



Dear teachers and students:

hello everyone! Today, I want to talk about protecting little life.

There are many little lives on campus. There are green insects, ants, grass, flowers... And so on. They are all life! If you were a weak ant or a helpless flower, how scared would you be if a classmate caught you, pulled you up or trampled you with his feet? Flowers and grass are life. Don't hurt every plant. Animals and insects have a food chain and don't need to trample pests to death... Why don't we think about their mood? Think about being trampled under your feet! Think about being caught! Think again about being pulled out and then pulled out of the soil! They are also life! Beautiful flowers float with the wind. What can they do after being pulled up? Little ants are working. What can they do if they catch them? Let them free in nature, the world will become more beautiful! Don't use bottles to smash grass, don't use boxes to hold ants, they are small life.

We live on the same harmonious and beautiful earth. They are no different from us. They and we all have a perfect and precious life. Let's protect them!

Water the flowers and grass, and send love to the ants and green insects. These are what we should do, but why do we have to do the opposite? Let's protect every plant, insect and bird, don't spit, don't litter, and build a beautiful home together!


Dear teachers and students:

hello everyone!

Our motherland is still a developing country. If we want to develop better, we must achieve low-carbon and environmental protection. Only in this way can our country become more prosperous and strong.

Low carbon sounds complex, but as long as it is practiced, it is very simple. As long as everyone has a little low-carbon awareness and practices it, they can achieve low-carbon.

Now, people are tempted by money and interests and lose their way. Tall buildings rise from the ground; The trees covered with green shade were ruthlessly cut down; A bird flying freely in the sky was shot down cruelly. People are too cruel. If people don't pay too much attention to money, today's environment will be very good and will not be seriously polluted! People never thought that the earth, the “Youth” in the past, is aging day by day. When some natural disasters suddenly come, don't we think that the reason for this result is mankind itself?

Now, the economy has been relatively developed, but our green home, the earth, is silently sacrificing for us. Car exhaust makes people dizzy all day; The chimneys of factories everywhere make people feel miasma; Water, the source of human life, is polluted by some heartless enterprises

Just think, we only have low carbon, can make tomorrow's life better! If we drive less than one day, we can achieve low carbon; The daily rice washing water can be used to wash hands and wipe furniture, which is as clean as new; When you go shopping, bring your own environmental protection bags, whether free or charged plastic bags, and reduce the use; Bring your own drinking cup when you go out, and reduce the use of disposable cups; Develop the habit of turning off the power at will and avoid wasting electricity... These are low-carbon lives that we can do with a single hand!

Humans, wake up! The earth will slowly grow old under the trample of mankind. Do we wake up only when she survives? People! Stop doing harm to others and yourself! Don't do some immoral things under the temptation of money. As long as we can achieve low carbon, as long as we don't cut trees, kill animals and protect them... Our earth will become better and better, and our life will become happier and happier.

Let's work together to build a new green home! Protect the environment, low-carbon life, start from you and me!


Teachers and students:

good morning!

The topic of my speech today is “protect the environment, start with me”.

Students, our home is rich and beautiful. Where we live and study, the air is so fresh and the environment is so beautiful. The earth is like a mother, bringing us happiness and happiness. However, do you know that on the earth where we live, the beautiful environment is being destroyed, which will bring infinite disasters to our mankind.

What can our young pioneers do for mother earth? Then start with the little things around you. When you travel with your family, not only do you not throw peel and wrapping paper, but also you can take the initiative to pick up the garbage and throw it into the dustbin, then you are a good boy to protect the environment; In school, if you see that the tap is not closed tightly, you can come forward and tighten it; If you can see enough light and take the initiative to turn off the lights in the classroom, you are a good student who saves resources... As long as you have people who care for the environment in your mind, you can do your part and add green to our home, and you can build the earth into a better and harmonious new home in the future.

Students, you see, because of our participation, the green mountains are particularly verdant; Because of our actions, the green water is particularly clear; Because of our existence, mother earth smiled happily!

Thank you! The speech is over!


低碳环保演讲稿 篇1








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