
时间:2019-05-13 19:25:49下载本文作者:会员上传



1.How far is it from your home to the school?(你们家离学校有多少远?)

2.How many courses have you stadied in school?which course is the most important ? why?(你在学校学几个科目,哪个你认为是最重要的,为什么?)

3.What do you doon Saturday and Sunday?(周六,周日你都干什么?)

4.Do you like your mother’smeals?(你喜欢你妈妈做的饭?)

5.What is your hobby?(你爱好是什么?)

6.Which school are you in?(你是哪个学校的?)

7.What can you do if you are a volunteer of Olympic Games?

8.What do you doon Saturday and Sunday?

9.What is your favourate music?(你最喜欢什么音乐?)

10.How to keep healthy?(怎样能保持健康?)

11.Do you often go to the zoo?what can you see?what is your favourate animal?

12.Do you often go to the cinema?what kind of film?

13.Have you been late for school?

14.How many people are there in your family?(你们家有几口人?)

15.What will you do when you grow up?(你长大以后想做什么?)

16.Which do you like more,your father or your mother?(你更喜欢你的母亲还是父亲?)



Please tell us about yourself.My name is xiangpeixuan.My English name is penny.I’m eleven

Years old.I from china.I come from moziqiao primary school.4.What colour do you like?

I like red,blue and green.5.What animal do you like?

I like dog,cat and tiger.6.What's your favourite toy?

I have no toy.I’m eleven years old.I have grown up,so,Idon’t Like toy.7.What's your favourite colour?

Red.It is a festive color.8.What's your favourite fruit?

Anapple.Because it is delicious.9.What's your favourite animal?

Pandas.Because he is a national treasure, it fat, like me, he was very cute.He is our national treasures.10.What's your father?

My father was a painter, he was very handsome, very smart, humorous character, very cute.11.What's your mother?

My mother is the accountant, very careful, very nice, understanding there is great love, I love my mother.12.How old is your father(mother?)

My mother is 45 years old.My father is 46 years old.They look very young and nothing like more than 40 years of age.13.Do you like swimming?

Yes,I do.Swimming is a very interesting exercise, I am also a swimmer does.14.Do you like football?

I do not like, but my dad was like, often in the middle of the night shouting: “strike!”

15.Does your father(mother)like watching TV?

They do not like, but I Daoting like.They rarely watch TV, some to paint, and some out of sports.16.Please briefly explain your family.My home is a warm home, with four people, they are my father, mother, brother and me, I have a happy home.17.Do you have brothers and sisters do, they are now doing?

I have a brother, he is now abroad, studying in Switzerland.He is a professional tour guide, I admired my brother.What do you think you are a girl?

I am an optimistic, cheerful girl up, although I look Taitailielie, but

I have a delicate heart, I can give others happiness, and to share everything.Self-introduction:

My name is to Pei Xuan, I was eleven years old, I am more cheerful and lively, a very cute little girl, my grades were excellent, especially English.I love music, good variety of musical instruments.I was fat, but I like sports, table tennis, badminton, tennis, basketball will be 1:00.I have often been selected for the visitor as a small school tour guide, many teachers are like me.I am now studying in the new concept of two, also among the highest achievement in English class.I will work harder to be a better person.

第三篇:小升初 英语面试题


Please tell us about yourself.My name is....My English name is....I’m eleven

Years old.I from china.I come from...primary school.4.What colour do you like?

I like red,blue and green.5.What animal do you like? I like dog,cat and tiger.6.What's your favourite toy?I have no toy.I’m eleven years old.I have grown up,so,Idon’t Like toy.7.What's your favourite colour?

Red.It is a festive color.8.What's your favourite fruit?

Anapple.Because it is delicious.9.What's your favourite animal?

Pandas.Because he is a national treasure, it fat, like me, he was very cute.He is our national treasures.10.What's your father?

My father was a painter, he was very handsome, very smart, humorous character, very cute.11.What's your mother?

My mother is the accountant, very careful, very nice, understanding there is great love, I love my mother.12.How old is your father(mother?)

My mother is 45 years old.My father is 46 years old.They look very young and nothing like more than 40 years of age.13.Do you like swimming?

Yes,I do.Swimming is a very interesting exercise, I am also a swimmer does.14.Do you like football?

I do not like, but my dad was like, often in the middle of the night shouting: “strike!”

15.Does your father(mother)like watching TV?

They do not like, but I Daoting like.They rarely watch TV, some to paint, and some out of sports.16.Please briefly explain your family.My home is a warm home, with four people, they are my father, mother, brother and me, I have a happy home.17.Do you have brothers and sisters do, they are now doing?

I have a brother, he is now abroad, studying in Switzerland.He is a professional tour guide, I admired my brother.Self-introduction:

My name is..., I am eleven years old, I am more cheerful and lively, a very cute little boy.My favourite subject is English.And I love music.I am a little fat, but I like sports, table tennis, badminton, tennis,andgolf.Many teachers love me.I am now studying in...primary school.I will work harder to be a better person.




1.How far is it from your home to the school?(你们家离学校有多少远?)

2.How many courses have you stadied in school?which course is the most important?why?(你在学校学几个科目,哪个你认为是最重要的,为什么?)

3.What do you do on Saturday and Sunday?(周六,周日你都干什么?)

4.Do you like your mother’s meals?(你喜欢你妈妈做的饭?)

5.What is your hobby?(你爱好是什么?)

6.Which school are you in?(你是哪个学校的?)









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