Unit 7 Topic 1

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第一篇:Unit 7 Topic 1


()1.—_____ is your brother‟s birthday?

—His birthday is _____ July 19th.A.What;in B.When;on C.Where;at D.How;for

()2.—What‟s the month between September and November?

—It‟s _____.A.January B.March C.October D.June

()3.We read “2008” _____.A.two thousand and eight B.two thousands and eight

C.two thousands and eighty D.two thousand and eighty

()4.—_____ you at school yesterday?

—No, I _____ at home.A.Was;was B.Were;were C.Were;was D.Was;were

()5.— _____

—It was August 1st.A.What was the date yesterday? B.When was yesterday?

C.How was yesterday?D.What day was it yesterday?

()6.— _____ is your teacher‟s desk?

—It‟s about 140 centimeters long.A.How far B.How many C.How wide D.How long

()7.The boy is only _____ and today is his _____ birthday.A.nine;nine B.ninth;nine C.nine;ninth D.ninth;ninth

()8.—What do you use the computer _____?

—I use it to study English.A.to B.at C.for D./

()9.—Here is a birthday present _____ Jane.—That will be a surprise _____ her.A.of;to B.for;for C.about;for D.at;to

()10.Mrs.Brown wants _____ a new dress _____ her daughter.A.to buy;to B.to buy;for C.buying;to D.buying;for


It’s November 6th today.Ben and Lisa want to buy a birthday ’s their birthday.“What does she ?” Ben asks Lisa.“I don‟t know.” Lisa answers, “We bought(买)her some chocolates last time(上次).”

“Yes,” Ben answers, “and we ate(吃)most of them!We mustn‟t do that“Let‟s buy her a book.She likesLisa says.“What kind of book would she like?” Ben asks.“I don‟t know.” Lisa says, “Let‟s go ask her.”

The children go into the living room.Mrs.Wilson is watching TV.“We want to buy a bookyou, Mom.” Lisa says.“What book do you want?”

“do you want to spend(花费)?” Their mother asks them.“We have twenty-five dollars.” Ben says.“Good.That‟s enough for the book I want.It is Quick and Easy Cooking.”

The children buy their mother the book for her birthday.They her present this time, but they often eat the food she cooks it.They are very happy.()16.A.book B.cake C.cards D.present

()17.A.Ben B.Lisa‟s C.mother D.mother‟s

()18.A.need B.needs C.to need D.needing

()19.A.before B.ago C.again D.after

()20.A.read B.is reading C.to read D.reading

()21.A.orB.and C.so D.but

()22.A.toB.on C.about D.for

()23.A.How much B.How often C.How many D.WhatUnit 7The Birthday Party Topic 1When is your birthday?

()24.A.not eat B.eat C.don‟t eat D.eats

()25.A.from B.about C.with D.for


December 21st is Becky‟s fourteenth birthday.When she gets home after school, she sees her parents in the living room.They both say to her, “Happy birthday, dear!We have a present for you.Go and look for it in your bedroom.”

Becky runs to her bedroom.There is a red box on her desk.She opens it.There is a card in it.The girl takes it out and reads,“Dear Becky, I‟„water‟.My middle three letters are in the word „put‟.What am I?”

Becky thinks hard and then smiles(笑了).She says,“Thank Dad and Mom.I know what it is, but where is it?”

Her father and mother tell her to go to her study.There on the desk she finds her new present.根据短文内容,回答问题。

31.How old is Becky?


32.Is the present on the desk of her bedroom?




34.Where is Becky‟s present?


35.What‟s her present?




41.My friends give me many _____ on my birthday.42.—What _____ is the moon?

—It‟s a circle.43._____ the eighth is Women‟s Day.44.July is the _____ month of the year.45.The last month of the year is _____.(B)根据句意及汉语提示填空。

46.To my _____(惊奇),he can finish the work on time.47.I got a _____(特别的)present from my daughter on Mother‟s Day.48.There are two _____(千)students in our school.49.Tomorrow is my _____(十二)birthday.50.The _____(蜡烛)are on the cake.Let‟s start our party.Ⅱ.句型转换。(5分)

51.They were born in a town in Beijing.(改成一般疑问句)

_____ they _____ in a town in Beijing? 对画线部分提问)

_____ was the _____ yesterday? 对画线部分提问)

_____ _____ is the computer?

54.What shape is your present?(改为同义句)

_____ _____ _____ of your present? 对画线部分提问)

_____ do we use the MP3 _____ ?

1.B本句句意为“你哥哥的生日是什么时候?” 提问时间用when。而what是提问事物;where是提问地点;how提问方式。有具体日期用介词on;只有年、月用in,故选B。


3.A英语中hundred, thousand, million等前加基数词时其后不用复数形式,故选A。

4.C考查was, were的用法。was用于第一人称和第三人称,were用于第二人称和复数,故选C。

5.AWhat‟s the date …?是问日期。What day …?是问星期,故选A。

6.Dhow far用于问距离;how many问可数名词的数量;how wide问物体的宽度;how




8.CWhat … for? 意为做某事为了什么。本句意为“你用电脑来干什么?”,故选C。

9.B给某人的礼物为a present for sb.给某人的惊喜为be a surprise for sb.,故选B。

10.B布朗夫人想为她女儿买一条新裙子,题中有两个句型want to do sth.和buy sth.for





18.A一般现在时。句子What does … 后加动词原形,故选A。


20.Dlike喜欢,后可接动名词作宾语。句型为like doing sth.,故选D。


22.Dbuy sb.sth.为某人买某物。该句型也可写作buy sth.for sb.,介词用for,故选D。

23.Ahow much问物品价钱或不可数名词的数量。how often问频率;how many问可数



25.Acook烹调。通常句型为cook sth.for sb.,但此句型在本文章中不合题意。由句意


Ⅳ.31.She is fourteen.由December 21st is Becky‟s fourteenth birthday.得知。

32.No, it isn‟t.在Becky的卧室桌子上只有一个装卡片的盒子。


34.It‟s in her study./It‟s on the desk of her study.由Her father and mother tell her to go to her study.There on the desk she finds her new present.得知。

35.It‟s a computer.Ⅰ.(A)41.presents42.shape43.March44.seventh45.December


Ⅱ.51.Were;born52.What;date53.How wide54.What‟s the shape55.What;for

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