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Each visitor: How are you, welcome you to Peking to travel, I am your guide DAVID.The Olympic forest park is located in the north of stalk line in city in Peking to carry, take“lead to natural stalk line” as to design a principle.All countries athlete, coach member and Ao set while not only being the ecosystem of the city to shield, but also being Olympic Games match here Wei-of recreational rear garden.After Olympic Games, is push Olympic Games field building and facilities of make use of, provide park in the city of a recreational amusement for citizen, the forest park has been adjusted briefly and Be formally free to open to the citizen the southern park on October 26, 2008.On September 30, 2009, the northern park outward opens and carries out free and liberal target in the whole park.The park increased to establish a pleasure boat, company to sell management and northern park to play after Olympic Games several amusement items like car,etcs differently play by satisfying a large visitor need.Olympic forest park just at with very thick green and inebriate the person's fragrance of flower to reveal “the Fang permits” to the personage of the various communities.The park imitates agrestic ecoenvironment in the region in Peking and plant natural cluster of combination regulation for falling and makes the eco-system of park carry out a virtuous cycle and provide a huge natural and green oxygen for the visitor.Existing greening area in the park is 478 hectares, the surface is 67.7 hectares, the Joe bush is more than 550,000 stubs, plant species 280 remainings grow, the greening overlay leads 95.61%, the year produces oxygen to measure 5208 ton, the year absorbs SO 232,012,000 grams of, tree year the Zhi dust measure about 4731 tons, become slice the forest can lower noise 26-43 decibel, the woodland year pondage about 650,000 sign square rice, the air degree of humidity is more 27% in height than other place in the city, in summer temperature lower than other place in the city 3-5 degrees, the winter is 2-4 degrees in height, to improve a city further of the environment compatibly wait to have strategic meaning of prominent ecosystem, is Peking well-deserved of“green lung”.The Olympic park is located in the stalk line in the city the north carry and be located in the side of north four wreaths, north Chen bridge.Always cover area 1135 hectares, divide three districts, north's carrying is the forest park of 680 hectares;Center area(B area), 291 hectares, is main field building and the kit facilities construction area;The south carries 114 hectares is have already been finished a building area and reserve ground, the Chinese nation park also brings into Olympic park scope.The Olympic park is located in the stalk line in the city the north carry and be located in the side of north four wreaths, north Chen bridge.Always cover area 1135 hectares, divide three districts, north's carrying is the forest park of 680 hectares;Center area(B area), 291 hectares, is main field building and the kit facilities construction area;The south carries 114 hectares is have already been finished a building area and reserve ground, the Chinese nation park also brings into Olympic park scope.The Olympic park relies on the Asian Games assembly hall building and each kit facilities, transportation convenience, population concentrated, the municipal services foundation condition is better, the kit service facilitieses, such as business and cultural...etc.are ready.The programming of Olympic park will be fixed attention on to the demand of the farsighted development and citizen material cultural life of city and make it become an amusement and recreational shopping that collectively teach a contest, meeting exhibition and culture at the integral whole, the space opens Chang and grass to surround, environment beautiful, can provide the citizen of multi-function service with a public activity center.Olympic niche in center in the park carries a point at the stalk line in the north of Peking and covers area 315 hectares, is the extension of stalk line in tradition in the city, idea Yu China thousand calendar history culture of continue.Concentrate an embodiment“science and technology, green and humanities” is three greatest principles, is blended to transact, business, hotel, culture, athletics, meeting, live the new city district of various functionses, there is perfect energy foundation, leading everywhere transportation network inside the district.The Olympic center in the park area is the main place that holds 2008 Olympic Games in Peking, own:The Asian biggest city area artificial water fastens, Asia's biggest city greening view, the most spacious world on foot square and Asia grow most of underground transportation wreath Lang.New Ao group limited company in Peking is entrusted by city hall in Peking to be responsible for Olympic area Olympic Games engineering kit in center facilities construction in park currently, include underground transportation contact passage engineering, underground garage, underground space and bottom to sink a garden, medium the stalk spreads to pack, Long Xing Shui fasten, medium the stalk tree, view greening, program 1~6 road, play to sow a tower and match parking lot and empress temple greening and dark etc.for digging passage is 12 engineerings.The programming from the beginning of 80's in 20th century Peking research to see, address in the choosing of Olympic park(was called national athletics center at that time)started considering the stalk area in the north of Peking, afterwards before declaring again once had controversy, haded objection to choose an address north city, suggested to adopt south city project of, then choose an address at southeast four wreaths and the city Jin pond superhighway southeastses or as well Chuang.These opinions think:The first, stalk in north's choosing an address region is the forest and grass of the big area, because the direction of wind of greater half in Peking year is a northwest breeze, start construction down for several years, here meeting give dynasty sun area(include CBD marketplace area), east city area is to the city center(particularly northeast area), even economic technique development the area all bring a great deal of dust, the air quality will lower.The second, four wreath roads of northeast both sides have already hustled very much now, if chase the Ao body center and two huge magnetic fields in the international exhibition center again put together, will seriously increase transportation burden, add frost on snow.The third, the dynasty sun area has already programed marketplace and program the possibility that there is repeated construction in an exhibition center again here.The fourth puts national prestige center city at the south, can with“development Peking is big the south”, the gap between rich and poor of equilibrium Peking City inner part.Take the north city project as Olympic Games in 2001 lord the assembly hall choose Shen Ao's activity that the address carries on to obtain success, this explains to choose an address at least north city of
Decide for state that the Ao is successful.“International programming project in Olympic park in Peking collects” that the next year holds in the middle of the year continues to insist the north city project, with win the region of the stalk line north area is a base to carry on.The Olympic park that from now on locates at stalk line north in Peking to carry an of four wreaths and five wreaths becomes the main assembly hall of 2008 Olympic sports games in Peking(it is a total programming to use ground about 1135 hectares, the contents includes medium stalk line, forest park and dollar mostly ruins park, Olympic Games center area.Among them area in Olympic Games center north the area include meeting the exhibition read extensively the facilities, athlete's village and underground of facilities, cultural facilities and business service parking facilities, concentrated public grass and square and athletics facilities:8 myriad people national stadium, 1.8 myriad people national gymnasium, 1.5 swimming center in the myriad people nations, the Olympic park shoots arrow an etc., area in Olympic Games center south area includes original Asian Games athletics facilities and lately set up tennis center and hockey field.), And the north city project , in embodying blending of Olympic Games culture and city history in Peking, also gradually express it outstanding advantage.At one mysterious lake in, south north 2.3 kilometer long“thousand years trail” slowly sink into, afar one spring onion spring onion the green Ling is steadily pressed to stalk line on, have thou city in Peking rather inside view mountain it at the poetic charm of National Palace Museam.On“thousand years trail” designs China civilization up to three emperors five emperorses, descend go to Sung dollar the memorial sign thing of each pure history period clearly, the lake that it to the utmost carries then constitutes a huge water dragon with the Olympic canal of the stalk line east side, with Peking thou city area inside water Long—shi Cha Hai of the stalk line western side, medium south china sea the Yao mutually act in cooperation and form symmetry type layout.Thus, have already extended the stalk line in Peking city that grows to 26 kilometers to become a personal text and landscape to mutually melt wholely.An inclined stalk that constitutes to°from the Asian Games assembly hall building, national stadium and athletics hero park mutually is handed over to one giant square with“thousand years, trail” again, and extend into the Wei Wei Yan mountain.“Mankind the stalk line of civilization achievement”-Olympic programming project in the park in Peking one etc.prize gainer American the Sa Sa Ji company and China in Tienjin remit engineering building design limited company and explain to the comprehension of Chinese culture in their cooperation projects.The project that is recommended by 7 nations'13 review committeeses to program to design to collect activity one etc.prize for Olympic park in Peking, already drive basic assurance in order to carry out the foundation of project, mark that there is history in China the most large-scale athletics facilities construction the blue print have already exceeded a decisive one step.The Olympic movement has already composed the overture of eastern charm, gradually the time handing over of high Xuan rings a side ear to smell.
游客朋友们,“碧树拂轻雾,百花戏蝶舞;睡莲池中立,游人泛轻舟。组雕述历史,文化有源流;笑问游何处,疑似在杭州。”吟着文人墨客的礼赞,我们即将置身这处山青青、水碧碧的城市园林——通辽市森林公园。森林公园包括南区、北区两部分,总面积15000 亩,其中南区(核心区)4000 亩,北区(辽河河道)11000 亩,过去曾是取土场和垃圾场,植被盖度低,是通辽城区的主要沙源地。伴随着通辽城市建设一日千里的铿锵脚步,这块土地也水涨船高,身价倍增,成为各类地产开发商们魂牵梦绕的黄金地段。据权威部门测算:如果进行商业开发,政府可以获取1-2亿元的土地出让金;如果缘地就势,建设一处城市园林,则需纯投入5000-6000万元。一个可以赚取巨额收入,一个需要大笔投入,如何开发利用南坨子这块土地资源,摆在了市委、市政府决策者的面前。舍弃眼前利益,不要“水泥森林”,为通辽留下一处“城中园林”——休闲娱乐的场所,为子孙后代留下一片绿水青山。通辽市委、市政府将执政为民的理念化做城市建设的实践,瞄准建设园林城市的目标,于2005年6月全面启动了森林公园建设工程。万众一心,花草成荫;齐心协力,池清树绿。森林公园工程建设启动一年时间,完成了一期工程设计的全部建设内容,一期工程包括10 万平方米的人工湖、荷花湖,1.2 万平方米的大门广场,高10 米的成吉思汗雕像,长150 米、高3.8 米的蒙元十三世纪历史百年长卷,11.5 公里围墙,8 公里环路和6 公里支路,共造林绿化5000 亩,植被覆盖率已达90 %以上,完成投资7370 万元。森林公园内,人工景观与原生态景观相结合,形成了丰富多彩的园林植物群落,建园工程不仅展示了深厚的蒙古族历史文化,而且再现了科尔沁草原的原始风貌,造就了城市中的森林景观,为市民休闲游憩健身提供了理想的场所。森林公园南区建设如火如荼,通辽市委、市政府又追星赶月地启动了森林公园北区——西辽河城区段绿化工程。一年多时间,植树种花种草1.1万亩,曾经是市区风沙源的西辽河河道,如今已花草争荣、林木葱茏,宛若一条绿色的哈达,与科尔沁文化长廊相伴。真是南区飘玉带,北区舞哈达。森林公园南北两区占地面积共1.5万亩,已植树造林150万株。全部建成后,城市居民人均绿地面积增加25平方米。森林公园建设,使生机勃勃的通辽城不但平添了一处民族文化气息浓郁、生态物种丰富多彩、环境优美怡人的休闲娱乐场所,而且也奉送给国内外游客一张洋溢着科学发展观精神及人与自然和谐相处气息的城市名片。好了,游客朋友们,森林公园南区就要到了,让我们一睹它的芳容吧!