Ceremonial Speech范文

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第一篇:Ceremonial Speech范文

Ceremonial Speeches(Short Sentences)


While our stay has been very short, we feel that it has been very rewarding.最后,我希望我们能在下届年会再度相会

In conclusion, I would like to express my wish to meet you again at our next annual meeting.我的发言到此结束,谢谢各位。

I'd like to end my speech.Thank you for your attention.我很荣幸能应邀参加此次大会,并作发言。

I am greatly honored to be invited to attend and address the meeting.本届年会为我们交换意见提供了理想的场所。

The current annual meeting provides us with an ideal arena where we will exchange views.Good morning, I am extremely pleased to be present on this important day.早上好!非常高兴能出席今天的庆典。

I am pleased to be able to support this event.我很高兴能支持该项活动。

I look forward to working with many of you in the future.我热切盼望今后能有机会同在座各位共事。

At this time, I would like to show some slides to illustrate my points.现在,我将通过幻灯片来进行我的演讲。

The exhibition brings two international cities closer together.这次展览会增强了两个国际性大都市的联系。

Ceremonial Speeches(Long Sentences)

I am glad to have this opportunity to share some views with you on this topic.很高兴能有这个机会,就这一问题同大家交流一下我的一些看法。

It is a great pleasure for me to be here with you today at this important meeting dedicated to a very important subject: the strengthening of our efforts to facilitate trade.很高兴能与大家一起参加这个以加强共同努力实现贸易便利化为主题的盛会。

That concludes my remarks.I have enjoyed the opportunity of giving this presentation to you today.这就是我想说的。我非常荣幸能有机会向各位作这一介绍。

Once again, I would like to congratulate SIFT on this great achievement and wish you all the best for the future.我再一次祝贺上海外贸学院所取得的巨大成就,并祝愿各位万事如意!

With that, I wish you continued success and fortune in your individual businesses and careers, and look forward to spending some time with you.Thank you.最后,祝各位事业成功,万事如意,期待与你们再次相见。谢谢。


I would like to conclude with the hope that all the people present here will have a chance to come to China soon.现在,我想借此机会,祝各位在中国访问愉快。

Now I would like to take this opportunity to wish all of you a pleasant stay in China.首先,我谨向与会的所有代表致以崇高的敬意和节日的问候。

May I begin with my high respects for and festive greetings to all the representatives present at the conference.我怀着非常愉快的心情出席这次会议,我很高兴能就各位感兴趣的问题发表自己的看法。It is with great pleasure that I am here to attend this meeting and present my views on issues of your interest.值此大会开幕之际,我为能有机会就教育问题进行发言,向东道主致以谢意。

On the occasion of this opening ceremony, I would like to express my appreciation to the host for this opportunity to address the meeting on the topic of education.Ceremonial Speeches(Short Paragraphs)

I am very proud of what we have established and I am very realistic about the difficulties that wait in our future.对于我们过去的成就,我感到非常的骄傲;同时我也清楚地知道在将来我们还会遇到各种各样的困难。

Finally, I wish the seminar every success and that today's event provides an excellent opportunity for the further expansion of cooperation between our Australian suppliers and Chinese buyers.最后,我谨祝愿本次研讨会圆满成功,也希望本次研讨会为澳洲供应商与中国采购者提供进一步扩大合作的良好机会。


It's an honor and pleasure for me to be able to visit your distinguished university.We in China have heard much about the outstanding work that has been done here.我愿趁此机会表示对大家的谢意,感谢你们使我在此逗留期间取得巨大收获并过得十分愉快。

I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of you for making my stay so rewarding and pleasant.Ceremonial Speeches(Medium Paragraphs)

Ladies and Gentlemen,I would like to thank the Shanghai Municipal Government and West Virginia University for providing TRW the opportunity to participate in the training seminars in Shanghai, and I also want to thank you for taking time from your busy schedule to participate in the seminar.我首先感谢上海市政府和西弗吉尼亚大学给予TRW公司这个机会,参加这次在上海举办的培训研修班,同时我还要感谢大家在百忙之中抽出时间参加这次研讨会。

I am very pleased to welcome you and I am sure that the combination of the experience of the city of London and the dynamism of the Municipality of Shanghai will ensure that this event and future cooperation between the two cities will be a great success.我非常高兴邀请你们参加这次活动。我坚信伦敦市政府的经验和上海市政府的活力,这两方面的结合将保证这次展览会的圆满成功,保证今后合作愉快顺利。


I would like to mention in particular Dean Johnson and Dr.Taylor for their especially valuable and generous help.Such help, I realize, goes beyond personal friendship.I regard it as an expression of the friendship between our two peoples and two countries.我代表我的同伴,感谢你们为我们所做的一切。我们来到这里以后,一直领受着你们最热烈的友谊与款待。你们对我们不仅敞开家门,热情相待,而且开诚布公,推心置腹。

On behalf of our group, I would like to thank you for all that you have done for us.Ever since we arrived, we have enjoyed nothing but the warmest friendship and hospitality.You have opened your hearts as well as your homes to us.Ceremonial Speeches(Long Paragraphs)

Mr.Cliff White, Chairman of the Australian Cotton Shippers Association, members of the Australian cotton industry delegation, distinguished representatives from the Chinese textile industry, ladies and gentlemen,It is a very great pleasure for me to be here today to provide some opening remarks to the Australian Cotton Industry seminar in Shanghai.I greatly appreciate your attendance at today's seminar, particularly considering that you have come all the way here.澳棉花装运协会主席克利夫.怀特先生,澳棉花工业代表团全体成员,尊敬的中国纺织业代


The Women's United Soccer Association is hoping that we will experience the same type of recognition and growth.We all have to work together, every country, every federation, every player.Our work is not finished, but our passion and commitment must be greater than ever.Now is the time, our game is right!



I would like to propose a toast to Professor Smith, a scholar, a fine person, and one who has done so much to initiate and develop the very fruitful relations that now exist between your university and my institute in China.尤其使我感激的是能够参加你们的一些研究工作。我认为这个机会不仅使我个人得以和这里的同事们交换意见,交流经验,而且会有助于增进我们两国院校和学者在学术、文化上的接触。

It's especially gratifying for me to be able to participate in some of your research work.I view this not merely as a personal chance to exchange views and experiences with my colleagues here, but as a chance to contribute to the broadening of academic and cultural contacts between scholars and institutions of our two countries.

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