
时间:2019-05-13 10:35:11下载本文作者:会员上传



Transcript of Commencement Speech at 2009 APEC given by Jack Ma


Thank you very much, director sir, Ladies and Gentlemen.Before my speech, I would like to show you a video which happened in Hangzhou about our Hangzhou SME summit, can I?

Thank you!

After 3 days, you know, in house meeting Internal and fly all the way here, and I did not feel quite well today.But when I see the entrepreneurs, when I came to the SMEs, I always feel excited.Because when I join the SME Conference, I see, from the eyes, the dreams, the passion, the hope.When I join the Fortune 500 Conference, among the CEOs, I see the numbers, I see the revenues, I see the KPIs, I see the bloody competition.But among the SMEs, you see “I have a dream, I want to do something.” And that happens all the time and that makes me excited all the time.And today I think last year every people say:“Woo, the economic is in trouble, and we are all dead, what we are going to do?” Today everybody seems to be happy, say the economy come back.Is it really that the economy comes back? I don't think so.The money is going to big companies, the money goes to infrastructure;the money goes back to the stock market.It seems nobody learns from that.How can the economy come back if the SMEs do not come back? How can the economic come back if the dreams are not back, the hopes not come back?

I saw one thing that, few days, you know, 2 days ago I had a dinner with my Singapore friends and they said: “Singapore government is encouraging to have more babies, Because, you know , people are aging and not enough kids.” I think SMEs, we, every economy, every nation, needs instant package to have more small medium size companies, to have more hopes, because every big company comes from the small business.If without hope, without this kind of instants to have more babies, we are going to die.Why I always feel excited? I have 8 babies.In the far past 15 years, I built up 8 companies, seven of them, very healthy;one of them, I sold it.And I keep the babies, when I look at my babies--Alibaba , Taobao, Alipay and you know ,the company we just have AliCloud, we just have a new baby 2 month ago.I always feel excited because you see the hope, you know this baby is going to change me, this baby is going to change the world can change the customers.And that’s the thing I always feel excited.If you want to be happy, have more babies.If you are the government, want your economy to be good, have more SMES.These are the dreams, these are the hope, these are the future.So this is all we want to say, but enough, we’ve been crying, say: “please give us support.” But all the SMES ask yourself one question.We are not crying babies.We believe we are tomorrow’s Google, we believe we are tomorrow’s eBay, YouTube;we believe we are tomorrow’s UPS.If we believe we are, we can be;if you don’t believe, you never be.We heard a lot of government say:”(we give you)let me know what we can do.let me know what we can help SMES.” we heard a lot of banks say:” well, we’ve been, you know, give loans to a lot of SMES.”I heard some bank said, well, one of the bank president said: “we gave like, you know, 200 millions US$ to the SMES.”I ask:” what’s the size the loan you give?”20 millions dollars.How can you say the 20 millions? As the research I got, from Alibaba Group(Alibaba statistic), 87% of the SMES, what they need, the fund is below 60 thousand US$.But they gave the loan 20 millions to some big companies, they are not SMES, they are not the hopes.But, I think all the SMES say(that)nobody can help you.My 8 companies, I always say,nobody help us, only we can help ourselves.Don’t rely on the government, don’t rely on the bank, forget about that.Rely on your friends, rely on relatives, rely on your small dreams and always keep that thing in head.Because I’ve been trying very hard to get loans from banks, always trouble.Within the past the years, I even did not borrow one cent from banks, my kids grew up, I don’t know why.And the banks always say because we don’t have enough information from the SMEs.Tell me, any fortune 500, any big bank, CEOs or presidents go to the SMEs summit? No!They go to the CEOs summit.How could you get information if you do not go there to listen to them, talk to them, share experiences with them? To see what they need is only 50 thousand US$, instead of 20 million dollars.How can you get enough information? So, I think, well, we discussed yesterday say, banks are banks.They always have to control the risk.Right!So government banks, let’s think about something new.New financial structure that can really help those millions of hopeful small companies that need only 50 thousand US $.What is the right structure, what is the right organization to support them? That’s the thing we should think about.So the other thing I want to share with you here is always I believe that small is beautiful.And this financial crisis, it gave a lot of disaster;it’s a disaster to big companies.This world, in 21th century, I think in last century, it’s bigger is better.You have big(you know)factory, big amount, everything is big is good.This century, in the 21st century, I always believe small is beautiful.Because it’s not how fast your machine is.It’s not how many equipment you have, it is how quickly you can change yourself to meet the market.Because the information time, Internet and technology make a difference.So the world IT last century is designed for the manufacturers.This century IT is designed for making a help to the consumers.So I think this is a disaster for the big company, century disasters for big companies.But it is a great opportunity for small businesses.For this financial crisis, we see a lot of big companies, we would never thought they would die, AIG, to me it’s like the empire, how could this happen.Right all the G, the big car company which we respect, we always want to be there.But today, they all died.And let’s look at all the SMES, we still feel painful, but we are happy in our heart because we are still surviving.And we heard so many stories about big companies giving trouble.And I see the society;the government pays too much attention to these big trouble makers.They are the trouble makers and we gave them enough support, let them die;It’s the time for them to die because they make troubles.Every big company, they have different disaster, different problems, but all the SMES, have the same problems.They need understanding and support.This world is not fair, I know, so that’s why I want to encourage everyone all the SMES here, I’m the SME, I have 8 kids, I am still SME, I still believe I’m small.Because when I am small, I know l can be big and I hate to be big, unfortunately.When I was a small company, only have 20 people, I felt so excited.Well, I can call every employee’s names and I know every time, everything I want to change, I can change within half a minute.Now, oh, terrible.When I was 20 years old, my friends said:” you company is not big enough.If you are big, you are like a big boss.You are easy, right, you can control your time.” No, my time is not controlled by myself;my time is controlled by all the meetings, sectary, KPI, shareholders, all the things.It’s much tougher than when you are small.So I always believe the first day love is every beautiful.Believe the first day love, when you are small, at least you can have time to go out go to cinema with your wife and kids and enjoy wonderful view.But when you are big, you always go to the board meetings.And also I want to say that,I give you some, today I come here, people say Jack, you do not prepare, why don’t you have PPT.I never prepare PPT, you know, I’m not good at technology.I was trained to be a high school teacher and the only thing I can know about computer, funny thing, I’m running one of the biggest e-commerce companies in China, maybe in the world, but I know nothing about computer, the only thing I can know about computer is to send and receive email and browse.That’s it.Because I always think technology is for the people, people are not working for the technology.But today I come here, as an entrepreneur.I am prepared every day.I’m not prepared for the PPT, because every time when I use the PPT, something wrong, I cannot use it.So I come here to tell my old experiences, I want to share with you as 8 kids’ father what I did when I have trouble.When I have trouble, I always remind me 3 things: focus on your customer, serve your employees, and learn from your competitors.These are the key issues that I learned.Focus on your customer, everybody toady talking about shareholder NO.1, I hate that.I think it’s always customer NO.1.It’s the customer give you the money.It’s the customer give you the innovations.It’s the customer that makes you happy.Year 1999 and year 2000, when Internet bubble burst, we cannot get any money, we did not have revenue, we have nothing, but everyday what encouraged me go on was letters of thanks and emails from my customers, said Jack, Alibaba, keep on.Because you helped us, someday we will help you.That’s the dream I had.So today, we believe shareholder NO.1.you only think about making numbers.You only think about revenues, you only think about how can make you stock market go up.And I let you know, no shareholders can be trusted.I tell you the truth.Well, our share stock price, 2 years ago, we listed, 13.50 Hong Kong dollars.Before that list, a lot of shareholders came to say Jack: “we are long-term shareholders, please give us more shares, we will keep it.” When the financial crisis time came, the day when IPO, 13.50 Hong Kong dollars, we went up 40 dollars without doing anything good in 24 hours.And then financial crisis came, 40 dollars to 3 dollars without doing anything bad, they all gone.Most the shareholders, they are share traders.How can you trust on them? So rely on your customers because the customers stay with you, customer grow up with you, customer give you the money, give you the hope, give you the support.So focus on customer.And secondly, rely and serve your employees, it’s you employee, your team that make the difference.It’s the employees that make all the dreams realize.If we say we have so many problems in our big companies have a problem in getting the innovation, how to make thing happen, well, because they do not listen to the employees, they focus too much on the shareholders.And the shareholders, they give you this idea, that idea, when you really do their idea, they are gone.They change all the time, but the employees stay with you.I remember the tough days, was so difficult year 2001 and 2002.There was only one group of people that stay with me, that’s my colleagues.And people say Jack:” you don’t have to pay me for 2 years, I will stay with the company because you respect us, because the customers love us.“I tell you one funny thing, the only way you believe your employees are talents, they are talented people.If you don’t believe them, they will never be.My mistake I made when I was, in the year 2000, we raised 500 thousand US$ and that 5 million dollars.When we have money, we started to make mistakes.I tried to hair as many talents as possible.Those talents are MBAs;those talents are vice presidents of multinational companies, because I believe if you have MBA, you must be good, right.But when I hired these guys, oh, my god, it’s terrible.These guys came to tell you

strategy.I only had 5 million dollars, I remember one of the vice president marketing said: “Jack this is the budget for next year marketing.” I said: “what that, 12 million dollars is.I only have 5 million.” He said:” I never done any plan below 10 million.” When something wrong, is always your fault, because you never know.So try to find the right people, not the best people or your employees.So if you try to hire great people in your own company which your company is not good enough at that time, just like put a Boone 747’s engine into a poor tractor, when that goes, your tractor never fly, into pieces.So my suggestion is that look at your employees, develop them, only when they are developed, your company will be developed.The day when we IPO, we created more than a thousand millionaires at least in the company.All the guys in the sitting room, we had a chat.Said:” ask me.Now tell me one thing, why you are so successful.Why we are so successful when we are 20s, become millionaires.What happened, are we very hard working people.I think there are much more hard working people outside.Do you think we are smart enough? Oh At least, I’m not smart, I took 3 years 3 times to go to the university.I failed all the times.I don’t think I’m smart, I don’t think you are smart.“

And that time in the year 2000, it’s so difficult for Alibaba to hire people.If they are not very that much disabled, we hired them, if they can walk, we hired them.Because nobody believed the Internet, nobody believed e-commerce would work in China, nobody believed that.You know, Internet can happen.But these guys, because they have no jobs, so let’s come here.They joined the company.Those MBAs, Those people with great backgrounds, a lot of hunting company, they moved out, they started their own business, now, today they all failed.Those guys, nobody hunting them, those guys, never thought of having the dream to build their own company and stayed with the company.After 5 years, we all succeed.Why? We keep our dreams, we believed it, no matter how big your dream is, make small tiny steps.I had and grow with them, grow up with the company.So, my mistake in year 2001 I told my 18 founders, I said: “you guys can only be team manager, all the VPs I will hire from outside.” Now 10 years have passed, all the wonderful people I hired from outside, 100% gone.And those which I think, how could you be successful.These guys all become VPs and directors.They are all powerful.Because they believe they can.So I want to tell everybody here, we all small but care your employees.These are the people, they have the families, they have dreams, they come here not only for the job, they come here with the dream to get shared with you.And the third thing is learn from your competitors.Don’t hate the competitors.Big companies hate competitors, I love my competitors.Without competitors, we will never grow up that much fast.Year 2003, when we started Taobao, it’s a C2C option model.EBay, my competitor, at that time is with 80 billion dollars market capital.We, small tiny, but we started compete.It’s a lot of fun to compete with big guys., you know if I started have a box with Taisen, I’m horned, you know.If you have a chance to compete with somebody, it is a great competitor, you learned.We learned from our competitors, we respect them.Everything they move, you grow.And the other thing I want to share with you is that competitors are the best laboratory for you.Because competitors studied you.Any innovative idea they come, you learn that.Don’t copy them, learn from them.So I love my competitors, every time when I look at them with admire.But in China, people say, Jack, you are so crazy.Because 4 years ago, I said, when I look though the microscope, I never see my competitors.People say, “How could you be that Kuang wang.”And I said: “I’m looking for examples, models, why should I look for competitors.Competitors are everywhere.” And when you compete, having you found the most interesting part of the business is competition.To make your competitors angry, to make your competitors jumping around, that’s the skill you should have.Not make yourself jumping around and angry, right? Business is such a great fun.When you compete, when I compete, if I got angry, if I jumping around, I know something wrong.Because this is a wrong strategy to compete.When you compete, not the purpose to make your competitors unhappy.If they are unhappy, if they jumping around, if they try to use money to care of things, you start to win.Because they start to lose money.When competitors start to use money to compete, they start to lose.Business is about wisdom, business is about hope, business is about courage.So these are old excuse, and nobody comfort us I learned to use my right hand to comfort my left hand when I’m in trouble.You always tell yourself, OK, I’m still surviving, I’m still growing, and everything is good.At least I’m still surviving.Right so when you are big, you start to worry about losing something.When you are small, you start to grow.So I always believe small keeps the hope.So these are the thing I want to share with you and the last most important thing I want to say is never ever give up your dreams.Ialmost ,I think, you cannot eat food for 7 days that you will die, five to seven days;if you do not drink for 3 days, you will die;if you do not breath for 3 minutes, you die;but if you lose hope and dream for 1 minute, you die.So I want to tell you that I had problems in the past 10 years.These days when I walk in China, when I look at the airport, a lot of books about me, about the Alibaba, I feel very nervous.Because these are not the books interviewed me, these are the books all right, we are not that good, we are not that bad.But today, something, you know, successful, they started to write good things about it.We made so many mistakes.The only book that I dream to write about is Alibaba’s 1001 mistakes.Every mistake I think you count it, I made it.And I know you will make it, too.Because when I was doing business, everybody said:” Woo, this is a mistake.This guy is going to make it, that guy is going to make it.I’m never going to make it.” I tell you, you will never make it.And you will make it again, again, and again.When you are making it again and again, don’t lose confidence.Make it again, you will win.That’s all we did.I mean, nobody is perfect, right?

So I almost lose my confidence in the year 2002.I had a big trouble with my team in the USA.I learned from a great consult guy to join the company, Jack:”Alibaba is doing international trade, international trade needs English.Which country has the best English you believe?” I think, USA, Right.” Now, internet needs great technology, which country has the best technology? ”We said, hen USA.Where? The Silicon Valley.So we moved our Alibaba.com to the Silicon Valley.And when I arrived at Silicon Valley, we suddenly realized something wrong.We hired people from Miami, from New York, from all over the world.They all came to the Silicon Valley.After 3 months, the problem was that nobody in the Silicon Valley knew the trade.So what’s the point having good technology and English.We are not English site.All the small medium size companies, I across aboard, they know what exactly what you are talking about no matter how terrible your English is.Right? So I stopped the mistake and I told the people, say: “sorry, it’s a mistake.Let’s move back.” So after 2 months, we moved back to China again.The funny thing is that everybody was happy at that time because Internet is boosting.They got a lot of compensation shares, they got a lot of cash pay and finding another job is easy.And nobody wants to the shares.We give them one cent per share, no, no, no, we want cash.Now you know, they don’t believe your dreams.If they believe the dreams, give them the shares one cent.If they don’t believe, I want the cash, let them go.And I was so disappointed, a lot of people we

hired, they do not want.They want cash.No matter how wonderful, at that time, it is easy to raise money, people still want cash.So I say, OK, let forget it.And I walked for half an hour on Beijing Street, my colleague was with me, and then I told myself, go to bed, sleep, tomorrow, again.Though ,We started.Today, things changed.So I want to tell you never ever give up your dreams.And today I encourage myself and our team that reminds us one thing always I want to share with you to finish my speech that--today is very difficult, tomorrow is much more difficult, but the day after tomorrow is very beautiful.Most people die tomorrow evening.You will never be able to see the day after tomorrow’s sunshine if you give up the hope, you will not see it.If you give up your employees, you will never see it, if you give up your customers, you will be dead.But if you give up shareholders, you will get a better one.Thank you!


马云 新加坡APEC会议 演讲






府和银行共同推出新的举措,一个能使仅需要五万美元资金的数百万家小企业真正受惠的心金融基础设施,什么样的结构才是正确的,什么样的组织才能为他们提供支持,这些都是我们需要考虑的企业带来了致命一击,上个世纪,企业规模更大就意味着更好,大企业拥有大工厂,大资本,所有东西都要大,而在本世纪,我则认为“因小而美”,因为现在比的不是你的机器有多快或者你的设备有多少,而是你转变自己以满足市场需求的速度够不够快,我们处在一个信息时代,互联网和技术的演进使这个世界发生了翻天覆地的变化。在上个世纪,信息技术旨在帮助生产商,但在本世纪,信息技术旨在为消费者服务,我认为对于大企业来说是一场灾难但对于小企业来说则是一个巨大的机会,在这场金融危机中,我们看到貌似强大的大企业倒下去了,比如美国国机集团(AIG)过去这家公司对于我来说就是一个帝国,我真不敢相信这样的事情会发生,我们一直非常尊敬及敬佩的大型汽车企业都一个个倒闭了,所有的中小企业都感受到了这场金融危机带来的阵痛,但内心深处对自己幸免于难都感到非常高兴,这些大企业带来的问题和麻烦听到太多了。我认为,社会和政府对这些麻烦制造者投入太多的关注了,他们制造麻烦,我们却持续为他们提供支持,就让他们倒下吧,他们应该倒下,因为实在是带来了太多的麻烦,每一家大企业各个都有不同的问题或灾难,但是中小企业都面临同样的困难,他们需要理解和支持,世界是不公平的,我了解这一点,这也是我想要鼓励所有在座的中小企业主的原因。我企业也是中小企业,因为我有八个孩子,我仍然相信我处于起步阶段,因为当我企业规模小的时候,我知道我将来会有更多的机会,我不希望成为大企业。当我还是小企业的时候,当时只有20名员工,我总是感到非常兴奋,每个人的姓名我,都知道,而在半分钟内也就可以完成一项改革,现在,一切都变了。当我才20岁的时候,朋友告诉哦“你公司还不够大”如果你的公司足够大了,你就会成为一个大老板,你的生活就会很滋润,就可以掌控你的时间了,但是今天 我的时间不是由我掌控的,我的时间已是由我的秘书,会议和股东掌控,与我当时的小公司相比,现在的情况要复杂得多,所以,我始终相信初恋是美好的,当你的企业还小的时候,你有时间和你的妻儿去看电影,并享受世界各地美丽的风景,但是当你的企业变大之后,你总是坐在董事会里。

长,我出身是一名高中老师,现在却运营全中国甚至全世界最大的电子商务公司,更有趣的是我对电脑一窍不通,我唯一会做的一件事就是收发邮件和浏览网页,我认为技术应该为人们服务而不是人为技术服务。但是今天我是以企业家的身份参会的,而为此身份我永远坐着准备,没有PPT的原因是:每当用PPT 的时候,总是会出现差错。因此,我到这里来是同大家分享我的经验,作为八个孩子的父亲,我希望和你们分享我在遇到问题时的应对方法。每当我遇到困难的时候,我总是记住三点:以客户第一;关心员工;冰箱竞争对手学习。这些都是我自己学习到的重点。今天,大部分人都在谈论股东第一,我讨厌这种想法,我认为客户永远是第一,因为收入是客户给你的,你的创新是需要客户支持的,并且客户满意你才能感到欣慰,1999年互联网泡沫破裂的时候,我们当时没有收入,可以说是一无所有,唯一支持我继续努力的是客户发来的感谢信和电子邮件,他们说,阿里巴巴必须坚持住,你们曾经帮助过我们,有一天我们也会帮助你们的,当时我的梦想就是让我们公司继续运营。因此,现在大家认为股东第一,只关心如何增加业绩和收入,大家仅仅考虑这如何才能让股价往上走。我告诉各位,不要相信股东,这是真理。两年前,我们的上市价是13.50港元,在上市之前,许多股东找我说,马云,我们是长期投资者,请给我们多一些股份,我们不会卖掉的,我们上市时,招股价是13.50港元,但在24小时内,股价就涨到了40港元,但我们

















Transcript of Commencement Speech at 2009 APEC given by Jack Ma

2009-11 Thank you very much, director sir, Ladies and Gentlemen.Before my speech, I would like to show you a video which happened in Hangzhou about our Hangzhou SME summit, can I? Thank you!After 3 days, you know, in house meeting Internal and fly all the way here, and I did not feel quite well today.But when I see the entrepreneurs, when I came to the SMEs, I always feel excited.Because when I join the SME Conference, I see, from the eyes, the dreams, the passion, the hope.When I join the Fortune 500 Conference, among the CEOs, I see the numbers, I see the revenues, I see the KPIs, I see the bloody competition.But among the SMEs, you see “I have a dream, I want to do something.” And that happens all the time and that makes me excited all the time.And today I think last year every people say:“Woo, the economic is in trouble, and we are all dead, what we are going to do?” Today everybody seems to be happy, say the economy come back.Is it really that the economy comes back? I don't think so.The money is going to big companies, the money goes to infrastructure;the money goes back to the stock market.It seems nobody learns from that.How can the economy come back if the SMEs do not come back? How can the economic come back if the dreams are not back, the hopes not come back?

I saw one thing that, few days, you know, 2 days ago I had a dinner with my Singapore friends and they said: “Singapore government is encouraging to have more babies, Because, you know , people are aging and not enough kids.” I think SMEs, we, every economy, every nation, needs instant package to have more small medium size companies, to have more hopes, because every big company comes from the small business.If without hope, without this kind of instants to have more babies, we are going to die.Why I always feel excited? I have 8 babies.In the far past 15 years, I built up 8 companies, seven of them, very healthy;one of them, I sold it.And I keep the babies, when I look at my babies--Alibaba , Taobao, Alipay and you know ,the company we just have AliCloud, we just have a new baby 2 month ago.I always feel excited because you see the hope, you know this baby is going to change me, this baby is going to change the world can change the customers.And that’s the thing I always feel excited.If you want to be happy, have more babies.If you are the government, want your economy to be good, have more SMES.These are the dreams, these are the hope, these are the future.So this is all we want to say, but enough, we’ve been crying, say: “please give us support.” But all the SMES ask yourself one question.We are not crying babies.We believe we are tomorrow’s Google, we believe we are tomorrow’s eBay, YouTube;we believe we are tomorrow’s UPS.If we believe we are, we can be;if you don’t believe, you never be.We heard a lot of government say:”(we give you)let me know what we can do.let me know what we can help SMES.” we heard a lot of banks say:” well, we’ve been, you know, give loans to a lot of SMES.”I heard some bank said, well, one of the bank president said: “we gave like, you know, 200 millions US$ to the SMES.”I ask:” what’s the size the loan you give?”20 millions dollars.How can you say the 20 millions? As the research I got, from Alibaba Group(Alibaba statistic), 87% of the SMES, what they need, the fund is below 60 thousand US$.But they gave the loan 20 millions to some big companies, they are not SMES, they are not the hopes.But, I think all the SMES say(that)nobody can help you.My 8 companies, I always say, nobody help us, only we can help ourselves.Don’t rely on the government, don’t rely on the bank, forget about that.Rely on your friends, rely on relatives, rely on your small dreams and always keep that thing in head.Because I’ve been trying very hard to get loans from banks, always trouble.Within the past the years, I even did not borrow one cent from banks, my kids grew up, I don’t know why.And the banks always say because we don’t have enough information from the SMEs.Tell me, any fortune 500, any big bank, CEOs or presidents go to the SMEs summit? No!They go to the CEOs summit.How could you get information if you do not go there to listen to them, talk to them, share experiences with them? To see what they need is only 50 thousand US$, instead of 20 million dollars.How can you get enough information? So, I think, well, we discussed yesterday say, banks are banks.They always have to control the risk.Right!So government banks, let’s think about something new.New financial structure that can really help those millions of hopeful small companies that need only 50 thousand US $.What is the right structure, what is the right organization to support them? That’s the thing we should think about.So the other thing I want to share with you here is always I believe that small is beautiful.And this financial crisis, it gave a lot of disaster;it’s a disaster to big companies.This world, in 21th century, I think in last century, it’s bigger is better.You have big(you know)factory, big amount, everything is big is good.This century, in the 21st century, I always believe small is beautiful.Because it’s not how fast your machine is.It’s not how many equipment you have, it is how quickly you can change yourself to meet the market.Because the information time, Internet and technology make a difference.So the world IT last century is designed for the manufacturers.This century IT is designed for making a help to the consumers.So I think this is a disaster for the big company, century disasters for big companies.But it is a great opportunity for small businesses.For this financial crisis, we see a lot of big companies, we would never thought they would die, AIG, to me it’s like the empire, how could this happen.Right all the G, the big car company which we respect, we always want to be there.But today, they all died.And let’s look at all the SMES, we still feel painful, but we are happy in our heart because we are still surviving.And we heard so many stories about big companies giving trouble.And I see the society;the government pays too much attention to these big trouble makers.They are the trouble makers and we gave them enough support, let them die;It’s the time for them to die because they make troubles.Every big company, they have different disaster, different problems, but all the SMES, have the same problems.They need understanding and support.This world is not fair, I know, so that’s why I want to encourage everyone all the SMES here, I’m the SME, I have 8 kids, I am still SME, I still believe I’m small.Because when I am small, I know l can be big and I hate to be big, unfortunately.When I was a small company, only have 20 people, I felt so excited.Well, I can call every employee’s names and I know every time, everything I want to change, I can change within half a minute.Now, oh, terrible.When I was 20 years old, my friends said:” you company is not big enough.If you are big, you are like a big boss.You are easy, right, you can control your time.” No, my time is not controlled by myself;my time is controlled by all the meetings, sectary, KPI, shareholders, all the things.It’s much tougher than when you are small.So I always believe the first day love is every beautiful.Believe the first day love, when you are small, at least you can have time to go out go to cinema with your wife and kids and enjoy wonderful view.But when you are big, you always go to the board meetings.And also I want to say that, I give you some, today I come here, people say Jack, you do not prepare, why don’t you have PPT.I never prepare PPT, you know, I’m not good at technology.I was trained to be a high school teacher and the only thing I can know about computer, funny thing, I’m running one of the biggest e-commerce companies in China, maybe in the world, but I know nothing about computer, the only thing I can know about computer is to send and receive email and browse.That’s it.Because I always think technology is for the people, people are not working for the technology.But today I come here, as an entrepreneur.I am prepared every day.I’m not prepared for the PPT, because every time when I use the PPT, something wrong, I cannot use it.So I come here to tell my old experiences, I want to share with you as 8 kids’ father what I did when I have trouble.When I have trouble, I always remind me 3 things: focus on your customer, serve your employees, and learn from your competitors.These are the key issues that I learned.Focus on your customer, everybody toady talking about shareholder NO.1, I hate that.I think it’s always customer NO.1.It’s the customer give you the money.It’s the customer give you the innovations.It’s the customer that makes you happy.Year 1999 and year 2000, when Internet bubble burst, we cannot get any money, we did not have revenue, we have nothing, but everyday what encouraged me go on was letters of thanks and emails from my customers, said Jack, Alibaba, keep on.Because you helped us, someday we will help you.That’s the dream I had.So today, we believe shareholder NO.1.you only think about making numbers.You only think about revenues, you only think about how can make you stock market go up.And I let you know, no shareholders can be trusted.I tell you the truth.Well, our share stock price, 2 years ago, we listed, 13.50 Hong Kong dollars.Before that list, a lot of shareholders came to say Jack: “we are long-term shareholders, please give us more shares, we will keep it.” When the financial crisis time came, the day when IPO, 13.50 Hong Kong dollars, we went up 40 dollars without doing anything good in 24 hours.And then financial crisis came, 40 dollars to 3 dollars without doing anything bad, they all gone.Most the shareholders, they are share traders.How can you trust on them? So rely on your customers because the customers stay with you, customer grow up with you, customer give you the money, give you the hope, give you the support.So focus on customer.And secondly, rely and serve your employees, it’s you employee, your team that make the difference.It’s the employees that make all the dreams realize.If we say we have so many problems in our big companies have a problem in getting the innovation, how to make thing happen, well, because they do not listen to the employees, they focus too much on the shareholders.And the shareholders, they give you this idea, that idea, when you really do their idea, they are gone.They change all the time, but the employees stay with you.I remember the tough days, was so difficult year 2001 and 2002.There was only one group of people that stay with me, that’s my colleagues.And people say Jack:” you don’t have to pay me for 2 years, I will stay with the company because you respect us, because the customers love us.“I tell you one funny thing, the only way you believe your employees are talents, they are talented people.If you don’t believe them, they will never be.My mistake I made when I was, in the year 2000, we raised 500 thousand US$ and that 5 million dollars.When we have money, we started to make mistakes.I tried to hair as many talents as possible.Those talents are MBAs;those talents are vice presidents of multinational companies, because I believe if you have MBA, you must be good, right.But when I hired these guys, oh, my god, it’s terrible.These guys came to tell you strategy.I only had 5 million dollars, I remember one of the vice president marketing said: “Jack this is the budget for next year marketing.” I said: “what that, 12 million dollars is.I only have 5 million.” He said:” I never done any plan below 10 million.” When something wrong, is always your fault, because you never know.So try to find the right people, not the best people or your employees.So if you try to hire great people in your own company which your company is not good enough at that time, just like put a Boone 747’s engine into a poor tractor, when that goes, your tractor never fly, into pieces.So my suggestion is that look at your employees, develop them, only when they are developed, your company will be developed.The day when we IPO, we created more than a thousand millionaires at least in the company.All the guys in the sitting room, we had a chat.Said:” ask me.Now tell me one thing, why you are so successful.Why we are so successful when we are 20s, become millionaires.What happened, are we very hard working people.I think there are much more hard working people outside.Do you think we are smart enough? Oh At least, I’m not smart, I took 3 years 3 times to go to the university.I failed all the times.I don’t think I’m smart, I don’t think you are smart.“

And that time in the year 2000, it’s so difficult for Alibaba to hire people.If they are not very that much disabled, we hired them, if they can walk, we hired them.Because nobody believed the Internet, nobody believed e-commerce would work in China, nobody believed that.You know, Internet can happen.But these guys, because they have no jobs, so let’s come here.They joined the company.Those MBAs, Those people with great backgrounds, a lot of hunting company, they moved out, they started their own business, now, today they all failed.Those guys, nobody hunting them, those guys, never thought of having the dream to build their own company and stayed with the company.After 5 years, we all succeed.Why? We keep our dreams, we believed it, no matter how big your dream is, make small tiny steps.I had and grow with them, grow up with the company.So, my mistake in year 2001 I told my 18 founders, I said: “you guys can only be team manager, all the VPs I will hire from outside.” Now 10 years have passed, all the wonderful people I hired from outside, 100% gone.And those which I think, how could you be successful.These guys all become VPs and directors.They are all powerful.Because they believe they can.So I want to tell everybody here, we all small but care your employees.These are the people, they have the families, they have dreams, they come here not only for the job, they come here with the dream to get shared with you.And the third thing is learn from your competitors.Don’t hate the competitors.Big companies hate competitors, I love my competitors.Without competitors, we will never grow up that much fast.Year 2003, when we started Taobao, it’s a C2C option model.EBay, my competitor, at that time is with 80 billion dollars market capital.We, small tiny, but we started compete.It’s a lot of fun to compete with big guys., you know if I started have a box with Taisen, I’m horned, you know.If you have a chance to compete with somebody, it is a great competitor, you learned.We learned from our competitors, we respect them.Everything they move, you grow.And the other thing I want to share with you is that competitors are the best laboratory for you.Because competitors studied you.Any innovative idea they come, you learn that.Don’t copy them, learn from them.So I love my competitors, every time when I look at them with admire.But in China, people say, Jack, you are so crazy.Because 4 years ago, I said, when I look though the microscope, I never see my competitors.People say, “How could you be that Kuang wang.”And I said: “I’m looking for examples, models, why should I look for competitors.Competitors are everywhere.” And when you compete, having you found the most interesting part of the business is competition.To make your competitors angry, to make your competitors jumping around, that’s the skill you should have.Not make yourself jumping around and angry, right? Business is such a great fun.When you compete, when I compete, if I got angry, if I jumping around, I know something wrong.Because this is a wrong strategy to compete.When you compete, not the purpose to make your competitors unhappy.If they are unhappy, if they jumping around, if they try to use money to care of things, you start to win.Because they start to lose money.When competitors start to use money to compete, they start to lose.Business is about wisdom, business is about hope, business is about courage.So these are old excuse, and nobody comfort us I learned to use my right hand to comfort my left hand when I’m in trouble.You always tell yourself, OK, I’m still surviving, I’m still growing, and everything is good.At least I’m still surviving.Right so when you are big, you start to worry about losing something.When you are small, you start to grow.So I always believe small keeps the hope.So these are the thing I want to share with you and the last most important thing I want to say is never ever give up your dreams.I almost ,I think, you cannot eat food for 7 days that you will die, five to seven days;if you do not drink for 3 days, you will die;if you do not breath for 3 minutes, you die;but if you lose hope and dream for 1 minute, you die.So I want to tell you that I had problems in the past 10 years.These days when I walk in China, when I look at the airport, a lot of books about me, about the Alibaba, I feel very nervous.Because these are not the books interviewed me, these are the books all right, we are not that good, we are not that bad.But today, something, you know, successful, they started to write good things about it.We made so many mistakes.The only book that I dream to write about is Alibaba’s 1001 mistakes.Every mistake I think you count it, I made it.And I know you will make it, too.Because when I was doing business, everybody said:” Woo, this is a mistake.This guy is going to make it, that guy is going to make it.I’m never going to make it.” I tell you, you will never make it.And you will make it again, again, and again.When you are making it again and again, don’t lose confidence.Make it again, you will win.That’s all we did.I mean, nobody is perfect, right?

So I almost lose my confidence in the year 2002.I had a big trouble with my team in the USA.I learned from a great consult guy to join the company, Jack:”Alibaba is doing international trade, international trade needs English.Which country has the best English you believe?” I think, USA, Right.” Now, internet needs great technology, which country has the best technology? ”We said, hen USA.Where? The Silicon Valley.So we moved our Alibaba.com to the Silicon Valley.And when I arrived at Silicon Valley, we suddenly realized something wrong.We hired people from Miami, from New York, from all over the world.They all came to the Silicon Valley.After 3 months, the problem was that nobody in the Silicon Valley knew the trade.So what’s the point having good technology and English.We are not English site.All the small medium size companies, I across aboard, they know what exactly what you are talking about no matter how terrible your English is.Right? So I stopped the mistake and I told the people, say: “sorry, it’s a mistake.Let’s move back.” So after 2 months, we moved back to China again.The funny thing is that everybody was happy at that time because Internet is boosting.They got a lot of compensation shares, they got a lot of cash pay and finding another job is easy.And nobody wants to the shares.We give them one cent per share, no, no, no, we want cash.Now you know, they don’t believe your dreams.If they believe the dreams, give them the shares one cent.If they don’t believe, I want the cash, let them go.And I was so disappointed, a lot of people we hired, they do not want.They want cash.No matter how wonderful, at that time, it is easy to raise money, people still want cash.So I say, OK, let forget it.And I walked for half an hour on Beijing Street, my colleague was with me, and then I told myself, go to bed, sleep, tomorrow, again.Though ,We started.Today, things changed.So I want to tell you never ever give up your dreams.And today I encourage myself and our team that reminds us one thing always I want to share with you to finish my speech that--today is very difficult, tomorrow is much more difficult, but the day after tomorrow is very beautiful.Most people die tomorrow evening.You will never be able to see the day after tomorrow’s sunshine if you give up the hope, you will not see it.If you give up your employees, you will never see it, if you give up your customers, you will be dead.But if you give up shareholders, you will get a better one.Thank you!


篇一:最新马云在斯坦福大学演讲中英文对照 以下为马云在斯坦福大学演讲全文:


the following is the ma at stanford university speech: ma : hello everyone.today i feel very honored to be here to meet you.about a few months ago , stanford invited me to lecture.i did not expect.many people say that because of all about yahoo , alibaba, and many other news, this time to speak here is very sensitive.but since i made a promise that i came.today, if you have any questions to ask me, i will be to answer every qestions.今天是我来美国的第15天,而且我打算在这里待上一年。这个计划没有人知道。甚至我的公司也不知道。大家问我为什么要来这里。要打算作收购雅虎的准备吗?不,大家都太敏感了。我来这里是因为我累了。过去16年来太累了。我在1994年开创我的事业,发现了互联网,并为之疯狂,然后放弃了我的教师工作。那时候我觉得自己就像是蒙了眼睛骑在盲虎背上似的,一路摔摔打打,但依然奋斗着、生存着。在政府机关工作了16个月之后,1999年建立了阿里巴巴。i came to the united states today is the first 15 days , and i was too tired.in 1994 i created my career, discovered the internet, and crazy, and then gave up my teaching job.at that time i felt like a mongolian eyes like riding on the back of the tiger blind , all the way to throw beat fight, but still struggle, survive.work for the government for 16 months after the 1999 establishment of ali baba.我们还幸运地拥有着淘宝网,支付宝,阿里云和集团下其他的公司。所以,建立阿里巴巴12年后的今天,我决定需要休息一段时间。尤其今年的挑战实在是太艰辛了,这也是我没有意料到的。中国人说每12年是一个本命年。阿里巴巴今年在中国刚好是第12年,也遇上了许多棘手的问题,好比今年初因为供应商欺诈事件导致首席执行官辞职,还有vie的问题,虽然我到现在仍然不知道什么是vie,以及把淘宝分成四个公司的决策。所以,忙完所有这些事情之后我累了。我告诉自己,为什么不花个一年好好休息。尤其明年是我个人的本命年,肯定会比今年更辛苦。我想要花多一点时间好好准备,迎接明年更艰苦更困难的挑战。我需要好好休息才能为3到4年后的挑战做好准备。这三年如果事情出了错,大家可以批评淘宝,阿里巴巴或阿里云的首席执行官。但是三年后,如果事情出了错,那就是我的错。所以我准备在美国花上一段时间好好思考和放松。前两天,我开始再次练习起高尔夫球,好好放松。所以,来美国的目的真的不像是大家揣测的这么复杂。

particular, this years challenge is too difficult , and this is what i did not expect to.chinese people say that every 12 years is an animal year.alibaba in china this year happens to be the first 12 years, have encountered many difficult issues , such as suppliers of fraud earlier this year because of events leading to the resignation of wealthy father , nor very powerful uncles , do not want to have thechance of success.i remember in 1999 came to silicon valley looking for funding , with many venture capitalists approached , growth will occur in china.then i founded alibaba, 12 years have passed , and today made a lot of achievements.but before that , no one believes b2b able development in china.at that time the 马云ipo上市英语演讲稿

hello!everyone, i’m ma yun.the virgo who change the world.today is september 19th.this evening alibaba wlii land the new york stock exchange after the delisting.we’ve got the integration of listed for $68 per share total $218 billion.what a sign of that? we are the third global financing scale.dear,$1748 billion.how much time we need to spend that money ? when i was in trouble i went to usa and eager finance 2 million dollars.however,i was rejected by 300 vc.that day, i felt i’m really a short poor ugly guy.but today what i want is 2 hurndred billion.as a result, the participants of the investors lined upon the same floor where i live in the 90th floor like thousands of people waiting for ipone 6 in front of an apple store.behind my valiant record there is also a time when i make a mistake.that was yahoo!only spent 10 billion bought our 40% shares.bartz later refused to cooperate wihe me.i really want marry her and dumped her.so our equity situation is 34.4% share hold by softbank.22.6% share hold by yahoo.as chairman of board.i only hold 8.9%.luzhaoxi holds 1%.others hold 29.6% share.bright spot is the other, as this roadshow process.i repeated the ecological energy of aligroup.now we have a very awesome alipay, taobao, tmall business group and those about to enter the ktv, the pharmacy and usury industry.the next step, we will bet on logistics and intelligent hardware field.last year we set up food logistics.translation 大家好,我是马云,改变世界的处女座。今天是9月19日,今天晚上阿里巴巴在退市之后将在纽交所上市交易。我们整合上市每股¥68美元,总额为$218亿。这代表什么?我们的融资规模是全球第三大的。亲爱的,1748亿,这些钱我们要花多久啊?


在这次路演中我反复强调阿里巴巴的生态力量。现在我们有非常伟大的支付宝,淘宝,天猫等商业集团他们将涉足ktv,药房和高利贷等行业。下一步,我们将投入到物流和智能硬件领域。去年我们建立了食品物流,今年我们将进入国产手机行业。当zte-华为-酷派-联想这些公司在垂死挣扎的时候,我认为魅族和oppo很有b格。老罗和乐视甚至也开始做smart phone.我还能做什么?所以阿里巴巴马上收购了魅族形成了下一个增长点。中国有一句老话,富不过三代。我们的愿景是让阿里巴巴变成一家可持续发展超过3代的企业。我相信阿里巴巴退市再上市的时候,我们将成为一家万亿的企业。最后,我决定给每一位支付宝用户919元人民币来几年这次上市,谢谢!



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