
时间:2019-05-13 06:40:37下载本文作者:会员上传


1.TASK 1 Your college is going to organisea International Day.Write to the organiser that explain why it is a good event what typical food you can take there

what activity you are going to organiseTASK 2


2.听力好象有2个是旧题,也是预测里的 30034s3 06102s4 tunnel 那个我没看不过看了也没用,机经里没给答案啊

作文 1 给国际日组织者写信, 拍下马在说自己能提供食物和组织节目作文是我一直的弱项,这次一如既往,时间都没够.橡皮搓成3节

阅读简单好象, 最后一个是澳大利亚一个青蛙的, 怎么觉得以前考试的时候遇到过呢我考7次了这个也不奇怪 ***5555555



在南京东南大学东南楼考的3.TASK1补充一个 应该是what typical food you could prepare 还有以以下内容开头,Dear _______: TASK2补充一个

他还问了你的观点,Who do you think to take care of elderly relatives when they need help?阅读第1篇是T/F/NG,很简单,5篇广告,给7道T/F/NG



没有List of Headings

4.听力是V33 S1


5.8月21日G类TASK 2: Nowadays, less people tend to look after their old relatives but send them to some more professionals.What is the situation in your country? Who do you think should be responsible for look after the people need help.6.口语 your general information

information about your home town

下面围绕animal 进行,转到pet的相关问题









(Your Accommodation)

Can you describe the place where you live?

How long have you lived there?

Who do you live with?

Do you plan to live there for a long time?

Do you prefer living in a house or a flat?

In the future, what type of place would you like to live in?


Do you like(to learn about)history?

What historical event do you find most interesting?

What historical event do you think was most important?

Do you think history is important?

Do you like to watch programs on TV about history?

How do you get information about history?

Daily Routine


What part of your day do you like best?

What' s your daily routine?

What is the busiest part of the day for you?

What' s the difference of routine between you and your teenager' s times?


Describe a leisure facility(cinema、theater、sports center)you would like to have in your hometown.You should say:

What it is

Where it is

When you go there

And explain how you feel about it


Describe a rule at your school that you agree or disagree.You should say:

What it is

Why it is made

What are the consequences of breaking the rule

And explain why you agree or disagree




Describe an interesting place that few people know

You should say:

Where it is

When you go there

What you can do there

And explain why few people know there



Should children learn to play instrument?

Should parents force them to learn music?

Is music education important in your country?

Some people say music is like math, do you agree?

What effects does technology have on music?

What are the advantages of learning music?


Why do people like to have private cars?

What are the differences between bicycles and private cars?

Is it a good thing that everyone has their own cars?


How to buy private cars in China?

What' s the difference between men and women' s preference on cars?

What will cars be like in the future?


Do most Chinese people live in an apartment or house?

Do young people in your country like to live with their parents or by themselves? Do Chinese people like to rent a place to live?

Would you live in a foreign country in the future?

How does the modern home design(both inside & outside appearance)in your country differ from that of the past?

ln your country, what type of home do most people live in? 三立在线教育雅思频道为大家提供2018年最新的雅思备考资料,需要的同学可免费领取。



序号 内容 查看详情


查看详情1 2014年4月13日GRE机经回忆2 2014年4月26日新GRE词汇机







2013年11月21日雅思A类大作文(Word count=295)


studying overseas for language betterment and culture acquisition is gaining popularity.However, this essay argues that the practice Admittedly, studying in another country For one thing, learning a foreign language or multiple foreign tongues is beneficial and learning languages where they are spoken is thus naturally believed Additionally, in terms of culture, second-hand experience“living the culture” in the native environment.With those two points considered, continuing However, given that learning abroad does the question of “applicability” seems to have Students, with their diverse academic interests and disciplines, might not need to get in touch with exotic cultures or acquire foreign languages working on them in an authentic environment, i.e.the native countries.For example, there is little need for a student majoring in traditional Chinese literature to(go to the US to)improve spoken English or know more about the American Revolution.Further, despite the studying country, most probably if not definitely, students’ and their domestic economy.Moreover, most foreign languages and cultures students likely originated from major countries where tuition and life expenses are In sum, learning languages and cultures in foreign countries might seem advantageous, but does entail prerequisites of learning focus and financial backup, in which case this essay is against the made in the topic.





Some people think the media should not report details of crimes to the public.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

With the crime rate hovering at high levels, the print as well as the broadcast media thrive on detailed crime coverage.They dedicate large proportions of their space or airtime to ghastly crime stories and this trend is showing no sign of abating.Whether the media should publicise detailed accounts of criminal acts has triggered spirited debate.Many assert that the news media should refrain from revealing details of crimes.Speaking from myself,I cannot agree more with their view.In the first place,given the mercenary motives behind most detailed crime coverage,it is advisable for us to discredit and discourage this practice.Today,most news outlets have their own crime reporters covering the police beat.Yet the principal purpose of such assignment is,in most instances,not to uphold the criminal justice system or to alarm the citizenry over some very real criminal threats,but to jack up newspaper circulations or television ratings.Consequently, much detailed crime coverage is biased, magnified, misrepresented,deliberately titillating or fraudulent.It only serves to terrorise communities and leave a multitude of law-abiding citizens constantly apprehensive, if not paranoid,about crime.In the second place,detailed reports of crimes by the press afford the potential criminals very instructive learning materials,which are hard to obtain otherwise.Recounting premeditated crimes in graphic detail in the public domain helps those who are in the process of planning some criminal act perfect their schemes.Drawing on the well-documented crime stories in the media,would-be criminals learn how to avoid the pitfalls in their crime,thereby making themselves harder to identify and track down after the crime is actually carried out.And this in turn,may aggravate the already soaring crime rate.Thirdly,detailed reports of heinous crimes may permanently traumatise the victims of the reported crimes.Without the victims’ consent,glaringly vivid and graphic accounts of flagitious crimes may constitute recurring nightmares to the individuals

资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/


who have been victimised by these crimes.And given the pressure to “scoop” their rivals,to expedite things news outlets rarely consult the victims before they depict lurid details of horrific crimes to the public,in an attempt to satisfy the base curiosity of some crime-obssessed readers and viewers.In sum,detailed crime coverage in the media is,more often than not,sensationalised so as to boost their market penetration.Even when some crime reporters wish to play the role of an objective chronicler, the divulged details can serve to facilitate future crimes and force crime victims to relive the horrible moments they experienced during the crime.And I am convinced if detailed crime coverage goes unchecked,it will continue to exert baneful influence on individuals,communities and societies.资料来源:教育优选 http://www.xiexiebang.com/



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