperation agricultural specialists to PICs to transfer paddy and vegetable planting technology and organize agro-technology training courses to build capacity for PIC agricultural professionals.Ladies and gentlemen,The Chinese government attaches great importance to developing friendly and cooperative relations with PICs.This is not a policy by convenience, but rather a long-term and strategic decision.Politically, we believe every country, regardless of its size, strength and wealth is an equal member of the international community.We respect the individual choice of PICs for their way of development and their efforts in safeguarding sovereignty and regional stability Economically, China is committed to implementing the Millennium Development Goals and building independent development capacities for PICs.It supports the PICs-led Pacific Plan for advancing regional cooperation.As a member of the developing country community, we will continue to render assistance to PICs within our capacity and without any strings attached.In international affairs, China, being a permanent member of the UN Security Council, will continue to defend the rights and interests of the vast number of developing countries, including PICs, support their legitimate claims on sustainable development, help PICs respond better to climate change, energy and food security, marine resources preservation and other challenges by sharing capital, technology and experience.History has testified and will continue to testify to the sincere, credible and reliable friendship and partnership between China and PICs.Ladies and gentlemen,China and PICs share strong economic complementarity, huge potential for cooperation and broad prospects for development.As long as the two sides make a joint effort, China-PICs cooperation is sure to reach a new high, which is not only conducive to regional stability and prosperity, but also a major contribution to world peace and development.To conclude, I wish this Ministerial Conference a complete success.Wish you all a pleasant stay in China.Thank you.



Impromptu Remarks by Foreign Minister Wang Yi at the Welcoming Event of the First Ministerial Meeting of the China-CELAC Forum


Peony Hall, Fanghua Villa, Diaoyutai State Guesthouse

2015年1月8日 8 January 2015 各位远道而来的好朋友: My dear friends from afar, 很高兴和大家在此齐聚一堂,共同庆贺中拉论坛启动。可能一些人会有疑问,为什么中国要和地理距离那么远的拉丁美洲建立论坛。我想借用今天下午玻利维亚外长发言时说的话:“人类都是兄弟姐妹,如果从宇宙的角度看,我们之间的距离其实并不遥远,我们是命运相连的一家人”。

I am happy that we gather here to celebrate the launch of the China-CELAC Forum.Some people may ask why China wants to set up a forum with Latin American and Caribbean countries, which are so far away.Let me answer this question by quoting what the Bolivian foreign minister said this afternoon: “All human beings are brothers and sisters.From the perspective of the universe, we are actually not so far away from one another.We belong to the same family, and our destinies are entwined.”


We care about each other because we are brothers and sisters.因为我们都是发展中国家,所以需要相互帮助。我们开展的是南南合作,是朋友间的合作,遵循的是平等互利,坚持的是合作共赢,寻求的是共同发展。

We help each other because we are all developing countries.Our cooperation is South-South cooperation and cooperation between friends.We abide by the principles of equality and mutual benefit and pursue win-win cooperation and common development.因为我们都是国际社会的平等一员,所以需要相互支持。毕竟这个世界还存在不公平、不合理的地方,需要我们一起发出共同声音,发挥一致作用,努力使世界更加和谐、更加和平。

As equal members of the international community, we need to support each other.In many ways, our world is still not fair or reasonable.We need to speak with one voice and act in concert to make it a more harmonious and peaceful place.中国与拉美各国有着共同的理念、共同的追求。我们完全可以团结在一起,更好地拓展和维护我们的共同利益。

China and the countries you represent share many common ideals and pursuits.We should forge greater solidarity to advance and uphold our common interests.拉丁美洲这片伟大的土地有着悠久的历史、灿烂的文化、勤劳的人民、丰富的资源,发展前景十分广阔。

The great land of Latin America and the Caribbean, with its time-honored history, celebrated cultures, hardworking people and rich resources, enjoys a broad vista for development.从玻利瓦尔到圣马丁、何塞·马蒂,在拉丁美洲大陆上传颂着许多不可磨灭的英雄人物,有一种精神在绵延不绝地传承:那就是自强不息的拉美精神。

Stories of heroic figures, like Simon Bolivar, Jose de San Martin and Jose Marti, are still being told on the Latin American continent even today.The spirit of Latin America, a spirit of perseverance, has been passed from generation to generation.中国人民同样有自强不息的传统,因为我们同拉美人民有着相似的历史遭遇和共同的发展任务。

Like you, the Chinese people have a tradition of seeking constant progress.That is because we and the people in Latin American and Carribean countries share similar historical experiences and common development agenda.中国与拉美有着宝贵的传统友谊。无论走到拉美哪个国家,都能感受到当地人民对中国发自内心的友好感情。中国和拉美人民完全可以进一步加强相互了解,加强相互信任,加强相互合作。

Our countries have a valuable friendship that goes back a long way.Wherever we go in Latin America and the Carribean, we feel true friendship towards China.People from the two sides should continue to strengthen mutual understanding, trust and cooperation.我们现在所在的这个大厅叫牡丹厅。牡丹在中国传统文化中寓意着繁荣昌盛、兴旺发达——这恰恰寄托了我们对中拉合作的热切期盼。我愿同拉共体的各位同事一道,以这次会议为起点,建设好中拉论坛,不断取得积极成果,共同开创中拉全面合作伙伴关系的美好未来!

This hall we are at is named after peony, a flower that symbolizes prosperity in Chinese culture.And prosperity is exactly what we expect from the cooperation between us.I look forward to working with my CELAC colleagues to take this ministerial meeting as a new starting point, for making the Forum a successful and productive mechanism and for opening up a brighter future for our partnership of comprehensive cooperation!



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