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听力部分(对应:同步听力测试N深版-015)1-5ABACA 6-10CBCAC

11-15BABBA 16-20BBABC



11-15ACDAC 16-20ADCAB

II.21-25BCADB 26-30CADBD


41-45BDCBC 46-50DABCA

IV.51-55DABCE 56-60CFABD

V.(One possible version)

61.responsibility 62.sofas 63.strangers

64.cutting 65.feed 66.staying 67.to keep

68.to care 69.to see 70.its

VI.(One possible version)

I like keeping goldfish.First, goldfish look very beautiful because they have beautiful colour.If you keep goldfish, they will make you feel pleased.Second, goldfish eat less, and their food is very cheap.They cost you less money.Third, it is difficult to keep goldfish alive.If you keep them, you need to take care of them carefully.In addition, you have to be patient enough.It can develop your responsibility.So I enjoy keeping goldfish.【书面表达写作指导】


是什么,然后说明为什么喜欢养这样的动物,最后进 行总结。注意阐述原因时层次分明,逻辑合理。在写作 时,可根据提示内容进行适当发挥。


第27期N4版中考听说训练 听力部分原文


I.听录音,在A、B、C选项中选出你听到的句子。(下面每小题念两遍。)1.When did you see the alien? 2.An alien came to our town last night.3.She wants to see some aliens.II.听录音,在A、B、C选项中选出与你听到的句子的意思最相近的句子。(下面每小题念两遍。)

1.Andy would like to buy a new pen.2.What are your favourite TV programs? III.请你根据实际情况和所提供的情景完成对话。(下面每个问题念两遍。)情景:你和同学们一起聊关于外星人的事,请你回答同学们的问题。1.Do you think there are aliens in the world? 2.Have you ever seen aliens? 3.Do you think if there are aliens on the Mars? IV.听短文回答问题。(下面短文和问题都念两遍。)

It was Linda’s unlucky day yesterday.In the morning, her friend Betty called her and asked her to have lunch together.When she got to the restaurant, Betty wasn’t there.Then Betty called her and said that she couldn’t come.Linda had lunch by herself.She put her red bag on the chair beside her while she was eating.After lunch, she went to buy a cup of coffee from the machine and then she noticed that her bag was not with her.She realized it probably was in the restaurant, so she went back.But it wasn’t on the chair.There was about $200 in the bag.She felt very sad.1.Who called Linda and asked her to have lunch together? 2.Where did Linda put her bag? 3.How much money was there in the bag?

第27期N2版Keys:(One possible version选择题除外)语法运用 I.1.Since the ground is wet, it must have rained.2.We decided to stop working as it was late.3.We can go swimming as it is so hot.4.Since you have no money, you can’t buy any food.5.I like the boy because of his honesty.6.Because he was tired, he sat on the grass.7.He chose to stay at home because of the hot sun.8.The girl asked her mother for advice because the girl was upset.II.9.He is popular with his classmates because he is excellent.10.Since you want to know why, you must go to find the reason by yourself.11.Since you are tired, you can have a rest.12.You must often water the flowers because of the dry weather.13.You should put on your coat because it is cold outside.III.14-18 ACCBA 19-20 AC 短语收藏夹

1.in the countryside 2.agrees with 3.am;pleased to 4.landed on 5.weather balloon 6.disagree with 7.as soon as possible 8.talk to;about 第27期N3版Keys:(One possible version 选择题除外)随堂练 Section A I.1.I am sleepy now because I slept late last night.2.Since you are wrong, you should apologize.3.She passed the exam as she was hard-working.4.I sat down because I was tired.5.Since you are busy, I will do it for you.6.I washed the clothes as my mother was busy.7.The flowers died because no one watered them.8.People cry because of sadness.9.Since you don’t want to go, I won’t push you.10.We stayed at home because it was raining.II.11.They didn’t buy it because of having no money.12.Since he was ill, he didn’t come to school.13.As he has no car, he couldn’t get there easily.14.We didn’t go on a picnic today because of the bad weather.15.He didn’t come yesterday as he had to take care of his daughter.III.16-20 ACDCA 21-25 AABDD Section B I.1.talked with 2.disagree with 3.as soon as possible 4.got to 5.agree with II.6-10 BAEGF Section C 1.is very pleased to 2.what to do 3.happened to 4.got on 5.danced for Section D 1.in the countryside 2.weather balloon 3.talk to;about 4.tell;to help 5.on the farm 第27期N4版Keys 听说训练参考答案(对应:同步听力测试N深版-017)I.1-3 BAB II.1-2 CA III.略

IV.(One possible version)1.Betty.2.On the chair beside her.3.About $200.V.(One possible version)A boy likes playing computer games a lot.Every day after school, he is the first to leave school.He runs home quickly and throws his bag onto the sofa.And then he turns on the computer to play computer games.He often forgets to do his homework.He spends so much time playing computer games that he gets a score of 20 in the test.He is very sad.He decides not to play computer games anymore.阅读训练营 1-5 CACBC 写作一招鲜

One night, when I studied in my study, suddenly an alien came into the room from the window.He was very small.He had a hand and two wings with blue hair and red eyes.I was very surprised.He stood on the desk and touched my head with his hand.I was quite scared at that time.I did not know what to do.An idea came to my mind.I put him on my hand with a smile and then sang a song to him.He seemed very happy.At last, he flew away from the window.




听力部分(对应:同步听力测试N深版原018)1-5BCCBC6-10BCACA11-15CACAC16-20CCBAC 笔试部分


11-15CADCD 16-20ACADC

II.21-25ACDBC 26-30ADBAC


41-45BACDB 46-50BCADA


V.(One possible version)

61.feathers 62.knives63.fast 64.me 65.written

66.todo67.flying68.lying69.beautiful 70.to follow VI.(One possible version)

It was sunny yesterday.My classmates and I went to

The hills behind our school to play.When we got there, we Found a spaceship.There were two little aliens standing next to it.The two aliens were very short, and they had no hair on their heads, but they had two long ears.They were shocked at seeing us.They were also in fear.I smiled at them, and made the body language of hugging.After that, they laughed.Looking at us for awhile, they got on their spaceship and left.【书面表达写作指导】

这是一篇提示作文,根据提示内容讲述一次经历,时态要用一般过去时。写作时注意事件发生的时间,地 点,人物及顺序,层次分明,逻辑合理。在写作时,可根 据提示内容进行适当的发挥。


八年级(下)Units7-8 能力测试题参考答案

听力部分(对应:同步听力测试 N 深版原021)1-5 CAABB 6-10 BBABA

11-15 CAACC 16-20BCABC


I.1-5 CBDAA 6-10 DABCA

11-15 BDCAC 16-20BBBAB

II.21-25 ACBCD 26-30BCDCB

III.31-35 ABBCD 36-40BACDA

41-45 ADBCD 46-50 DABCA

IV.51-55 DBFAE 56-60FADBG

V.(One possible version)

61.relax 62.certainly63.explained64.knives

65.connected 66.singing67.to finish 68.tents

69.disagree 70.doing

VI.(One possible version)

Science and technology are developing quickly, and ourfuture life will changea lot.In the future people don’t need to do housework.Itwill be done by robots.Most of hard work will also be done by robots.People will have more time to do what they like.Students won’t go to school.If they want to learn something, they can learn on the Internet with computers.Itis more convenient than going to school.So I think our life in the future will become better and better.【书面表达写作指导】

这是一篇提示作文,根据提示内容来进行写作,因为要写未来的生活,所以作文的主要时态用一般将 来时,可根据提示内容进行适当的发挥。

第 33 期 N1 版 Keys:封面故事 1.F 2.F


八年级(下)Unit8 能力测试题参考答案

听力部分(对应同步听力测试 N 深版-020)1-5 CBACC 6-10 CABBA

11-15 BCABC 16-20CABCC


I.1-5 ACBDB 6-10 CCADD

11-15 AADDB 16-20CBDAC

II.21-25 DCDBA 26-30DABCD

III.31-35 CACDB 36-40CBDCA

41-45 DBCCA 46-50BABCD

IV.51-55 EABFD 56-60GEDBC

V.(One possible version)

61.excuses 62.recently 63.software 64.electronic

65.to eat 66.drawing 67.to be 68.to finish

69.having 70.to make

VI.(One possibleversion)

With the development of technology, I believe we will livea better life in 30 years.Scientists will find a new planet for us to live on.There will be no pollution on the new planet.No schools will really be seen then.Students have classes on the Internet at home instead of going to school.What’s more,we will not feellonely when we are at home alone because more robots are invented.We can relax ourselves by playing table tennis with robots or talking with them.Life willbe full offun in 30 years!


本次书面表达要求描写30 年后人们的生活。这是

一篇提示作文,所写内容必须涵盖所有提示要点,在此 基础上,可大胆想象,适当发挥。书写完之后,检查语 法,标点是否正确,语言逻辑是否合理。

第 31 期 N1 版 Keys: 封面故事 1.T 2.F



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