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教学内容:PEP五年级下Unit 3 Part A Let’s talk

教学目标:1.能听、说、认读句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is in February.Is your birthday in…,too? No, my birthday is in….2.培养学生的听说读写能力及综合发展语言能力。


教学重点:强化第一课时的句型:When is your birthday? My birthday is in….并听说认读新句型:Is your birthday in…,too?







(3)用My birthday is in…说自己的生日,再询问对方的生日。引出新句型


(1)学习新句型:Is your birthday in…,too? No, my birthday is in….用月份替换操练新

句型,可以加入My birthday is in….,使学生在操练中明确句子意识。


When is Mike’s birthday? When is Amy’s birthday? When is Zhang Peng’s birthday? 解答问题后,学生再听录音,跟读,模仿,两遍。学生分角色朗读,三四组之后,替换成学生的个人真实信息,教师询问读对话的学生的生日,检查学生的学习情况。做英语练习册第14页的第四题,学生在读中核对答案。


屏幕出示图片:National Day ,Children’s Day, Tree-planting Day, Army Day, New Year’s Day, Christmas Day, 教师教读,学生结合图片理解节日名称,同时加入问答;When is….? It’s in….了解节日月份的英语表达法。巩固练习:同步解析与测评第16页,第6题,学生试做,读句子中核对答案。




1、能够听懂,会说,会认读句子What do you have for lunch today?I have some…

2、在具体的语境中灵活运用What do you have for lunch today?I have some…。


能够听懂,会说,会认读句子What do you have for lunch today?I have some… 教学难点:

在具体的语境中灵活运用What do you have for lunch today?I have some…。教学方法:

合作学习法、视听法、小组讨论法 教学过程:



Sing the ‚What do you have for lunch‛Song Guess game:what am I? Step2: Presentation 1.通过多媒体呈现时间12:00的图片,引出本节课的重点句型:What do you have for lunch today?I have some…

2.教师询问一位同学What do you have for lunch ?学生回答完后,接着问另一位同学What about you?(多问几位同学)3.多媒体呈现Let‘s talk的对话 4.听音正音。学生跟着录音读。5.听课本let’s try 的录音 Step3:Practice 1.老师和学生分角色扮演Let‘s talk的对话。2.男生女生分角色扮演Let‘s talk的对话。3.同桌俩人运用自己的真实情况操练课本对话。Step4:Production

Group work: “七嘴八舌” 学生可选择其中两个或一个进行讨论,然后以小组为单位进行汇报.Topic1:What would you like for lunch? I’d like some… Topic2:What do you have for lunch? I have some…



Unit 3 What do you have for lunch? I have some…


Unit3 Weather A Let’s spell

汀水中小 李绍莲

Step1 Preparation 1.Simple greetings:

2.Let’s chant:(播放本册Unit2 A Let’s spell 部分chant)师生一起跟读,复习已学发音知识,为学习及运用新知做好铺垫。3.Let’s do: Hands, hands ,clap your hands.Foot, foot, stamp your foot.Body, body, shake your body.Arm, arm, wave your arms.师生一起做自编chant,既活跃了课堂气氛,又为下面arm的导入学习做好铺垫。

T:Are you happy? Ss:Yes.I am happy.Step2 Presentation 1.创设情景呈现arm, car, card的教学

T:today Mark is happy,too.Let’s have a look.(课件出现主人公Mark挥舞自己胳膊的图片)So he waves his… Ss:arm.T:Yes.由此,导入arm的教学。Arm,arm, wave your arms.师生一起


T:Why? Because he and his father will go out.Let’s have a look.(课件呈现Mark及其爸爸要外出旅行的图片,图片中包含一辆小汽车及一张银行卡)T:when they go out, they need something.Can you guess? Please look at the picture carefully and tell me your answers.接下来生会猜一些能想到的东西,包括食物,生活用品等,最后师课件出示小汽车及一张银行卡的图片,及时教学car及card.具体操练如下:

Car, car, drive a car.师生一起边做动作边说单词。


最后,整体出示arm, car, card让生观察总结规律: A.单词中都有ar。


然后,课件出示all, call, walk, talk找生试读,最后师生齐读。2.紧接上一情景,教学wall, tall, ball T: we know Mark and his father will go out, but where do they go? Can you guess? 接着生会猜自己所知道的的一些地方,可能包括Harbin,Beijing, Lhasa, Hong Kong等地。最后师出示长城的图片,及时教学wall.Wall,wall, go to the Great Wall.出示一段很高的长城城墙图片,让生观察并适时教学tall.Tall, tall, the wall is tall.接下来,呈现长城脚下一些卖东西的场所,让生猜想Mark买了什么。最后师出示课件教学ball.Ball, ball, a small/big ball.同样方式整体呈现这三个单词,让生观察总结其发音规律。课件出示all, call, walk, talk并找生试读。

3.播放课本Read, listen and chant部分,让生整体学习ar及al在单词中的发音。

Step3 Practice 1.Game:送单词宝宝回家

课件出示card, wall, hard, fall, part,walk, small, dark让生在小组内根据ar及al发音规则对其进行归类,小组内试读这些单词并选代表到台前进行汇报。2.完成Read, listen and number部分。3.完成Look, listen and write部分。

Step4 Production 紧接Mark和他的爸爸去北京游览长城的大情景,课件出示下面的短文,让生更多的了解Mark的北京之行。同时将今天所学含有ar, al发音规则的单词放在语篇中进行拓展应用,以提高生的综合语言运用能力。

Mark’s trip to Beijing(麦克的北京之行)Hello!I am Mark.Today my father and I go to Beijing.It’s very far.So we drive a car.In the car, I have a card.I like art.And I draw an arm on the card.It’s fun!

In Beijing, we see the Great Wall.It’s tall.We walk on the wall.we see a ball on the wall.I like the ball and the Great Wall!1.Read the passage, circle the words with “ar” or “al”, then read in your groups.(读短文,将带有ar或al的单词在小组内圈出并读出。)2.Find and read the sentences with the above words.The more, the better!Then show in groups.(找到并读出带有ar或al单词的句子,越多越好!然后小组展示汇报。)

Group1-2: find the sentences with “ar”.Group3-4: find the sentences with “al”.注意师应给生做好示范,每个环节完成后,都要找生进行汇报,并及时给予激励性的评价。3.师生齐读该短文,整体学习。

Step5 Progress 1.What have you learned today?找生总结今天所学内容,师可

适当补充。2.Let’s chant: Show me your arm, arm arm.Let’s drive a car, car car.Then make a card, card card.Draw a small ball, ball ball.Draw a tall wall, wall wall.The wall is tall, tall tall.师生齐说自编小chant,复习本节课重点词汇。

Homework: 1.Listen to the tape and repeat.(听录音并跟读)2.Read and write more words with the same pronunciation.(读出并拼写出更多符合该发音规则的单词)

rules of


人教版八年级上册unit one Where did you go on vacation?

Good morning everyone,How are you today? I’m fine.thank you.Okay,you know,The summer vacation have finished.Can you tell me,where did you go?Who can answer this question?(Li Lei.meimei,mary)1.I just stayed at home,because the outside is so hot,I can’t stand it.(我说,i think you’re afraid of tanning,maybe you can apply a little more sunscreen)2.I went to summer camp,I got to know many new friends.It makes me happy.(我说,good,that sounds interesting,come on,meimei,well done)3.I went to the beach in Xiamen.Especially the Baicheng Beach is so amazing,Besides,I came across G.E.M(Gloria Tang)(我说,I think it’s an unforgettable experience)Okay,the three students have told us the place they have gone to.So today,we will talk about the unit 1: Where did you go on vacation? So please open your books and turn to page 2.Look at “the role-play the conversation”(要不要让学生读课文,或者要不要翻译一遍课文,还是直接切入到语法点)


Unit 1 单元教材内容:

本单元主要围绕“日常生活”展开教学,教学内容贴近学生生活,重点学习一天中不同时间段的学习和生活起居,尤其是使用频率副词谈论日常生活。在四年级所学基础上如“What time is it? It`s …o`clock.”。本单元的重点询问他人作息时间的句型及回答“When do you …? What do you do on the weekend?”。难点是频率副词always,often,usually的准确使用。本单元有3部分组成。Part A 及Part B为学习重点,Part C 是扩展性的语言教学内容。Part A 分为五部分。

Let’s try 是复习巩固以前所学场所单词。主要是通过场景听说认读单词when, after,start,usually,Spain,late及学习句型 “When do you get up?”及回答”I get up at …o’clock.”。Let’s learn 主要学习5个动词短语:do morning exercise,eat breakfast,have…class,play sports,eat dinner以及将其运用到句型“when do you…?”。正确使用a.m和p.m的表达。Ask and Write 主要是将句型用于日常生活中。Part B 分为其部分。

Let’s try 是复习巩固以前所学场所单词。Let’s talk 部分一场景对话学习单词why,shop,work,last,sound,also,busy,need,及句型“what do you do on the weekend?”。Let’s learn 学习四会动词短语:clean my room,go for a work, go shoping, take a dancing class.同时学会用频度副词always, often, sometimes叙述自己的周末活动。Read & Write 通过学习小故事学习单词:play,letter,for,live,island,always,cave。以及复习本单元所学句型。Let’s check 通过听力练习检查学生对所学短语的掌握情况,巩固学习句型及回答。Let’s wrap it up 通过选词填空,短语分类对短语掌握情况。

Part C 主要通过Zip和Zoom的情景对话,描述Zip一周的生活巩固本单元所学句型。



2、能听说读写与日常生活相关的短语:eat breakfast,have、、、class,play sports,do morning exercise,eat dinner,clean my room,go for a work,go shopping,take a dancing class。

3、能熟练运用句型“when do you、、、?”I、、、at、、、.。

4、能正确运用句型“what do youdo on the weekend? I always/udually/often/sometimes…”。并叙述自己周末活动。

5、了解字母组合 “cl” “pl”在单词中的发音/kl/ /pl。

6、理解Story time部分内容。






第一课时:A Let’s try, Let’s talk, Let’s learm 第二课时:A Let’s spell, B Let’s learm 第三课时:B Let’s try, Let’s talk 第四课时:B Read and write, Let’s check,Let’s wrap it up 第五课时:story time


Content: Let’s learm, Ask and write, Let’s spell Aims: 1.can listen&speak&read new words and phrases:do morning exercise,eat breakfast,have…class,play sports,eat dinner以及将其运用到句型“when do you…?”。正确使用a.m和p.m的表达。Ask and Write 主要是将句型用于日常生活中。

2.understand the pronunciation rule of letter group。

Key points: do morning exercise,eat breakfast,have…class,play sports,eat dinner。

When do you usually …?

Difficult points: the pronunciation of exercise and breakfast,“cl” “pl”。


Step 1 Warming-up 1.Greetings 2.Free talk(ask the right time)Step 2 Presentation 1.Let’s learn

T: What do you do at 6:30? S: T:What time is it now? When do you eat breakfast? S: 2.Practice 出示作息时间图片,学生快速反应并说出相对应短语。Step 3 Making a summary Ss: New expressions: do morning exercise,eat breakfast,have…class,play sports,eat dinner。

Sentences: when do you …? At….Step 4 Homework 1.copy the new words and expressions.2.能熟练地用英语提问timetable。3.询问他人的timetable。


Content: Let’s try, Let’s talk

Aims: 1.can listen&speak&read new words and phrases:when,after,start,usually,Spain,late.以及将其运用到句型“when do you usually…?”。掌握at的用法。

2.掌握Let’s talk中的情境交流。

Key points: 运用到句型“when do you usually…?”。掌握at的用法。

Difficult points: 1 the pronunciation of“usually”和“Spain”。



Step 1 Warming-up 1.Greetings 2.Free talk T:When do you get up/ eat breakfaast/ have English class/ play sports?

Ss:….Step 2 Lead-i

(接着问Do you know Zhang Peng’s timetable?)Step 3 Presentation 1.Let’s try T:Do you want to know Pedro’s timetable? OK!Let’s listen to the tape and answer the questions.(1).教授单词finish & Spain(2).听听力两遍,试着说出答案。Step 4 Practice 1.Role-playing 2.Group work Step 5 Role play


Step 6 Homework

1.熟读Let’s talk的内容




Content: Let’s learn Aims:

1、Listen、speak、read and write the new phrases:clean my room、go for a walk、go shopping、taking a dancing class

2、Learn&use the sentences:What do you do on the weenkend? I often clean my room on Sundays.Key points: clean my room、go for a walk、go shopping、taking a dancing class的掌握及运用到句型中

Difficult points: 把握新句型并灵活运用。


Step 1 Warming-up 3.Greetings 4.Free talk T:What day is it today? What day was it yesterday? What do you do on Sunday? Ss:….Step 2 Presentation



3、你问我答。What do you often do on the weenkend?

I often clean my roomgo shoppingtake a dancing class.Step 3 Do a survey

运用what do you do on the weenkend? 练习单词:sometimes、often、always Step 4 Make a summery

合理安排周末时间,让自己周末过得更有意义。Step 5 Homework 熟读词组短语



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