2012-CCTV英语演讲比赛主持稿 A: Good afternoon,my dear teachers and fellow students.Now you are watching the finals of the 2012 “CCTV”Cup English speech contest of the Chengdu normal University.We are honored to co-host the competition
A: Thank you for coming to this afternoon’s competition.In today's show, there are *** contestants.They are coming from different major and different grade.They are ready to show themselves.在今天的决赛当中共有***名选手入围,这***名选手可谓是各个系里的精英啊,他们通过系里的初赛选拔来到了今天的决赛现场!让我们拭目以待
A: Today’s competition gives all the contestants kinds of speeches, such asPrepared speech、Questions and answers and Impromptu speech.The judges will judge you by the substance、style and delivery of your speech.B:今天的总决赛中,每位选手都要完成定题演讲、回答问题和即兴演讲这三个部分,评委将从选手的演讲内容、流畅程度、语音语调、和表现力几个方面综合评定(不知道有什么内容,待定)
Ok, now, I think it’s better for me to introduce our excellent judges.They are: :
1、our beautiful foreign teacher and dear friend***.2、our lovely foreign teacher and dear friend Berry.3、MISS ***welcome 外语系***老师 欢迎!
4、MISS ***welcome 外语系***老师 欢迎!
5、MR ***welcome 外语系***老师欢迎!
6、MR.*** welcome外语系***老师 欢迎!
G:Now I feel so excited and have great passion to appreciate all the competitors to show themselves.Every one of them is the elite from different major.B:oh my feeling is the same as you,I look forward to the results of earlier today.G:Now,gibberish does not say more,time for show.B:Ok,1、let's warmly welcome contestant No.1 ****
前面的对话你可以加嘛我就写了这些,你看一下 觉得还可以加 就加进去!
中途介绍到时候看安排B:Ladies and gentlemen, let's bring the special prize winners onto the stage with a warm of applause.And warmly welcome our leaders to give awards to our winners.G:well,how exciting today the contest is!So I hope we'll all make good use of this opportunity.Ladies and Gentlemen: The Competition is over.Thank you!Honored judges.Thank you for your excellent speech!Thank you for coming!
08英语2班 张璐
Hello everyone, today my key word is TV, because I do believe visual effects brought by TV has already impacted our lives, views and values.Indeed, television has opened windows in everybody’s life.No newspaper has ever reached so many people and shown so clearly what was happening right now in their own country and anywhere else.TV not only gives the news instantly, it also shows it in pictures more powerful than words.It can be said that, TV has brought reality to public.Millions of people now have seen the effects of a battle, a flood, a fire, a crime and disasters of every sort on the screen.Some people said that computer will replace television one day, for which combines advanced technology and powerful function that television can not be compared with.Yes, it is true that using computer is the trend of modern life.At least, however, for our television generations, computer doesn’t possess a kind of magic power as television, which can assemble families sitting on the sofa watching attentively to the programs.Also, one should surely thank the TV that brought the joy and interest into lives of the sick, old, especially the people who can’t or don’t like play computer.Advertising industry of course, thanks to TV, is prospering with each passing day.And along with the acceptance by more and more common families, TV spurred numerous related devices to be put into production, such as VCD, DVD and Television Games.As anything else in the world, television has both good sides and bad sides.The influence of TV has been extremely harmful to the young.Children don’t have enough ability to judge whether what TV shows them are real or not.If they deem that any behaviors on TV are normal and acceptable to real society, they will blindly imitate what they see.It resulted in more crimes of the young in today’s world.From what I mentioned above, it is certain that TV has deeply transformed our lives and society.It is not only a word, but also an epoch-making product.It is something that has changed the world.
3.即兴演讲:选手自选题号,赛题现场播放,之前有15秒倒计时供选手思考,然后选手即兴发表论点。演讲时间为1 分钟。所选题目及选手的论点将带入下一个环节;
1.Topics in Focus焦点访谈
2.News Probe新闻调查
3.News in 30 Minutes新闻30分
4.Business TV商业电视
5.Market Hotline市场热线
6.World Economic Report世界经济报道
7.Stock Market Analysis股市分析
8.Soccer Night足球之夜
9.Health Club健康俱乐部
10.Spring Festival Gala Evening
11.Half the Sky
12.Super Variety Show
13.Garden for Opera Fans
14.Big Pinwheel
16.Twelve Studio
17.Chinese Ethnic Peoples
18.Science and Technology Review
19.Human and Nature
20.Zhengda Variety Show
21.Gallery of Calligraphy Painting
22.Time Together across the Strait
23.China Kaleidoscope
24.China News
25.China Report
27.Around China
28.China Today
29.Sunday Topics
30.English News
31.Oriental Fashion
32.Chinese Cooking
33.Traditional Chinese Medicine
34.Total Soccer
35.Hoop Park
36.Weather Report
37.English News
38.Sports World
39.Lecture Room
41.Sports News
42.Mystery All Star
43.Good Morning China
44.Outlook春节联欢晚会 半边天 综艺大观 戏迷园地 大风车 七巧板 12演播市中华民族科技博览 人与自然 正大综艺 书坛画苑 天涯共此时 华夏风情中国新闻中国报道旅行家 中国各地 今日中国周日话题英语新闻东方时尚厨艺中华医药 天下足球篮球公园 天气预报 英语新闻体育世界 百家讲坛 人物 体育新闻 全明星猜想 早安中国希望英语
45.Comic World动漫世界
46.Under the Same Sky同一片蓝天下
47.Lucky 52幸运52
49.Market Star超市大赢家
50.Legal Report今日说法
51.The Same Song同一首歌
52.Wanna Challenge想挑战吗?
53.Animal World动物世界
55.Music Express
56.Face to Face
57.Diary Read Speedy Digest
59.Approaching Science
60.The New Stage of Life
61.People in the News
62.Unusual Weekend
63.Follow Me
65.Culture Interview
66.Around the World
67.Date on Saturday
68.China Movie Report
69.Movie Today
70.Music Story
71.Exploring High & Low
72.World Cinema
74.Movie & TV Club
75.Winner’s Circle
77.Midnight News
78.China Week
79.The True Story
80.World Express
艺术人生 音乐快递 面对面子午书简 探索•发现 走近科学第二起跑线新闻会客厅非常周末跟我学全球资讯榜文化访谈录世界各地相约星期六中国电影报道今日影视音乐故事搜寻天下世界影视博览环球影院影视俱乐部名将之约讲述午夜新闻中国周刊纪事国际时讯
会议没有不隆重的,闭幕没有不胜利的; 讲话没有不重要的,鼓掌没有不热烈的; 领导没有不重视的,看望没有不亲切的; 接见没有不亲自的,进展没有不顺利的; 完成没有不圆满的,成就没有不巨大的; 工作没有不扎实的,效率没有不显著的; 决议没有不通过的,人心没有不振奋的; 班子没有不团结的,群众没有不满意的; 领导没有不微笑的,问题没有不解决的; 事情没有不瞩目的,会谈没有不坦诚的; 反对没有不强烈的,交涉没有不严正的;完成没有不超额的,竣工没有不提前的; 中日没有不友好的,中美没有不合作的; 节日没有不祥和的,妇女没有不解放的; 决策没有不英明的,路线没有不正确的; 扫黄没有不彻底的,行动没有不果断的; 形势没有不大好的,观点没有不赞同的; 气氛没有不友好的,信心没有不增强的; 粮食没有不丰收的,抗洪没有不英勇的; 贪官总是极少数的,群众没有不受蒙蔽的 干涉没有不粗暴的,遗憾没有不深表的; 措施没有不得力的,成绩总是主要的;
贯彻没有不彻底的,理论没有不高屋建瓴的; 政策没有不鼓舞人心的,大赛没有一次不冲击的; 抢救没有不及时的,损失没有不惨重的; 设计没有不合理的,技术没有不先进的; 论证没有不专家的,检测没有不严格的; 运行没有不可靠的,系统没有不安全的; 特色没有不中国的,失误没有不难免的; 农业没有不遭灾的,灾年没有不丰收的; 江河没有不治的,大水没有不发的;
团结没有不紧密的,拥护没有不一致的; 旗帜没有不高举的,思想没有不坚持的; 道路没有不曲折的, 前途没有不光明的。