
时间:2019-05-12 23:52:13下载本文作者:会员上传


难 忘 的 一 件 事
































The year 2008 witnessed a series of memorable events, such as the 2008 Olympic Games and the Wenchuan earthquake.A moving story happened during the earthquake leaves deepest impression on me.It is a story about a young mother and her newborn daughter.After the earthquake happened, both the mother and her daughter were under the ruins.Regardless of her own safety, the mother spared no effort in maintaining her baby’s temperature in order to save her baby’s life.Eventually the baby was saved at the cost of her mother’s life.The mother left her cherished baby nothing but a message, reading “ I will love you for ever.”

Both the story and the love of mother moved me and shocked me.Mothers try their best to protect their children, asking for nothing.They act to the old saying that it is more blessed to give than to receive.The moving story can be an instructive lesson to me.Never will I hurt my mother’s feelings.记事难忘2008

There is no doubt that 2008 was an quite important year for all Chinese people.We suffered the sadness of the 5.12 earthquake, and also we witnessed the success of the 29th Olympic Games.Whether depressed or delightful, there were something in common that moved me a lot.When all the buildings collapsed and people were buried under the debris, I just couldn’t help crying out when I saw the pictures on TV.Little could I do, we all – the whole nation were united together to help the suffers to rebuild their homes.Praying for the suffers, I finally realized what is so-called “nation pride” and human nature though we did not know each other.Speaking of the Olympic, what I want to mention id a failed hero __ LIuxiang, who unfortunately dropped the competition due to his injury.We didn’t blame him for not getting a medal for China.In contrast, we showed our care , our tolerance and our wishes to him because we believed that he had tried his best.And this kind of attitudes sports hero could hardly be found decades ago.It is surely not the event that moved me, however it is the spirits the love, along with the attitudes we presented towards lives and failure that touched my inner feelings.3.Looking back the past, I found many touching moments emerging from my memory which makes me understand the value of life.The flawless teacher is none other than Mr Jiang, whose way of English teaching like a light house, lighting my way of advance.His last lesson---composition writing----was informative, inviting and imposing.In that lesson, Mr Jianggave us much information on composition writing, ranging over narrative writing, argumentative writing.Surprisingly, the examples covered the good compositions written by us students in the three years!How I wished one of my composition had been read in class!Also, the class attracted many teachers of other subjects besides the English teachers.Whenever group work started, they walked about to listen to our heated discussion.My.Jiang was all smiles at my designing of a topic sentence.Sometimes we almost died laughing.In addition, Mr.Jiang explained the complicated theory in simple terms.It suddenly occurred to me that composition writing was so easy and interesting.Not only did the top students

displayed their talents but also we under-achievers did a good job.Meanwhile, no sooner had Mr Jiang cited Francis Bacon——“reading makes a full man; confidence a ready man; and writing an exact man”----than I found the last lesson concluded.I was not a little disappointed at the bell1

What an unforgettable lesson it is!So far the lesson has been deep-rooted in my mind!

2.Looking back the past, there are numerous memorable moments emerging in my memory, which makes me understand the value of life.//While I was growing up, we led a poor life.However, my mom gave me a lot of affections and strength.Each night, she sat me on her lap and spoke the words that would change my life: “ Nancy, you are certain to be a great person and you can do anything in life if you work hard enough to make it.”When the great depression struck, Mom lost her job.But she didn’t give up and she showed great enthusiasm in pursuing a new skill in order to be qualified for the new job.After six months’ calculating training, my mom eventually got her present occupation.She left a deep impression on me that everything would be possible if efforts were made, so is in my study, I experienced a lot of failures and sufferings.Not surprisingly, mom was one of my strongest supporters.With my mother’s words deeply rooted in my soul, I never doubted that I would succeed in the end.//People often say that gold and silver are the most valuable things in the world.But I say that to be the daughter of my mom is more precious than everything else, because she gave me confidence and confidence gave me power.Remember you may not have started out life in the best situation.But if you have confidence in yourself and you can find a task in life worth working, for nothing can stop you.(顾菁)


Looking back the past, I found many touching moments emerging in my memory which makes me understand the value of life.In my life, there is a woman whom I admired most.I felt grateful to her because not only did she light up a love of Chinese but also she aroused me a sense of optimism towards failure..She is the head-teacher in my junior school, Mrs.Liu.//She showed great enthusiasm in purposing the new learning.Her class was filled with knowledge apart from textbooks, which attracted each student to be buried in the class.For example, she was willing to spend the whole class in discussing what had happened in society recently instead of teaching us the way to writing alone.In addition, what impressed me most was her attitude towards the score we got in the exam.Generally speaking, teachers will lose temper once their students’ score are on the downside.In contrast to that, Mrs.liu never scolded us for a poor score.She would try to find where we had made progress and analyzed where we were still inadequate.Under the influence of her, I have developed a character that never be elated by success for disturbed by failure.In spite of the fact that I have graduated from my junior school,I always can‘t help gaze at the graduation photo hanging on my bedside.Not only has we developed a relationship of teacher and students, but also a relationship of life-long friends.(董辰凡)












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