
时间:2019-05-13 10:45:27下载本文作者:会员上传




Q1.Step up to better health

Exercise is important for both the body and the mind.However, many people do not realize the importance of exercise and live a passive life, which generates many negative effects physically and mentally.1.What are the benefits of exercise on people’s health?

2.Do you have any exercise problems? What’s your exercise program?

3.How to live a healthy life?

Q2.Ways to win

All roads lead to Rome.It means that there are many different ways to achieve the same goal.Ideas about success are relative to culture and vary depending upon where we are, what we teach and how we teach it.The demands of an ever-changing world require that we constantly evaluate our education system and experiment with creative ways of educating for success.1.What’s moral(quality)education? Is it applicable in present China?

2.Do you think going to college is the best way to win success? Why?

3.By the teacher’s standard, how can we be good students?

Q3.Symbols of America

A symbol is the sign or mark that is looked upon as representing something.The symbols describe and exemplify the qualities of one’s culture and people and the values people share.1.What are the symbols of American culture?

2.What does a nation value as her symbols?

3.In your opinion, what can be regarded as symbols of China?

Q4.Death’s lessons for life

Life is valuable for people, and almost everyone is in fear of death.But the brave and mature people are prepared to die because they have understood the meaning of life.1.What is the meaning of life in your understanding?

2.In what cases will a life-death decision be in need? Please list some typical examples.3.How to face difficulties in your life?

Q5.Defending ourselves against disasters

Depending on its climate and geological environment, each country is stricken by this or that natural disasters.What’s more, humans are using up the natural resources and disturbing the balance of nature.We need solutions to our ecological problems in the present and in the future as well as make preparation for defending disasters.1.What are the natural disasters the human beings are confronted with?

2.How should we prepare for earthquakes?

3.What destruction do natural disasters cause? Please choose a specific disaster to illustrate its destructive force.Q6.Greatness

Do you want to make your mark in the world? Who is your role model? Is your role model Albert Einstein, Mahatma Gandhi, or Bill Gates? How about you? Will your career path make a difference in the world?

1.What is your dream, and how to realize it?

2.How to interpret “greatness”?

3.Do you want to be an ordinary person or achieve fame in the world?

Q7.Advertising campaign(新时代unit3 P.37)

With the development of economy, advertisements have played an essential role in people’s life, and exerted an impressive influence on people’s choices of buying something.As a result, companies put more energy and efforts to conduct advertising campaigns so as to make more profits.1.What’s the function of advertisements in the society?

2.Do you believe anything that advertisements advocate? Why?

3.How can we distinguish the cheating behaviors of advertisements?

Q8.Improving teaching and learning of English(新时代unit5 P.64)

With the globalization of the society, English has played an increasing role in people’s life.As for a foreign language, English learning needs people’s hard work and consistent efforts.To learn English well is the task of both teachers and students for their mutual efforts.1.What are the most difficult points when learning English?

2.How was your English teacher in middle school?

3.What suggestions do you want to give for your teacher to help improve your English?







我的老师默默地在教育岗位上耕耘了几十个年头,她把自己的一生无私地献给了教育事业,献给了他的学生……她,是伟大的.记得那是一年前的一个夏天,我们正等着老师来上课,忽然,窗外一个霹雳打破了夏日的沉寂,刹时间,电闪雷鸣,狂风大作,如黑锅似的天越压越沉,仿佛快要掉下来了,又一声巨响,“黑锅”被划破,暴雨如瀑布般倾泄而下.雨点像子弹般射向大地……看着这暴雨如注的天气,大家都说:“老师肯定不会来了.”于是,我们个个垂头丧气地拿起书来自学.不一会,老师竟冒着雨来了,顿时,教室里想起了雷鸣般的掌声.“同学们对不起,今天我迟到了,你们能原谅我吗 ”望着老师湿淋淋的头发,那被雨水淋湿的衣衫,激动,热爱……一股脑涌上了我的心头.老师拿出课本,给我们讲起课来.她那可亲的面孔微笑着;那亲切的声音如母亲般给我们温暖……窗外大雨瓢泼,而教室里却到处充满了温欣……四五年来,老师几年如一日,从没给我们缺过半节课.这,就是我们的老师,一个对工作尽职尽责的老师,一个伟大切又平凡的老师!






从小到大,在我接触的人中,我最尊敬的人就是我的爸爸。爸爸给我的整个感觉就是严肃、认真,不过他才不是那种老板着脸,别人不敢靠近的人,有时爸也爱笑,笑得比谁都开心,活像个小孩子,天真无邪。我尊敬爸爸,欣赏爸爸为人处事的那份执着,稳定,还有极负责任的态度。爸爸是一乡之长,可算是个父母官。平时大事小事都得找他,如果是工作中的正事,爸爸肯定会卖力地完成,但如果是些私人的琐事,爸会坚决拒绝的。为什么这样说呢?下面请听我给你说两件事: 第一件事,记得是去年冬天的一个晚上,我和家里人准备了一桌丰盛的晚餐,正等爸爸回来,因为那天是爸爸的生日,一会儿,爸爸回来了,刚坐下来,突然又站了起来,他只说了一句话“你们先吃”,就出门了。后来才知道,原来那天在分发五保户救济品时,差了一份没发。爸爸突然想到,今晚天气会很冷,就连饭都没有吃就出去了。还有一件事,我的姑丈因为赌博被派出所抓了,家里人让爸爸出面说情,爸爸听了,气极了,他说:“我这人最恨的就是赌博,既然是给派出所抓了,该怎么惩罚就怎么惩罚”,爸爸就是这样一个人,从不利用权力为家人办事。爸爸对我们姐妹要求很严格。我小时候就因为做错事而被爸爸狠狠的批评过。不过我还是很尊重他。












我心里想:“做任何事都不是那么简单,一定要用心去做才能把它做好。” 从那以后我尝到了成功的喜悦,我越来越喜欢画画了。











亲爱的妈妈,我喜欢足球!但也请你放心,明日的足球明星 也可以是今天的学习标兵的!我爱足球



















植物园中另一个引人注目的就是多肉植物园圃。它为巨型透明螺壳,有盆栽仙人掌、仙人柱、仙人球、仙人鞭等。其中仙人柱高达 3米,算是全国罕见的一种。据说,厦门仙人掌科植物有500多种,名列全国第一。








Topics for the final SET

1)Can you name one of the fairy tales(for example, Sleeping Beauty, Beauty and Beast, Cinderrella)?

Do you like the story? Why or why not?

2)What fairy tale has influenced you most? Please explain.3)Please exemplify/use an example to tell us that most fairy tales have deep/remarkable meanings.We can learn a lot from them.4)Fairy tales can influence us a lot.Do you agree? Why or why not?

5)If you had magic power, what would you do with it?

6)Why do magic stories always have a natural attraction to all of us?

7)Why do you think the Internet is so popular?

8)Why are computers so widely used?

9)If you have a computer, what can you do with it?

10)What the world would be like if there were no Internet?

11)How should we make use of the Internet?

12)Do you often use a computer? [If yes] For what purposes? [If not] Why not?

13)Some people say that the computer is the most important invention of the last century.Do you

agree? Why or why not?

14)Have you personally benefited from using the computer in your study? Please give an example.15)How much time do you spend surfing the net every week? Which items interest you most?

16)What natural disaster do you know best? Say something about it?

17)Can you give some suggestion on how to escape from a burning building?

18)Do you think floods can be prevented? Please give your reasons.19)What can we do to prevent a forest fire?

20)Do you think it necessary for schools to offer courses on how to survive a natural disaster? Why

or why not?

21)Do you agree that animals are friends of Man? Why?

22)Do you think man can conquer nature?

23)Do you think the environment is becoming worse and worse? Give your reasons.24)What attitude do you adopt/take towards problems that come up in your life?

25)Some people take a pessimistic attitude towards life.What do you think you can do to help them?

26)Do you think wealthy people enjoy a happier life?

27)Suppose your parents has been working pretty hard, what will you suggest them to do to spend

more time together?

28)If parents spend less time with the entire family, especially their children, what negative effects

will that have?

29)If you were Harry, would you be contented with your present job? Why or why not?

30)Do you think working for a big company is a challenge? Give your reasons.31)Do you think it necessary to talk about your career changes to your children? Why or why not?

32)Where would you like to work after you graduate, in a big city or in a small town?

33)What job do you think is best for you after you graduate?

34)If you were offered a job not related to your major, would you accept it? Why or Why not?

35)As a working mother what do you think you could do to deal with your career and your role as a

mother successfully?

36)Who would you ask for advice if you were faced with the same career choice as Marylin? 37)What’s your most important consideration

when looking for a job?

38)What factors influence you most in your choice of a job?

39)Do you think it is necessary to keep your friendship with classmates or friends after graduation?

Why or why not?(You can take Robbie and Alexandra for example.)

40)Why do people often say camping out is such great fun?

41)What is the relationship between work

and play?

42)In what ways can camping out benefit us?

43)Suppose there is someone in your class who works hard and never has time for hobbies or

entertainment.What advice would you offer to him or her?

44)What is considered to be a waste of time in the US?

45)You learn more about yourself


46)How to uphold and carry forward athleticism sportsmanship?

47)What are two things your teachers taught and inspired you?

48)Try to describe the person who influences you most?

49)Would you mind marrying a person form a different culture or nation? Why or why not?

50)Will you be friend with those of different characterspersonalities?

51)What is your personality?

52)What do you think are the defects or

demerits of personality?

53)Talk about the advantages and disadvantages of making boygirl friend on campus?

54)What’s your idea on those lovers who are arm in arm, hug or even kiss in public?

55)How to be realistic while being idealistic in love?

56)How do you understand “Doubt meant no action”?

57)Have you gone through any experience in which “you would rather act now and worry later”?

58)What do you think will be the main barrier in marriage across nations?

59)List the advantages and disadvantages of marriage across nations.60)Do you think love needs testing? Give your reasons.61)Nature or nurture in cultivating and developing relationship?

62)Do you think a person’s name and appearance affect his or her life or work?

63)What do most people base their selection of a name on?

64)Do you like your own name? Why or why not?

65)What are the major causes of stress in your life? And How to deal to ease them ?

66)How do you understand there is a lot more to life than a job?

67)What do you think is the aim of education?

68)How do you understand “We ought to give our ability to our work but our genius to our lives?

69)If you were able to go back to ancient time, which dynasty would you go to?

70)If possible, which country would you choose to live? Why?

71)What are Germany famous for?

72)If possible, what kind of company would you choose to work in, big or small one? Or a big one with

low pay or a small one with high pay?

73)What youngsters expect in life?

74)How to improve writing ability?

75)Do you think a lasting world peace is possible? Give your reasons.76)How to obtain the utmost outcome of the class?

77)Give your personal viewpoint on how to strike the balance between work, study and life?

78)Motivation-oriented or test-oriented learning? How to balance them? Why?

79)Generalist or specialist? Why?

80)“China’s Increasing Role and Responsibilities in Global Development;Challenges and Opportunities

for Our Younger Generation




84)The Power of Sports in Personal Development: Lessons about Life that We Get from Sports.My views on the expansion of college enrollment.The importance of recycling.Globalization: challenges and opportunities for China's younger generation85)There is an old saying “Jack of all trades but master of none.” Do you think that it is better aim to be “a Jack of all trades” or “a master of one” in today’s world?

86)China has set up nearly 300 Confucius institutes around the world to teach Chinese language and culture.How do you view the enthusiasm for learning Chinese? What underlies this trend?

87)In matters of principle, stand like a rock;in matters of taste, swim with the current.88)Due attention should be paid to Chinese.89)韩寒is quite good at driving as well as at writing.Can we say that those who are good at playing presumable good at working ?


I want to be a teacher in the future because I met many good teachers.When I was in the middle school, I met an important man in my life, Mr.Yi, the teacher who has had a deep impact on my life.He was a very fair man and had a great

influence on many of the children.He was good at a lot such as guitar, piano,football and drawing.I admired him very much.He was a kind and special teacher.At that time, I had quick sense of math, so he always praised me.He told me many things, and charged me with a class organizer.Day by day, I became confident.I was very grateful to him.Being a teacher is difficult now.Being a good teacher is more difficult.But I think I can do everything if I do my best!I think I will be strict to my students in the class.But after class, I want to be their friend.Besides, it can help me to keep a young heart to stay with young people.Many factors influence your choice of career, ranging from personality and individual preferences to practical concerns such as salary, job outlook for the field, career stability and opportunities for advancement.Other people choose their careers based on a desire to help others, solve a specific problem, or continue a family legacy in a specific industry.Your personality has a strong impact on career choice.For example, social persons are more likely to choose a career working with the public than a job where they will work alone most of the time.Career choice is often influenced by your values.For instance, people may choose to pursue a career to make a difference in children's lives, or in medicine, in order to cure a disease that has impacted their family.Hobbies are very important to a person, without having any hobbies, life won't be as colorful as it should be.All of us have hobbies, and our hobbies are changing all the time.My hobbies help me relax after periods of hard work.Moreover, I can make many friends who share the same hobbies with me.My hobbies make me maintain a mental and physical balance.I used to listen to music, because they can help me relaxing.Music can make me very happy.When I am unhappy, it cheers me up.When I am stressed, it makes me calm down.Music is really important to me.I think music is a necessary part of my life.Every language has its natural, inherent, rhythm.Tuning into this rhythm, can help us learn the language in a fun, active and effective way.Music can enhance the understangding, enhance a sense of rhythm, we can also learn voice, grammar and vocabulary from the music.Music can be a very effective method of learning English.In fact, it is often used as a way of improving comprehension.This is not only a fun way to learn but it is also very effective.This is different than watching the television or films because you can’t see the person that is speaking.It is helpful for you to improve your interests, only then, you will find English is not difficult at all!

There are some methods that English learners can never get tired of using, like listening to English songs.Should you have better English skills if you listen to English songs for a long time? People like using English songs to practice English skill because it's easy and enjoyable.I like to listen to English songs, a nice rhythm is easier to remember the patterns and words.Listening to English songs always makes me unwind.It's clear when people listening to the English songs, talking fluently can not only improve our spoken English, but also plays an important role in improving listening skills.You can't get yourself familiar with English pronunciation or accent just from listenning to English songs.


环球雅思口语老师认为雅思口语话题繁多,每个都准备的话难度会很大,要是进行一定的概括就会容易多了。你在网上搜当月雅思题目,然后往前看以此类推,专门只看part 2!你会发现题目大概重复的有100来个,然后进行整理和归类


记住很多帖子把part 2 的每一部分都总结的很长,没有必要,你只要一个核心词,举个例子:

描述一个 Describe a historical building/an interesting old(traditioanl)building in your country?

Where is it located?

What is it used for?

Explain why you think it is the most interesting?

太罗嗦,浓缩为一句话,历史古迹,完了,明白了么?你以最简单的方式归纳核心词,这样下来part 2的topic依然在8-90个,然后就开始归类。








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