
时间:2019-05-13 18:15:11下载本文作者:会员上传


What can I learn from Oprah Winfrey’s speech

班级:10705班姓名:李丽君学号:1007534068 After learnt Oprah Winfrey’s speech, I do understand some important life philosophies.It does leave an great impression and have a good effect on me.Firstly, just as an old saying goes:“A man cannot lift himself”, which means the most difficult task for a man is to understand and conquer himself.Only by understanding yourself can you treat others well or conquer your enemies.Otherwise, you may be misunderstood even when you’re well-meant.Alternatively, you may be conquered even when you’re in an enormously advantageous position.There are many approaches to be self-conscious according to most successful men.On the one hand, we must keep self-questioning ourselves, as self-reflection is a reminder which will tell us what is right and what is wrong with our life and work.On the other hand, listening both modestly and critically to others’ comments on us can also help us to know who we are because we may be misled by some of this comments if we follow them blindly.What’s more, it’s crucial for us to get across that success doesn’t mean the absence of failures;it means the attainment of ultimate objectives.Many people are afraid to undertake the trail because they’re too frightened of failures.They make the mistake of

believing that failures are wrong and awful, while most of them can turn out to be necessary and helpful.On the other hand, many others think that failures provide feedback that points the way to success.Failure can even push people to put together a new and better trail, leading though yet more trail and error until they can ultimately find a viable and creative solution.To meet with failure bravely may help to take one more step on the path to find success.No failure means no success.Last but not least, be confident no matter how bad the situation is for we’re young and we have ample time to fix the problem.


奥普拉哈佛毕业典礼演讲:人生唯一目标就是做真实的自己 oh my goodness!im at haaaaaarvard!thats how oprah winfrey began her speech at harvard university graduation ceremony—in her spirited, signature way.winfrey also received an honorary doctor of law degree from the university before taking to the podium.温弗瑞演讲中4条最励志的语录

谈失败的好处 there is no such thing as failure.failure is just life trying to move us in another direction.世间并不存在“失败”,那不过是生活想让我们换个方向走走罢了。learn from every mistake, because every experience, particularly your mistakes, are there to teach you and force you into being more who you are.要从错误中吸取教训,因为你的每一次经历、尤其是你犯下的错误,都将帮助你、推动你更好地做自己。

2.on her own biggest personal failure.谈自身最大的失败


谈职业生涯所做访谈的共同性 beyonce in all her beyonce-ness...they all want to know: was that okay? did you hear me? did you see me? did what i said mean anything to you? 我发现,我所有的访谈有一个共同性,那就是人人都希望自己被认可、被理解。they all want to know: was that okay? did you hear me? did you see me? did what i said mean anything to you? 我的采访对象都想知道:“我的表现ok吗?你听到我看到我吗?我说的话对你有价值吗?”

4.on the key to success and happiness.谈成功和快乐的关键 you will find true success and happiness if you have only one goal.there really is only one, and that is this: to fulfill the highest, most truthful expression of yourself as a human being.如果你只认准一个目标,那你就能获得真正的成功和快乐。人生确实只有一个目标,那就是:最大程度地、最真实地展现自己。


奥普拉哈佛毕业典礼演讲:人生唯一目标就是做真实的自己 oprah winfrey: oh my goodness!im at harvard!wow!to president faust, my fellow honorands, carl that was so beautiful, thank you so much, and james rothenberg, stephanie wilson, harvard faculty with a special bow to my friend dr.henry lewis gates.oprah winfrey: all of you alumni with a special bow to the class of 88, your hundred fifteen million dollars.oprah winfrey: and to you, members of the harvard class of 2013!hello!oprah winfrey: and we understand that most americans believe in a clear path to citizenship for the 12,000,000 undocumented immigrants who reside in this country because its possible to both enforce our篇三:奥普拉2013年哈佛大学毕业演讲(英文版)oh my goodness!im at harvard!wow!to president faust, my fellow honorands, carl that was so beautiful, thank you so much, and james rothenberg, stephanie wilson, harvard faculty with a special bow to my friend dr.henry lewis gates.all of you alumni with a special bow to the class of 88, your hundred fifteen million dollars.and to you, members of the harvard class of 2013!hello!decided as you will at some point, that it was time to recalculate, find new territory, break new ground.so i ended the show and launched own, the oprah winfrey network.the initials just worked out for me.so one year later after launching own nearly every media outlet had proclaimed that my new venture was a flop.not just a flop but a big bold flop they call it.i can still remember the day i opened up usa today and read the headline oprah, not quite standing on her own.i mean really, usa today? now thats the nice newspaper!it really was this time last year the worst period in my professional life.i was stressed and i was frustrated and quite frankly i was actually i was embarrassed.and it was all because i wanted to do it by the time i got to speak to you all so thank you so much.you dont know what motivation you were for me, thank you.im even where is he or she? bring them in.its an impressive calling card that can lead to even and so what i did was i simply asked our viewers do what you can wherever you are, from wherever you sit in life.give me your time or your talent your money if you have it.and they did.extend yourself in kindness to other human beings wherever you can.and together we built 55 schools in 12 different countries and restored nearly 300 homes that were devastated by hurricanes rita and katrina.so the angel network i have been on the air for a long time, but it was the angel network that actually focused my internal g.p.s.it helped me to decide that i wasnt going to just be on tv every day but that the goal of my shows, added this, you simply cannot demonize or vilify someone who doesnt agree with you, because the minute you do that, your discussion is over.and we cannot do that any longer.the problem is too enormous.there has to be some way that this darkness can be banished with light.in our political system and in the media we often see the reflection of a country that is polarized, that is paralyzed and is self-interested.and yet, i know you know the truth.we all know that we are better than the cynicism and the pessimism that is regurgitated throughout washington and the 24-hour cable news cycle.not my channel, by the way.we understand that the vast majority of people in this and we understand.i know you do because you went to harvard.there are people from both parties and no party believe that indigent mothers and families should have access to healthy food and a roof over their heads and a strong public education because here in the richest nation on earth we can afford a basic level of security and opportunity.so the question is what are we going to do about it? really what are you going to do about it? maybe you agree with these beliefs.maybe you dont.maybe you care about these issues and maybe there are other challenges that you, class of 2013, are passionate about.maybe you want to make a difference by serving in government.maybe you want to launch your own television show.or maybe you simply want to collect some change.your parents would appreciate that about now.the point is your generation is charged with this task of breaking through what the body politic has thus far made impervious to change.each of you has been blessed with this enormous opportunity of attending this prestigious school.you now have a chance to better your life, the lives of your neighbors and also the life of our country.when you do that let me tell you what i know for sure.thats when your story gets really good.maya angelou always says when you learn, teach.when you get, give.that my friends is what gives your story purpose and meaning.so you all have the power in your own way to develop your own angel network and in doing so your class will be armed with more tools of influence and empowerment than any other generation in history.i did it in an analog world.i was blessed with a platform that at its height reached nearly 20,000,000 viewers a day.now here in a world of twitter and facebook and youtube and tumbler, you can reach billions in just seconds.youre the generation that rejected predictions about your detachment and your disengagement by showing up to vote in record numbers in 2008.and when the pundits said they said they talked about you, they said youd be too disappointed, youd be too dejected to repeat that same kind of turnout in 2012 election and you proved them wrong by showing up in even greater numbers.thats who you are.this generation your generation i know has developed a finely honed radar for b.s.can you say b.s.at harvard? the spin and phoniness and artificial nastiness that saturates so much of our national debate.i know you all understand better than most that real progress requires authentic-an authentic way of being, honesty, and above all that youll have the courage to look them in the eye and hear their point of view and help make sure that the speed and distance and anonymity of our world doesnt cause us to lose our ability to stand in somebody elses shoes and recognize all that we share as a people.this is imperative for you as an individual and for our success as a nation.there has to be some way that this darkness can be banished with light, says the man whose little boy was massacred on just an ordinary friday in december.so whether you call it soul or spirit or higher self, intelligence, there is i know this, there is a light inside each of you all of us that illuminates your very human beingness if you let it.and as a young girl from rural mississippi i learned long ago that being myself was much easier than pretending to be barbara walters.although when i first started because i had barbara in my head i would try to sit like barbara, talk like barbara, move like barbara and then one night i was on the news reading the news and i called canada can-a-da, and that was the end of me being barbara.i cracked myself up on tv.couldnt stop laughing and my real personality came through and i figured out oh gee, i can be a much better oprah than i could be a pretend barbara.奥普拉哈佛大学2013年毕业典礼演讲

当地时间5月31日,脱口秀女王奥普拉·温弗瑞(oprah winfrey)在哈佛的毕业典礼上为毕业生们献上了一场精彩励志演讲。there is no such thing as failure.failure is just life trying to move us in another direction.oh my goodness!im at haaaaaarvard!thats how oprah winfrey began her speech at harvard university graduation ceremony—in her spirited, signature way.winfrey also received an honorary doctor of law degree from the university before taking to the podium。“omg,我竟然在哈??佛!”奥普拉·温弗瑞以这样富有 four most inspiring quotes from winfreys speech温弗瑞演讲中4条最励志的语录 there is no such thing as failure.failure is just life trying to move us in another direction。世间并不存在“失败”,那不过是生活想让我们换条道走走罢了。learn from every mistake, because every experience, particularly your mistakes, are there to teach you and force you into being more who you are。要从错误中吸取教训,因为你的每一次经历、尤其是你犯下的错误,都将帮助你、推动你更好地做自己。2.on her own biggest personal failure。谈自身最大的失败 then the words came to me, trouble dont last always, from an old hymn.this too shall pass.and i thought, i am going to turn this thing around and i will be better for it。我突然想到某首古老赞美诗中的一句话:“困难只是暂时的”,我遇到的麻烦同样会有结束的一天。然后我想,我会将这一页翻过去,我会好起来的。they all want to know: was that okay? did you hear me? did you see me? did what i said mean anything to you?我的采访对象都想知道:“我的表现ok吗?你听到我看到我吗?我说的话对你有价值吗?” 4.on the key to success and happiness。谈成功和快乐的关键 you will find true success and happiness if you have only one goal.there really is only one, and that is this: to fulfill the highest, most truthful expression of yourself as a human being.you want to max out your humanity by using your energy to lift yourself up, your family, and the people you will find true success and happiness if you have only one goal.there really is only one, and that is this: to fulfill the highest, most truthful expression of yourself as a human being。如果你只认准一个目标,那你就能获得真正的成功和快乐。人生确实只有一个目标,那就是:最大程度地、最真实地展现自己。j·k·罗琳在哈佛大学毕业典礼上的演讲(双语)她的演讲题目是《失败的好处和想象的重要性》(the fringe benefits of failure, and the importance of imagination)。president faust, members of the harvard corporation and the board of overseers, members of the faculty, proud parents, and, above all, graduates, 福斯特主席,哈佛公司和监察委员会的各位成员,各位老师、家长、全体毕业生们:

首先请允许我说一声谢谢。哈佛不仅给了我无上的荣誉,连日来为这个演讲经受的恐惧和紧张,更令我减肥成功。这真是一个双赢的局面。现在我要做的就是深呼吸几下,眯着眼睛看看前面的大红横幅,安慰自己正在世界上最大的格兰芬多(沪江小编:以防有人没看过《哈利波特》„„格兰芬多是小哈利所在的魔法学院的名字)聚会上。发表毕业演说是一个巨大的责任,至少在我回忆自己当年的毕业典礼前是这么认为的。那天做演讲的是英国著名的哲学家 baroness mary warnock,对她演讲的回忆,对我写今天的演讲稿,产生了极大的帮助,因为我不记得她说过的任何一句话了。这个发现让我释然,让我不再担心我可能会无意中影响你放弃在商业,法律或政治上的大好前途,转而醉心于成为一个快乐的魔法师(gay有快乐和同性恋的意思)。actually, i have wracked my mind and heart for what i ought to say to you today.i have asked myself what i wish i had known at my own graduation, and what important lessons i have learned in the 21 years that has expired between that day and this.实际上,我为今天应该和大家谈些什么绞尽了脑汁。我问自己什么是我希望早在毕业典礼上就该了解的,而从那时起到现在的 21年间,我又得到了什么重要的启示。

我想到了两个答案。在这美好的一天,当我们一起庆祝你们取得学业成就的时刻,我希望告诉你们失败有什么样的益处;在你们即将迈向―现实生活‖的道路之际,我还要褒扬想象力的重要性。these may seem quixotic or paradoxical choices, but bear with me.这些似乎是不切实际或自相矛盾的选择,但请先容我讲完。

回顾21岁刚刚毕业时的自己,对于今天42岁的我来说,是一个稍微不太舒服的经历。可以说,我人生的前一部分,一直挣扎在自己的雄心和身边的人对我的期望之间。i was convinced that the only thing i wanted to do, ever, was to write novels.however, my parents, both of whom came from impoverished backgrounds and neither of whom had been to college, took the view that my overactive imagination was an amusing personal quirk that could never pay a mortgage, or secure a pension.我一直深信,自己唯一想做的事情,就是写小说。不过,我的父母,他们都来自贫穷的背景,没有任何一人上过大学,坚持认为我过度的想象力是一个令人惊讶的个人怪癖,根本不足以让我支付按揭,或者取得足够的养老金。i know the irony strikes like with the force of a cartoon anvil now, but„

我现在明白反讽就像用卡通铁砧去打击你,但...they had hoped that i would take a vocational degree;i wanted to study english literature.他们希望我去拿个职业学位,而我想去攻读英国文学。最后,达成了一个双方都不甚满意的妥协:我改学现代语言。可是等到父母一走开,我立刻放弃了德语而报名学习古典文学。i cannot remember telling my parents that i was studying classics;they might well have found out for the first time on graduation day.of all the subjects on this planet, i think they would have been hard put to name one less useful than greek mythology when it came to securing the keys to an executive bathroom.我不记得将这事告诉了父母,他们可能是在我毕业典礼那一天才发现的。我想,在全世界的所有专业中,他们也许认为,不会有比研究希腊神话更没用的专业了,根本无法换来一间独立宽敞的卫生间。i would like to make it clear, in parenthesis, that i do not blame my parents for their point of view.there is an expiry date on blaming your parents for steering you in the wrong direction;the moment you are old enough to take the wheel, responsibility lies with you.what is more, i cannot criticise my parents for hoping that i would never experience poverty.they had been poor themselves, and i have since been poor, and i quite agree with them that it is not an ennobling experience.poverty entails fear, and stress, and sometimes depression;it means a thousand petty humiliations and hardships.climbing out of poverty by your own efforts, that is indeed something on which to pride yourself, but poverty itself is romanticised only by fools.我想澄清一下:我不会因为父母的观点,而责怪他们。埋怨父母给你指错方向是有一个时间段的。当你成长到可以控制自我方向的时候,你就要自己承担责任了。尤其是,我不会因为父母希望我不要过穷日子,而责怪他们。他们一直很贫穷,我后来也一度很穷,所以我很理解他们。贫穷并不是一种高贵的经历,它带来恐惧、压力、有时还有绝望,它意味着许许多多的羞辱和艰辛。靠自己的努力摆脱贫穷,确实可以引以自豪,但贫穷本身只有对傻瓜而言才是浪漫的。what i feared most for myself at your age was not poverty, but failure.我在你们这个年龄,最害怕的不是贫穷,而是失败。at your age, in spite of a distinct lack of motivation at university, where i had spent far too long in the coffee bar writing stories, and far too little time at lectures, i had a knack for passing examinations, and that, for years, had been the measure of success in my life and that of my peers.我在您们这么大时,明显缺乏在大学学习的动力,我花了太久时间在咖啡吧写故事,而在课堂的时间却很少。我有一个通过考试的诀窍,并且数年间一直让我在大学生活和同龄人中不落人后。i am not dull enough to suppose that because you are young, gifted and well-educated, you have never known hardship or heartache.talent and intelligence never yet inoculated anyone against the caprice of the fates, and i do not for a moment suppose that everyone here has enjoyed an existence of unruffled privilege and contentment.我不想愚蠢地假设,因为你们年轻、有天份,并且受过良好的教育,就从来没有遇到困难或心碎的时刻。拥有才华和智慧,从来不会使人对命运的反复无常有所准备;我也不会假设大家坐在这里冷静地满足于自身的优越感。however, the fact that you are graduating from harvard suggests that you are not very well-acquainted with failure.you might be driven by a fear of failure quite as much as a desire for success.indeed, your conception of failure might not be too far from the average persons idea of success, so high have you already flown academically.相反,你们是哈佛毕业生的这个事实,意味着你们并不很了解失败。你们也许极其渴望成功,所以非常害怕失败。说实话,你们眼中的失败,很可能就是普通人眼中的成功,毕竟你们在学业上已经达到很高的高度了。

最终,我们所有人都必须自己决定什么算作失败,但如果你愿意,世界是相当渴望给你一套标准的。所以我想很公平的讲,从任何传统的标准看,在我毕业仅仅七年后的日子里,我的失败达到了史诗般空前的规模:短命的婚姻闪电般地破裂,我又失业成了一个艰难的单身母亲。除了流浪汉,我是当代英国最穷的人之一,真的一无所有。当年父母和我自己对未来的担忧,现在都变成了现实。按照惯常的标准来看,我也是我所知道的最失败的人。now, i am not going to stand here and tell you that failure is fun.that period of my life was a dark one, and i had no idea that there was going to be what the press has since represented as a kind of fairy tale resolution.i had no idea how far the tunnel extended, and for a long time, any light at the end of it was a hope rather than a reality.现在,我不打算站在这里告诉你们,失败是有趣的。那段日子是我生命中的黑暗岁月,我不知道它是否代表童话故事里需要历经的磨难,更不知道自己还要在黑暗中走多久。很长一段时间里,前面留给我的只是希望,而不是现实。so why do i talk about the benefits of failure? simply because failure meant a stripping away of the inessential.i stopped pretending to myself that i was anything other than what i was, and began to direct all my energy into finishing the only work that mattered to me.had i really succeeded at anything else, i might never have found the determination to succeed in the one arena i believed i truly belonged.i was set free, because my greatest fear had been realised, and i was still alive, and i still had a daughter whom i adored, and i had an old typewriter and a big idea.and so rock bottom became the solid foundation on which i rebuilt my life.那么为什么我要谈论失败的好处呢?因为失败意味着剥离掉那些不必要的东西。我因此不再伪装自己、远离自我,而重新开始把所有精力放在对我最重要的事情上。如果不是没有在其他领域成功过,我可能就不会找到,在一个我确信真正属于的舞台上取得成功的决心。我获得了自由,因为最害怕的虽然已经发生了,但我还活着,我仍然有一个我深爱的女儿,我还有一个旧打字机和一个很大的想法。所以困境的谷底,成为我重建生活的坚实基础。you might never fail on the scale i did, but some failure in life is inevitable.it is impossible to live without failing at something, unless you live so cautiously that you might as well not have lived at all – in which case, you fail by default.你们可能永远没有达到我经历的那种失败程度,但有些失败,在生活中是不可避免的。生活不可能没有一点失败,除非你生活的万般小心,而那也意味着你没有真正在生活了。无论怎样,有些失败还是注定地要发生。failure gave me an inner security that i had never attained by passing examinations.failure taught me things about myself that i could have learned no other way.i discovered that i had a strong will, and more discipline than i had suspected;i also found out that i had friends whose value was truly above the price of rubies.失败使我的内心产生一种安全感,这是我从考试中没有得到过的。失败让我看清自己,这也是我通过其他方式无法体会的。我发现,我比自己认为的,要有更强的意志和决心。我还发现,我拥有比宝石更加珍贵的朋友。the knowledge that you have emerged wiser and stronger from setbacks means that you are, ever after, secure in your ability to survive.you will never truly know yourself, or the strength of your relationships, until both have been tested by adversity.such knowledge is a true gift, for all that it is painfully won, and it has been worth more to me than any qualification i ever earned.从挫折中获得智慧、变得坚强,意味着你比以往任何时候都更有能力生存。只有在逆境来临的时候,你才会真正认识你自己,了解身边的人。这种了解是真正的财富,虽然是用痛苦换来的,但比我以前得到的任何资格证书都有用。



Thank you, President Hennessy, and to the trustees and the faculty, to all of the parents and grandparents, to you, the Stanford graduates.Thank you for letting me share this amazing day with you.I need to begin by letting everyone in on a little secret.The secret is that Kirby Bumpus, Stanford Class of '08, is my goddaughter.So, I was thrilled when President Hennessy asked me to be your Commencement speaker, because this is the first time I've been allowed on campus since Kirby's been here.You see, Kirby's a very smart girl.She wants people to get to know her on her own terms, she says.Not in terms of who she knows.So, she never wants anyone who's first meeting her to know that I know her and she knows me.So, when she first came to Stanford for new student orientation with her mom, I hear that they arrived and everybody was so welcoming, and somebody came up to Kirby and they said, “Ohmigod, that's Gayle King!” Because a lot of people know Gayle King as my BFF [best friend forever].And so somebody comes up to Kirby, and they say, “Ohmigod, is that Gayle King?” And Kirby's like, “Uh-huh.She's my mom.” And so the person says, “Ohmigod, does it mean, like, you know Oprah Winfrey?” And Kirby says, “Sort of.” I said, “Sort of? You sort of know me?” Well, I have photographic proof.I have pictures which I can e-mail to you all of Kirby riding horsey with me on all fours.So, I more than sort-of know Kirby Bumpus.And I'm so happy to be here, just happy that I finally, after four years, get to see her room.There's really nowhere else I'd rather be, because I'm so proud of Kirby, who graduates today with two degrees, one in human bio and the other in psychology.Love you, Kirby Cakes!That's how well I know her.I can call her Cakes.And so proud of her mother and father, who helped her get through this time, and her brother, Will.I really had nothing to do with her graduating from Stanford, but every time anybody's asked me in the past couple of weeks what I was doing, I would say, “I'm getting ready to go to Stanford.” I just love saying “Stanford.” Because the truth is, I know I would have never gotten my degree at all, 'cause I didn't go to Stanford.I went to Tennessee State University.But I never would have gotten my diploma at all, because I was supposed to graduate back in 1975, but I was short one credit.And I figured, I'm just going to forget it, 'cause, you know, I'm not going to march with my class.Because by that point, I was already on television.I'd been in television since I was 19 and a sophomore.Granted, I was the only television anchor person that had an 11 o'clock curfew doing the 10 o'clock news.Seriously, my dad was like, “Well, that news is over at 10:30.Be home by 11.” But that didn't matter to me, because I was earning a living.I was on my way.So, I thought, I'm going to let this college thing go and I only had one credit short.But, my father, from that time on and for years after, was always on my case, because I did not graduate.He'd say, “Oprah Gail”—that's my middle name—“I don't know what you're gonna do without that degree.” And I'd say, “But, Dad, I have my own television show.” And he'd say, “Well, I still don't know what you're going to do without that degree.” And I'd say, “But, Dad, now I'm a talk show host.” He'd say, “I don't know how you're going to get another job without that degree.” So, in 1987, Tennessee State University invited me back to speak at their commencement.By then, I had my own show, was nationally syndicated.I'd made a movie, had been nominated for an Oscar and founded my company, Harpo.But I told them, I cannot come and give a speech unless I can earn one more credit, because my dad's still saying I'm not going to get anywhere without that degree.So, I finished my coursework, I turned in my final paper and I got the degree.And my dad was very proud.And I know that, if anything happens, that one credit will be my salvation.But I also know why my dad was insisting on that diploma, because, as B.B.King put it, “The beautiful thing about learning is that nobody can take that away from you.” And learning is really in the broadest sense what I want to talk about today, because your education, of course, isn't ending here.In many ways, it's only just begun.The world has so many lessons to teach you.I consider the world, this Earth, to be like a school and our life the classrooms.And sometimes here in this Planet Earth school the lessons often come dressed up as detours or roadblocks.And sometimes as full-blown crises.And the secret I've learned to getting ahead is being open to the lessons, lessons from the grandest university of all, that is, the universe itself.It's being able to walk through life eager and open to self-improvement and that which is going to best help you evolve, 'cause that's really why we're here, to evolve as human beings.To grow into more of ourselves, always moving to the next level of understanding, the next level of compassion and growth.I think about one of the greatest compliments I've ever received: I interviewed with a reporter when I was first starting out in Chicago.And then many years later, I saw the same reporter.And she said to me, “You know what? You really haven't changed.You've just become more of yourself.” And that is really what we're all trying to do, become more of ourselves.And I believe that there's a lesson in almost everything that you do and every experience, and getting the lesson is how you move forward.It's how you enrich your spirit.And, trust me, I know that inner wisdom is more precious than wealth.The more you spend it, the more you gain.So, today, I just want to share a few lessons—meaning three—that I've learned in my journey so far.And aren't you glad? Don't you hate it when somebody says, “I'm going to share a few,” and it's 10 lessons later? And, you're like, “Listen, this is my graduation.This is not about you.” So, it's only going to be three.The three lessons that have had the greatest impact on my life have to do with feelings, with failure and with finding happiness.A year after I left college, I was given the opportunity to co-anchor the 6 o'clock news in Baltimore, because the whole goal in the media at the time I was coming up was you try to move to larger markets.And Baltimore was a much larger market than Nashville.So, getting the 6 o'clock news co-anchor job at 22 was such a big deal.It felt like the biggest deal in the world at the time.And I was so proud, because I was finally going to have my chance to be like Barbara Walters, which is who I had been trying to emulate since the start of my TV career.So, I was 22 years old, making $22,000 a year.And it's where I met my best friend, Gayle, who was an intern at the same TV station.And once we became friends, we'd say, “Ohmigod, I can't believe it!You're making $22,000 and you're only 22.Imagine when you're 40 and you're making $40,000!” When I turned 40, I was so glad that didn't happen.So, here I am, 22, making $22,000 a year and, yet, it didn't feel right.It didn't feel right.The first sign, as President Hennessy was saying, was when they tried to change my name.The news director said to me at the time, “Nobody's going to remember Oprah.So, we want to change your name.We've come up with a name we think that people will remember and people will like.It's a friendly name: Suzie.” Hi, Suzie.Very friendly.You can't be angry with Suzie.Remember Suzie.But my name wasn't Suzie.And, you know, I'd grown up not really loving my name, because when you're looking for your little name on the lunch boxes and the license plate tags, you're never going to find Oprah.So, I grew up not loving the name, but once I was asked to change it, I thought, well, it is my name and do I look like a Suzie to you? So, I thought, no, it doesn't feel right.I'm not going to change my name.And if people remember it or not, that's OK.And then they said they didn't like the way I looked.This was in 1976, when your boss could call you in and say, “I don't like the way you look.” Now that would be called a lawsuit, but back then they could just say, “I don't like the way you look.” Which, in case some of you in the back, if you can't tell, is nothing like Barbara Walters.So, they sent me to a salon where they gave me a perm, and after a few days all my hair fell out and I had to shave my head.And then they really didn't like the way I looked.Because now I am black and bald and sitting on TV.Not a pretty picture.But even worse than being bald, I really hated, hated, hated being sent to report on other people's tragedies as a part of my daily duty, knowing that I was just expected to observe, when everything in my instinct told me that I should be doing something, I should be lending a hand.So, as President Hennessy said, I'd cover a fire and then I'd go back and I'd try to give the victims blankets.And I wouldn't be able to sleep at night because of all the things I was covering during the day.And, meanwhile, I was trying to sit gracefully like Barbara and make myself talk like Barbara.And I thought, well, I could make a pretty goofy Barbara.And if I could figure out how to be myself, I could be a pretty good Oprah.I was trying to sound elegant like Barbara.And sometimes I didn't read my copy, because something inside me said, this should be spontaneous.So, I wanted to get the news as I was giving it to the people.So, sometimes, I wouldn't read my copy and it would be, like, six people on a pileup on I-40.Oh, my goodness.And sometimes I wouldn't read the copy—because I wanted to be spontaneous—and I'd come across a list of words I didn't know and I'd mispronounce.And one day I was reading copy and I called Canada “ca nada.” And I decided, this Barbara thing's not going too well.I should try being myself.But at the same time, my dad was saying, “Oprah Gail, this is an opportunity of a lifetime.You better keep that job.” And my boss was saying, “This is the nightly news.You're an anchor, not a social worker.Just do your job.” So, I was juggling these messages of expectation and obligation and feeling really miserable with myself.I'd go home at night and fill up my journals, 'cause I've kept a journal since I was 15—so I now have volumes of journals.So, I'd go home at night and fill up my journals about how miserable I was and frustrated.Then I'd eat my anxiety.That's where I learned that habit.And after eight months, I lost that job.They said I was too emotional.I was too much.But since they didn't want to pay out the contract, they put me on a talk show in Baltimore.And the moment I sat down on that show, the moment I did, I felt like I'd come home.I realized that TV could be more than just a playground, but a platform for service, for helping other people lift their lives.And the moment I sat down, doing that talk show, it felt like breathing.It felt right.And that's where everything that followed for me began.And I got that lesson.When you're doing the work you're meant to do, it feels right and every day is a bonus, regardless of what you're getting paid.It's true.And how do you know when you're doing something right? How do you know that? It feels so.What I know now is that feelings are really your GPS system for life.When you're supposed to do something or not supposed to do something, your emotional guidance system lets you know.The trick is to learn to check your ego at the door and start checking your gut instead.Every right decision I've made—every right decision I've ever made—has come from my gut.And every wrong decision I've ever made was a result of me not listening to the greater voice of myself.If it doesn't feel right, don't do it.That's the lesson.And that lesson alone will save you, my friends, a lot of grief.Even doubt means don't.This is what I've learned.There are many times when you don't know what to do.When you don't know what to do, get still, get very still, until you do know what to do.And when you do get still and let your internal motivation be the driver, not only will your personal life improve, but you will gain a competitive edge in the working world as well.Because, as Daniel Pink writes in his best-seller, A Whole New Mind, we're entering a whole new age.And he calls it the Conceptual Age, where traits that set people apart today are going to come from our hearts—right brain—as well as our heads.It's no longer just the logical, linear, rules-based thinking that matters, he says.It's also empathy and joyfulness and purpose, inner traits that have transcendent worth.These qualities bloom when we're doing what we love, when we're involving the wholeness of ourselves in our work, both our expertise and our emotion.So, I say to you, forget about the fast lane.If you really want to fly, just harness your power to your passion.Honor your calling.Everybody has one.Trust your heart and success will come to you.So, how do I define success? Let me tell you, money's pretty nice.I'm not going to stand up here and tell you that it's not about money, 'cause money is very nice.I like money.It's good for buying things.But having a lot of money does not automatically make you a successful person.What you want is money and meaning.You want your work to be meaningful.Because meaning is what brings the real richness to your life.What you really want is to be surrounded by people you trust and treasure and by people who cherish you.That's when you're really rich.So, lesson one, follow your feelings.If it feels right, move forward.If it doesn't feel right, don't do it.Now I want to talk a little bit about failings, because nobody's journey is seamless or smooth.We all stumble.We all have setbacks.If things go wrong, you hit a dead end—as you will—it's just life's way of saying time to change course.So, ask every failure—this is what I do with every failure, every crisis, every difficult time—I say, what is this here to teach me? And as soon as you get the lesson, you get to move on.If you really get the lesson, you pass and you don't have to repeat the class.If you don't get the lesson, it shows up wearing another pair of pants—or skirt—to give you some remedial work.And what I've found is that difficulties come when you don't pay attention to life's whisper, because life always whispers to you first.And if you ignore the whisper, sooner or later you'll get a scream.Whatever you resist persists.But, if you ask the right question—not why is this happening, but what is this here to teach me?—it puts you in the place and space to get the lesson you need.My friend Eckhart Tolle, who's written this wonderful book called A New Earth that's all about letting the awareness of who you are stimulate everything that you do, he puts it like this: He says, don't react against a bad situation;merge with that situation instead.And the solution will arise from the challenge.Because surrendering yourself doesn't mean giving up;it means acting with responsibility.Many of you know that, as President Hennessy said, I started this school in Africa.And I founded the school, where I'm trying to give South African girls a shot at a future like yours—Stanford.And I spent five years making sure that school would be as beautiful as the students.I wanted every girl to feel her worth reflected in her surroundings.So, I checked every blueprint, I picked every pillow.I was looking at the grout in between the bricks.I knew every thread count of the sheets.I chose every girl from the villages, from nine provinces.And yet, last fall, I was faced with a crisis I had never anticipated.I was told that one of the dorm matrons was suspected of sexual abuse.That was, as you can imagine, devastating news.First, I cried—actually, I sobbed—for about half an hour.And then I said, let's get to it;that's all you get, a half an hour.You need to focus on the now, what you need to do now.So, I contacted a child trauma specialist.I put together a team of investigators.I made sure the girls had counseling and support.And Gayle and I got on a plane and flew to South Africa.And the whole time I kept asking that question: What is this here to teach me? And, as difficult as that experience has been, I got a lot of lessons.I understand now the mistakes I made, because I had been paying attention to all of the wrong things.I'd built that school from the outside in, when what really mattered was the inside out.So, it's a lesson that applies to all of our lives as a whole.What matters most is what's inside.What matters most is the sense of integrity, of quality and beauty.I got that lesson.And what I know is that the girls came away with something, too.They have emerged from this more resilient and knowing that their voices have power.And their resilience and spirit have given me more than I could ever give to them, which leads me to my final lesson—the one about finding happiness—which we could talk about all day, but I know you have other wacky things to do.Not a small topic this is, finding happiness.But in some ways I think it's the simplest of all.Gwendolyn Brooks wrote a poem for her children.It's called “Speech to the Young : Speech to the Progress-Toward.” And she says at the end, “Live not for battles won./ Live not for the-end-of-the-song./ Live in the along.” She's saying, like Eckhart Tolle, that you have to live for the present.You have to be in the moment.Whatever has happened to you in your past has no power over this present moment, because life is now.But I think she's also saying, be a part of something.Don't live for yourself alone.This is what I know for sure: In order to be truly happy, you must live along with and you have to stand for something larger than yourself.Because life is a reciprocal exchange.To move forward you have to give back.And to me, that is the greatest lesson of life.To be happy, you have to give something back.I know you know that, because that's a lesson that's woven into the very fabric of this university.It's a lesson that Jane and Leland Stanford got and one they've bequeathed to you.Because all of you know the story of how this great school came to be, how the Stanfords lost their only child to typhoid at the age of 15.They had every right and they had every reason to turn their backs against the world at that time, but instead, they channeled their grief and their pain into an act of grace.Within a year of their son's death, they had made the founding grant for this great school, pledging to do for other people's children what they were not able to do for their own boy.The lesson here is clear, and that is, if you're hurting, you need to help somebody ease their hurt.If you're in pain, help somebody else's pain.And when you're in a mess, you get yourself out of the mess helping somebody out of theirs.And in the process, you get to become a member of what I call the greatest fellowship of all, the sorority of compassion and the fraternity of service.The Stanfords had suffered the worst thing any mom and dad can ever endure, yet they understood that helping others is the way we help ourselves.And this wisdom is increasingly supported by scientific and sociological research.It's no longer just woo-woo soft-skills talk.There's actually a helper's high, a spiritual surge you gain from serving others.So, if you want to feel good, you have to go out and do some good.But when you do good, I hope you strive for more than just the good feeling that service provides, because I know this for sure, that doing good actually makes you better.So, whatever field you choose, if you operate from the paradigm of service, I know your life will have more value and you will be happy.I was always happy doing my talk show, but that happiness reached a depth of fulfillment, of joy, that I really can't describe to you or measure when I stopped just being on TV and looking at TV as a job and decided to use television, to use it and not have it use me, to use it as a platform to serve my viewers.That alone changed the trajectory of my success.So, I know this—that whether you're an actor, you offer your talent in the way that most inspires art.If you're an anatomist, you look at your gift as knowledge and service to healing.Whether you've been called, as so many of you here today getting doctorates and other degrees, to the professions of business, law, engineering, humanities, science, medicine, if you choose to offer your skills and talent in service, when you choose the paradigm of service, looking at life through that paradigm, it turns everything you do from a job into a gift.And I know you haven't spent all this time at Stanford just to go out and get a job.You've been enriched in countless ways.There's no better way to make your mark on the world and to share that abundance with others.My constant prayer for myself is to be used in service for the greater good.So, let me end with one of my favorite quotes from Martin Luther King.Dr.King said, “Not everybody can be famous.” And I don't know, but everybody today seems to want to be famous.But fame is a trip.People follow you to the bathroom, listen to you pee.It's just—try to pee quietly.It doesn't matter, they come out and say, “Ohmigod, it's you.You peed.” That's the fame trip, so I don't know if you want that.So, Dr.King said, “Not everybody can be famous.But everybody can be great, because greatness is determined by service.” Those of you who are history scholars may know the rest of that passage.He said, “You don't have to have a college degree to serve.You don't have to make your subject and verb agree to serve.You don't have to know about Plato or Aristotle to serve.You don't have to know Einstein's theory of relativity to serve.You don't have to know the second theory of thermodynamics in physics to serve.You only need a heart full of grace and a soul generated by love.” In a few moments, you'll all be officially Stanford's '08.You have the heart and the smarts to go with it.And it's up to you to decide, really, where will you now use those gifts? You've got the diploma, so go out and get the lessons, 'cause I know great things are sure to come.You know, I've always believed that everything is better when you share it, so before I go, I wanted to share a graduation gift with you.Underneath your seats you'll find two of my favorite books.Eckhart Tolle's A New Earth is my current book club selection.Our New Earth webcast has been downloaded 30 million times with that book.And Daniel Pink's A Whole New Mind: Why Right-Brainers Will Rule the Future has reassured me I'm in the right direction.I really wanted to give you cars but I just couldn't pull that off!Congratulations, '08!Thank you.Thank you


奥普拉哈佛毕业典礼演讲:人生唯一目标就是做真实的自己 oh my goodness!im at haaaaaarvard!thats how oprah winfrey began her speech at harvard university graduation ceremony—in her spirited, signature way.winfrey also received an honorary doctor of law degree from the university before taking to the podium.温弗瑞演讲中4条最励志的语录

谈失败的好处 there is no such thing as failure.failure is just life trying to move us in another direction.世间并不存在“失败”,那不过是生活想让我们换个方向走走罢了。learn from every mistake, because every experience, particularly your mistakes, are there to teach you and force you into being more who you are.要从错误中吸取教训,因为你的每一次经历、尤其是你犯下的错误,都将帮助你、推动你更好地做自己。

2.on her own biggest personal failure.谈自身最大的失败


谈职业生涯所做访谈的共同性 beyonce in all her beyonce-ness...they all want to know: was that okay? did you hear me? did you see me? did what i said mean anything to you? 我发现,我所有的访谈有一个共同性,那就是人人都希望自己被认可、被理解。they all want to know: was that okay? did you hear me? did you see me? did what i said mean anything to you? 我的采访对象都想知道:“我的表现ok吗?你听到我看到我吗?我说的话对你有价值吗?”

4.on the key to success and happiness.谈成功和快乐的关键 you will find true success and happiness if you have only one goal.there really is only one, and that is this: to fulfill the highest, most truthful expression of yourself as a human being.如果你只认准一个目标,那你就能获得真正的成功和快乐。人生确实只有一个目标,那就是:最大程度地、最真实地展现自己。


奥普拉哈佛毕业典礼演讲:人生唯一目标就是做真实的自己 oprah winfrey: oh my goodness!im at harvard!wow!to president faust, my fellow honorands, carl that was so beautiful, thank you so much, and james rothenberg, stephanie wilson, harvard faculty with a special bow to my friend dr.henry lewis gates.oprah winfrey: all of you alumni with a special bow to the class of 88, your hundred fifteen million dollars.oprah winfrey: and to you, members of the harvard class of 2013!hello!oprah winfrey: and we understand that most americans believe in a clear path to citizenship for the 12,000,000 undocumented immigrants who reside in this country because its possible to both enforce our篇三:奥普拉2013哈佛毕业演讲(中英)oh my goodness!im at harvard!wow!to president faust, my fellow honorands, carl that was so beautiful, thank you so much, and james rothenberg, stephanie wilson, harvard faculty with a special bow to my friend dr.henry lewis gates.all of you alumni with a special bow to the class of 88, your hundred fifteen million dollars.and to you, members of the harvard class of 2013!hello!a personality.but it helps.and while i may not have graduated from here i admit that my 童鞋们直接点击下面的视频观看就可以了,有中文字幕。如果看不了视频,可以看后面附加的文字版。






大家都知道,我的电视事业生涯开始的出乎意料,我当时在参加“防火小姐”比赛。那年我16岁,在田纳西州的纳什维尔。问答环节问道:“年轻的女士,你长大后想做什么?为什么?”因为那天早上我正好在“今日秀”中看到了芭芭拉·沃尔特斯(barbara walters)女士,所以我说:“我想成为一名记者,我想成为为人们带来一些在某种程度上能改变人们生活和世界的故事。”当我说出这些话时,我觉得:“哇!还挺不错的!我想做个记者,我要做出一番事业。”后来,19岁时我上了电视。在1986年,我推出了我自己的电视节目,一开始就下定决心要成功。我以前对竞争很紧张,后来我和自己竞争,每年设立一个更高的目标,一步一步地推到极限。对大家来说听着挺熟悉吧?最终,我们成功达到巅峰,并保持了25年。



在今天早上来的路上,纳吉(nagy)教授说:“温弗瑞女士,请坚决地向前走。” 我应该坚决地向前走。这就是我想分享的。无论你已经达到怎样的成就,在某个节点,你会发现你会跌倒,因为如果你一直不断的在做我们每个人做的事:不断设定更高的目标。如果你一直不断把你自己推向更高的目标,你将在某一点上落下,更不必说伊卡洛斯能预测你会跌倒的神话。当你真的跌倒时我想让你知道,并请记住:“世间并不存在失败,那不过是生活想让我们换个方向走走罢了。”现在当你在人生谷底,那看起来像是失败。在过去的一年里,这些话支撑着我自己。当你到了人生谷底,到那时候,你可以难过一段时间,给自己时间去哀悼你认为你可能失去的一切,但关键在于:从每个失败和遭遇中学习,特别是你的每个错误,都会迫使你成为真正的自己,然后想想接下 来怎么做。

生活的重点在于建立内在道德和情感上的定位系统,它能为你指路,因为现在或将来当你在谷歌上搜索你自己,结果会是“哈佛2013毕业生”。在这个竞争激烈的世界,那的确是块敲门砖。我作为一个雇佣过很多人的人,可以说当我听到哈佛的毕业生,我都会坐直一点,然后说“他或她在哪,带来见我”。这是一个令人印象深刻的敲门砖,在未来的日子里那的确是颗有力的子弹:成为律师、议员、老板、科学家、物理学家,诺贝尔奖普利策奖获得者或者晚间脱口秀主持人。然而来自生活的挑战并不是做个履历简单地告诉大家你想做什么,而是你想成为什么样的人。这份履历不只是告诉大家你完成了什么,而是你为什么做这些?这份履历不仅仅是一个头衔和职位的罗列,而是告诉大家你究竟想做什么?因为当你不可避免地跌倒或陷入困境时,它可以帮你走出困境,人生真正的意义是什么?你的人生哲学是什么?你的目标是什么? 对我来说,我真正发现自己的目标与价值是在1994年,当时我采访了一位决定攒零花钱来帮助他人的小女孩,她筹集了一千美金。我想:“嗯,如果一个9岁的小姑娘,用一个筐和热忱的心就能做到,我能做到什么?”所以我请我们的观众们拿出自己的零钱,在一个月内我从一分一毫筹集到超过300万美金,我们用这笔钱从每个州选出一个学生供他们上大学。这就是“天使网络”的开始。

其实我做的只是简单地请求我们的观众:“无论你在哪里、处于人生的哪个阶段,如果可以,请拿出你的时间、天赋以及金钱,做你力所能及 的事。”他们这样做了。无论你在哪里,将你的仁慈带给他人。众人拾柴火焰高,我们一起在12个国家建了55所学校,重建了近300个被丽塔和卡特里娜飓风摧毁的家园。所以“天使网络”聚集了我内在的定位系统。它能帮助我知道,我不是仅仅每天在电视上出现,还有我的采访目标,我的生意,我的慈善事业,所有的一切。无论我追求怎样的事业,我更清楚把我们凝聚在一起的力量比分离我们的力量更令人满足和不可抗拒。但我想让你们知道,任何事情的一开始对于我们未必明朗,正如我所说我19岁就开始上电视,然而到了94年我才渐渐清楚,所以不要期待一下子就想清楚、并马上明白自己的使命。对我来说,我最终清楚,我要利用电视而不是被电视利用,利用电视来照亮我们内在天使的一面。这个“天使网络”,它不只是改变那些我们帮助过的人们的生活,同时也改变那些提供帮助的人们的生活。它提醒我们,无论是谁,看上去如何,或者我们相信什么,更重要的是它成为了我们为共同目标走到一起的驱动力。



奥普拉哈佛毕业典礼演讲:人生唯一目标就是做真实的自己 oh my goodness!im at haaaaaarvard!thats how oprah winfrey began her speech at harvard university graduation ceremony—in her spirited, signature way.winfrey also received an honorary doctor of law degree from the university before taking to the podium.温弗瑞演讲中4条最励志的语录

谈失败的好处 there is no such thing as failure.failure is just life trying to move us in another direction.世间并不存在“失败”,那不过是生活想让我们换个方向走走罢了。learn from every mistake, because every experience, particularly your mistakes, are there to teach you and force you into being more who you are.要从错误中吸取教训,因为你的每一次经历、尤其是你犯下的错误,都将帮助你、推动你更好地做自己。

2.on her own biggest personal failure.谈自身最大的失败


谈职业生涯所做访谈的共同性 beyonce in all her beyonce-ness...they all want to know: was that okay? did you hear me? did you see me? did what i said mean anything to you? 我发现,我所有的访谈有一个共同性,那就是人人都希望自己被认可、被理解。they all want to know: was that okay? did you hear me? did you see me? did what i said mean anything to you? 我的采访对象都想知道:“我的表现ok吗?你听到我看到我吗?我说的话对你有价值吗?”

4.on the key to success and happiness.谈成功和快乐的关键 you will find true success and happiness if you have only one goal.there really is only one, and that is this: to fulfill the highest, most truthful expression of yourself as a human being.如果你只认准一个目标,那你就能获得真正的成功和快乐。人生确实只有一个目标,那就是:最大程度地、最真实地展现自己。


奥普拉哈佛毕业典礼演讲:人生唯一目标就是做真实的自己 oprah winfrey: oh my goodness!im at harvard!wow!to president faust, my fellow honorands, carl that was so beautiful, thank you so much, and james rothenberg, stephanie wilson, harvard faculty with a special bow to my friend dr.henry lewis gates.oprah winfrey: all of you alumni with a special bow to the class of 88, your hundred fifteen million dollars.oprah winfrey: and to you, members of the harvard class of 2013!hello!oprah winfrey: and we understand that most americans believe in a clear path to citizenship for the 12,000,000 undocumented immigrants who reside in this country because its possible to both enforce our篇三:奥普拉2013年哈佛大学毕业演讲(英文版)oh my goodness!im at harvard!wow!to president faust, my fellow honorands, carl that was so beautiful, thank you so much, and james rothenberg, stephanie wilson, harvard faculty with a special bow to my friend dr.henry lewis gates.all of you alumni with a special bow to the class of 88, your hundred fifteen million dollars.and to you, members of the harvard class of 2013!hello!decided as you will at some point, that it was time to recalculate, find new territory, break new ground.so i ended the show and launched own, the oprah winfrey network.the initials just worked out for me.so one year later after launching own nearly every media outlet had proclaimed that my new venture was a flop.not just a flop but a big bold flop they call it.i can still remember the day i opened up usa today and read the headline oprah, not quite standing on her own.i mean really, usa today? now thats the nice newspaper!it really was this time last year the worst period in my professional life.i was stressed and i was frustrated and quite frankly i was actually i was embarrassed.and it was all because i wanted to do it by the time i got to speak to you all so thank you so much.you dont know what motivation you were for me, thank you.im even where is he or she? bring them in.its an impressive calling card that can lead to even and so what i did was i simply asked our viewers do what you can wherever you are, from wherever you sit in life.give me your time or your talent your money if you have it.and they did.extend yourself in kindness to other human beings wherever you can.and together we built 55 schools in 12 different countries and restored nearly 300 homes that were devastated by hurricanes rita and katrina.so the angel network i have been on the air for a long time, but it was the angel network that actually focused my internal g.p.s.it helped me to decide that i wasnt going to just be on tv every day but that the goal of my shows, added this, you simply cannot demonize or vilify someone who doesnt agree with you, because the minute you do that, your discussion is over.and we cannot do that any longer.the problem is too enormous.there has to be some way that this darkness can be banished with light.in our political system and in the media we often see the reflection of a country that is polarized, that is paralyzed and is self-interested.and yet, i know you know the truth.we all know that we are better than the cynicism and the pessimism that is regurgitated throughout washington and the 24-hour cable news cycle.not my channel, by the way.we understand that the vast majority of people in this and we understand.i know you do because you went to harvard.there are people from both parties and no party believe that indigent mothers and families should have access to healthy food and a roof over their heads and a strong public education because here in the richest nation on earth we can afford a basic level of security and opportunity.so the question is what are we going to do about it? really what are you going to do about it? maybe you agree with these beliefs.maybe you dont.maybe you care about these issues and maybe there are other challenges that you, class of 2013, are passionate about.maybe you want to make a difference by serving in government.maybe you want to launch your own television show.or maybe you simply want to collect some change.your parents would appreciate that about now.the point is your generation is charged with this task of breaking through what the body politic has thus far made impervious to change.each of you has been blessed with this enormous disappointed, youd be too dejected to repeat that same kind of turnout in 2012 election and you proved them wrong by showing up in even greater numbers.thats who you are.this generation your generation i know has developed a finely honed radar for b.s.can you say b.s.at harvard? the spin and phoniness and artificial nastiness that saturates so much of our national debate.i know you all understand better than most that real progress requires authentic-an authentic way of being, honesty, and above all that youll have the courage to look them in the eye and hear their point of view and help make sure that the speed and distance and anonymity of our world doesnt cause us to lose our ability to stand in somebody elses shoes and recognize all that we share as a people.this is imperative for you as an individual and for our success as a nation.there has to be some way that this darkness can be banished with light, says the man whose little boy was massacred on just an ordinary friday in december.so whether you call it soul or spirit or higher self, intelligence, there is i know this, there is a light inside each of you all of us that illuminates your very human beingness if you let it.and as a young girl from rural mississippi i learned long ago that being myself was much easier than pretending to be barbara walters.although when i first started because i had barbara in my head i would try to sit like barbara, talk like barbara, move like barbara and then one night i was on the news reading the news and i called canada can-a-da, and that was the end of me being barbara.i cracked myself up on tv.couldnt stop laughing and my real personality came through and i figured out oh gee, i can be a much better oprah than i could be a pretend barbara.oh my goodness!im at harvard!wow!to president faust, my fellow honorands, carl that was so beautiful, thank you so much, and james rothenberg, stephanie wilson, harvard faculty with a special bow to my friend dr.henry lewis gates.all of you alumni with a special bow to the class of 88, your hundred fifteen million dollars.and to you, members of the harvard class of 2013!hello!a personality.but it helps.and while i may not have graduated from here i admit that my 比尔·盖茨在哈佛大学毕业典礼上的演讲

尊敬的bok校长,rudenstine前校长,即将上任的faust校长,哈佛集团的各位成员,监管理事会的各位理事,各位老师,各位家长,各位同学: 有一句话我等了三十年,现在终于可以说了:“老爸,我总是跟你说,我会回来拿到我的学位的!” i want to thank harvard for this timely honor.ill be changing my job next year „

and it will be nice to finally have a college degree on my resume.我要感谢哈佛大学在这个时候给我这个荣誉。明年,我就要换工作了(注:指从微软公司退休)??我终于可以在简历上写我有一个本科学位,这真是不错啊。i applaud the graduates today for taking a much more direct route to your degrees.for my part, im just happy that the crimson has called me harvards most successful dropout.i guess that makes me valedictorian of my own special class „ i did the best of everyone who failed.我为今天在座的各位同学感到高兴,你们拿到学位可比我简单多了。哈佛的校报称我是“哈佛大学历史上最成功的辍学生”。我想这大概使我有资格代表我这一类学生发言??在所有的失败者里,我做得最好。but i also want to be recognized as the guy who got steve ballmer to drop out of business school.im a bad influence.thats why i was invited to speak at your graduation.if i had spoken at your orientation, fewer of you might be here today.但是,我还要提醒大家,我使得steve ballmer(注:微软总经理)也从哈佛商学院退学了。因此,我是个有着恶劣影响力的人。这就是为什么我被邀请来在你们的毕业典礼上演讲。如果我在你们入学欢迎仪式上演讲,那么能够坚持到今天在这里毕业的人也许会少得多吧。

harvard was just a phenomenal experience for me.academic life was fascinating.i used to sit in on lots of classes i hadnt even signed up for.and dorm life was terrific.i lived up at radcliffe, in currier house.there were always lots of people in my dorm room late at night discussing things, because everyone knew i didnt worry about getting up in the morning.thats how i came to be the leader of the anti-social group.we clung to each other as a way of validating our rejection of all those social people.对我来说,哈佛的求学经历是一段非凡的经历。校园生活很有趣,我常去旁听我没选修的课。哈佛的课外生活也很棒,我在radcliffe过着逍遥自在的日子。每天我的寝室里总有很多人



我很担心,他们会发觉我是一个住在宿舍的学生,从而挂断电话。但是他们却说:“我们还没准备好,一个月后你再来找我们吧。”这是个好消息,因为那时软件还根本没有写出来呢。就是从那个时候起,我日以继夜地在这个小小的课外项目上工作,这导致了我学生生活的结束,以及通往微软公司的不平凡的旅程的开始。what i remember above all about harvard was being in the midst of so much energy and intelligence.it could be exhilarating, intimidating, sometimes even discouraging, but always challenging.it was an amazing privilege – and though i left early, i was transformed by my years at harvard, the friendships i made, and the ideas i worked on.不管怎样,我对哈佛的回忆主要都与充沛的精力和智力活动有关。哈佛的生活令人愉快,也令人感到有压力,有时甚至会感到泄气,但永远充满了挑战性。生活在哈佛是一种吸引人的特殊待遇??虽然我离开得比较早,但是我在这里的经历、在这里结识的朋友、在这里发展起来的一些想法,永远地改变了我。but taking a serious look back „ i do have one big regret.但是,如果现在严肃地回忆起来,我确实有一个真正的遗憾。i left harvard with no real awareness of the awful inequities in the world –

the appalling disparities of health, and wealth, and opportunity that condemn millions of people to lives of despair.我离开哈佛的时候,根本没有意识到这个世界是多么的不平等。人类在健康、财富和机遇上的不平等大得可怕,它们使得无数的人们被迫生活在绝望之中。i learned a lot here at harvard about new ideas in economics and politics.i got great exposure to the advances being made in the sciences.我在哈佛学到了很多经济学和政治学的新思想。我也了解了很多科学上的新进展。but humanitys greatest advances are not in its discoveries – but in how those discoveries are applied to reduce inequity.whether through democracy, strong public education, quality health care, or broad economic opportunity – reducing inequity is the highest human achievement.但是,人类最大的进步并不来自于这些发现,而是来自于那些有助于减少人类不平等的发现。不管通过何种手段——民主制度、健全的公共教育体系、高质量的医疗保健、还是广泛的经济机会——减少不平等始终是人类最大的成就。i left campus knowing little about the millions of young people cheated out of educational opportunities here in this country.and i knew nothing about the millions of people living in unspeakable poverty and disease in developing countries.我离开校园的时候,根本不知道在这个国家里,有几百万的年轻人无法获得接受教育的机会。我也不知道,发展中国家里有无数的人们生活在无法形容的贫穷和疾病之中。it took me decades to find out.我花了几十年才明白了这些事情。you graduates came to harvard at a different time.you know more about the worlds inequities than the classes that came before.in your years here, i hope youve had a chance to think about how – in this age of accelerating technology – we can finally take on these inequities, and we can solve them.在座的各位同学,你们是在与我不同的时代来到哈佛的。你们比以前的学生,更多地了解世界是怎样的不平等。在你们的哈佛求学过程中,我希望你们已经思考过一个问题,那就是在这个新技术加速发展的时代,我们怎样最终应对这种不平等,以及我们怎样来解决这个问题。

imagine, just for the sake of discussion, that you had a few hours a week and a few dollars a month to donate to a cause – and you wanted to spend that time and money where it would have the greatest impact in saving and improving lives.where would you spend it? 为了讨论的方便,请想象一下,假如你每个星期可以捐献一些时间、每个月可以捐献一些钱——你希望这些时间和金钱,可以用到对拯救生命和改善人类生活有最大作用的地方。你会选择什么地方? for melinda and for me, the challenge is the same: how can we do the most good for the greatest number with the resources we have.对melinda(注:盖茨的妻子)和我来说,这也是我们面临的问题:我们如何能将我们拥有的资源发挥出最大的作用。during our discussions on this question, melinda and i read an article about the millions of children who were dying every year in poor countries from diseases that we had long ago made harmless in this country.measles, malaria, pneumonia, hepatitis b, yellow fever.one disease i had never even heard of, rotavirus, was killing half a million kids each year – none of them in the united states.在讨论过程中,melinda和我读到了一篇文章,里面说在那些贫穷的国家,每年有数百万的儿童死于那些在美国早已不成问题的疾病。麻疹、疟疾、肺炎、乙型肝炎、黄热病、还有一种以前我从未听说过的轮状病毒,这些疾病每年导致50万儿童死亡,但是在美国一例死亡病例也没有。we were shocked.we had just assumed that if millions of children were dying and they could be saved, the world would make it a priority to discover and deliver the medicines to save them.but it did not.for under a dollar, there were interventions that could save lives that just werent being delivered.我们被震惊了。我们想,如果几百万儿童正在死亡线上挣扎,而且他们是可以被挽救的,那么世界理应将用药物拯救他们作为头等大事。但是事实并非如此。那些价格还不到一美元的救命的药剂,并没有送到他们的手中。if you believe that every life has equal value, its revolting to learn that some lives are seen as worth saving and others are not.we said to ourselves: this cant be true.but if it is true, it deserves to be the priority of our giving.如果你相信每个生命都是平等的,那么当你发现某些生命被挽救了,而另一些生命被放弃了,你会感到无法接受。我们对自己说:“事情不可能如此。如果这是真的,那么它理应是我们努力的头等大事。” so we began our work in the same way anyone here would begin it.we asked: how could the world let these children die? 所以,我们用任何人都会想到的方式开始工作。我们问:“这个世界怎么可以眼睁睁看着这些孩子死去?” the answer is simple, and harsh.the market did not reward saving the lives of these children, and governments did not subsidize it.so the children died because their mothers and their fathers had no power in the market and no voice in the system.答案很简单,也很令人难堪。在市场经济中,拯救儿童是一项没有利润的工作,政府也不会提供补助。这些儿童之所以会死亡,是因为他们的父母在经济上没有实力,在政治上没有能力发出声音。but you and i have both.但是,你们和我在经济上有实力,在政治上能够发出声音。we can make market forces work better for the poor if we can develop a more creative capitalism – if we can stretch the reach of market forces so that more people can make a profit, or at least make a living, serving people who are suffering from the worst inequities.we also can press governments around the world to spend taxpayer money in ways that better reflect the values of the people who pay the taxes.我们可以让市场更好地为穷人服务,如果我们能够设计出一种更有创新性的资本主义制度——如果我们可以改变市场,让更多的人可以获得利润,或者至少可以维持生活——那么,这就可以帮到那些正在极端不平等的状况中受苦的人们。我们还可以向全世界的政府施压,要求他们将纳税人的钱,花到更符合纳税人价值观的地方。if we can find approaches that meet the needs of the poor in ways that generate profits for business and votes for politicians, we will have found a sustainable way to reduce inequity in the world.this task is open-ended.it can never be finished.but a conscious effort to answer this challenge will change the world.如果我们能够找到这样一种方法,既可以帮到穷人,又可以为商人带来利润,为政治家带来选票,那么我们就找到了一种减少世界性不平等的可持续的发展道路。这个任务是无限的。它不可能被完全完成,但是任何自觉地解决这个问题的尝试,都将会改变这个世界。i believe we have more caring than we know what to do with.我相信,问题不是我们不在乎,而是我们不知道怎么做。all of us here in this yard, at one time or another, have seen human tragedies that broke our hearts, and yet we did nothing – not because we didnt care, but because we didnt know what to do.if we had known how to help, we would have acted.此刻在这个院子里的所有人,生命中总有这样或那样的时刻,目睹人类的悲剧,感到万分伤心。但是我们什么也没做,并非我们无动于衷,而是因为我们不知道做什么和怎么做。如果我们知道如何做是有效的,那么我们就会采取行动。




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