
时间:2019-05-13 00:38:15下载本文作者:会员上传


1)What will you study in the United States?

2)What is your major? In what aspect of your major will you study? What is your favorite subject? Can it be used to military utilities ?

3)What will you do in USA?

4)Are you going to study in USA?

5)When/where did you get your BS/MS?

6)What/where are you working now?

7)How long will you study in USA?

8)Have you any scholarship?

9)What do you want to study in USA?

10)What do you do with your work for MS/phd?

11)What is your purpose for the visa?

12)What is your academic background?

13)How do you know this Univ.?

14)What is your plan? What will you do after graduation? Why? what kind of job can you find in the future?

15)Give me three reasons that you will come back to China?

16)Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn't come back?

17)Why do you choose this Univ.?

18)Why do you like your major?

19)Why do you want to study in USA?

20)Why do you want to pursue a master's/doctoral degree?

21)Why do you receive financial aid from this Univ.?

22)What is the difficult class do you have?

23)Do you want your wife to go with you?

24)What's your name?

25)What institution did you attend and what was your major?

26)What have you Done after you graduated from university?

27)Why do you want go to the United States for further study?

28)Why do you think it is time for you to pursue master's/doctoral degree now?xxx in the US?

30)Many universities in the China offer first--rate graduate programs in xx x.Why do you want to go to the USA for graduate study?

31)What is your ultimate academic goal?

32)To how many institutions have you applied, and who are they? Any other school admits you?

33)Why did you choose xxxxxx University? How much do you know about the university?

34)Do you have any relatives in the United States?

35)What do your parents do?

36)How much do you expect you will have to spend each year in the United States?

37)How do you support yourself during your studies in the United States?

38)Do you plan to seek Financial support in the US?

39)Who will be your sponsor? How much is his annal income and what will be the amount you will receive annually? Do you have a bank deposit certification?

40)Do you plan to seek employment in the US after you have completed your studies?

41)How long does it take to commute to your work place?

42)What do you think of the West Development in China?

43)How long have you prepared your visa interview? Have u prepared the interview in New Oriental?

44)How long have you prepared for GRE? Did you cheat?

45)Are you a worker or a student now?

46)Where are you from? Where is your hometown?

47)How much do you earn now? How much will you earn when you come back?

48)Do you know which school is the best in your major? What else? 49)What does your major mean?

50)What will you study in this major? What courses?

51)If you say you will be a teacher in the future, what will you teach?

52)What's the difference between your major now and the major in USA?

53)When are you going to enter US?

54)What is your dream?

55)What is the thing you like best in America ,or the thing you like best in China?

56)Then what is the thing you don't like most in China?

57)Can you give an example of your topic that is applied in our living?

58)Why do you change your major ?

59)What is your favorite pet? Why?

60)What's your best/worst quality。

61)What do you think is the best/worst thing of the U.S?

62)Have you ever been to nations aside of China? Have you ever gone abroad?

63)What's your favorite food?

64)Have you any bank deposit?

65)What kind of works you will do for this assistantship? What's your duty as a TA/RA?

66)Is your transcript original?

67)How old are you?

68)Have you any relatives in US?

69)When did you join the T/G test?

70)What score did you get in T/G test?

71)课程概述.Can you talk something about the course XX?

72)Do you have sisters or brothers?

73)How long have you been in Beijing?

74)Why did you live in Beijing?

75)What's you hobby? What do you do in your spare time?

76)What is your current project in your company? What are you responsible for in your present post?

77)How many years have your worked?

78)Can you tell me which assistantship they give you? TA or RA。

79)What will you teach?

80)What is your favorite American movie?

81)Who do you think is the best president of the US?

82)Where is your HUKOU(户口)?

83)Do you have a girlfriend? Where is she? Are you sure your gf will keep relation with you during your graduate study?

84)Do you think who is the greatest leader in the world? Why?

85)Who is your advisor?

86)Have you any scholarship?

87)Which is your favorite restaurant(cafe)?

88)What's the difference between your major now and the major in USA?

89)Where do you live? Where will you live?

90)Why did you choose your present job?

91)what will you do if you can not find a position in the big comanies/ xxx university?

92)Your assistantship is for one year, then how about the following years?

93)what is your dissertation about? what is your specific research of your undergraduate paper?

94)You can also make more of this kind of money in US, why don't you want to earn more? why you come back to China instead of finding a job in America?

95)Where is your company located in?

96)So what development/programming tools do you use?(CS)

97)Have you business card? Do you have a name card?

98)Why have you quit your job?

99)How did you take GRE?

100)Isxxxxxxx the first university to give you the offer?

101)Will you come back to this company after graduation?

102)What have you done in your research?

103)Are you a top student in your school? What about your ranking in your cl ass?

104)Do u have a cup of coffee every morning? 105)what kind of computer do you have? 106)what is your favorite color? 107)(Set up my own company about****)Is it dificult? 108)Would you like to accept the yellow card and go to window ?



Passport Number


Place of Issuance

城市 City

国家 Country

州∕省份 State/Province


Issuing Country


Issuance Date(dd-mm-yyyy)

日 day | 月 month | 年 year


Expiration Date(dd-mmh-yyyy)

日 day | 月 month | 年 year


Surnames(As in Passport)


First and Middle Names(As in Passport)

8.其他姓氏(未婚时称呼/宗教称呼/工作用称呼/化名)-(没有请留空)Other Surnames Used(Maiden, Religious, Professional, Aliases)

9.其他名字 -(没有请留空)

Other First and Middle Names Used


Date of Birth(dd-mm-yyyy)

日 day | 月 month | 年 year


Place of Birth

州∕省份 State/Province

城市 City

国家 Country





男 Male

女 Female


National Identification Number

15.住址(国家 邮编区号 州∕省 城市 街道 单元号码)

Home Address(Include apartment number, street, city, state or province, postal zone and country)

街道名称1 Street Address Line 1

街道名称2 Street Address Line 1

城市 City

州/省份 State/Province

邮编区号 Postal Code

国家 Country




传 真

Fax Number


Marital Status


Spouse's Full Name(Even if divorced or separated.Include maiden name.)


Spouse's DOB(dd-mm-yyyy)

日 day | 月 month | 年 year工作电话工作传真号码Business Fax Number移动电话传呼机号码(BP 机)Pager NumberHome Telephone NumberBusiness Phone NumberMobile/Cell Number


Name and Address of Present Employer or School

名 称 Name

地址 Address


Present Occupation-(If retired, write & retired“.If student, write ”student".)


When Do You Intend To Arrive In The U.S.(Provide specific date if known)

日 day | 月 month | 年 year


E-Mail Address


At What Address Will You Stay in The U.S.街道名称 Street Address Line 1

街道名称 Street Address Line 2

城市 City

省份/州 State/Province

邮遍区号 Postal Code

25.您将在美逗留∕旅游探访∕公干的联系人的姓名及电话号码 -(没有请填NONE)

Name and Telephone Numbers of Person in U.S.Who You Will Be Staying With or Visiting for Tourism or Business

姓名 Name住宅电话 Home Phone

工作电话 Business Phone移动电话 Cell Phone


How Long Do You Intend To Stay in The U.S.27.此行目的What is The Purpose of Your Trip


Who Will Pay For Your Trip


Have You Ever Been to U.S.A

有 Yes没有 No

何时 When

日 day | 月 month | 年 year


其他赶美经历 Enter Additional Visits to the U.S.Here


Have You Ever Been Issued a U.S.Visa

得到过 Yes没有得到过 No

何时 When

日 day | 月 month | 年 year

在何地获得 Where


其他签证经历 Enter Additional Visa Issuances Here


Have You Ever Been Refused a U.S.Visa

有 Yes没有 No

何时 When

日 day | 月 month | 年 year

在何地 Where


其他被美国拒签经验 Enter Additional Visa Refusals Here


Do You Intend To Work in The U.S.有意 Yes无意 No


(If YES, give the name and complete address of U.S.employer.)


Do You Intend To Work in The U.S.有意 Yes无意 No


(If YES, give the name and complete address of the school.)


Names and Relationships of Persons Traveling With You


Has Your U.S.Visa Ever Been Cancelled or Revoked

有过 Yes没有 No


Has Anyone Ever Filed an Immigrant Visa Petition on Your Behalf

有过 Yes没有 No

If Yes, Who?



Has Your U.S.Visa Ever Been Cancelled or Revoked?Are Any of The Following Persons in The U.S., or Do They Have U.S.Legal Permanent Residence or U.S.Citizenship?


Mark YES or NO and indicate that person's status in the U.S.(i.e., U.S.legal permanent resident, U.S.citizen, visiting, studying, working, etc.).






U.K.Tel: 0044-7XXXXXXXXX

Email: XXX@XXX

To the Visa Section of the British Consulate-General in Shanghai

London, 16 November 20xx

Invitation Letter for Ms.XXX

To whom it may concern,I take delight in inviting my mother Ms.XXX to visit UK from 5th February 20xxto 7thMarch 20xx(30 Days).The purpose of her stay is to pay a private visit to me, and we plan to travel around UK during the upcoming Chinese Spring Festival.Please find below her personal data required for visa application.Full name: XXX Passport No.: GXXXXXXXX

Date of Birth: XX/XXX/XXXX Issuance Date of Passport: 01/AUG/20xx

Gender: Female Expiry Date of Passport: 31/JUL/20xx

All expenses related to her visit to UK, including international air-tickets and local accommodation will be borne by her own means.Should you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact me.I look forward to welcoming her soon in London.Sincerely,XXX


To Whom It May Concern:

I am writing to confirm that I wish to invite Jonathan Doro to visit me in the UK for 4 weeks in order to attend my university graduation ceremony and also stay afterwards for a short holiday.The date of my graduation is 12 July 20xx and I hope you will allow him to come before then so that he can attend my graduation.After graduation, I would like him to stay for a brief 3-week holiday with my family.I have been studying at the First Class Degrees University where I recently completed a degree course and have leave to remain in the UK indefinitely.I am able to accommodate him for the whole duration of his stay in the UK and I will also pay for his living expenses.Please find attached evidence of my accommodation and also evidence of my financial status which shows that I am able to meet Jonathan Doro living costs during the time he will be staying with us.Should you require any additional information please do not hesitate to contact me on +44 111 111111.Your faithfully,Signature(亲笔签名)

Juik Beo



DAY 1: 护照、签证办理及注意事项(passport and visa)




护照号码:passport No.编号:control No.失效日期:date of expiry 国籍:nationality

签发国家:country code 省份:province

出生地:place of birth 姓名:name

姓:surname 名:given name

性别:sex 个人身份号码:personal No.身份证号码:identity No.签发机关:issuing office

(2)签证类词汇 签证:visa 签证申请表:visa application form 签发地:issue at 签发日期:issue date(非)移民签证:non-immigrant visa 签证种类:visa type/class---> 1.工作签证:work visa

2.旅游签证:tourist visa 3.商务签证:business visa 4.留学签证:student

5.长/短期签证: long-term/ short-term visa

6.一次入境签证:single-entry visa

7.多次入境签证:multiple-entry visa

8.落地签证:visa on arrival

9.个人/团体签证:individual/group visa

10.家属签证:dependant visa 准许入境编号:admission No.入境/出境记录:arrival/departure record 延长居留期限:extension of stay 在读证明:studying certificate 工作证明:work certificate 奖学金证书:certificate of the scholarships 房产证明:certificate of house property 存款证明:certificate of deposit 父母经济担保书:economical warranty letter of my parents 父母在职收入证明:working and income certificate of my father/mother 年工资:annual salary


(3)对话(例子): 例1(护照办理):

A: Good morning, i’ d like to apply for a passport.B: Okay.For the application, you need to answer several questions.A: Sure, thanks.B: Is the information in the application form all true and correct(正确)? A: Yes, I am sure, and I have checked it several times.B: Now, please give me other materials(材料)for the application.A: Here you are.B: Well, all the documents(文件;资料)are complete and valid(有效的).Pay the bill(付钱), and you will get your passport about two weeks later.A: Thank you very much.Bye.B: Bye.例2(签证面试):

A: Hello and welcome to your visa interview.B: Hello, thank you for seeing me.A: You are welcome.Let’s get started.Why you wan to go to Thailand? B: I am going to Thailand for a vacation(假期)with my husband.A: How long will your stay in Thailand? B: We will be in Thailand for two weeks.A: Where will you stay in Thailand? B: We will stay at a hostel(招待所)in Bangkok(曼谷).A: Okay, thank you.You are approved for your tourist visa to Thailand.B: Thank you very much, sir.Have a nice day.(4)办理护照材料及流程:






所有学生签证申请人都应该提前做好准备, 以便能够在面谈时出示下列材料和其它任何与签证申请有关的支持材料: 1.有效护照:如果您的护照将在距您预计抵美日期的六个月内过期、或已损坏、或护照上已无空白的签证签发页, 请在前来面谈之前先申请一本新护照。



















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