
时间:2019-05-13 06:26:59下载本文作者:会员上传



(比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒: My friends this competition is beginning,please switch off your cell phones,thanks for your cooperation比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)

C:Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, welcome to Hunan University of Science and Technology 2013 English Speaking Competition.I’m your hostess, Chenkai.Y:I’m Yangao.Welcome.Y:Well this Competition is organized by Hunan University of Science and Technology, and undertaken by Foreign Language Department.There are 27 contestants to compete in today’s English Speaking Competition, representing 14 different classes respectively.C:Firstly,let's introduce today's honorable judges and guests.I have the great privilege of presenting today's judges for this English Speaking Contest.(介绍时,就提高声调说他们的名字,并用手做出有请的姿势,评判就站起来.大家鼓掌.)

C:ladies and gentlemen, Professor 王静Y:Welcome

Y:Miss 朱诗花C:Welcome

C:Doctor 杨江Y:Welcome

Y:Miss 舒艳C:Welcome

C:Miss 何素芳Y:Welcome

C:Once again, let's welcome all the teachers and students.Y:Now let me introduce the regulations of the competition.There are potentially a hundred points in today’s competition, which is broken down into 2 separate rounds.C:Round 1 is the Prepared Speech which lasts for 3 minutes.The first round accounts for 70% of your final score.The topic this year is “My dream”.During the prepared speech, a staff member will raise her hands as a signal that there is 15 seconds left.Then, at the end of 3 minutes, again our staff will raise her fist to let the speaker know that the time has run out.If your speech is more than 3 minutes or less than 2 minutes, you'll be deducted some scores.So, please concentrate on the signal.(现在请工作人员示意一下)Thank you!

Y:Round 2 is of course our favorite round,is the Impromptu Speech round.This section accounts for 30% of your final score.Each contestant will draw the topic of an impromptu speech minutes before their prepared speech.In this section, each contestant will have 2 minutes to deliver

an impromptu speech.The speech should be no more than 2minutes and not less than 1 munite.Thank you!

C:We all look forward to your wonderful performances and wish you lucky, and now let’s give a big hand to Contestant NO.1(也许要说名字)Contestant NO.2 please get ready.C:Contestant NO.1, the topic for your impromptu speech is......Y:Thanks for contestant NO.1.Now let’s warmly welcome contestant NO.2(Now, please welcome contestant NO.2).Contestant NO.3 please get ready.Y:Contestant NO.2, the topic for your impromptu speech is........Y:Thank you for contestant No.3.Here, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to announce the final score of the three contestants.Contestant No.1 is „.Congratulations!Contestant No.2 is „.Congratulations!Contestant No.3 is „.Congratulations!Now, let’s welcome contestant No.4

....to give us a comment on this speech contest.Welcome!


Congratulations to all the contestants and thanks for all judges and the students.Thank you for your coming!



let me announce the list of third prize-----------(三等奖名单)

Allow me to announce the list of second prize-----------(二等奖名单)

C:Good afternoon, Ladies and gentlemen,welcome to Hunan University of Science and Technology 2013 English Speaking Competition Award Ceremony.Y:Based on careful consideration and evaluation, the selection committee has reached the following decision: the recipients of the outstanding Performance Award for this contest are---------.(优秀奖名单)Congratulations.C:Let’s welcome Miss.—to award prize for these winners.Thank you Miss.--

Y:Let me announce the list of third prize-----------they are(三等奖名单)Congratulations!C:Let’s welcome Miss.—to present the awards to therecipients.Thank you Mr.--

Y:Allow me to announce the list of second prize-----------they are(二等奖名单)Congratulations!C:Let’s welcome Miss.—award prize for these winners.Thank you Miss.--

Y: Ladies and gentlemen,who will gain the first prize? Let’s hold our breath,-------the most lucky person tonight is------(奖品)Congratulations!

C:Let’s welcome Mr.—to present the awards to therecipients).Thank you Mr.--

Y: Once again, Congratulations on your winning this honor!

C: Ladies and gentlemen,honorable teachers, my fellow studentsHunan University of Science and Technology 2013 English Speaking Competition has come to an end.I know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful speeches presented by the 27contestants.Thanks for the contestants' excellent performance, thanks for the judges' impartial judgment, thanks for the audience's patient and attentive listening.Y:So much for this evening’s English Speaking Contest.Good bye everyone!Good night!



X: Good afternoon,ladies and gentlemen, welcome to the first SanTong Middle School English Speaking Contest.Y: 尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾,亲爱的老师们,同学们,大家(合)下午好!欢迎来到三桐中学第一届中学生英语演讲比赛的比赛现场!

X: First of all, please allow me to introduce myself, your host for today.I’m …from.… 首先,请允许我来个自我介绍。我是这次比赛的主持人— 来自……的……

Y: I’m …from.…我来自…的…

X: Sponsored by San Tong Middle School, this Competition is organized by Hua Mei English Teaching Center.There are all together 56 contestants to compete in today’s English Speaking Competition, representing 22 different classes respectively.Y:本次大赛由三桐中学主办,由华美英语教学中心承办。有来自我校22个班级的56名选手参加比赛。

X: Now , let's introuduce today's honorable leaders and guests.Director Li——The founder of SanTong Middle School.Y:光临今天大赛现场的领导和嘉宾是:李校长——三桐中学之创始人。X: Mr.Gao——The headmaster of our school.Y: 高校长——我们的校长。

X:Mr Kang——from students’ affairs department.Y:康校长——学校政教处

X:Mr Wang——from the office of teaching affairs.Y: 王主任——学校教务主任

X: Mr wang——the leader of Hua Mei English Teaching Center

Y: 王主任——华美英语教育中心王主任






X:Once again let's welcome all the teachers and students.Now Please welcome Mr Gao to give us a speech.Y:下面有请高校长讲话。

X:Thank you, Mr Gao.Let's welcome the leader of Hua Mei English1

Teaching Center,Mr Wang to give us a speech.Let's welcome.Y:接下来有请本次大赛的承办单位华美英语教育中心王主任致辞。

X: Thank you, Mr Wang.X: Now, I have the great privilege of presenting today’s judges.Y: 好的,我很荣幸地向大家介绍一下我们的…位评委。


X: Kobby from Hua Mei English Teaching Center

Y: 毛英杰老师


Y: …



Y:非常感谢各位评委的到来!X: Welcome!Thanks for your coming!

X:OK, after introducing our judges, now let’s go over the rules andgrading standards of the competition.Y: 好的,介绍完我们的评委之后,让我们来看看今天的比赛规则和评分标准吧。

X: Each of the contestants has 3 minutes to present a prepared speechOff-the-sheet.Y: 每位选手要进行3分钟的命题演讲,并且脱稿。X: Now, let's look at the grading standards for the judges.Each contestant has 3 minutes for their prepared speech.The full score for the prepared speech is 100, the judges will give their scores independently on the spot according to the contestants' content of their presentation, as well as their language skills and their spiritual style.The judges are required to give their scores to the nearest hundredth division.Y: 下面我们看一下评分标准。定题演讲,时间为三分钟,满分为一百分,评委将按照选手演讲的内容,技巧,语言能力及精神风貌等方面给选手打分。要求评委老师打分时保留小数点后两位小数。

X: Now, please welcome contestant NO.1......Contestant NO.2 please get ready.Y: 比赛正式开始,下面有请一号选手,请二号选手做好准备。

X: Thank you for contestant No.1, now let’s welcome contestant No.2.Y: 谢谢1号选手的演讲。接下来,让我们有请我们的2号选手。

X:Thank you for contestant No.2.Here, ladies and gentlemen, I would like2

to announce that the score of contestant No.1 is ….Congratulations!Now, let’s welcome contestant No.3

Y: 谢谢我们的2号选手。女士们,先生们,下面我宣布1号选手的最后得分是:…分。恭喜!接下来,让我们有请我们的3号选手。

X:And now, let’s have a short break and wait for the final results.For this period, let’s welcome......to give us a comment on this competition.Y: 现在,让我们稍作休息等待比赛的最终结果。在这段时间里,让我们有请......老师(教师或者外教)来给本次比赛作个点评。欢迎!

X: Ladies and gentlemen, welcome back to the English Speaking Competition.After our judges’ discussion, the exciting moment is coming.Y: 女士们,先生们,欢迎回来。您现在看到的是三桐中学第一届英语演讲比赛。经过我们评委老师的讨论之后,激动人心的时刻到了。X: Right now, what I am going to announce is the first winner.Ladies and gentlemen, the first winner of the competition is contestant No.().Congratulations!

Y: 首先,我要宣布的是本次比赛的第一名。女士们,先生们,本次比赛的第一名就是我们的...号选手。让我们以热烈的掌声欢迎她上台领奖。X: Next let us welcome the second winner.He or she is contestant No.()Y: 接下来,让我们欢迎第二名获奖的学生,他是……

X: Till now, our competition has come to an end.Thank you for your coming!

Y: 本次比赛到此结束,再次感谢各位的光临,谢谢各位的参与。3


(比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒: My friends, this competition is beginning, please switch off your cell phones,In today's Grand Final,<总决赛> there are 25 finalists;they are all the winners thanks for your cooperation比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)

Good afternoon my dear teachers and classmates,welcome



Vocational&Technical College“Feng

Cai”English Speaking Competition.老师,同学们,大家中午好,欢迎来到渭南职业技术学院“风采”杯英语演讲比赛的现场。

this Competition is sponsored by normal college、Economic Management college and Agricultural college, undertaken by English teaching and researching office.本次比赛是由师范学院、经管学院、农学院牵头,师范学院英语教研室承办。

of the preliminaries《初赛》.These contestants have given very impressive performances So we know that today will be a very rigorous competition 今天的决赛共有22位选手,他们均在初赛中有着优异的表现,是初赛的获胜者。因此,今天的比赛将是一个精彩而又激烈的角逐。

.Firstly,let's introuduce today's honorable leaders and judges.首先,我介绍一下参加我们比赛的领导和评委老师们。他们是,师范学院王院长…

Once again let's welcome all the leaders and teachers.让我们再次对各位领导和老师的到来表示欢迎。Now Please let me introduce the regulations of this final.TheFinal consist of 2 parts—


本次大赛分为两个环节。Part one is prepared speech, every contestant has 3 minutes to deliver their speech.第一环节,是选手自备演讲。每个选手有三分钟时间。

Part two is questions and answers, firstly, our judges will raise questions to the contestantaccording to the prepared speech;then, the contestant need to choose one question related to college lifeto talk about your idea.第二环节是问答环节。首先,评委会就选手的自备演讲提一个问题。然后,选手要抽取一个有关校园生活的问题,进行回答。

At last,The judging panel will give scores on the screen.最后,评委团会将选手最后得分显示在大屏幕上。Zhaoqian,at this moment,(两个主持人

I have a strong desire to see it.And that’s exactly what we will see today.赵倩说,Okay, everybody is very clear about what’s going to happen today? Now,let’s get started.At first,let’s welcome contestant NO.1......Contestant NO.2 please get ready.(一号完毕之后)Now it’s the time for asking,(问选手)Are you ready?

now please welcome our teacher to ask one question。

Next,No.1 ,you need to choose one questions among question 1to 10.which number do you like?(工作人员操作ppt,大屏幕显示口语问题)

X: Thanks for your speech,Now,please welcome contestant NO.2....now please welcome our teacher to ask one question according to the

prepared speech…..thanks



answering,Thanks the last contestant’s wonderful performance.(You really did a good job.)Next let’s welcomexxxNext,No.2 ,you need to choose one questions among question 1to 10.which number do you like?(工作人员操作ppt,大屏幕显示口语问题)


Thank you,(人名)。

Now ,our judges has already give the score for No.1, it is(具体分数看屏幕)Congratulation!

Now let’s welcome contestant NO.3… Contestant NO.4please get ready.三号演讲、老师提问、校园生活问题三环节串词和一号、二号一样。


give some comments on our contestants’ performance.请师范学院李有成副院长就我们本次大赛选手的表现给我们讲话。

X: Thanks for your wonderful comments.Thank you..谢谢李院长的讲话。

Now,the result of the Competition had come out, 现在,比赛结果已经出来了。

let me announce the list of third prize:professional group:-----

Ordinary group:-----(三等奖名单)请允许我来宣布三等奖的名单,他们是专业组的。。,非专业组的。。Congratulations.祝贺他


Let’s welcome Mr.—to present the awards to the winners)让我们欢迎xxx

为三等奖的同学颁奖。Thank you Mr.--

Allow me to announce the list of second this award for your wonderful


professional group:-----

Ordinary group:----------(二等奖名单)Congratulations.Let’s welcome Mr.—to present the awards for winners.Thank you Mr.--

my dear classmates,who will gain the first prize? Let’s hold our breath同学们,谁将是一等奖的获得者呢?让我们一起来见证这个伟大的时刻 the most lucky person today is------Congratulations!

Let’s welcome Mr.—to present the awards to the winners).Thank you Mr.--

Once again, Congratulations on your winning!Today is your day, you deserve

X: Congratulations.You are really excellent.Thank




outstanding performance.ladies and gentlemen ,Now, WeiNan Vocational&Technical


Cai”English Speaking Competitionis ending.I know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful speeches presented by the 22 contestants.Thank you for your hard work.老师同学们,渭南职业技术学院风采杯英语演讲比赛即将结束,感谢22位选手为之所付出的努力,相信选手们的精彩表现一定给我们留下了深刻的印象。

Boys and girls,(转向听众)Let's give them a big round of applause.同学们,让我们把最热烈的掌声送给所有参赛的同学。

And I think our distinguished judges,they make this contest possible, they deserve a big round of applause, too.同时,我们的评委老师们也为大赛付出了辛勤的劳动,我们也把掌声送给他们!

ladies and gentlemen, my honorable teachers, and dear classmates,WeiNan Vocational&Technical College “Feng Cai”English Speaking Competitionis close.Once again Thanks for your attending.see you next year.老师,同学们,渭南职业技术学院“风采”杯英语演讲大赛到此结束。感谢你的参与。明年见!
























(比赛前,主持人在幕后提醒: My friends this competition is beginning, please switch off your cell phones, thanks for your cooperation比赛即将开始,为了保证比赛的顺利进行,请您将您的手机处于关闭状态,谢谢合作!)

Good afternoon ladies and gentlemen, welcome to LINYI normal university 2009 while fulfilling responsibility.his section the full score is 4

Each contestant will draw the topic of an impromptu speech 15 minutes before their performances.In the third section each of the finalists will have 2 minutes to deliver an impromptu speech.This section the full score is 3.English Speaking Competition.Well this Competition is sponsored by Student Affairs Departmentand teaching affairs officeof linyi normal university and undertaken by foreign language school.and special thanks to our co-orgnizer China Unicom LINYI.Thank you very much for your coopration.In today's Grand Final there are 15 finalists;they are all the winners of the preliminaries.These contestants have given very impressive performances So we know that today will be a very rigorous competition

.Firstly, let's introuduce today's

honorable leaders and judges and guests.I have the great privilege of presenting today's judges for this Speech Contest.Ladies and gentlemen, Mr.xxx from...Once again let's welcome all the teachers and students.Now Please now let me introduce the regulations of this final.The Final consist of 3 parts, namely, prepared speech, impromptu speech, and questions and answers

In the first section each of the contestants will have 3 minutes to deliver a prepared speech.The topic for the prepared speech is enjoy yourself

And after that two question masters in the judging panel will be responsible for raising questions to the contestant according to the prepared speech or the impromptu speech(one question master asks only one question).That will be around two minutes.This section the full score is3.When the contestant’s time for each part is used up a staff member will raise a yellow cardboard to remind the contestant of the time.The contestant must stop within 15 seconds otherwise his or her timing score will be deducted.The judging panel will give scores on the spot.In this round after 3 contestants finish the speech the score of the

previous 3 contestants will be announced together.After all the finalists finish the speech the scores of all the speakers will be announced.Y:评委老师当场打分,每3人公布一次分数。最后三名选手的成绩和最后的排名一起公布。

X: The places of the contestants will be arranged according to the scores.Y:选手名次按分数排序

I have a strong desire to see it.And that’s exactly what we will see

today.Okay, so everybody clear on what’s going to happen today?Then,let’s get started.Now,let’s welcome contestant NO.1......Contestant NO.2 please get ready.Now let's come to the last part of Q&A, Allow me to announce the list of second prize-----------(二等奖名单)Each gainer will be presented with mp5 together with a certificate.Congratulations.Let’s welcome Mr.—award prize for these winners.Thank you Mr.--

Ladies and gentlemen,who will gain the the question masterwill ask 1 question according to the impromptu speech Are you ready,X: Thank you contestant NO.1,Now,please welcome contestant NO.2......Contestant NO.3 please get ready.X: Thank the last contestant’s wonderful performance.You really did a good job.Next let’s welcomegive some comments on our contestants’ performance.X: Thank you Professor Wu for you wonderful comments.Thank you.Now please welcome our lovely ,warmhearted foreign friend 吴志伟 from India.I think you have a lot of comments to make on this speaking competition.X: Thank you.Your English is so impressive.Thank you very much for your wonderful speech.let me announce the list of third prize-----------(三等奖名单)Each recipient will be presented with 100 hundred rechargeable card together with a certificate.Congratulations.Let’s welcome Mr.—to present the awards to therecipients).Thank you Mr.--






breath,-------the most lucky person tonight is------Congratulations!He/She will be presented with an cellphone together with a certificate.Let’s welcome Mr.—to present the awards to therecipients).Thank you Mr.--

Once again, Congratulations on your winning this honor!Today is your day,you deserve this award for your wonderful performance.X: Congratulations everybody.You are really excellent.Thank you for your outstanding performance.ladies and gentlemen ,Now, LINYI normal university 2009 English Speaking Competition is ending.I know we are all deeply impressed by the wonderful speeches presented by the 15 contestants.Thank you for your hard work.Boys and girls,(转向听众)Let's give them a big round of applause.(为参赛者鼓掌)

Y:And I think our distinguished judges who make this contest possible deserve a big round of applause, too.(感谢裁判)

last but not the least, boys and girls, I think you deserve a big round of applause, too for being such good audience.(感谢听众,自己给自己鼓掌)

X: ladies and gentlemen,honorable teachers,my fellow students LINYI normal university 2009 English Speaking Competition is close.Once again Thank you for your time.see you next year.



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