
时间:2019-05-13 16:17:58下载本文作者:会员上传


cutclass旷课; soulmate红颜知己; soulprovider灵魂主宰 ; pronouncetheword念这个字;whitecollar白领; salesdepartment销售部门; ontheside副业; outofwork失业; workparttime做兼职; thestartingsalary底薪;inacasualway不经意地; winthefirstplace第一名; comehellorhighwater无论发生什么,无论如何;adimeadozen多如牛毛,到处都是,很普通的东西;comeon加油,算了; beatadeadhorse白费口舌; skeletonsinthecloset丑闻,家丑 ; sth.costsb.anarmandaleg花费很昂贵; awolfinsheep'sclothing披着羊皮的狼,伪善的人; tocrywolf撒谎,谎报军情;givesb.atasteofyourownmedicine自食其果;aslip ofthetongue口误,说漏了嘴; aslipofthe pen笔误; ablessingindisguise因祸得福; accompanywithsb.陪伴某人; twoiscompany , threeisacrowd两人成伴,三人不欢; thethirdwheel电灯泡; overmydeadbody(you are)休想; inthe dark一头雾水; take ashot猜中;lendmeyourear听我说话; icingonthecake锦上添花; fitnessexercises健身;one'snoseisoutofjoint某人很失望,某人很生气; bringthehorsedown博得重彩;fiftytofifty平分; beupto thejob能胜任这份工作;it'swellworththetime很值得花时间;insandouts详情;jumpfromonejobtoanotherjob跳槽;onthespot当场; sb.isgreen某人是新手; beequaltothetask能胜任这份工作 ;runafter追求追逐 ; cryonmyshoulders把委屈告诉我吧;know ropes懂内行; sb.isonsb.'swayup某人的事业蒸蒸日上;befreshoutofcollege刚刚大学毕业; jumpattheoffer欣然接受这个工作机会; solongtakeiteasy byebye see you再见;allowme让我来;moveoutofmyway别挡hinking我,让开; criticalthinking批判性思维beobbssessed with无法摆脱,沉迷于 socialnetworkingsites社交网站;forbetterandforworse不管好与坏;signupforacourse====registeracourse报选修课;agroupclass大班授课; openingstate开场白; oneone 一对一的 ; beoff thework下岗;ateachingcertificate教师资格证full-timeeducation全日制教育




New Year’s Day



Valentine’s Day




3月21日或此日后月圆的第一 个星期日


Fool’s Day



Mother’s Day

5月的第二个星期日 父亲节

Father’s Day






Thanksgiving Day



Christmas Day


愚人节起源 Origin the first day of April.; play silly but harmless jokes ;A victim of one of these pranks is called an April fool.Just for fun.it originated in France.When the French first adopted the Gregorian(罗马教皇格列高利的)calendar in 1564, some people continued to use the old calendar to celebrate New Year's Day on April 1.These people were called April Fools.The custom of playing tricks on this day became popular in France and then spread to many other countries.Easter 复活节


usually on Sunday of March or April What to do put on the new clothes,make a lot of eggs and color them,the parents hide the eggs

and the children look for the eggs,Easter Sunday falls sometime between March 22 and April 25.It falls on the first Sunday after the first full moon following March 21.Easter is important for several reasons.Primarily it is a time for families to get together much like Christmas or Thanksgiving.They usually have a large meal and serve traditional dishes such as baked ham.Halloween 万圣节前夕


on the 31st of October What to do usually dress up in costumes,go to parties,make pumpkin lanterns,(Jack-O-lantern)children play games “Trick or treat”, Thanksgiving Day 感恩节


on the fourth Thursday of November What to do give thanks for the good things, have dinner with the family,cook turkey,In 1620, the settlers, or Pilgrims, they sailed to America on the May flower, seeking a place where they could have freedom of worship.After a two-month voyage they landed at in icy November.During their first winter, over half of the settlers died of starvation or epidemics.Those who survived began sowing in the first spring.All summer long they waited for the harvests with great anxiety, knowing that their lives and the future existence of the colony depended on the coming harvest.Finally the fields produced a yield rich beyond expectations.And therefore it was decided that a day of thanksgiving to the Lord.comes at the fourth Thursday of November in the USA, and the second Monday of October in Canada.a day of thanksgiving to the Lord

Family dinner

Express gratitude

情人节Valentine's Day Valentine's Day is on February 14th every year.On that day, people always give their lovers some roses and chocolate.Today, boys and girls look like sweet.They go to restaurants and have a big supper.Valentine's cards become more and more beautiful.复活节Easter Easter celebrates the resurrection of Jesus Christ.Easter is from 22nd March to 25th April.Easter is an important holiday in Western countries.Chickens are usually born then.Many children buy chocolate Easter eggs.They also make Easter eggs.Easter is the time of the spring.Some people like this holiday because it is interesting.愚人节April fool's day April fool's day is on April the 1st of every year.In many country, people always have a little and very beautiful party, and they don't make up at that day.People always say some foolish things, but they don't care.Children and old man also can play the game in the part 母亲节Mother's day The second Sunday in May is Mother's day.Mother's day is a special day for everyone!On that day, children usually give their mother cards, presents and flowers.But most of the people, like giving their mothers carnation(康乃磬)。Somebody said God could not be everywhere and he made mother.父亲节Father's Day Father's Day is on the third Sunday in June.Some Americans thoght that if we had Mother's Day,but we should also have a Father 's Day.On Father's Day, there is not any party.But children will give their father some presents and the best wishes.father is great, we should give the best wishes for them Halloween万圣节

Halloween is on October 31st.On this day, in front of house there are a lot of pumpkin lights(南瓜灯).They are very beautiful.Every family has a lot of sweet because children go to knock their doors people will give them sweets.And people will wear funny clothes.感恩节Thanksgiving Day On every last Thursday of November is a special day.It is On 1621.People called it Thankgiving Day.圣诞节Christmas Day December 25th is Christmas Day.On Christmas Day, many people will have big parties.They like eating turkey(火鸡), fruits and drinking some juice for supper.After supper, many people will go out for shopping and walk with their children.There are a lot of special things: Christmas trees, socks, Christmas card and some presents.So in Christmas Day, all the families are very happy.Spring Festival The Spring Festival falls on the 1st day of the 1st lunar month, and it is also called Chinese Lunar New Year.Before the New Year comes, the people completely clean the indoors and outdoors of their homes as well as their clothes, etc.Then people begin decorating their clean rooms.All the door will be pasted with Spring Festival couplets.They prepare various delicious food for the Spring Festival Eve.Chinese will have a happy family union in the Spring Festival Eve.They believe that’s the end day of last year and they will stay up for good luck until the first day of next year.In China, the most traditional and popular Spring Festival food is dumpling, which looks like the moon with vegetables and meat mixed in it.Setting firecracker becomes Spring Festival customs and people believe doing these will bring their family safety.Spring Festival is also the happiest time for children, because they can get lucky money as a gift from the elder.During the Spring Festival, any unfortunate word cannot be heard because it will make people upset and unhappy.People also make use of this holiday to visit their relatives and bring them some presents and well-wishing.The Lantern Festival(元宵节)

The Lantern Festival is January 15 on the lunar calendar.The lunar January is the first month of a year and 15th is the first day of full moon.Tomb-sweeping Day(清明节)

Tomb–sweep Day is an ancient festival in spring, also called Qing Ming Festival.In ancient China, the emperor worshipped heaven and earth in order to bless for harvest.People worshipped their ancestors with sacrifice and showed their missing for ancestors.Mid-Autumn Day(中秋节)

The traditional food of Mid-Autumn Day is Moon cake, a round baked cake with fillings in it.The round shape of moon cake represents family reunion.In the night of Mid-Autumn Day, every family has moon cake and watches the moon.The Double Ninth Festival(重阳节)

Ancient Chinese believe nine represents sun, the brightest thing, September 9th has two nine, the sun is doubled, so they call it Double Ninth Festival.Nine also means Long in Chinese words, so the Double Ninth Festival is also recognized The Old Festival.Advantages and Disadvantages of Internet 几乎无人知晓

be practically anonymous to most of the people 首要目标/目的 the foremost target

因特网的问世the advent of Internet 地球变小了 the earth has reduced

进入地球村的形态 attain the form of a global village 了解不同民族的文化explore other cultures of different nations 易于获取信息

easy access to information 天下万物,世上一切everything under the sun 在网上都可以获得be available on the Internet 搜索引擎 the search engine

随时为您效劳 be at your service 使用次数最多的用户the top users

上网查资料 surf the Internet for research 下载游戏 surf the Internet for research 逛聊天室visit chat room

为了好玩网上冲浪surf the Internet for fun

无数免费的游戏 numerous games for free

网上银行业务online banking

找工作 job seeking / hunting

购票 purchase tickets酒店预订otel reservations咨询指导服务 guidance services 涵盖生活的各个方面的主题 topics engulfing every aspect of life 窃取个人信息

theft of personal information 面临巨大的危险face grave danger 被黑客获取 be accessed by hackers 网络罪犯 cyber criminals 群发邮件 spamming 大量发送邮件send e-mails in bulk 阻碍整个系统 obstruct the entire system

病毒威胁 virus threat 扰乱整个电脑系统的正常运行disrupt the normal functioning of the computer systems链接到因特网的电脑 computers attached to Internet 更容易受到病毒攻击be more prone to virus attack 使硬盘崩溃 crash the hard disk 健康的精神生活 healthy mental life色情网站pornographic sites Language Support 2 from discussion 快速获取信息 便宜的娱乐资源 带来便捷和高效 远程教育的手段 克服地理障碍 使人相互熟识

过着隐士般的生活 情感上的孤独

quick access to the information cheap source of entertainment

bring us convenience and proficiency a means of remote education overcome geographic barriers acquaint people with one another be hermit-like

emotional isolation 缺乏社会交际


不能区分幻想和现实 过度沉溺于网络 对健康有害近视眼



lack social interaction foster self-centeredness

unable to make a clear distinction between fantasy and reality over-indulgence in the Internet do harm to one’s health myopia / near-sightedness lead a sedentary life

a stiff neck

黑客的攻击hacker’s attacks 损害国家安全 undermine the national security 反动言论subversive remarks / statements 色情的事物pornography items 过多接触暴力exposure to excessive violence

对传统道德的重击a heavy blow to traditional morality 对媒体进行审查censor the medias

实施著作权法 洗钱


enforce the copyright laws

money laundering / launder money

financial crimes



I think the ideal life should be happy and comfortable, had a full and happy every day, don't have to worry about food and clothing live line, to do what you want to do and do, create their own value of life.例如,可以抽出时间看自己想看的书,见自己相见的人和去自己想去的地方。

For example, you can take time out to see oneself want to see of book, saw that they meet each other and to the places they want to go.工作对于一个人非常重要,因为工作是一个人实现价值和满足基本需求的需要。

Work is important for a person, because the work is a person value and meet the needs of the basic requirements.对于处理工作与休闲的关系,我认为工作时应该认真工作,提高工作效率,休闲时应该尽情享受,体验生活的乐趣。

To deal with the relationship between work and leisure, I think work should work in earnest, improve work efficiency, should enjoy leisure, experience the fun of life.白领应该是受过高等教育,工作能力强,衣食无忧的人,不喜欢,因为白领的生活方式不健康,比如:吃饭很快,不吃早餐,过度饮用咖啡

White-collar workers should be trained in higher education, work ability, desultory person, don't like it, because of the white-collar lifestyle is not healthy, such as: eat quickly, don't eat breakfast, excessive drinking coffee


1.What is addiction? What are the things people can easily get addicted to? An addiction is the condition of being dependent on a drug, or the crave 渴望,乞求

to do something because one cannot stop doing it.One can be addicted to cigarette smoking, drugs and the Internet.2.Why do you think some people, especially young people, take drugs? Some people take drugs to feel good.Others take drugs to temporarily forget their problems.And still some others take drugs to reduce stress.Young people may try drugs out of curiosity, or may be tempted to take drugs because of peer pressure.3.Why is drug abuse such a threat to our society?What can we do to prevent or reduce drug abuse? Drug abuse harms not just the abusers, but also their loved ones, their family and society at large.A drug addict will resort to crime and violence or any means to get money to buy drugs.The behavior will be a threat to our society.Punishment alone is not an effective way to help drug users quit drugs or stop drug users from committing crimes.In order to prevent drug abuse, we can launch drug education programs to teach young people about the risks involved, toughen laws to prevent drug offenses, and make greater efforts to crack down on drug trafficking 交通来往.毒品交易

1.What do you think are the causes of war? War breaks out because of religious conflicts,economic disputes.Throughout the history, most wars have been waged to protect the economic interests of superpower.2.Consequences(结果,推论)of War/What damage does war do to mankind? War is a human tragedy.Millions of people die and families fall apart as a result of war.For example, in peace-time sons bury fathers, but war violates the order of nature and fathers bury sons.On the other hand, war is costly in money, resources and human lives.What is worse, disputes often persist after wars.3.What is your favorite book or movie about war?How dose it affect you and your attitude toward war? My favorite movie about war is赤壁,from the movie I know that if a country is attacked,it has the right to fight.What’s more,to prepare for war is one of the best ways to preserve peace.1.What does aging mean?How old are people considered elderly? Aging is the natural process of growing old.It refers to a decline in all areas of a person’s mental and physical abilities.People over 65 years old are generally considered elderly or senior citizens.2.How should we treat old people? Old people are an asset of society.They are more experienced and responsible.But Old age is often accompanied by various kinds of illnesses such as heart disease, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.A typical sign of aging is forgetful-ness.So We should treat old people with respect, affection, patience, and kindness , take good care of them, especially when they are sick.3.What problems may people have as they grow old? Many elderly people suffer from varying degrees of memory loss.A typical sign of aging is forgetfulness, decline in vision and hearing and weakening of muscle strength.1.Why do some young people pick up smoking? Some young people may have picked up smoking out of curiosity.And some young people may have picked up smoking because they thought it was cool.2.How harmful is smoking to smokers? Smoking is harmful to one’s health.For example,smoking is known as a fatal cause of lung cancer.Smoking is also found to be related to other types of cancer.3.In what places has smoking already been banned? Are you in favor of this policy or not? Why? I think all public places should at least partially ban smoking.Besides,all public places should create a smoke-free area for non-smokers.4.What troubles can a smoker have if he works in a non-smoking environment? Once you become addicted to smoking, it will be hard to quit the habit.Whether a smoker can give up smoking or not depends on his will, his determination and the support of his friends and family.5.Is smoking also harmful to nonsmokers? In what way? Smoking is dangerous not only to the smokers themselves but also to the nonsmokers around them.Passive smoking can also cause lung cancer.1.What is the general attitude toward wealth in our society? Modern life is built around money.Money, whatever form it takes, is essential for buying goods and services.In a commercialized society, money ranks very high in people's value system.2.Do you think money can bring happiness? Why or why not? Money does not necessarily bring us happiness.It brings you medicine, but not health.Happiness does not depend on the amount of money you have.A happy man is one who is content, whether he is rich or poor.3.How is life different for the rich as compared with the not-so-rich? For the rich,good education,travel,luxury and security are all readily available.While the poor attain these with great difficulty,if at all.4.Do you think wealth is a source of happiness or a source of problem.For me,wealth is a source of happuness.As is known to all,modern life is built around money.Whatever form it takes, is essential for buying goods and services.1.What is memory? Memory can be defined as the capacity to keep information available for later use.2.What techniques do you use to help you remember things? Whether you can remember things well or not depends on the way you try to remember them.Don't try to memorize all the facts, but focus your attention on what you consider more important.It is impossible to concentrate if you are tense or nervous.Try to relax and you'll remember things.3.How can we improve our memory?

Memory is like a muscle---the more it is used, the better it gets.So if we want to improve our memory,try to use our memory to the utmost.Learning new skills could stimulate our brain.1.What is the purpose of an oral presentation?

Our performance in oral presentations will form an important part of the overall assessment of our work.We are often expected to give oral presentations to our classmates and teachers.2.How can we make our presentations more effective?

In giving an oral presentation, we should not only organize information and ideas coherently but also deliver the speech in a clear and vivid way.Using charts, photos and computer graphics can help us to get our message across.3.What is OHP and what are its functions?

The OHP is a device which projects enlarged images from transparencies onto a screen or a white wall.Using an overhead projector enables the audience to see the charts, diagrams and photos clearly.Using an overhead projector enables the audience to follow a presentation more easily.1)In what sense do you think we can regard the world we live in as One World? The world in which we live gives birth to the human race and nurtures the human race.Besides,Contacts between cultures promote understanding among peoples of the world.What’s more,With the rapid development of transportation means and the information technology the world is getting smaller and smaller.So we can say that........2)Do you think people in the world are largely similar? Why or why not? All human beings have the need to eat, to have shelter, and to work.They also need to love others and be loved.We, people of the world, are one big family, for together we exist, and together we try to make the world better for all.Although people in different countries have different traditions, they all seem to celebrate certain days such as New Year’s Day, Mother’s Day, Children’s Day, etc.3)What are the traditions of birthday celebrations in some Western countries? How do they differ from the Chinese ones? Cakes, lights, and candles are often associated with the celebration of a person’s birthday in many Western countries.In China, special noodles are served for lunch in honor of the birthday person.The noodles are extra long to symbolize longevity or a long life.1.What do cultural differences mean? People from different countries speak different languages, keep different value systems, and have different ways of looking at things.These differences are generally called cultural differences.3.What problems may be caused by our failure to recognize cultural differences? Failure to recognize cultural differences may cause many problems.On the one hand, those who are uninformed about cultural differences may have difficulty communicating with their business associates from other cultures.On the other hand, inability to recognize cultural differences can make mutual understanding difficult.A certain amount of small talk about the weather, family, and personal hobbies is expected before getting down to business with your foreign associates.4.How can we deal with cultural differences? There are many ways to deal with cultural differences.For example,we can avoid unintentionally offending others by learning the basic characteristics of other cultures.For instance, we may ask our foreign friends about their everyday customs or take time to explain certain common customs of our own culture to them.1.What kind of friends do you think are true/good friends? A good friend is a real friend, and a real friend is a friend for life.A friend is, as it were, a second self.First, a friend is one whom you can count on, trust and talk to.Second, a friend is someone who will listen to you when you talk about your problems or before whom you may think aloud.What is more, a friend is a person who will help you if you are in trouble.Just as the saying goes: A friend in need is a friend indeed.2.How do you make friends? We should make friends with those who are kind-hearted, compassionate, caring, honest and thoughtful, because they are sincere and reliable.So don’t try to win a friend with gifts only.The only way to have a friend is to be one.3.What is true friendship? Friendship involves affection and intimacy.Friendship is based on warmth, trust and shared experience.True friendship is a plant of slow growth, the value of which can stand the test of time.True friendship is like health, the value of which is seldom known until it is lost.4.How valuable is friendship in a person’s life? Life without friends is like life on a desert island, and life without friendship is not worth living.Sharing joy and sorrow is the way to show your deep friendship.If you tell your joy to your friend, your joy will double.And if you pour your sorrow to your friend, your sorrow will be reduced by half.5.How can we keep friendship alive? Sharing your joy and sorrow with your friends can nurture friendship and keep friendship alive;keeping your friends informed about yourself can improve friendship, and make friendship permanent;remembering important days in your friends’ lives can promote friendship and keep friendship fresh in our minds.



Are you kidding me? 跟我开玩笑啊?

Back in a moment!马上回来!

Come to the point!有话直说!

Do I have to? 我一定要做吗?

Don't count on me!别指望我!

Don't get me wrong!你搞错了!

Don't give me that!少来这套!

Don't let me down!别让我失望!

Don't over do it!别做过头了!

Get a move on!快点吧!

Give me a break!饶了我吧!

Great minds think alike!英雄所见略同!I cross my heart!我发誓是真的!

I just made it!我做到了!

I'll be right back!我马上回来!

I'll check it out!我去查查看!

I’ll see to it!我会留意的!

I’m in a hurry!我赶时间!

If I were you...=if I were in your shoes如果我是你。It’s no big deal!没什么大不了的!

It’s worth a try!值得一试!

Just wait and see!等着瞧!

Know what I mean? 明白我的意思吧?

None of your business!没你事!

So far, so good!还过得去!

Speaking of the devil!说曹操,曹操到!The walls have ears!隔墙有耳!

We better get going!最好马上就走!

What's on your mind? 你在想什么?

You are the boss!你是老大!

You asked for it!你自讨苦吃!

You have my word!我保证!



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