
时间:2019-05-13 18:09:25下载本文作者:会员上传


















从A、B、C、D四个选项中选出一个与其它三个划线部分读音不同的选项 A.grapes







D.daughter √A.would














B.and then

C.the results





D.Now A.arrived

B.can see

C.of the

√D.that A.instead of


C.in bed

D.working A.there


C.driving a car

D.easier It was not very _______ of you to sell the house.The price is increasing增长中 everyday.A.clear




None of them spoke English _______ Sam.√A.except不同种类的 B.exception

C.except for 完整的,但有暇疵的 D.except of It was difficult to guess what her ________ to the news would be.A.comment



√D.reaction 反应,反作用 Mr.Wang is an engineer工程师 _______ profession专业.A.at




The boy __________ the dog with a thick stick粗手杖 but the dog did not yield服从.A.came with

√?B.won over在…上越过

C.won at

√林D.came at

They were so far away that I couldn't _______ their faces表情 clearly.A.make up弥补, 虚构, 缝制, 整理, 包装, 和解, 编辑, 化妆,补足,拼凑

B.make at袭击, 扑向

√C.make out辨认出

D.see through看穿, 识破

I didn't know what to do, but then an idea suddenly ________ to me.A.happened发生,碰巧




Send us a message if you _______ any difficulty.A.had

B.will have

C.have had


Since we can't hear you at the back of the hall, you'll have to _raise提高_ your voice.(此题无选择项)

The race赛跑 was so close紧凑 that everyone was ________ at the finish.A.working out

B.winning over

C.thinking of

√D.holding his breath屏气凝神 He is given answers that only _______ his confusion混淆.A.come with产生

B.add with

C.come up发生

√D.add to 增加

Inquiries调查 _________ the condition情形 of the patients患者 may be made personally亲自 or by telephone.√A.concerning关于

B.affecting感人的 C.following跟随

D.revealing有启迪性的 This is a ____ argumen争论t.A.convinced确信

√B.convincing令人信服的 C.inconvincible难以令人信服的 D.convince 使信服

He said he _______ return返回 from Germany the next day.√A.was to

B.is going to

√林C.would go to

D.is to

Nobody knows how long and how seriously真诚地 the shakiness不稳定 in the financial财政金融 system will ___ down the economy节约措施.


---settle down定居,专心于


---drag down把...向下拖,使衰弱

√C.knock---knock down击倒, 拆卸, 拍卖出


---put down放下 She did not feel _____ going out, as she had a slight轻微的 headache头痛.√A.like



D.about It's a pity可惜的 _______ you missed such an interesting program.A.when




If you don't go to school _______, you will not learn your lessons very well.A.finally最终

√B.regularly 有规律地

C.exact精确的 D.properly 适当地 He smiled and told me I would receive收到 a(n)______ $ 100 a year!




√C.extra额外的 D.more 更多

His plan _______ by those who heard it.A.were laughing at

√林B.was laughing at

---laugh at嘲笑

√C.was laughed at哄笑

D.was laughed

My father never gave me _______.√A.much advice忠告

B.many advices

C.a lot of advices

D.many advice

“I believe you and Sally will really impress留下印象 the teacher.” “Well, don't expect期待 ___.”

A.us of too much

√B.too much of us

C.of us too much

D.us for too much

_______ many of the customers顾客 work during the day, Billy has to collect聚集 the money from them at night.A.Although




Please don't leave the building _______ to do so.A.because asked

B.if asking

C.when asking

√D.unless asked

________ he works hard, I didn't mind when he finishes the experiment实验.√A.So long as只要

B.As well as也,又

C.So far as 只有,就…而言as far as I know...就我所知

D.As soon as一…就…

I know that either you or your father ______ a copy.√A.has

B.are to have

C.have had





I know nothing about it ___ what I have read in the papers.A.beside在…旁


√C.except 除…外


Sunglasses太阳镜 are used to _____ people's eyes from the light of the sun.√A.protect保护



D.prevent防止 Get up earlier早的 _______ you can catch the train tomorrow morning.A.in order

√B.so that

..== in order to 表示目的C.such that …such that+sentence


PS: so+adj./adv.+that clause(so后跟形容词或副词)

; such(a/an)+n.+that clause(such后跟名词)

The police did not at first


the crime罪行.√A.contact接触 with

B.connect连接 to

C.contact to

D.connect, with






A.cold B.old C.whole

√D.some 3.√ A.through B.another C.either D.though 4.A.out

√B.would C.ground D.about 5.A.neighbor B.fight √C.enough D.daughter



√ A.bought B.brown


D.loudly 2.A.out

√B.would C.ground D.about 3.A.grammar



√C.gay(g的发音)D.glory(g的发音)4.A.sight B.case

√C.nose D.list5.A.daughter √ B.enough C.fight D.neighbor 1




D。大声地 2.一。在外




3.一。文法(g 的发音)

B。大的(g 的发音)

C。gay(g 的发音)

D。光荣(g 的发音)4.一。视力



D。目录 5.一。女儿





1.He got two pieces of informations about the new product.A.got



D.product 2.He cannot remember the thing whose made me very sad.A.cannot

B.thing √ C.whose

D.sad 3.It's easier for me to go there on foot than driving a car.A.easier


C.than √ D.driving a car 4.You should be working instead of lie there in bed.A.working

B.instead of √


D.in bed 5.Now that the newspaper arrived we can see the scores of the tennis matches.A.that


C.can see

D.of the


1.If the train arrives _______ it should be three o'clock exactly.A.in time √

B.on time

C.from time to time

D.at times 2.Many words in the English language are French in _______


B.source √


D.vocabulary 3.This is the problem _______ you should pay attention.√

A.to which

B.on which

C.at which

D.which 4.The _______ you are, the happier they will be.A.more kinder

B.more kind √


D.kind 5.We were _______ for half an hour in the traffic交通事故 and so we arrived late.A.put back延误

B.broke down破裂

√ C.held up被占(抢劫)

D.kept off不接近

6.Unless he is ________ intense love, he hardly ever looks into someone else's eyes for very long.√




D.covering 7.The speech _____, a lively discussion started.A.being delivered

B.be delivered

C.was delivered √

D.having been delivered 8.Mr.John kept thinking hard, but failed to _______a workable plan.√

A.come up with

B.come up against

C.come up to

D.come up for 9.He never _________ to read the news but turned at once to the crossword on the last page.A.worried


C.pained √

D.troubled 10.All I'm trying to do is to _______ why your condition has not been improved.A.look for

B.find out

C.search for

D.look over 11.This is the hotel _______ I met the famous actor Chen Long.A.which

B.in which


D.in that 12.Not until your work is finished _______.A.you can leave

B.can you leave

C.you can't leave

D.can't you leave 13.They were so far away that I couldn't _______ their faces clearly.A.see through

B.make up

C.make at √

D.make out 14.I can hardly believe my eyes.This _______ man is actually a scientist who once won the Nobel Prize.A.remarkable


C.magnificent √

D.unremarkable 15.He said he _______ return from Germany the next day.A.is to √

B.was to

C.is going to

D.would go to 16.I ran _______ Alice, who was on her way to see how I was getting along.A.up

B.out of

C.over √

D.into 17.I know nothing about it ___ what I have read in the papers.A.besides



D.except 18.The government will have to work hard __________ the confidence of the people after the terrible event.√

A.to win back

B.to win through

C.to come up with

D.to come at 19.None of them spoke English _______ Sam.A.except of √



D.except for 20.________ he works hard, I didn't mind when he finishes the experiment.A.As soon as

B.So long as

C.As well as

D.So far as 21.I tried very hard to persuade him to join our group but I met with a flat _________.A.disapproval

B.rejection √


D.decline 22.“Do you think that the labor bill will be passed?”劳工案是否通过 “Oh, yes.It's _______ that it will.”

A.almost surelysurely

adv.的确地, 安全地

B.very likelyte

adj.很可能的, 合适的, 可靠的, 有希望的adv.或许, 很可能

C.near positiveh肯定的 D.quite certainly 的确

23.Send us a message if you _______ any difficulty.(重复)√



C.will have

D.have had 24.It was difficult to guess what her ________ to the news would be.√





25.Could I borrow that book when you've finished _______ it?

A.to read

B.not to read

C.in reading √

D.reading 26.I will repair this new TV set without charging免费 because it is under _______.A.initial最初




27.They have never heard any


A.a customer complaint

B.the customer's complaints √

C.customer's complaint

D.the customers' complaints 28.He is given answers that only

his confusion混淆.(重复)√ A.add to增加

B.come with伴随…发生

C.add with

D.come up上升,发生

29.many of the customers work during the day, Billy has to collect收集 the money from them at night.√




D.From 30.I'll call to see you this evening _______ I can stay only a few minutes.A.which





1.Every one of the students had to do their own experiment试验, and then于是 professor Brown judged判断

the results结果.√ A.their



C.and then

D.the results 2.The problem is how we can operate the new machine on such a short time.A.how


√ C.on(in?)

D.a 3.He cannot remember the thing whose made me very sad.A.cannot


√ C.whose(which?)

D.sad 4.Now that the newspaper arrived we can see the scores of the tennis matches.A.that

√ B.arrived 到达

C.can see

D.of the 5.Only after he comes to consciousness意识 you can make the final decision结果.A.Only


√ C.you can(can you?)



1.We were _______ for half an hour in the traffic交通事故 and so we arrived late.(重复P4)

A.put back延误

B.broke down破裂

√ C.held up被占(抢劫)

D.kept off不接近

2.I didn't know what to do, but then an idea suddenly ________ to me.(重复P1)





7.The speech演讲 _____, a lively discussion started活跃的讨论开始了.(重复P4)

A.being delivered送递

B.be delivered

C.was delivered √

D.having been delivered

4.Some of your suggestions意见 have been adopted采用 but others have been _______ as they are not workable有效.A.turned away防止

√B.turned down拒绝

C.turned back挡住

D.turned out驱逐

5.The police did not at first


the crime罪行.√ A.connect with 连接

B.contact with和…一致

C.connect关连 to

D.contact接触 to

6.He is given answers that only

his confusion.(重复)√

A.add to

B.come with

C.add with

D.come up 7.The United Nations Conference商会 on Global Environment全球环境, which took place earlier this year in Vienna维也纳, was a very ________ meeting.√



C.aggressive侵略性的 D.protective保护的

8.You ______ drive on the right靠右行驶 in the U.S.A.A.will be

B.must √C.have to

D.shall 9.Nobody knows how long and how seriously认真地 the shakiness震动 in the financial system will _________ down the economy经济.(重复P1,答案不同)


B.settle专心 √C.drag使衰弱


10.It was a long drive to get to the beach海滩 and we three took the wheel轮子

.A.over turn在旋转之上

B.with turn藉由旋转 √ C.in turn依次

D.on turn在旋转上

11.Send us a message if you _______ any difficulty.(重复)√



C.will have

D.have had 12“I'm leaving now.” “Make sure _______ the door.”

A.to have locked

B.after locking

√C.you have locked

D.for you to lock

13.He didn't live up to实践 ____________ had been expected期待 of him √ A.what



D.all 14.The escaped prisoner逃亡的囚犯 waited until _____ of night before leaving his hiding遮盖 place.√A.dark黑暗



D.dead 15.Sunglasses are used to _____ people's eyes from the light of the sun.A.prevent防止

√ B.protect保护



16.If you don't go to school _______, you will not learn your lessons very well.(重复)


√B.regularly 有规律地

C.exact精确的 D.properly 适当地

17.Life insurance人寿保险, _______ available可利用的 only to young, healthy persons, can now be obtained获得 for old people.A.before在…之前




18.I ran _______ Alice, who was on her way to see how I was getting along.(重复)


B.out of

C.over √ D.into 19.I felt that I was not yet _______ to travel旅行.A.strongly enough

B.enough strongly √

C.strong enough

D.enough strong 20.Without even thinking about _______ he was doing, he stopped the car.A.whether B.where C.that √

D.what 21.The government will have to work hard __________ the confidence of the people after the terrible event.(重复P5)

A.to win back B.to win through C.to come up with D.to come at 22.It seems very difficult _______.A.to stop the child to cry

B.restraining the child to cry √

C.to keep the child from crying使孩子不哭泣

D.holding the child's crying 23.“I believe you and Sally will really impress the teacher.” “Well, don't expect期待 _______.”

A.us for too much

B.us of too much

√ C.too much of us

D.of us too much


24._______ that my head had cleared, my brain was also beginning to work much better.既然我的头已经清醒的,我脑也正在开始好多了工作。


B.Since √C.Now D.Despite 25.He lived to be ninety-eight, the _______ man in Bulgaria保加利亚.√

A.healthiest最健康的 B.healthful有益健康的 C.health 健康


26.It was not very _______ of you to sell the house.The price is increasing everyday.重复P1


B.clear C.friendly √ D.wise 27.The noise噪音 of the traffic交易 _________ Paul保罗 from his work.A.prevented防止

√ B.distracted心烦意乱的 C.annoyed使苦恼


28.Mary was going to a wedding婚宴 so she brushed刷(发)_______ well.√ A.her hair

B.her hairs

C.the hair

D.the hairs 29.She did not feel _______ going out, as she had a slight headache轻微头痛.(重复P2)

A.about √ B.like


D.for 30.None of them spoke English _______ Sam.(重复)

A.except of



D.except for 1.二、判断题

1.学生的每一必须做他们的自己实验, 然後教授布朗判断了结果。一。他们的 B。自己的 C。然後 D。结果 2.问题是我们在如此的一个短时间能操作新的机器方式。一。如何 B。操作 C。在 D。一 3.他不能够记得使我很忧愁的事物。

一。不能够 B。事物 C。谁的 D。忧愁的 4.现在报纸到达我们能看见网球比赛的得分。

一。那 B。到达 C。能看见 D。那 5.只有在他到达 意识你之後能下最后的决定。

A.唯一的 B。到 C。你能 D。制造


1.我们是 _______半个小时在交通方面而且因此我们晚到达。

一。延误 B。故障 C。支撑 D。避开

2.我不 知道该做什么, 但是然后一个主意突然 ________对我。

一。出现 B。发生 C。发生 D。出现 3.演讲 _____,活泼的讨论开始。

一。被递送 B。被递送 C。被递送 D。有被递送

4.一些你的提议有被采用但是其他人是 _______如同他们不是能工作。

一。拒绝进入 B。把~关小 C。折回 D。把~关掉 5.警察没有起先 她 罪行。

一。连接, 由于 B。连络由于 C。连接到 D。连络到 6.他被给答案那唯一的 _______他的混乱。

一。增加到 B。来由于 C。增加由于 D。发生

7.全球的环境上的联合国会议, 今年稍早在维也纳发生, 是一非常 ________会议。

一。能生产的 B。畅谈的 C。攻击性的 D。给予保护的 8.你 ______在 U.S.A.中的在权利之上的推进力

一。将会是 B。必须 C。必须 D。将

9.没有人知道多久和如何严重的震动在财政的系统中意志 _________下经济置于地面。

一。放 B。长椅 C。累赘 D。敲


一。在旋转之上 B。藉由旋转 C。依次 D。在旋转上 11.送我们一个信息是否你 _______任何的困难。

一。有 B。有 C。将会有 D。有有 12“我现在正在离开”。“确定 _______门。” 一。有锁 B。在锁定之後 C。你有锁 D。因为你到锁 13.他不 符合 ____________已经他被预期。

一。什么 B。哪一 C。那 D。所有的

14.被逃脱的囚犯等候直到 _____夜晚在离开他的藏地方之前。

一。黑暗 B。深的 C。深度 D。死

15.太阳眼镜习惯於 _____来自太阳的光人们的眼睛。

一。避免 B。保护 C。停止 D。救援

16.是否你不 去上学 _______,你将不学习你的课很好。

一。适当地B。最后 C。有规则地 D。正确

17.人寿保险, _______ 可得的唯一对年轻的, 健康的人,现在能被为老人们获得。

一。在 B。在 C。先前的 D。先前

18.我跑 _______爱丽丝, 是在前往看见我如何正在相处的途中。

一。向上的 B。在外 C。结束 D。进入 19.我感觉我是不仍然 _______ 旅行。

一。强烈地充足 B。足够强烈地 C。强壮的充足 D。强壮的充足 20.没有甚至思考大约 _______他正在做,他停止了汽车。

一。是否 B。哪里 C。那 D。什么

21.The 政府将会必须努力地工作 __________在可怕的事件後面的人信心。

一。赢回 B。赢得过 C。发现 D。来在 22.它像是非常困难 _______.一。停止孩子到哭声 B。抑制孩子到哭声 C。使孩子不哭泣 D。捉住孩子的叫喊 23.“我真的相信你和莎莉意志印象老师”。“嗯,不预期 _______.” 一。我们为太多 B。我们太多 C。太多我们 D。我们太多 24._______我的头已经 清除的,我脑也正在开始好多了工作。A.为 B.自 C.现在 D.不在乎

25.他居住是九十八,那 _______在保加利亚里面的男人。

一。最健康的 B。有益健康的 C。健康 D。健康地 26.它是不非常 _______ 你卖房子。价格每天正在增加。

一。类型 B。清楚的 C。友好的 D。明智的 27.交通的噪音 _________来自他的工作保罗。

一。避免 B。分心C。使 D。加深框语 28.玛丽正在这麽去一个婚礼她刷 _______好的。

一。她的头发 B。她的头发 C。头发 D。头发

29.她不 感觉 ______________外出 ,如同她有了一个纤细的头痛一样。

一。大约 B。同类 C。在 D。为 30.他们没有人说了英国语 _______Sam。

一。除 B。除了 C。例外 D。除了为之外


While plant植物 and animal动物 species种类 are disappearing消失 at a rapidly迅速

increasing增长 rate比率 throughout the world, scientists科学家 note记录 some success stories成功故事.For example, the number of elephants象 killed illegally不法地 in Africa has fallen sharply急剧下降.89 thousand were killed in 1983.46thousand were killed one year later.This happened because African countries国家 agreed to establish建立 export limits出口限制 on

ivory象牙 from elephants.Ivory is the hard white material物质 that forms an elephant's two long teeth, or tusks长牙.Countries that import进口 ivory are refusing谢绝 to accept ivory shipments装船 that do not have legal export documents合法的出口公文.The Convention大会 on International Trade in Endangered Species in a treaty条约 signed by 91 nations国家 led to the program for saving endangered计划拯救的 elephants in Africa.Successful成功 efforts成就 also同样 have been made in protecting Africa's endangered濒临灭绝的 mountain山 gorillas大猩猩.Almost差不多 400 of the gorillas survive幸存 in a volcano火山 area范围 on the border边境 of Rwanda卢旺达, Uganda乌干达 and Zaire扎伊尔.The mountain gorilla population人口(数量)has remained剩余 about the same for 15 years.This happened partly部分, because Rwanda developed发展 an important business重要商业 that depends依赖 on protecting保护 the gorillas.Visitors游客 there can pay to get close to watch the gorillas in the animals'

traditional传统的 home area区域.Another successful program is to take endangered animals out of their natural homes.The animals are put into zoos or other protected areas where they can reproduce in safety.The goal目标 of many of these programs is to produce引起 enough animals to put back into the wild野性.1.What is the best title for this passage?


2.The number of elephants killed illegally in Africa has decreased减少 greatly in that _A___.3.In Africa, the number of elephants killed illegally in 1983 and 1984 was__C__.4.The number of mountain gorillas has remained about the same for many years partly部分 because of ___C(A)___.5.The phrase短语 “the wild”荒野 in Paragraph 5 refers to __C___.

A.89 000

B.13 500

√C.135 000=89000+46000

D.153 000

Culture shock文化冲击 might可以 be called an occupational disease职业病 of people who have been suddenly transplanted abroad移民国外.Like most ailments疾病, it has its own

symptoms症状 and cure治愈.文化冲击可被称为有突然被在移民国外的人们一种职业的疾病。像最大多数的小病,它有它的自己症状和治疗。

Culture shock is precipitated突如其来的 by the anxiety忧虑 that results from losing all our familiar signs熟悉的标记 and symbols符号 of social社会intercourse交流.Those signs or

cues include the thousand and one ways众我方法 in which we orient适宜 ourselves to the

situation情形 of daily life: when to shake hands and what to say when we meet people, when and how to give tips, how to make purchases购买, when to accept and when to refuse invitations邀请,when to take statements陈述 seriously真诚 and when not.These cues提示, which may be words, gestures,facial expressions面部表情, customs, or norms, are acquired习惯 by all of us in the course在..期间 of growing up成长 and are as much同样多 a part of our

culture文明 as the language we speak or the beliefs信仰 we accept接受.All of us depend for our peace of mind and our efficiency on hundreds of these cues, most of which we do not carry on the level of conscious awareness.完全缺乏熟悉的社会交往的标志和特征导致的忧虑加速了我们对文化的不适应症。这些标志和记号包括了我们对日常生活环境适应的众多方法: 当到摇动手和该说什么当我们遇见别人, 当该如何示意 , 该如何进行购买,何时该接受和何时该拒绝邀请, 何时该真诚的陈述和何时不那么做。这些提示, 可能是字,手势 , 面部表情,关税或基准, 在成长期间,和同样地被我们全部获得是很多我们的文化一个部份如语言我们说或我们接受的信念。我们全部都为我们的思想和我们的和平数以百计这些开端上的效率靠, 我们不


Now when an individual enters a strange culture, all or most of these familiar cues are removed.He or she is like a fish out of water.No matter how broad-minded or full of goodwill you may be,a series of props have been knocked from under you followed by a feeling of frustration and anxiety.People react to the frustration in much the same way.现在当一个个人进入这些熟悉的开端奇怪的文化 , 所有的或大部分是离开的时候。他或她由水像一条鱼。无论友善你可能是多麽的气量大的或充满,一系列的 支柱从在被挫折和焦虑的感觉跟随的你之下有被敲击。在多相同的方法中人们对~产生反应挫折。

First they reject the environment which causes the discomfort.“The ways of the host country are bad because they make me feel bad.” When foreigners in a strange land get together to grouse about the host country and its people, you can be sure they are suffering from culture shock.Another phase of culture shock is regression.The home environment suddenly assumes a tremendous importance.To the foreigner everything becomes irrationally glorified.首先他们拒绝引起不便之处的环境。“因为他们使我感觉坏 , 所以东道主很坏”。当在奇怪的土地中的外国人聚在一起埋怨有东道主国和它的民族事时候, 你能确定他们正在蒙受文化冲击。文化冲击的另外一个时期是衰退。家环境突然承担巨大的重要。对外国人每件事物无理性的变成赞美。

All the difficulties and problems are forgotten and only the good things back home are remembered.It usually takes trip home to bring one back to reality.所有的困难和问题被忘记并且只有好的事物回家被记得。它通常带旅行回家对真实把一带来回来。

1.According to the passage, culture shock ___A___.

2.The second month of a year is named February probably because ___C____.A.the god Februa has two faces.因Februa是个双面神

B.it is named after a Roman god who does spring cleaning它由一个做春天清洁的罗马人命名

C.it is time to consider spring cleaning这时是考虑春天清洁的时候了

D.“February” means “two”“ in Latin二月是拉丁文”二”的意思

3.Regarding关于 the origin of the name of the second month of a year, the author作者 is A.A.not very sure不是很确信

B.completely ignorant完全无知

C.very certain非常确定

D.suspicious 可疑

4.According to the passage, which of the following is TRUE? A

A.It is frequently频繁 rainy and stormy暴风 in March in most of North America.北美三月的天气大多数下雨和暴风

B.Every year there are exactly 365 days and twenty-four hours.每年都确切地有365日和24小时

C.People all over the world celebrate cleaning in February.全世界都在2月庆贺清洁

D.God Mars often appear in pictures with snow, lightning and thunder.战神时常以雪闪电雷出现 5.Which of the following statements might be the topic sentence of this passage? A.The months are all named after Roman gods.月份全以罗马神命名

B.The English names of the months of the year are from Latin.英文月份名称来自拉丁文

C.In every year there are exactly 365 days and six hours.每年有365日+6小时

D.The name February comes from a Roman celebration.二月命名来自罗马庆典


Yesterday was(1 Jim's birthday).He got a lot of presents(2from)

his friends and family.All the gifts were wrapped _(3with)colored paper.(4)of(5)(6)large, but others were very small.Some(7)heavy, and others were light.One square package was blue, there was a book in it.Another one was long and narrow;it had an umbrella in it.Jim's sister gave him a big,(8)package.He thought it(9)a ball, but it(10).When he(11)the yellow paper that covered it, he saw that it was a globe of the world.After that his brother gave him(12)_gift.It was a big box(13)

green paper.Jim opened it and found another box(14)red paper.He removed the paper and saw a third box;this one was blue in color.Everyone laughed(15)Jim opened the boxes.There were six of them!In the last one he found a small white envelope.There was a piece of paper in the envelope which(16):” Go to the big bed-room.Look(17)the closet near the high window.You will see three suitcases: a

black one, a brown one and a gray one.Your birthday present is in one of these.“

Jim(18)the large bedroom.He went to the closet and began(19)the suitcases.He had to open all of them(20)he saw his brother's present.He was very happy.It was just what Jim wanted----a portable typewriter.

Rote-learning(死记硬背), spoon-fed education匙喂教育, produces导致 a brand烙印 of kids that don't know what to do when entering university进入大学.They are disciplined into following, not leading.他们被训练跟从,而不是领导.Yet the future depends on creativity and imagination.然而未来依赖创造和想像力.The world needs creators, makers and shakers of the new centuries,世界需要创造者,创造和揉合出新的世纪 not the followers of the past centuries.而不是追随过去的世纪.As the numbers increase at college and university level, more students from the lower ends are likely to be thrown into a system designed to choose only learners that have proved excellent in listening to teachers.,如学院和大学平数字增加,更多来自下端的较多学生对进入被设计体系,只会听老师的话,选择能证明的学习者为优良的一个系统之内可能被丢弃

There are three ways to learn: looking, listening and doing.学习只有三个途径:看,听,做

Students and teachers today are a product of learning by listening.学生和老师是今天听的产物.The computer may not be liked by traditional teachers电脑可能不被传统老师喜欢, who use rote-learning to put information谁喜欢死记硬背, which will be out of date in a few years没几年就会落后, into the heads of the students.With computer learning you learn by looking, listening and doing;you use three methods of learning, not just one.Therefore因此, you can learn faster.The changing speed of information is frightening.信息正令人吃惊地变更.What we learn now will be out of date in the near future.我们所学在不久的将来被废弃.So what students are learning now at school may be replaced by the time they finish university.中学时代所学可能在大学时已被取代.We have to learn by choice what to forget我们不得不选择学习忘记.Rote-learning for exams is one thing, but wouldn't it be better to learn how to learn?但它不会是比较好地学习如何学习的吗? The students at university today could possibly be doing a job in the not too distant future which has not yet been invented.今日的大学生可能可以做一项工作是今天尚未出现的.149.According to the author, the future doesn't need _____ D_______.A)creativity创造 B)imagination 想像C)creators创作 D)followers追随者

150.In the author's view作者观点, how can students learn well? D

A)Carefully listen to the teacher in class.小心听老师课堂中的说话

B)Take down every single word said by the teacher.记下老师说的每个词 C)Learn all the notes by heart.学习所有的笔记

D)Combine listening with looking and doing.听看做结合151.What does the author mean by ”The changing speed of information is frightening“?

林 D

A)We don't have enough time to adjust ourselves to the speed of information.我们没有充足的时间调整我们自己到数据的速度

B)What we learned today may not be useful tomorrow.我们今天所学的不是明天所用的 C)The pace of life is too fast.生活的速度太快

D)The world is changing every minute.世界每分钟都正在变更

152.What does the last sentence of the passage tell us?


C A)Rote-learning is completely harmful.死记硬背十分有害

B)Students may have to do jobs which have not yet been invented.学生可能必须做仍未被创造出来的工作

C)It's better to learn how to learn than learn what to forget.比学习该忘记什么更好的,是学习该如何学习

D)Students must look into the future.学生必须预见未来

153.The author's attitude towards rote-learning is ____ B_____.A)approving满意 B)disapproving不赞成

C)confident确信 D)opposite to what the words say相对而言的Text 3 Since the late 1960s a growing number of women have expressed a strong dissatisfaction不满 with any marriage arrangement wherein the husband and his career are the primary considerations in the marriage.自从 1960 年代後期以後愈来愈多的女人有用~表达一个强烈不满婚姻需主要考虑安排丈夫和他的事业.By the end of the 1970s, for example, considerably相当于 less than half of the women in the United States still believed that they would put their husbands and children ahead of their own careers事业.只有少于一半的美国妇女愿意将丈夫和孩子放在事业之前.More and more American women have come to believe that they should be equal partners rather than junior partners in their marriages.越来越多美国妇女相信他们是与婚姻处在对等的地位.This stage of marriage, 婚姻的这个阶段性,although not typical典型 of most American marriages at present, 虽然现在不是大多数美国婚姻生活的典型, will grow most rapidly in the future.有迅速增长的趋势.In an equal partnership marriage对等的合伙婚姻中, the wife pursues a full-time job or career which has equal importance to her husband's.妻子全职工作,与她的丈夫同等重要.The long-standing长期存在 division of labor劳动分工 between husband and wife comes to an end.长期存在的劳动分工在丈夫和妻子之间结束.The husband is no longer the main主要 provider供给 of family income收入, 丈夫不再是家庭收入的主要供给者, and the wife no longer has the main responsibilities职责 for household duties and raising children.而妻子的主要职责不再是家庭和养育孩子.Husband and wife share all these duties equally.夫妻平等地分担这些责任.Power over family decisions is also shared equally.家庭的决定力量也被相等地分享.The rapid change in women's attitudes toward marriage in the 1970s reflected rapid change in the larger society.The Women's Liberation Movement appeared in the late 1960s, demanding an end to all forms of sexual discrimination against females.女权运动在1960年代后期出现 An Equal Rights Amendment(修正案)to the U.S.Constitution was proposed which would make any form of discrimination歧视 on the basis of sex illegal, and though it has failed to be ratified, it continues to have millions of supporters.一部平等修正案提议修定美国宪法差别以性别歧视是违法的,虽然它有未能被批准,它继续有数以百万计的支持者.154.Since the late 1960s more women have been dissatisfied 不满 with the marriage婚姻生活 where in _林B____(D).A)they are unhappy B)they are in the inferior position她们地位次等

C)only the husband work to earn the living只有丈夫工作谋生 D)the wife only take care of the household妻子照顾家庭

155.What is the long-standing division of labor劳动分工 between husband and wife in America? 林D A)Husband-leader, wife-helper.丈夫-领导者,妻子-助手 B)Husband and wife share the housework.夫妻分担家务 C)Husband and wife have equal partnership.夫妻地位对等

D)Husband plays a superior role while wife plays an inferior role.丈夫扮演上手角色,妻子扮演下等角色

156.Which statement is NOT true about the new type of marriage新型婚姻生活? 林C A)Husband and wife share all their duties equally.夫妻平等分享责任 B)Wife can also make the decisions in the family.妻子也有决定权

C)Wife earns the living while husband does housework.妻子谋生,丈夫做家务 D)Husband is also responsible for raising children.丈夫也要养育孩子

157.The women's attitudes toward marriage contribute to妇女对婚姻的态度有利于 __林D___.A)the Women's Liberation Movement女权运动

B)the prohibition of any form of sexual discrimination任何形式的性别歧视的禁令 C)the changing roles of husband and wife in the marriage变更婚姻中夫妻角色 D)all of the above以上所有

158.Which of the following can be the title for this passage? 林A(不是很确定)D A)The Changing Patterns of Americans' Marriage改变美国人的婚姻模式 B)An Ideal Marriage理想婚姻

C)The Women's Liberation Movement女权运动

D)The Equal Right Between Husband and Wife夫妻平等

It was an early morning in summer.In the streets,sleepy—eyed睡眼腥松的 people were moving quickly,heading towards their 1 jobs.This was the beginning of another 2 ordinary 普通的 day in New York City.3But this day was to be different.

Waiting 4above在..之上

the crowded拥挤的 streets,on top of a 5building 110 stories high,was Philippe Petit.This daring大胆的 Frenchman was about to正打算walk tightrope(绷索)between the two towers of the World Trade Center.

Philippe took his first 7step(take a step属固定搭配,意为“迈步”)with great care小心翼翼地.The wire held.Now he was 8sure he could do it, 9with only a balancing pole平衡杆,Philippe walked his way across,a 10distance 距离of 131


Soon the rush-hour高峰时期crowds 人群 began to notice.What a 12wonder奇迹

!There,1350 feet above the street,a 13 tiny 微小的 figure角色 was walking on air.Philippe made seven 14 trips 来回,back and forth(来回).He wasn’t satisfied满意 with just 15walking .At times,he would turn,sit down,and 16even连贯

go on his knees跪着.Once he had the astonishing 17 courage 勇气 to lie down on the thin thread细丝.And thousands of 18 terrified受惊吓的watchers stared盯着看 with their hearts beating fast.

After the forty—five—minute 19show表演.Philippe was taken to the police

station.He was asked 20why he did it.Philippe shrugged(耸肩)and said,“When I see two high buildings,I walk.”






























B.uncertain C.glad












C.passengers D.city









14.A.experiments B.circles
















B.terrified C.pleased









D.when 1.A 推理:并非所有的人都是进office工作,jobs可泛指任何工作场所。

2.D 从下句的意思分析出,这一天非同寻常,可见本句day的定语应该是“普通的”

3.C 表转折关系。


5.D 4、5两空应同时看:两个地点状语都表明“在高处”。从下文也可看出,在绷索上行走的那个人是站在110层高楼顶上。

6.B 从“在两个塔之间的绷索”这个状语可以想象,此人将在上面“行走”。

7.C take a step属固定搭配,意为“迈步”。

8.A 从The wire held可看出,由于绳索牢固,他对表演走绷索“有把握”。

9.C with指使用某种工具。

10.A 此处指两个楼之间的距离。

11.B 句意为:“上班高峰期的人们开始注意到这个人在走绷索。”

12.C 高空行走,真是“奇迹”。

13.D 从下面看1350英尺高处的人很小,只能用“tiny”。

14.C trips指“几个来回”。

15.A walking与下文的turn,sit down以及go on his knees形成对比。

16.B 据场面高空表演动作的难易程度推断。

17.D 做这些高难动作, 要有很大的“勇气”。


19.A 此人是在绷索上“表演”。

20.B 警察对此人在这样的高空“玩命”大惑不解,故问Why he did it? 另一套答案1A.jobs 2D.ordinary 3C.But 4D.above 5D.building 6B.walk 7C.step 8A.sure 9C.With 10A.distance 11B.crowds 12C.wonder 13D.tiny 14C.trips 15A.walking 16B.even 17D.courage 18B.terrified 19A.show 20B.why 当进入大学的时候 , 机械性的背诵-学问(死记硬背), 匙喂的教育, 生产不

知道该做什么的小孩商标。他们被进入跟随之内训练, 不领先。仍然未来仰赖创造力和想像。世界需要新的世纪创作者,制造者和摇荡机而不是过去世纪的从者。如数字增加在来自下端的学院和大学同高的,较多的学生对进入被设计只在听老师的话方面选择有证明的学习者为优良的一个系统之内被丢是有可能的。

有三个方法可以学习: 看,听而且做。

学生和老师今天是藉由听学习的产品。计算机不可能被传统的老师喜欢, 使用学习机械性的背诵放数据, 将会在几年之内是过时的,进入那头学生之内。藉由计算机学习你藉由看学习,听而且做;你使用三个学习的方法而不是正直的。因此,你能比较快速地学习。


问为考试是一件事物,但是它不会是比较好学习该如何学习的吗? 学生在大学今天可以可能地在那不仍未被发明的太远未来中做一种工作。

对作家的 1.According,未来不

需要 ____________.2.In 作家的视野,学生如何能学习得好? 3.What 作家方法被 ” 那变更数据的速度正在惊吓“? 4.What 通道的最後一个句子告诉我们吗? 5.The 作家的态度对於机械性的背诵-学问是 _________.Computer technology技术 enabled激活 the researchers研究员 to obtain获得 precise精确的

measurements测量法 of the volume体积 of the front and side sections部分 of the brain脑, which relate涉及 to intellect(智能)and emotion情感, and deter-mine决定 the human人类 character特征.(The rear section of the brain脑的后部, which controls控制 functions作用 like eating and breathing呼吸, does not contract使缩短 with age, and one can continue延续 living without intellectua l智力 or emotional faculties(功能).计算机技术使了研究员能够获得脑的前面和边区段的体积精确的测量, 与有关智力和情绪, 而且制止-我的人类个性。脑的后面区段, 控制功能相似的吃而且呼吸,由于年龄不缩短,而且一能继续生活没有有知识者或情绪的才能。

Contraction收缩 of front and side parts-as cells die off-was observed in some subjects in their thirties, but it was still not evident in some sixty-and-seventy-year-olds.前面和边部份的收缩-当细胞相继死去-在他们的在一些课题中被观察三十多岁, 但是它仍然不对~感到显然的一些六十-和-七十岁的。

Matsuzawa concluded from his tests that there is a simple remedy to the contraction normally associated with age-using the head.Matsuzawa 从他的测试得出结论,对正常地与~有关使用年龄的头收缩的简单药物。

The findings show in general terms that contraction of the brain begins sooner in people in the country than in the towns.Those least at risk, says Matsuzawa, are lawyers, followed by university professors and doctors.White collar workers doing routine work in government offices are, however, as likely to have shrinking brains as the farm worker, bus driver and shop assistant.调查结果在脑的收缩很快在国家中的人们中开始的一般术语中展现比较在城镇中。很危险的那些最少, Matsuzawa 说,是律师,被大学教授和医生跟随。然而,白色的衣领工人在政府办公室中做常式工作是, 如有可能的有收缩智力如农场工人,公共汽车司机和商场店员。

Matsuzawa's findings show that thinking can prevent the brain from shrinking.Blood must circulate properly in the head to supply the fresh oxygen the brain cells need.”The best way to maintain good blood circulation is through using the brain, “ he says.”Think hard and engage in conversation.Don ' t rely on pocket calculators.“ Matsuzawa's 调查结果展现思考能阻止脑收缩。血一定适当地在头中流通供应新鲜的氧脑细胞需要。”对维持好的血循环的最好方法是穿越动脑筋,“他说。”努力地想而且专注交谈。不依赖计算器。“

46.The team of doctors wanted to find out ______A___.[ A ] why certain people age sooner than others为什麽某些人变老比其他人更快 [ B ] how to make people live longer如何使人更长寿

[ C ] the size of certain people ' s brains某些人的智力大小 [ D ] which people are most intelligent人是最聪明的

47.On what are their research findings based? 在他们的研究调查结果被建立什么之上?C [A] A survey of farmers in northern Japan.在日本北部的农民调查。[ B ] Tests performed on a thousand old people.测试在一千个老人。

[ C ] The study of brain volumes of different people.不同的人们脑体积的研究 [ D] The latest development of computer technology.计算机技术的最新发展。

48.The doctor ' s tests show that ___D______.医生的测试展现

[ A ] our brains shrink as we grow older当我们变得比较年长,我们的智力收缩 [B] the front section of the brain does not shrink脑的前面区段不收缩

[ C ] sixty-year-olds have better brains than thirty-year-olds六十岁的有三十岁的智力好

[ D ] some people ' s brains have contracted more than other people ' s一些人们智力有收缩超过其他人

49.The word ”subjects“ in paragraph 5 means____C_____.[ A ] something to be considered某事被尊重

[ B ] branches of knowledge学科 studied有计划的

[ C ] persons chosen to be studied in an experiment选择的人在实验方面学习[ D ] any member of a state except the supreme ruler最高统治者以外的其他成员

50.According to the passage, which people seem to age slower than the others? 哪些像是变老比其他人更慢?


[A] Lawyers.律师

[B] Farmers.农民

[C] Clerks.店员 [D] Shop assistants.购物助手 2007年4月会计学位模拟试题(1)2.Being a man has always been dangerous.There are about 105 males born for every 100 females, but this ratio drops to near balance at the age of maturity, and among 70-year old people there are twice as many women as men.But the great universal(普遍性)of male mortality is being changed.Now, boy babies survive almost as well as girls do.This means that for the first time there will be an excess of boys in those crucial years when they are searching for a mate.More important, another chance for natural selection has been removed.Fifty years ago, the chance of a baby surviving depended on its weight.A kilogram too light or too heavy meant almost certain death.Today it makes almost no difference.Since much of the variation is due to genes, one more force of evolution has gone.There is another way to commit evolutionary suicide: stay alive, but have fewer children.Except in some religious communities, very few women have 15 children.Nowadays the number of births, like the age of death, has become average.Most of us have roughly the same number of children.Again, differences between people and the opportunity for natural selection to take advantage of it have disappeared.India shows what is happening.The country offers wealth for a few in the great cities and poverty for the remaining tribal peoples.The grand mediocrity of today-everyone being the same in survival and number of children-means that natural selection has lost 80% of its power in middle-class compared to the tribe.For us, this means that evolution is over;the biological Utopia has arrived.Strangely, it has involved little physical change.No other species fills so many places in nature.But in the past 100 000 years-even the past 100 years-our lives have been transformed but our bodies have not.We did not evolve, because machines and society did it for us.Darwin had a phrase to describe those ignorant of evolution;they ”look at an organic being as a savage looks at a ship, as at something wholly beyond his comprehension.“ No doubt we will remember a 20th century way of life beyond comprehension for its ugliness.But however amazed our descendants may be at how far from Utopia we were, they will look just like us.1.According to the author, what was the danger a man had to face? 2.The sentence ”There is another way to commit evolutionary suicide“ perhaps means _____.3.The example of India interprets that ______.4.The author argues that our bodies have stopped evolving because_____.5.What is the main idea of the passage?

3.How do the American office men and women dress themselves when they go to work? In certain kinds of businesses the men wear only suits of a conservative nature with white shirts and dark ties;in others, men wear blazers and quiet-pattern sport Jackets.In some institutions women know instinctively to wear skirts(there are no rules posted saying they should not wear pants).In some other types of Jobs women wear pantsfreely, and in certain other jobs that demand physical activity pants are almost a necessity.In conservative business such as banks, insurance companies, and company headquarters, men and women should have one fashion and one only;to dress in good taste.Good taste does not need a major investment in designers' originals;good taste means dressing in an understated rather than overstated manner.The importance of grooming cannot be overemphasized.Without it, there is no successful fashion.It would be helpful if everyone were to go over their grooming check list in front of a full-length mirror before leaving home each morning.Career people can keep a full set of toiletries and make-up stored somewhere at the office.A woman going to an evening party should dress in the morning in one of her ”basic dresses“-the kind that can change into a different look with an added scarf or jewelry.She can metamorphose herself into another person with freshly cleaned teeth, combed hair, a new face, a different and dressier pair of shoes, and some sparkling jewelry.In addition to a razor and toothbrush, men should keep a change of shirt in their office so that they can go off in the evening looking refreshed.If the occasion is formal they too must store their black-tie paraphernalia and their dressy black shoes in their office.1.According to the text, some women have to work in pants because _______.2.”dress in good taste“(in Paragraph 3)may refer to_______.3.”The importance of grooming cannot be overemphasized"(in Paragraph 4)may most probably mean _______.4.It is suggested in the text that before leaving home for work _______.5.Which of the following can be inferred from the text?

international city, we can put students in touch with many religious groups in this area.Finally, with excellent air, rail and road links to the rest of Britain, Europe and the world, getting here is easy.1.The University of London is situated at a city ____________.2.The University of London is famous for_______.3.Whenever international students have any difficulty in life, they can go to______ for help.4.The university assures the first year students that __________.5.The main purpose of this passage is to___________.

Unless he does something wrong, or he will not be criticized.His father’s behavior is very rude when he loses his temper.If he had done it earlier, he could have caught the train.I will have been studying here for nearly three years in July next year.No matter how many times she has showed the tourists around the city, she would not be sick of talking about her city.At the end of the 18th century, Britain became the world’s factory quickly.The headmaster awarded the excellent students the honor title.She is eager to be awarded prizes.She think her success is the result of efforts.How many chapters should be read for homework according to the teacher?




5、一辈子不犯错误的人是没有的。(lifetime).She was made to wait for more than an hour.I suggest you leave for the airport earlier.Once you show scare, he will attack you.Did you make great effort to get these football tickets? There is nobody doesn’t make mistakes in a lifetime.1、从他的语音说明他是外国人。

.Bacteria are too small to be seen.2.细菌太小,肉眼看不见。

.Britain quickly became the world’s factory at the end of the 18 century.3.在十八世纪末,英国迅速成为世界的工厂

.We’ve been waiting two hours when he arrived.4.他到达时,我们已经在那里等了2个小时。

.She wonders if it is cheaper to make a telephone call after 5 pm.5.她想知道是否下午5点后打电话更会省钱。

.The period of validity of these tickets are only 7 days.6.这些票的有效期只有7天。

.The headmaster awarded the excellent students the honor title.7.校长授予优秀学生予荣誉称号。You would have seen her if you arrived yesterday.8.假如你昨天到达,你就能见到她。

9.I’d like to know how to explain the importance of the space communication.9.我想知道如何解释空间通讯的重要性。

10.He was applying for a clerk.10.他在申请一份职员工作。

11.The fruits were so heavy that they bent the branches.11.沉甸甸的果实压弯了树枝。

12.It was Newton who found that objects attract each other.


13.Our army won that battle.13.我们的军队在那场战斗中获得胜利。

14.The hotel can hold 500 people.14.这家旅馆能容纳500人。

15.Jane was so proud of her city that she was never bored of guiding the tourists to look around.15.JANE为自己的城市自豪,当她当游客参观时从不感到厌烦。

16.Nothing can interrupt him when he is working.16.当他工作时,没有什么事件能打扰他。

17.Although there is not enough time for the tough task, we still tried out best to accomplish it.17.尽管任务重时间紧,我们仍然努力去完成。1.His accent tells that he’s a foreigner.2.Bacteria are too small to be seen.3.重复

4.We had been waiting for two hours when he arrived.5.She wonders if it is cheaper to make a telephone call after 5 pm.6.The period of validity of these tickets are only 7 days.7.重复

8.If you had arrived yesterday, you could have seen her.9.I’d like to know how to explain the importance of the space communication.10.He is applying for a job of clerk.11.The fruits were so heavy that they bent the branches.12.It was Newton who found that objects attract each other.13.Our army won in that battle.14.The hotel can hold 500 people.15.Jane is so proud of her city that she is never sick of showing the tourists around.16.Nothing can interrupt him when he is working.17.Although there is not enough time for the tough task, we still try out best to accomplish it.我们完全意识到局势的严重性(aware)。他们近期新建的机场距离城市20公里。如果 我见到她 我会叫她等一下




Although the task is very tough, we still try our best to finish it.我们就供应牛奶与农场主讨价还价(bargain)。

We bargained the creamery accommodation problem with the farmers.这家旅馆可供500人住宿(accommodate)。

This hotel can accommodate five hundred persons.我们完全意识到局势的严重性(aware)。

We have been aware of the ponderance of the situation completely.他被禁止入城(ban)。

He was banned to enter the city.到他来的时候,我们已经等了他两个小时了。

We have been waiting for two hours when he arrived.1.他心跳得如此之快,以至于他几乎喘不过气来(beat)。His heart beats so fast that he could hardly breathe.2.无论卡门(Carmen)带领人们参观多少次,她似乎从不厌烦谈论她的城市。

No matter how many times Carmen shows people around her city, she never seems to get tired of talking about it.3.他工作时,什么也不能分散他的心思(abstract)。Nothing can abstract his mind while he works.4.他的口音说明他是个外国人(betray)。

His accent betrayed the fact that he was a foreigner.5.到他来的时候,我们已经等了他两个小时了。

We had been waiting for him for two hours by the time he came.1.他心跳得如此之快,以至于他几乎喘不过气来(beat)。His heart beats so fast that he could hardly breathe.2.无论卡门(Carmen)带领人们参观多少次,她似乎从不厌烦谈论她的城市。

No matter how many times Carmen shows people around her city, she never seems to get tired of talking about it.3.他工作时,什么也不能分散他的心思(abstract)。Nothing can abstract his mind while he works.4.他的口音说明他是个外国人(betray)。

His accent betrayed the fact that he was a foreigner.5.到他来的时候,我们已经等了他两个小时了。

We had been waiting for him for two hours by the time he came.


















开放教育试点专科起点本科开放教育法学专业毕业生 学士学位授予工作实施细则



主题词:电大 开放教育试点 法学 学士学位 授予 实施细则 附件:

中央广播电视大学 中国政法大学



第一条 学位授予条件




5.获得法学本科毕业证书。第二条 不授予学位的情形


1.有违反四项基本原则的言行,政治审查不合格者; 2.在读期间受过一次以上(含一次)记过及其以上处分者; 3.各科考试成绩未达到本细则第一条第二项规定要求的; 4.外语成绩未达到本细则第一条第四项规定要求者; 5.毕业论文未通过答辩或成绩在中等以下(不含良)的; 6.在读期间有一科以上(含一科)考试作弊者; 7.未获得法学专业本科毕业证书者; 8.未交纳学位申请费者。第三条 学位名称及学位证书



3.学位证书是一次性证件,如有遗失只补发相应的证明。第四条 授予学位的工作程序




第五条 学位申请费及学位英语考试报名费 1.收费标准




第六条 附则














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