
时间:2019-05-13 13:25:53下载本文作者:会员上传



2014年03月03日 22时28分00秒来源:新华网 新华网北京3月3日电(记者王慧慧、张鹏雄)外交部发言人秦刚3日在例行记者会上表示,“3·01”事件中灭绝人性、滥杀无辜的暴力恐怖分子,站在了各民族、各宗教的对立面,是全世界、全人类共同的敌人。








Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang's Remarks on Malaysian Prime Minister Claiming Sovereignty Over the Danwan Reef


Q: It’s reported that Malaysian Prime Minister Badawi inspected the Danwan Reef of the Nansha Islands on March 5 and claimed sovereignty over the Reef and adjacent waters.How does China respond to this?


A: China owns indisputable sovereignty over the Nansha Islands and their adjacent waters.China stands ready to resolve relevant disputes properly through consultation.We hope relevant party could earnestly observe the Declaration on the Conduct of Parties in the South China Sea, and refrain from taking actions that may complicate and aggravate the issue so as to jointly safeguard peace and stability in the South China Sea.外交部发言人秦刚就斯里兰卡国家板球队遇袭事答记者问

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang's Remarks on the Attack on the Sri Lanka National Cricket Team


Q: It is reported that the Sri Lanka National Cricket Team suffered a terrorist attack in Pakistan on March 3.At least seven Pakistani policemen and civilians died and several players and coaches were injured.How do you comment on this?


A: The Chinese Government strongly condemns this attack.We convey our profound condolences to the victims and sincere sympathy to the injured.外交部发言人秦刚就国际刑事法院签发对苏丹总统逮捕令答记者问

Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang's Remarks on the Issuance of Arrest Warrant to Sudanese President by the International Criminal Court

问:国际刑事法院于3月4日发出对苏丹总统巴希尔的逮捕令。请问中方对此有何评论? Q: The International Criminal Court(ICC)has issued an arrest warrant to Mr.Omar Al-Bashir, President of Sudan on March 4, 2009.How do you comment on this?


A: China regrets the disconcerting decision of the International Criminal Court to issue an arrest warrant for the Sudanese President.The current priority of the international community is to maintain stability in Darfur and keep pushing forward the political process and the UN/AU hybrid mission in Darfur.China opposes any actions which may interfere with the peaceful situation in Darfur and Sudan.We hope that the UN Security Council respects and listens to the calls of the members of the African Union, League of Arab States and Non-Aligned Movement, takes necessary actions according to Article 16 of the Rome Statute and requests the ICC to suspend the trial.








中国政府连日来做了大量工作。国家主席胡锦涛同 美国总统布什、外交部长杨洁篪同美国国务卿赖斯分别通了电话,阐述了中方上述立场。外交部部领导和中国政府中东问题特使连日来也都分别约见了有关各方的驻 华使节,劝和促谈。中方还宣布向巴勒斯坦民族权力机构提供100万美元的紧急人道主义援助,今后我们还将在力所能及的范围内继续向巴方提供人道主义援助。中方愿同国际社会一道推动有关各方立即停火、缓解加沙地区的人道主义危机,为巴以问题重返政治解决的轨道做出努力。


答:无论是香港、澳门还是台湾都同属一个中国,两岸三地的人民都是中华民族大家庭的成员。中国政府一贯重视保护在海外的中国人的安全,这次派军舰赴亚丁湾、索马里海域护航也不例外。香港、澳门或台湾方 面如果有船只需要中国军舰提供护航,可以通过有关渠道向内地或大陆方面提出来。







答:赖斯国务卿由于要紧急处理涉及目前国际和地 区局势的事务,无法按原计划访华。美方已经向中方做了解释,希望中方能够予以理解,中方表示了理解。布什总统将派内格罗蓬特常务副国务卿来中国,同中方一 同出席庆祝中美建交30周年的活动,这体现了美方对中美建交30周年有关庆祝活动以及中美关系的高度重视。我们欢迎内格罗蓬特常务副国务卿访华。中国有关 领导人以及中国外交部主要领导将同他进行会谈、会见。有关日程我们正在同美方进行积极的协调,会适时予以发布。


答:在刚才回答相关的问题时,我已经谈到了中国 对当前巴以冲突的看法以及中方所做的工作。连日来巴以冲突不断升级,我们也一直在同有关国家、有关各方保持沟通,阐明我们的立场和主张,呼吁立即停止军事 行动和武装冲突,立即停止造成更多的无辜平民伤亡。我们也向巴方提供了人道主义援助,今后我们也愿意和有关各方一道继续推动巴以停火,停止军事行动,停止 武装冲突,来缓解加沙地区人道主义危机的加剧。只有在停火的基础上,有关各方才能够恢复对话,才能够寻求政治解决争端。



答:最近几天孙必干先生也确实很忙。他在接连地 约见有关各方的驻华使节,阐述中方的立场,进行劝和促谈。孙必干先生作为中国中东问题的特使,将恪尽职守,忠实地履行中国政府在推动中东和平进程,妥善解 决巴以问题上的有关政策和主张,同有关各方保持密切沟通接触,为停止巴以冲突,妥善解决巴勒斯坦问题,推动中东和平进程继续作出不懈的努力。


Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang's Regular Press Conference on

January 6, 2009

On January 6, 2009, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang held a regular press conference and answered questions mainly on the situation in Gaza and etc.Qin Gang: Happy New Year.Now I’m ready to take your questions.Q: Thank you.Happy New Year!It’s been 11 days since Israel started aggression against Palestine.To date, 260 people have been killed, more than 2700 have been wounded, mostly civilians, and one third of them are children.How big a figure does it take to get the permanent members of the Security Council take actions to stop this aggression?

A: China is deeply concerned and worried about the escalated armed conflict between Palestine and Israel and increased humanitarian crisis in the Gaza Strip.We appeal to relevant parties to immediately stop military actions and armed conflicts so as to avoid more civilian casualties and create conditions for resumption of negotiation and seeking a political solution of the dispute.The Chinese Government has been undertaking a lot of work these days.President Hu Jintao and Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi held phone conversations with President Bush and Secretary of State Rice respectively to state China’s position.Senior officials with the Foreign Ministry and the Chinese Government’s Special Envoy on the Middle East issue have been meeting with diplomats from relevant parties in China, trying to promote peaceful talks.China has also announced one million US dollars of humanitarian assistance to the Palestinian National Authority.In the future, we will continue to provide humanitarian aid to Palestine within our capacity.China is ready to work with the international community to promote a cease-fire, ease the humanitarian crisis in Gaza and get the Palestine-Israel issue back on the track of political solution.Q: This morning, Ministry of Transport said that 15 Chinese commercial ships have already filed applications for convoy assistance.What will you do with applications from Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan?

A: Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan are all parts of China, and people from these places are all part of the Chinese nation.The Chinese Government always attaches importance to the safety of Chinese nationals overseas.There is no exception for the convoy vessels to the Aden Gulf and seas off the Somali coast.If ships from Hong Kong, Macao or Taiwan needs convoy assistance, they may file applications to the Mainland through relevant channels.Q: My question is about oil and gas filed in the East China Sea.There are recently some media reports in Japan, which you’ve already commented on.Japan believes the development of “Tianwaitian” oil and gas field still needs consultation, and that China’s unilateral exploration betrays the principled consensus the two countries reached last June.What is your view? Does China plan to resume consultation on the East China Sea issue with Japan in the near future?

A: I have already expounded on China’s position on the issue on January 4.This position stays unchanged.We hope Japan will not misinterpret the principled consensus that the two countries have reached.As for your second question, China and Japan remain in contact and communication.Q: Do you have a name list of Chinese officials attending the Davos Forum late January?

A: Davos is an important international forum.In the past few years, China sent high-profile delegations to the forum every year.This year, the Chinese Government is also considering sending a high-profile delegation.Specific information will be released in due course.Q: US Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice canceled her visit to China that was supposed to take place this week, and her deputy Mr.Negroponte is coming.Is China disappointed at all that Secretary Rice canceled the visit? It is the second time.Last year she also canceled a visit for the closing ceremony of the Olympics.And also who will Mr.Negroponte be meeting with?

A: Secretary of State Rice has urgent affairs concerning current international and regional issues to attend to, thus will not be able to visit China as planned.The U.S.has already made explanations to China, and hoped China could understand.The Chinese side has expressed its understanding.President Bush will send Deputy Secretary of State Negroponte to China.He will attend activities commemorating the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and the U.S.This shows the great importance the U.S.attaches to the celebration of the 30th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations and to China-US relations.We welcome Deputy Secretary Negroponte to China.Chinese leaders and senior Foreign Ministry officials will hold talks and meetings with him.We are actively coordinating with the US side on the agenda for the visit, and will make announcement in due course.Q: China, as the only Permanent Five UN Security Council member that doesn’t have a long historical involvement in the Middle East.Is there a special role that China can play in terms of promoting an immediate cease-fire and a greater peace in the region? In this conflict, is China in touch with both the Israeli government and the Palestinian government? How are China’s relations with both governments?

A: I actually already touched upon China’s position on current conflicts between Palestine and Israel and China’s efforts in this regard, while answering a related question just now.In the past few days, the conflict has been escalating.We have been keeping in contact with relevant countries and parties, explaining our position and proposition, calling for an immediate end to military actions and armed conflicts so as to avoid more casualties for innocent civilians.We have also provided a humanitarian aid to Palestine, and are ready to work with relevant parties to continue to push for a cease-fire and an end to military actions and armed conflicts so as to alleviate the worsened humanitarian crisis in Gaza.Only on the basis of a cease-fire can the parties resume dialogue and seek a political solution to the dispute.The Chinese Government has always been firmly dedicated to promoting the Middle East peace process, pushing for the implementation of the Road Map and supporting the Arab Peace Initiative.In the future, we will continue to work with the international community in that direction.Q: As you may notice, some countries have already sent diplomats to mediate in the conflict between Palestine and Israel.China has good relations with either side.Will China call on the two sides to reach a cease-fire agreement, or consider, for example, sending Envoy Mr.Sun Bigan to the Middle East? If so, when will he leave, and when is the appropriate time if it is not now? A: Mr.Sun Bigan has been quite busy these days, meeting with foreign Ambassadors to China from relevant parties to state China’s positions and promote peaceful talks.As China’s Special Envoy on the Middle East issue, Sun is faithfully fulfilling his duties and committed to implementing the Chinese Government’s policies and propositions on the promotion of the Middle East peace process and the proper resolution of the Palestine-Israel issue.He is in close contact and communication with relevant parties, and continues to make unremitting efforts to stop the conflict, properly settle the Palestinian issue and promote the Middle East peace process.If there are no more questions, thank you for your attendance.See you next time!














Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang's Regular Press Conference on November 12, 2009


On November 12, 2009, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang held a regular press conference and answered questions.秦刚:大家下午好!我今天没有要主动发布的消息,愿意回答大家的提问。Qin Gang:Good Afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.I have no announcements to make and I am ready to take your questions.问:新华社今天报道,贾庆林主席将访问秘鲁、厄瓜多尔和巴西等国,请具体介绍他的行程,如他将会和哪些领导人会面,将签署什么协议?

Q: Xinhua News Agency reported today that CPPCC Chairman Jia Qinglin is going to visit Peru, Ecuador, Brazil and other countries.Can you give us more details about his visit, such as which leaders he is going to meet and what agreements will be signed?答:正如你所说,全国政协主席贾庆林即将对上述拉美国家进行访问,当前中国和这几个国家都保持着良好的关系。我们期待并相信贾庆林主席这次访问进一步推 动中国同这几个国家的双边互利合作,并就共同关心的国际和地区重大问题交换意见。同时,贾庆林主席也会向他们介绍中国的多党合作和政治协商

制度,以增进相 互了解。至于这次访问将会签署哪些协议,我将会适时发布消息。

A: As you have mentioned, CPPCC Chairman Jia Qinglin is going to visit the above Latin American countries.At present, China is having good relations with these countries.We expect and believe that Chairman Jia's visit will further promote our bilateral mutually beneficial cooperation and the two sides will also exchange views on major international and regional issues of mutual interest.At the same time, Chairman Jia will also introduce to them about China's system of multi-party cooperation and political consultation to boost mutual understanding.As for what agreements will be signed, I will keep you updated.问:据报道,“德新海”事件方面,双方已经在沟通赎金的问题。凤凰卫视今天报道说有可能在6个星期之内解决这个事情,请确认。中国政府在营救过程中扮演什么角色?

Q: It's reported that the two sides are talking about ransom on the “De Xin Hai” issue.Phoenix TV reported today that the issue might be resolved within six weeks.Please confirm.What role does the Chinese Government play in the rescue efforts?


A: Relevant authorities of the Chinese Government have been making all-out rescue efforts.For the sake of the safety of the hostages and the success of the rescue efforts, please understand that I'd rather not disclose more details.问:可否介绍奥巴马访华的确切行程,是否会向北京的大学生演讲或和他们进行交流?

Q: Can you update us on the specifics of President Obama's visit to China? Will he give a speech to the college students in Beijing or have exchanges with them?


A: We have announced the date of President Obama's visit.He will meet and have talks with Chinese leaders and will also have the opportunity to interact with the Chinese public, youth in particular.He will also visit the famous historic and cultural sites in Shanghai and Beijing.问:据我们了解,奥巴马总统将在上海与中国大学生进行交流互动,但中美双方正就直播等事宜进行协商。你能否告诉我们双方主要在协调哪些问题? Q: As far as we know, President Obama will have interactions with college students in Shanghai.But the two sides are still having consultations about live broadcast.Can you tell me what issues they are consulting on?


A: President Obama is going to have interactions with youth in Shanghai.The two sides are still having communication and consultation on the specific arrangements

about the activity.问:奥巴马总统在上海与大学生的交流活动是否会在电视台进行直播?第二个问题,澳大利亚外交部近日称,中方已将力拓案的调查期限延长了两个月。请证实并解释原因。第三个问题,沙特阿拉伯的石油大臣正在中国进行访问,请介绍他的访问情况。中方哪些官员将与他会见?

Q: Will the interactions between President Obama and college students in Shanghai be on live TV broadcast? Second question, the Australian Foreign Ministry recently said that China has extended the investigation of the Rio Tinto case to another two months.Please confirm and explain why.Third question, Saudi Oil Minister is visiting China.Please update us about his visit.Which Chinese officials is he going to meet with?答:我刚才已经回答了你的第一个问题,中美双方正在就这场活动的具体安排进行沟通和协商。

A: I have answered your first question just now.The Chinese and U.S.sides are having communication and consultation about the specific arrangements of the activity.力拓案是由中国的司法部门依法审理的案件。中国有关部门将依据中国的法律以及《中澳领事协定》处理此案。

The Rio Tinto case is handled by the Chinese judicial authorities according to law.Relevant authorities will cope with the case according to China's laws and the China-Australia Consular Agreement.我没有听说沙特石油矿产资源大臣访华的消息。外交部不是负责能源的主管部门,所以建议你向相关部门去了解。如果你需要的话,我也可以在记者会后帮你进行了解。

I have not heard about the Oil Minister's visit.The Foreign Ministry is not in charge of energy and I suggest that you refer to relevant authorities.If you want, I can ask for information for you after the press conference.问:美方曾表示,奥巴马总统将在访华之后会见**。中美是否将在奥巴马总统访华期间讨论这一问题?

Q: The U.S.side once expressed that President Obama will meet with Dalai after his visit to China.Will the two sides discuss the issue during President Obama's visit?答:我们已经多次说过,中方坚决反对**在国际上进行活动,坚决反对外国政要以任何名义和形式与**进行接触。我们这一立场是一贯的、明确的。A: We have stated on many occasions that China firmly opposes Dalai's international activities and foreign political figures' contact with him in any capacity or any form.Our position has been consistent and unequivocal.我记得,奥巴马总统在他上任后的一次演讲中曾说,他非常感激林肯总统,因为如果没有林肯总统,他就不会成为今天美国第一位黑人总统。他也说过,林肯总统在维护美国国家统一和领土完整问题上发挥了独一无二的作用。

I remember President Obama saying in a speech after taking office that he felt “a special gratitude” to President Lincoln because without Lincoln, he would not be able to become the first black president of America.He also said that President Lincoln played a unique role in upholding the country's national unity and territorial integrity.**是封建农奴制的总头目,他所从事的是分裂祖国统一,破坏中国领土完整的活动。我们希望奥巴马总统能比其它任何一位外国政要都能更好、更深刻地理解中国在维护国家主权和领土完整问题上的立场。

Dalai was head of the feudal serfdom of Tibet and he is now engaged in activities aimed at splitting the motherland and sabotaging its territorial integrity.We hope President Obama will understand better and deeper than other foreign leaders China's position of upholding national sovereignty and territorial integrity.奥巴马总统作为一位黑人总统,必然了解林肯总统推动的美国废奴运动的重大意义。在**统治的旧西藏,实行的是黑暗的农奴制度。**是西藏农奴制度的总头 目,1959年,中国彻底废除了农奴制度,是人类人权事业的巨大进步。这和当时林肯总统废除美国黑奴制的性质是一样的。奥巴马总统应该更能体会中国政府反 对西藏独立、反对**在国际上从事分裂祖国的活动的立场。

President Obama, as a black president, certainly knows well the great significance of the U.S.Abolition Movement initiated by President Lincoln.The old Tibet in the reign of Dalai enforced dark serfdom and he was head of Tibetan serfdom.In 1959, China completely abolished serfdom, which was a great step forward in the human rights cause.Such a move is of the same nature as the abolition of slavery by President Lincoln in the U.S.President Obama should understand better the Chinese Government's position against Tibet independence and Dalai's separatist activities on the international stage.另外,我也希望美方能够倾听中国民众的声音。我建议在座的记者登陆中国的网站,有 些网站开设了问卷调查,例如:你怎么看**在国际上的活动?怎么看待美国表示奥巴马总统将会见**?90%以上的受访中国民众对此表示坚决反对。中国的民 意不可辱、不可欺。我们要求美方正视中国民意,尊重中国的领土完整和统一,这是中国的核心利益和重大关切。

What's more, I also hope that the U.S.side can listen to the voice of the Chinese public.I suggest that journalists present today log onto some Chinese websites which have designed questionnaires with questions such as how do you look at Dalai's international activities? How do you see the U.S.statement that President Obama is going to meet with Dalai? Over 90% of the interviewed Chinese public stated their firm opposition.The public opinion of the Chinese people cannot be neglected and bullied.We urge the U.S.side to face the public opinion of China squarely and respect China's territorial integrity and unity, which is our core interests and major concerns.问:喀什市外办告诉我们,记者不准前往喀什,游客却可以前往,这是什么原因?

Q: The Foreign Affairs Office of the city of Kashgar told us that journalists are denied access to the city while tourists are not.Why?

答:就像我上次回答你的同事一样,在中国,关于外国记者采访有法律有规定,这些法律和规定同样适用于新疆喀什地区,如果你的同事或你本人在那里采访时遇 到困难或问题,请你及时向当地负责外国记者工作的有关部门反映,或者同外交部新闻司取得联系。对于你们合法、正当的要求,我们愿意予以积极协助。

A: Like what I have replied to your colleague last time, in China, there are laws and

regulations about the report of foreign journalists and they also apply to the Kashgar district of Xinjiang.If your colleagues or you encounter difficulties or problems there, please report to the local authorities in charge of foreign journalists promptly or contact the Information Department of the Foreign Ministry.We will provide facilitation to your just and legitimate requests.问:还是关于**的问题。如果奥巴马总统会见**,是否会严重损害中美关系?中方希望奥巴马在访华期间就西藏问题作出怎样的表态?胡锦涛主席在会见奥巴马总统时是否会指出奥对林肯的评价?

Q: A follow-up question about Dalai.If President Obama is going to meet with Dalai, will it gravely undermine China-US relations? What statement does China hope President Obama to make on the Tibet issue during his visit? Will President Hu Jintao quote President Obama's remarks about President Lincoln when they meet?

答:中方坚决反对奥巴马或任何外国政要会见**喇嘛,这一立场是坚定和明确的。中美关系对双方都非常重要,我们要珍惜当前中美关系面临的良好局面和良好 机遇,坚持相互尊重,平等相待,特别是要相互尊重彼此的核心利益和重大关切。涉藏问题,这就是中方的核心利益和重大关切,所以我们希望美方在涉藏问题上能 够尊重中国的立场,尊重中国人民的感情,尊重中国的民意,妥善处理,确保中美关系健康顺利地向前发展。

A: China firmly opposes President Obama or any other foreign leaders' meeting with Dalai.This position is firm and unequivocal.China-US relations are very important to both sides.We should cherish the good momentum and opportunities presented to the current China-US relations, respect each other, treat each other on an equal footing and respect each other's core interests and major concerns in particular.Tibet-related issues bear on China's core interests and major concerns and we hope the U.S.side can respect China's position on these issues, respect the sentiments of the Chinese people and respect China's public opinion by handling them properly to ensure the healthy and smooth development of China-US relations.问:奥巴马总统是美国历史上第一位少数族裔总统,中国什么时候才能有少数族裔的国家主席?

Q: President Obama is the first president of ethnic minority in the U.S.history.When will China have a president of ethnic minority as well?


A: President Obama's election is the internal affair of the U.S.and I am not in a position to comment.What I want to stress is that the Chinese people can also exercise the various political and democratic rights enshrined in the constitution.问:关于赴喀什采访的问题,你是说我们可以前往,而且你会帮助我们? Q: About going to Kashgar for report, do you mean that we can go ahead and you will help us?


A: I want to reiterate that we will facilitate if journalists go to Kashgar with legitimate and just report requests.如果没有问题了,谢谢大家!再见!

If there are no more question.Thank you for coming.See you next time!














Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang's Regular Press Conference on November 19, 2009


On November 19, 2009, Foreign Ministry Spokesperson Qin Gang held a regular press conference and answered questions.秦刚:诸位下午好!现在请大家提问。

Qin Gang: Good Afternoon, ladies and gentlemen.Now, the floor is open.问:《中美联合声明》中提到中美要共同致力于南亚地区的稳定。中方将在印巴关系改善中扮演什么角色?

Q: In the China-U.S.Joint Statement, China and the U.S.agree to be committed to stability in South Asia.What role will China play in the improvement of relations between India and Pakistan?


A: Both India and Pakistan are countries of major impact in South Asia, and the improvement and development of their relationship will contribute to regional peace and stability.China values its friendly cooperation with these two neighbors and hopes to see relations between the two continue to improve and grow.China always endorses efforts to achieve this goal and those beneficial to regional peace and stability.问:请问中方对以色列批准在东耶路撒冷建立新的犹太人定居点持何立场?

Q: What's China's position on Israel's approval to set up new Jewish housing units in east Jerusalem?


A: China expresses grave concern over the recent decision of Israel to set up new Jewish settlement in east Jerusalem, which will surely pose new obstacles to the Middle East peace process.China opposes this move and urges Israel to take concrete measures to restore mutual trust with Palestine and create favorable conditions for an early resumption of the peace talks.问:中方如何评价澳门回归十年来的发展成就?澳门在促进中国内地与葡语国家关系方面发挥了怎样的作用?

Q: How does China evaluate the achievements made by Macao since the handover 10 years ago? What role has Macao played in serving as a bridge between mainland China and Portugese-speaking countries?

答:澳门回归近十年来,“一国两制”、“澳人治澳”、高度自治方针在特区得到全面贯彻落实。中国中央政府严格按澳门基本法办事,坚定支持特区政府依法施 政。在特区政府和社会各界共同努力下,澳门取得了令人瞩目的发展成就,今日澳门,社会安定,经济繁荣,居民安居乐业,对外交往活跃,多元文化和谐共处。目 前,特区正积极拓展对外交往,进一步深化区域合作,致力于打造世界旅游休闲中心和区域性商贸服务平台。我们相信,有“一国两制”的保障,有特区居民的共同 努力,有国际社会的广泛支持,澳门特区一定能够在过去十年经济、社会发展取得重大成就的基础上,谱写出新的更加辉煌的篇章。澳门的未来更加美好。

A: Over the past ten years, the policy of “one country, two systems”, “Macao people governing Macao” and a high degree of autonomy has been fully implemented in Macao Special Administrative Region.The Central Government of China strictly follows the Basic Law of Macao SAR and firmly supports the governance of the SAR government accordingly.Thanks to the joint efforts of the SAR government and various communities, remarkable progress has been achieved in Macao.Today, the people in Macao enjoy a stable social order, a prosperous economy, active exchanges with the outside world as well as harmonious co-existence of diverse cultures.The SAR is seeking further regional cooperation and exchanges so as to build a world tourism center and regional trade service platform.We believe that with the guarantee of “one country, two systems” and the joint efforts of the SAR people as well as the extensive support of the international community, the Macao SAR will build upon the achievement of the past decade and open up a new chapter of glory.The future of Macao will surely be more prominent.关于第二个问题,澳门回归后,澳门与葡语国家的关系发展顺利,并且在促进中国内地与葡语国家经贸合作方面发挥了独特而积极的作用。我们将一如既往地支持澳门特区按照基本法规定继续开展对外交往与合作。

On your second question, since its return, Macao has enjoyed smooth development in its relations with Portugese-speaking countries and played a unique and positive role in boosting trade and economic cooperation between mainland China and those countries.We will continue to support the SAR Government to conduct foreign exchanges and cooperation in line with the Basic Law.问:据报道,中国国防部长梁光烈将于月末访问朝鲜、日本和泰国。请介绍相关细节。

Q: It is reported that Defense Minister Liang Guanglie will visit the DPRK, Japan and Thailand at the end of this month.Please share with us more details.答:中国同三国在各领域都保持着友好和正常的交往与合作,其中包括两军之间的交流。关于中国国防部长访问三国的具体的行程和有关安排,建议你向国防部询问。

A: China maintains friendly and normal exchanges and cooperation with the three countries in various areas, including military-to-military exchanges.As for the specific agenda of the Defense Minister, I'd better leave it to the Ministry of Defense.问:胡锦涛主席与奥巴马总统会谈期间,是否谈及美印核合作问题?第二个问题,中印曾签署《中国政府和印度政府关于应对气候变化合作的协定》,在奥巴马总统访华后,中方在气候变化问题上的立场是否有变化?

Q: Did President Hu Jintao and President Obama discuss U.S.-India nuclear cooperation? The second question, China and India have signed an agreement on climate change.Does China continue to have the same stand on climate change after President Obama's visit?


A: As far as I know, the issue of U.S.-India nuclear cooperation did not come up in the two Presidents' discussion.China's principled position on this issue is unequivocal and we've stated it on various occasions.Relevant countries have the rights to peaceful use of nuclear energy and should fulfill the international obligation of non-proliferation at the same time.关于你提到的第二个问题,奥巴马总统访华期间,双方就气候变化问题进行了建设性和富有成效的对话。双方一致认为,气候变化问题是当前人类面临的重大共同 挑战,需要国际社会加强合作,携手应对。双方同意在共同但有区别的责任原则基础上,根据各自国情和能力,同有关各方协商合作,共同推动哥本哈根大会取得积 极成果。

As for your second question, during President Obama's visit, there were constructive and productive dialogues on climate change.Both leaders agree that as a major common challenge to human beings, climate change calls for stronger international cooperation.They also agree to stay committed to working together with other parties for a positive outcome at Copenhagen based on the principle of common but differentiated responsibilities in light of their respective national realities and capabilities.中方在气候变化问题上的立场是非常明确的,这一立场在胡锦涛主席同奥巴马总统共见记者时以及《中美联合声明》中都得到了明确阐述。

China's stand on climate change is very clear.It has been elaborated in the joint press conference of President Hu Jintao and President Obama and the China-U.S.Joint Statement.问:中方营救被劫持的“德新海”号货轮有何进展?

Q: Can you update us on the latest developments of the hijacked Chinese cargo ship “De Xin Hai”?

答:中国政府正在全力积极营救被劫持的 “德新海”号货轮。出于对被劫人员的安全和顺利营救的考虑,请你谅解,我无法提供更多细节。

A: The Chinese Government is sparing no efforts to rescue the cargo ship “De Xin Hai”.I hope you can understand that I can not disclose more details in consideration of the safety of the sailors and the ship.问:据印尼媒体报道,中印尼两国元首在APEC会晤期间一致同意将明年确定为“中印尼友好年”,庆祝两国建交60周年。请问中方对此有何评论?

Q: It is reported in Indonesia that the heads of state of China and Indonesia have agreed to designate next year as “China-Indonesia Friendship Year” to celebrate the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between the two countries during APEC.What is your comment?

答:2010年适逢中国同印尼建交60周年。中印尼双方同意将明年确定为“中印尼友好年”,并计划举行庆祝活动。两国有关部门正就具体事宜进行协商。A: 2010 marks the 60th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Indonesia.The two countries have agreed to designate next year as “China-Indonesia Friendship Year” and plan to hold celebrative activities.Relevant authorities of the two countries are discussing the specifics.问:据报道,阿富汗矿业部长收受了中冶集团2千万美元的贿赂以助其获得一铜矿开采项目合同。中方是否知情?对此有何评论?

Q: Media reports say that Afghanistan's Minister of Mining took $20 million bribe from a Chinese company, China Metallurgical Group and help it win a copper mining contract.Is the Chinese Government aware of this and how do you respond?


A: I have seen relevant reports, but I don't have the information.What I can tell you is that the Chinese Government supports the peaceful reconstruction process of Afghanistan, encourages and supports competent and credible Chinese enterprises to actively participate in the economic and social development of Afghanistan for the wellbeing of its people.问:中国和俄罗斯、越南近日都签署了陆地边界勘界文件,而中国与印度依然存在边界领土争议。中国和印度是否仍在进行边界问题谈判?

Q: I have a question about China's land boundaries.Recently, China reached agreements with Russia and Vietnam on the demarcation of land boundaries.Is India the only country that has land boundary disputes with China? Are China and India still negotiating on the dispute?


A: On the boundary issue, the Chinese Government follows a major principle, which is to solve relevant differences and disputes peacefully through friendly consultations.We followed the principle in our negotiations with Russia, Vietnam and other countries and likewise with India.近年来,中印关系不断改善和发展,双方都认识到不应让边界问题影响两国总体关系发展,应该通过友好协商解决。2005年温家宝总理访问印度期间,两国政 府签署了《关于解决中印边界问题政治指导原则的协定》,为双方解决边界问题指明了方向。两国还建立了边界问题特代磋商机制,这一机制的磋商谈判一直在进 行。在近年中印高层交往和两国领导人的会晤中,双方都一再重申,要本着平等协商的精神,寻求一个公平合理和双方都能接受的边界问题解决方案。在该问题彻底 解决前,双方都要努力保持边境地区的和平与安宁。

In recent years, China-India relations have been improving and developing continuously.Both sides realize that the boundary issue should be solved through friendly consultations instead of being allowed to affect the overall development of bilateral relations.During Premier Wen Jiabao's visit to India in 2005, the governments of the two countries signed the Agreement on Political Parameters and Guiding Principles for the Settlement of the India-China Boundary Question, mapping out the direction of the resolution of the boundary issue.The two countries also established the special representative consultation mechanism on boundary issue, under which there are ongoing consultations and negotiations.In the high level exchanges and meetings between China and India in recent years, the two sides have reiterated their commitment to a fair and reasonable solution to boundary issues acceptable to both sides through consultations on an equal footing.The two sides should ensure peace and tranquility of the border area pending a final settlement.问:据报道,奥巴马总统与李明博总统会见时提到美朝直接接触已经取得一些进展。中方对六方会谈复会时间有何预期?

Q: When meeting with President Lee Myung-bak, President Obama reportedly mentioned that U.S.-DPRK direct engagement has yielded some progress.What's China's expectation of the timetable of the resumption of the Six-Party Talks?


A: We have noticed that the U.S.has announced that, Mr.Bosworth, Special Representative for North Korea Policy will visit the DPRK shortly.We support and welcome the dialogue and engagement between the U.S.and the DPRK, which we hope to be conducive to the early resumption of the Six-Party Talks, the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and peace and stability of the Peninsula and the region.至于六方会谈何时能够重启,我们认为,现在各方正在做的努力都是在六方会谈的框架下进行的,都是六方会谈总的方向、总的进程的一部分。关于六方会谈正式团长会的安排,中方将同有关各方保持沟通和协商。

Regarding when the Six-Party Talks will be resumed, we believe that the ongoing efforts of the parties concerned are within the framework of the Six-Party Talks and part of the overall direction and process of the Talks.As for the arrangement of the formal head-of-delegation meeting of the Six-Party Talks, China will maintain communication and consultation with relevant parties.问:据报道,奥巴马总统与李明博总统会见时,李明博向美方介绍了韩方解决朝鲜半岛核问题的计划,包括向朝提供经济援助和安全保障。奥巴马表示赞同。中方对韩方的建议持何立场?

Q: It's reported that President Lee Myung-bak briefed President Obama on the ROK proposal of solving the Korean Peninsula nuclear issue, including the plan to provide economic aid and security guarantee to the DPRK, which President Obama endorses.What's China's position on the ROK proposal?


A: China adopts a positive and open attitude toward any proposal that's conducive to the Six-Party Talks process, the denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and regional peace and stability.We are ready to communicate with relevant parties, including the ROK on various plans and proposals.问:阿富汗总统卡尔扎伊今天宣誓就职。中方对此有何评论?第二个问题,请介绍杨洁篪外长访问日本的目的,是否为胡锦涛主席访日作准备。

Q: Afghan President Karzai was sworn in today.What's China's comment? Second question, please brief us on the purpose of Foreign Minister Yang Jiechi's visit to Japan.Is his visit to prepare for President Hu's visit to Japan?


A: On your first question, we congratulate President Karzai on his inauguration.We hope that under his leadership and that of the Afghan Government and with the support of the international community, Afghanistan will achieve peace, stability and development at an early date.关于杨洁篪外长访日的问题,我在周二的记者会上已经做了回答,在此简要重复一下。自鸠山由纪夫首相就职以来,中日关系实现了良好开局,保持了良好的发展 势头,双方在各领域的交流与合作进展顺利。杨洁篪外长此次访问的目的就是要进一步推动中日战略互惠关系深入发展,推动两国各领域合作,加强中日在重大问题 上的对话与协调。

As for Foreign Minister Yang's visit to Japan, I have answered the question on Tuesday's press conference and I can reiterate here.Since Prime Minister Yukio Hatoyama took office, China-Japan relations have gotten off to a good start and maintained a sound momentum of development.Exchanges and cooperation between the two countries have been progressing smoothly.Foreign Minister Yang's visit is to further deepen the China-Japan strategic relationship of mutual benefit, advance bilateral cooperation in various fields and strengthen their dialogue and coordination on major issues.中日两国是近邻,两国长期以来保持着高层交往的传统。我们将继续和日方加强高层交往势头,为中日关系发展提供强大的推动力。

China and Japan are close neighbors with the tradition of high-level exchange of visit.We will continue to intensify this tradition to provide strong impetus to the growth of bilateral relations.如果没有其他问题了,谢谢大家出席!再见!

If there are no more questions, thank you for coming.See you next time!



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