
时间:2019-05-13 13:59:09下载本文作者:会员上传











Hello,my English name is Michael.My partners and I hold the point of view that after graduation,we’d better have a further study instead of hunting for job.First of all,as the old saying goes,knowledge is power,we can easily choose whether we should hunt for job or have further study.Our four-year-study at school is not enough for us to gain enough knowledge to work efficiently.And I think that after graduation,it’s time to settle down our anxious hearts and start to study something really helpful to our work.What I just said doesn’t mean that I consider the things we learned in university useless,but to emphasize the importance to learn right after graduation.I have seen many students who are eager to graduate and after that go to work.However,we should realize that the knowledge in our mind is not enough for us to get us a well-paid job.Some of the students might take Bill Gates as an example,who set up Microsoft and become one of the richest people around the world.But Gates is a genius in his career,and I am sure that not all of us are that kind of people.If we choose to hunt for job,maybe we can really get one.But without those advanced knowledge in mind,it can be really hard for us to get a well-paid one.However,people who choose to have further education have already acquired the knowledge that cannot be found in company.And students who go to further education are 10,000 miles ahead of students who don’t.Secondly,students who choose to have further education will have more opportunities and competitiveness than students who directly go to work.With the rapid development of our country and higher education popularization,the number of unemployment among graduates has been increasing for years.If we don’t have enough competitiveness to attract employers,we may find ourselves ending with no jobs.Only having further education can make you develop you ability to learn,conclude and memorize.Besides,we can also benefit from a higher degree since it can bring us larger development space and higher salary.Considering all these advantages that we can acquire during further education,I think that this is the better choice after graduation.That’s all I want to say,thank you for listening.马一方


14: Arguments for or against a ban on genetic engineering A:for B:against A: Our world has entered into a new biological and social existence that is shaped by computers, mass media, and biotechnology.for example , Genetic engineering help people solve many things ,in’t it?

B:well,but humans should not be modifying the genetic makeup of other organisms。We should keep them in nature.A: Genetic engineering reduces costs of production.This means that the poor can afford more food, and be more self sufficient.They're tasty and nutritious Some are easy to raise specifically for food, or are easy to catch.it’s pecfct

B:Human beings are themselves part of nature, creatures within creation.Human discovery and invention can be thought of as resulting from the exercise of God-given powers of mind and reason.A: though it ,we can Design what people want or need , Improve or add desirable characteristics,even Remove undesirable characteristics.it‘s the big deal.B:ok,I like things those are natural ,but Genetic Engineering is unnatural,I can with you.15:Arguments for or against the view that women face unequal treatment in getting promoted: Aagainst B:for A;In a modern society, one would think that sexual discrimination had long disappeared.But My mom didn't get the position she wanted again, they promoted some new guy to the job.I think it’s not fair for women.B: However, this is not the case.Although women are given more chances than they had before.if a couple was divorce women can get 70% of her man's money!IN UK,SOi think every country's Culture are diffenent.OR other reasons.A;wow,no.do you know that western women did not have the same rights like Muslim women ,for example: Muslim women have right to keep her family name after marriage.Muslim women have right to have independent budget with out inquiring of her husband.B: so this is why some country man are king but some country women are king.becuase their culture are different.A:but in country especially in a traditional country like China Some women are still expected to stay at home when they married.why man?

B: well,they are equal but they don't have the same rights as men just as men don't have the same rights as women.each of them has a role and the rights are given accordingly.16: Arguments for or against divorce as the solution to a loveless marriage

Supporter for divorce=A: if marriage has no love,marriage just is an afflict [ ə'flikt ]折磨 for the person need love.so I think divorce is a better solution to a loveless marriage.Against divorce =B: Divorce do many harms to a family.whats more, The loveless marriage will free people from some obligation [ ˌɒbli'gei∫n ] 义务.so I think divorce is the worst r solution to a loveless marriage.A:if marriage has no love,marriage just is an afflict [ ə'flikt ]折磨 for the person need love.There is no care for each other and comfortable communication to make life significant.whats more, the neglect between them buries bomb which will break out someday

B: divorce is not a reasonable solution.Everything has two sides.The loveless marriage will free people from some obligation [ ˌɒbli'gei∫n ] 义务.Besides ,the less you pay, the less emotional demands you have, which reduce dispute

A: we marry not for the lifeless life.This also has harm to mental health of the coming generation.B: if one has no economic capability, divorce will destroy his life, so do their children and their old parents.Divorce hurt more people.A: the essential issue is loveless marriage having no happiness.Why not look for confident and wonderful life elsewhere?

B: this is just personal interests, how can we don’t assume the responsibility for the marriage? Divorce will lead to more social problem.A;well,I still think the emotion is more important.but I accept you too.


Topic 1: Is it good for middle school students to go online? Yes: It is good for middle school students to go online.Useful expressions: enrich their knowledge, make them board-minded, get much information, make friends, shop online, bring some advantages No: It is bad for middle school students to go online.Useful expressions: have some disadvantages, can’t use it correctly, be harmful to, be crazy about, playing games, study becomes worse, be cheated Topic 2: Do examinations do more harm than good? Side A: Examinations do more good than harm.Useful expressions: a good way to evaluate students’ effort, encourage students to work hard, bring some benefits, get high scores Side B: Examinations do more harm than good.Useful expressions: exam performance, be limited, can’t evaluate the students’ achievement, bad influences to students Topic 3: Will internet make people more familiar? Yes: Internet will make people more familiar.Useful expressions: development of society, become more convenient, popular, make friends, communicate with each other No: Internet will not make people more familiar.Useful expressions: become more unfamiliar, far away from, can’t trust each other, long distance, bring some bad influences Topic 4: Should campus love be encouraged? Yes: Campus love should be encouraged.Useful expressions: seek for love, avoid boredom, many benefits for lovers, raise interpersonal communication skills, be more sensible No: Campus love shouldn’t be encouraged.Useful expressions: rare true love, losing a loved one, in low spirit and have no willingness to learn, bring some bad influences, students’ duty, students’ development

Topic 5: Is working experience more important than study for college students?

Yes: Working experience is more important than study for college students.Useful expressions: the purpose of application, get part-time job, prefer…to…, prepare you for real challenge, high scores in paper exams No: Study is more important than Working experience for college students.Useful expressions: education is the basic of every work, developing of society, promote personal quality, certification, give more advantages in job-hunting

Topic 6: Studying in China or abroad Side A: Studying abroad is better.Useful expressions: enrich our knowledge, make us board-minded, knowing cultures and traditions of foreign countries, work in multinational corporations, know cultural differences Side B: Studying in China is better.Useful expressions: be suit for our national situation, many good universities at home, a huge finical burden, many middle-income families, educational development

Topic 7: Is it good for college students to have a part-time job? Yes: It is good for college students to have a part-time job.Useful expressions: gain working experience, make students more confident, realize their own value, adopt themselves into the society early, make progress to their study

Side B: It is bad for college students to have a part-time job.Useful expressions: fall behind others, spend too much time and energy on part-time job, inevitably lessen his time and energy for academic learning, corrupt the students' motivation for academic success, interfere with their studies Topic 8: Is too much homework good for learning English? Yes: Too much homework is good for learning English.Useful expressions: practice makes perfect, take up, be interest in…, get good habits of, input method, broaden your vocabulary No: Too much homework is bad for learning English.Useful expressions: a load of, have difficulty in doing sth, burden on shoulders, be tired of, count out, be busy doing Topic 9: Are cars doing more good to human being? Yes: Cars are doing more good to human beings.Useful expressions: be convenient of, be available for, speed up, be safe, enjoy life, make it easy to go out No: Cars are doing more harm to human beings.Useful expressions: own a private car, resource limits, be jammed with, bring out, unbearable noise, bring more problems, produces emissions Topic 10: Is reading English textbooks a good way to improve your English? Yes: Reading English textbooks is a good way to improve your English.Useful expressions: develop reading skills, enlarge your vocabulary, prepare for, broaden one’s horizon, be good at

No: Reading English textbooks isn’t a good way to improve your English.Useful expressions: there is no value in…, waste of time, out of date, need more time, an ineffective way, gain less achievement Topic 11: Is college education necessary for a person’s success? Yes: College education is necessary for a person’s success.Useful expressions: benefit from, in all fields, contribute… to…, human civilization, pay much attention to, an essential step of one’s life, specific career, gain some skills

No: College education isn’t necessary for a person’s success.Useful expressions: get more luck, take some chances, good interpersonal relationship, work hard, have effect on, a special sight on…, various experiences, cooperation, make great achievement, without any certification

Topic 12: Violent video games? Side A: Violent video games should be banned.Useful expressions: cause society to become more violent, blood, strong language, strong sexual content, intense violence, do harm to kids’ mental health, not mature enough to understand, real life violence Side B: Violent video games should not be banned.Useful expressions: Every game these days has a legal age, no way to enforce such a rule, parents pay better attention to what the kids are playing, the mature gamers, helps people to learn from their mistakes as they play, relieve stress, violent games are much more fun

Topic 13: Should Teenagers move out of the families after they turn 18? Yes: Teenagers should move out of the families after they turn 18.Useful expressions: make good preparation for the situation ahead of time, an appropriate age for a child to leave, learns his/her responsibilities, save and not spend money freely, balance work and study, avoid conflicts with parents

No: Teenagers shouldn’t move out of the families after they turn 18.Useful expressions: be not ready yet, need tuition and funding from parents, a stronger family tie, put sb at risk, ruin one’s life forever Topic 14: Participating in sports Side A: Participating in sports is an indispensable part of a healthy life.Useful expressions: have certain amount of excises, keep physically healthy, sports like running and jogging, go to the fitness centers Side B: Participating in sports isn’t an indispensable part of a healthy life.Useful expressions: eating healthy food, maintaining a healthy diet, a key component in …, physical well-being, keep fit, have positive attitude, confidence in yourself, relax yourself, a good mood Topic 15: About advertising Side A: Advertising can do more good than harm.Useful expressions: useful in our life, compare prices when they are listed in ads, buy things at the lowest prices, TV commercials, be entertaining, informative, a quick access to the products Side B: Advertising can do more harm than good.Useful expressions: make people buy goods on impulse, attract the attention of consumers, advertising gives an unfair advantage to big businesses, advertisers don’t have the good of society in mind when they do their work, advertise unhealthy or harmful things


英语口语对话(三对三辩论)The topic: Chinese students should not celebrate Western festivals.人物(Character): 主持人(host)

正方一辩:P1 正方二辩:P2 正方三辩:P3 反方一辩:C1 反方二辩:C2 反方三辩:C3 HOST:A debate is about to begin, both sides of the debate are momentum rainbow.辩论赛即将开始,辩论双方都气势如虹。Now, I declare the debate began.现在,我宣布辩论赛开始。

P1: We are the Pro.The opinion of our group is that Chinese student should not celebrate the foreign festivals.我们小组代表正方观点。我们小组的意见是中国学生不应该庆祝外国节日。

C1: We are the Con.The opinion of our group is that Chinese student should celebrate the foreign festivals.我们小组代表反方观点。我们小组的意见是中国学生应该庆祝外国节日。

P1:With the introduction of western festivals ,Chinese students are more and more inclined to western festivals




Chinese holidays.This is not a good phenomenon,which is not conductive to inherit and carry forward the Chinese traditional culture.What’s more, holidays like Christmas aren’t simply festivals.They are religious events



C1: Allow me correct, and not all people tend to like western festival.Such as Qing Ming Festival, Mid-Autumn festival and other holidays, we all attach great importance to them.Celebrating the western festival is conducive to the West cultural exchange.允许我纠正一下,并不是所有的人都喜欢过西方节日。像清明节,中秋节以及其他节日,我们都是非常重视的。庆祝西方节日有利于中西文化交流。P2: Foreign holidays result in wasteful consumerism.According to the U.S.Environmental Protection agency, Americans produce an extra 1 billion tons of trash each year during the holiday season.In addition, according to author Brian Merchant, 50% of all Christmas gifts end up in the trash within one year.What’s more, according to the BBC, the British throw away 1 billion Christmas cards and 83 square kilometers of wrapping paper each year.And according to plenty Magazine, in order for Americans to send 1.9 billion Christmas cards each year, 300,000 trees are cut down.外国节日造成浪费的消费主义。根据美国环境保护署,美国人多生产1000000000吨垃圾每年节日期间。





C2: That may well be true.But what holidays do not harm to the environment.Like the six one children's festival, Qing Ming Festival, during the festival, also can produce a lot of waste, waste a lot of things.这可能是对的。但是什么节日又不危害环境呢? 像六一儿童节,清明节,在节日期间也会产生许多垃圾,浪费很多东西。

P3: If we don’t celebrate our traditional festivals we will lose our identity.We will gradually forget how to celebrate them.Additionally, others won’t recognize the holiday as something that belongs to us.If we don’t celebrate traditional festivals, how can we protect them from those who want to steal from us?



C3: I believe you are mistaken.People need excuses to have fun.There are too few Chinese festivals, and most of those are supposed to be family-reunion times, so we have to borrow holidays from the West.我认为你的想法是错误的。人们需要借口有乐趣。很少有中国人的节日,它们中的大多数都是家庭团聚的时间,所以我们必须过西方的节日。



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