标题叶落归根 Return to his hometown 标题在大理住着吃(xiexiebang推荐)

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第一篇:标题叶落归根 Return to his hometown 标题在大理住着吃(xiexiebang推荐)

感通VS都市 Gantong villa VS city

衣锦还乡的归宿 Nest for ones who make it

标题:叶落归根Return to his hometown





Gantong villa VS city

Nest for ones who make it

Return to his hometown

There is a man in San Francisco.Everyone there called him jack, but in Dali, he is called Li Shi.Lao Li went to America in his 20 years old.After his wandering life from Washington to New York, then he came to San Francisco at last where he started his booming business in running a Chinese restaurant.However, Lao Li have never forgotten his hometown.And Lao Li always show his concerns for what have happened in his motherland, such as the return of the Hong Kong and Macao, Beijing's successful Olympic bid.Lao Li never forget to return to his hometown.Lao Li did not come back to China until the year of 2005 when he saw the advertisement of Gantong villa.Then he came back to Dali where people call him Li Shi, which is called “falling leaves settle on their roots.”





在大理吃东西,绝对不能着急一口尝遍所有美味,应该慢慢地住下来,慢慢地走着,慢慢地吃个遍。这是台湾美食家张先生一谈到大理美食就闭上眼睛总说的一句话。Having meals and dwelling in Dali

Looking at the menu is the first step:fish boiled in casserole, fish cooked with sour-pepper, Dali’s glutinous rice cake, rich noodle with chicken, Nanjian’s soybean meal, soya milk powder served with fried cake, Tofu boiled in casserole, rice noodle cooked in small sewpan, BaBa cake, cooked potherb, glutinous rice cake in strip and sp on.“In Dali, you can not be greedy for the delicious food at a time, it should be stay there, rambling slowly, tasting one by one.” said by Mr.Chang, the gourmet of Taiwan, with a pandering expression.标题:迟到的好处






Benefit of being late

I was late for half an hour when first went to Gantong for interview.It is not for getting lost but being surprised, the ecology and architecture here are integrated so perfectly.The sunshine is so brilliant, the air fresh, the grass emerald green.The flowers in full bloom the whole year and stream gurgling day and night.Monomer villa group separately under regional division, facing the sea with the hills for a background, distribution is proper and space division is extremely reasonable.Each villa is characterized by its specific feature.One family has one yard, and each one has enough space for wide vision.It is so noble and elegant.When opening window, you will catch the sight of snow on Cangshan;looking back, you will take a look at moon of Erhai Lake.In a word, you will have a panoramic view on beautiful scenery of Cangshan and Erhai Lake.Besides, stream and flowers are available everywhere.All right, the subject of this volume is Gantong villa, leaving the interview aside.标题:北美一家人


“唐代以前,茶称为葵,作为药物,后来由于佛教传入“学禅务于不寂,又不食,许其饮茶。人自怀挟,到处煮茶,从此转相仿效。遂成风俗”。茶香馥郁,汤色黄绿、滋味醇正。” Nash,加拿大温哥华人,第一批入住感通别墅业主,当他用流利的中文说出《封氏闻记》中关于感通茶的这段文字时,我当时只想到主席的那句话。


A family in North America

The family relocated for the tea culture

"Before the Tang Dynasty, tea is called herbaceous plant for medical use, then because of the introduction of Buddhism, “study Buddhist classics restlessly and without food, so permit to drink tea and begin to cook tea everywhere , since then people follow the example, and the custom is formed.” The flavor is fragrant, color yellow-green, and taste pure.”

Nash, from Vancouver in Canada, is one of the earliest owners of Gantong-villa.I reminded of the words of the President Mao when he speak these on Gantong tea from Feng Shi Wen Ji in fluent Chinese ,A foreigner takes Chinese tea culture as his own culture without selfish motivation.Then what spirit is it? This is the spirit of internationalism, it is this spirit that bring the tea culture to a greater height of development







Fall in love with orchid in Gantong villa

In the early morning, a piece of dancing carpet,one orchid in self's hands.The cat expanding style, camel style, wheel style, the looking back style , the bridge type...If the beautiful woman,does not gather shame, self presents

spring orchid.The lonely orchid grows

the garden deep and quiet , together the

grassland has no numerous grass.The orchids in Dali, grow in soft water;the orchids on the both sides of Mochou Stream, stand on in the dale;while the orchids in Gantong villa, extend in the eyes of Cang Shan and Erhai Lake

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