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Term Paper for Selected Readings in British Literature

Title: People Analysis of Gulliver's Travels




Number:___________ ________

Date: _________ Dec.20.2010_____

People Analysis of Gulliver's Travels


The Author gives some account of himself and family.His first inducements

to Travel.He is shipwrecked, and swims for his life.Gets safe on shore in the

country of Lilliput.Is made a prisoner, and carried up the country.For the

Lilliput ,Gulliver is a huge thing but for the Blefuscu he is big like tower.When

he travels again, he also unlucky that the strom attacked him again.He was

bring a strange land.There people is very taller like a tower but he is small like

mouse.They use him make money and consider him as a toy.Later the king have

buy him.He show off his country that great ,wise , able government and fair

lows.However, the king censure and contradict it.At the third year, he company

the king visit.Because of he missing his hometown so he pretend fall ill,and go to

seaside breath fresh air.The eagle think that his house is turtle and take it fly

then many eagle rob it , at last ,unlucky the house drop in the sea.The author, by

a lucky accident, finds means to leave Blefuscu;and after some difficulties,returns safe to his native country.A great storm described;the long boat sent to

fetch water;the author goes with it to discover the country.He is left on shore, is

seized by one of the natives, and carried to a farmer’s house.His reception, with

several accidents that happened there.A description of the inhabitants.A

description of the farmer’s daughter.The author carried to a market-town, and

then to the metropolis.The particulars of his journey.The author sent for to court.The queen buys him of his master the farmer,and presents him to the king.He disputes with his majesty’s great scholars.An

apartment at court provided for the author.He is in high favour with the queen.He stands up for the honor of his own country.His quarrels with the queen’s

dwarf.The country described.A proposal for correcting modern maps.The

king’s palace;and some account of the metropolis.The author’s way of traveling.The chief temple described.Several adventurers that happened to the author.The execution of a criminal.The author shows his skill in navigation.The

emperor of Lilliput, attended by several of the nobility, comes to see the Author

in his confinement.The emperor's person and habits described.Learned men

appointed to teach the Author their language.He gains favor by his mild

disposition.His pockets are searched, and his sword and pistols taken from him.The Author diverts the emperor, and his nobility of both sexes, in a very

uncommon manner.The diversions of the court of Lilliput described.The

Author has his liberty granted him upon certain conditions.Mildendo, the

metropolis of Lilliput, described, together with the emperor's Palace.A

conversation between the Author and a principal secretary concerning the

affairs of that empire.The Author's offer to serve the emperor in his wars.The

Author, by an extraordinary stratagem, prevents an invasion.A high title of

honor is conferred upon him.Ambassadors arrive from the emperor of Blefuscu,and sue for peace.Of the inhabitants of Lilliput;their learning, laws, and

customs;the manner of educating their children.The Author's way of living in

that country.His vindication of a great lady.The Author, being informed of a

design to accuse him of high treason, makes his escape to Blefuscu.His reception

there.The Author, by a lucky accident, finds means to leave Blefuscu;and after

some difficulties, returns safe to his native country.Several contrivances of the author to please the king and queen.He shows

his skill in music.The king inquires into the state of England, which the author

relates to him.The king’s observations thereon.The author’s love of his country.He makes a proposal of much advantage to the king, which is rejected.The

king’s great ignorance in politics.The learning of that country very imperfect

and confined.The laws, and military affairs, and parties in the state.The king

and queen make a progress to the frontiers.The author attends them.The

manner in which he leaves the country very particularly related.He returns to

England.The author sets out on his third voyage.Is taken by pirates.The malice

of a Dutchman.His arrival at an island.He is received into Laputa.The

humours and dispositions of the Laputians described.An account of their

learning.Of the king and his court.The author’s reception there.The

inhabitants subject to fear and disquietudes.An account of the women.A

phenomenon solved by modern philosophy and astronomy.The Laputians’ great

improvements in the latter.The king’s method of suppressing insurrections.The

author leaves Laputa;is conveyed to Balnibarbi;arrives at the metropolis.A

description of the metropolis, and the country adjoining.The author hospitably

received by a great lord.His conversation with that lord.The author permitted

to see the grand academy of Lagado.The academy largely described.The arts

wherein the professors employ themselves.A further account of the academy.The author proposes some improvements,which are honourably received.The author leaves Lagado: arrives at Maldonada.No ship ready.He takes a short voyage to Glubbdubdrib.His reception by the

governor.A further account of Glubbdubdrib.Ancient and modern history

corrected.The author returns to Maldonada.Sails to the kingdom of Luggnagg.The author confined.He is sent for to court.The manner of his admittance.The

king’s great lenity to his subjects.The Luggnaggians commended.A particular

description of the Struldbrugs, with many conversations between the author and

some eminent persons upon that subject.The author leaves Luggnagg, and sails

to Japan.From thence he returns in a Dutch ship to Amsterdam, and from

Amsterdam to England.2.Analysis

Gulliver is a like travels, they are tired of along and bored.He has a good

memory ,be good at study and survey.He has a special thinking;nature is kind

and honest, and friendly.For the friend he can pay the live.He is cleaver, brave.Greek rationalism was emphasized.The joy of people from the operation of

reason use, because the reason is the unique human glory and power.In the

classical rationalism who appears reason distinguishes man from other creatures.The human pursuit of rational life The highest level.He deal with is smooth and

reasonable.The emperor of Lilliput, attended by several of the nobility, comes to see the

author in his confinement.The emperor’s person and habit described.Learned

men appointed to teach the author their language.He gains favour by his mild

disposition.His pockets are searched, and his sword and pistols taken from him

The author diverts the emperor, and his nobility of both sexes, in a very

uncommon manner.The diversions of the court of Lilliput described.The author

has his liberty granted him upon certain conditions.Talking clever , decisive act,to play it by ear, to seize every opportunity to seek freedom, there is a strong

self-confidence, believe they can succeed.He was honest, patriotic, very spare his

pride, for he who is full of hostility to hatred, disgust and contempt, but respects

a noble man, knowledgeable scholar.He is a general query spirit, love of truth, a

courageous endurance.He traveled among the increasing insight into the social

reality of corruption, come to the conclusions of British society is not civilized.Gulliver's image, is the embodiment of thought.The author gives his all the

virtues described by the characters, Gulliver does not care about personal gains

and losses, and caring for others.Gulliver is a positive good character.He was

always frank account of their own weaknesses and mistakes, but the advantage is

no mention of their own.His humble , studious, hard with a new vision to meet

new realities.He never give up on themselves, even to him as a plaything for

people to watch over, still poised to maintain their dignity, to equal the country's

king of attitude and adult conversation.Courage to help his country against

foreign invasion villain, but categorically refused to villain policy of aggression

and expansion in the King's service.Folin Nai Pu(Lilliput Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer)suspicious,sinister, vicious, cunning.The relevant circumstances: Gulliver Renhuai

generous and trapping do not come Cliffs fleet for war by the ancient king

appreciated Lilliput, Folin Nai Pu to very angry, and suspected that Gulliver and

his wife of adultery to contact Let other ministers seek framed, much vilified,and finally forced to flee not to Gulliver Ancient Graves.Sri Lanka to open Switzerland(Lilliput Kingdom Admiral)jealousy, sinister

and cunning.The relevant circumstances: the king of Lilliput ambitious, do not

come with the neighboring countries of ancient war, Groves, Gulliver can not

wade through the Straits to most ancient fleet captured over Hargreaves, from

Gulliver by Lilliputian King reuse, Sri Lanka, Switzerland open to much

dissatisfaction with the Chancellor of the Exchequer Gulliver murder conspiracy.Grid is a learned, sensible, kind, open-minded and strong rule of the

monarch.The relevant circumstances: grid King knowledgeable, good

temperament, he used reason, justice, kindness to govern the country, he hates

the despicable glibenclamide Buddha says politicians, the bloodshed of war.In

the first, the treatment of some of Gulliver mean the feeling of life, but with the

second part, this feeling will disappear.Reason the King Hui Yin wise, hardworking, brave, kind and friendly, with

integrity-of the ideal of humanity.After the king villain stingy, greedy vanity,ruthless.“Gulliver's Travels” Gulliver in the perspective of the protagonist

describes the adventures of the four country adventure: Lilliput, Brobdingnag,flying island, and Hui-Yin States.Gulliver's shipwreck, came to Lilliput.Residents here only six inches tall, monarch greed war rolling country.The

author condescending point of view, looking down with a giant vision of human

absurdity small.Gulliver's curiosity, the strayed Brobdingnag.Spire height, such

as resident here superiority in weapons, the National Wei Hehe.Point of view of

a small dwarf, looking vulgar and heartless man.Gulliver every pirate, visit the

flying islands.This dependency was shrouded control, urban and rural

desolation, barren.To the usual mentality of, head of human madness and evil

nature.Gulliver was mutiny, Hui Yin traverse the country.This ruler highly

rational, humanoid animals, evil, inferior.A rational point of view of animals,examination of human nature.“Gulliver’s Travels” deeply ironic corruption of

current affairs, to bizarre and even disgusting plot, silly satire pedantic, and

reflect on different aspects of human nature.Is the adventure story is fantasy

fiction, is a travelogue, a political commentator, is the allegorical literature, it is

worth reading the classic view.Analysis of “Gulliver's Travels” in the superb Art

and Culture of Irony.He was honest, patriotic, very tolerate his face, and full of hostile enemies of

his people hate, disgust and contempt, but respect a noble man, knowledgeable

scholar.On the whole that he is a spirit of challenge, love of truth, there are those

who swim endurance.He among the tour, insight into the increasing degradation

of social reality, society and come to the UK uncivilized conclusion.Gulliver's

image, is the embodiment of thought.Of to give himself all the virtues described

by the characters, Gulliver does not care about the individuals have loss, while

caring for others, Gulliver is a positive good character.3.Conclusion(四号)

Fantasy plot combining the authenticity and reality, but also to add fiction

unique artistic charm.Although the author is a fictional show's magical world of

fairy tale, but it is based on the real life of British society was based.Because of

the precise, delicate, aptly described, people feel it is a fictional illusion, it seems

that all the facts are the truth.Of simple and concise style of writing.He once

declared: “I would prefer the simplicity of narrative writing out the

extraordinary fact that, as I wrote this book primarily reports to you, not for

your amusement.” Despite the Lilliput, Brobdingnag, the country Hui Yin

Different scenarios, the hero of the situation is not the same, but the layout of the

whole novel, the style consistent, Gulliver each sea has detailed account of the

causes and effects, complex plot according to numerous time and space in the

order described Simple and vivid writing, strong narrative, which for hundreds

of years, “Gulliver's Travels” in the European tastes, including women and

children.Not only attacked the social status of the novel, still deeper level, the

direct irony of human nature itself.In the fourth volume, the on the ”money “

that part of discussion is the case.Gulliver came to no money, no military police

Hui Yin(Malaysia)countries, the owner explained to his horse, said: ”We get a

wild monkey that whether it be with or save, money is better, not Fill time.because their nature is so, not extravagance is insatiable.the rich enjoy the labor

of the poor, the poor and the rich in the number ratio is a thousand to one.Therefore, the majority of our people were forced off A miserable life......."Author notes that capitalist society between people purely financial

relationships.And thus had a question of human nature.参考文献:

[ 1 ]周作人.欧洲文学史[M ].石家庄: 河北教育出版社,2002.[ 2 ] [美]M.H.阿伯拉姆.简明外国文学词典[ K].曾忠禄,郑子红,邓建标,译.长沙:湖南人民出版社, 1987.[ 3 ] [美]鲁宾斯坦.英国文学的伟大传统(中)[M ].陈安全,[ 4 ] http://baike.baidu.com/view/79427.htm






Gulliver is He has a good memory ,be good at study and survey.He has a special thinking;nature is kind and honest, and friendly.For the friend he can pay the live.He is cleaver, brave.Greek rationalism was emphasized.The joy of people from the operation of reason use, because the reason is the unique human glory and power.In the classical rationalism who appears reason distinguishes man from other creatures.The human pursuit of rational life The highest level.He deal with is smooth and reasonable.Folin Nai Pu(Lilliput Kingdom Chancellor of the Exchequer)suspicious, sinister, vicious, cunning.He suspected that Gulliver and his wife of adultery to contact and let other ministers seek framed, and finally make get away.Sri Lanka(Lilliput Kingdom Admiral)jealousy, sinister and cunning.the king of Lilliput admire Gulliver.Sri Lanka, along with the Chancellor of the Exchequer Gulliver is going to murder Gulliver.Grid is a knowledgeable, sensible, kind, open-minded and good temperament, he used reason, justice, kindness to govern the country.The King Hui Yin wise, hardworking, brave, kind and friendly, with integrity-of the ideal of humanity.

















第四篇:英语论文《格列佛游记》开题 提纲

1.Orientation of the research:

Literature < Analysis of Ideal society in Gulliver's Travels >

2.Brief introduction:

Gulliver's Travels is a fairy tale written by Jonathan Swift, The work purports to be a travel book, and describes the shipwrecked Gulliver's encounters with the inhabitants of four extraordinary places: Lilliput, Brobdingnag, Laputa, and the country of the Houyhnhnms.it contains an astute analysis of the nature of Swift's satire.Gulliver's Travelsserves as a biting satire, and Swift ensures that it is both humorous and critical, constantly attacking British and European society through its descriptions of imaginary countries.3.Outline:


A.Introduction of Jonathan Swift,B.Introduction the main content of Gulliver's Travels

II.Analysis of Ideal society

A.Voyages described in the book





B.Major Themes of Gulliver's Travels


2.Death 3.Law

4.Power and Property III.Conclusion






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