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1.trek through the jungle穿越丛林go trekking in the Amazon jungle穿越亚马逊丛林

the Amazon Jungle of Brazil巴西的亚马逊丛林 2.go on vacation 去度假 3.be stressed out 压力很大 =be under a lot of pressure

4.relax on the beach 在沙滩上休息 5.Niagara Falls

(北美洲)尼亚加拉大瀑布 6.some day(将来)

one day(过去/将来)某一天 7.somewhere warm/relaxing比较暖和/轻松的地方

8.consider doing sth.考虑做某事 9.the capital of France 法国首都 10.one of the liveliest cities最有活力的城市之一

11.fantastic sights迷人的景点 12.the Eiffel Tower(法国巴黎)埃菲尔铁塔 13.Notre Dame Cathedral(法国)巴黎圣母院 14.be convenient to do sth做某事很方便

15.take the underground train=take the subway乘地铁

16.in general 总的来说,大体上来说17.quite an expensive place=such an expensive place=so expensive a place消费相当高的一个地方 18.be supposed to do sth.理应/应该做某事

19.pack light/warm clothes打包轻便的/暖和的衣服 20.call sb.back 给某人回电话 21.go on a nature tour 自然之旅 22.have a great whale watch tour有一次很棒的鲸鱼秀之旅 23.depend on 决定于=It’s up to sb./sth.24.take a trip 旅游

25.in eastern China 在中国东部 26.provide sb with sth

=provide sth for sb.为某人提供某物=offer sth to sb=offer sb sth

27.outdoor activities 户外运动 28.save...by...通过...方式节省...29.travel spots 度假的好去处 30.Could you please...=Would you please...=Will you please...请你......好吗? 31.Let us

(请求对方允许,不包括对方在内)32.be away for three weeks=leave for three weeks离开三个星期

33.sail across the Pacific驾船横渡太平洋 34.ream of/about sth.dream of doing梦想,幻想,向往 35.thousands of

数以千计的,许许多多的 36.as soon as possible 尽快地 37.so that 以便

38.continue doing sth

=go on doing sth./ go on with sth.(继续做同一件事)continue to do sth

= go on to do sth(继续做另一件事)39.quite a few 相当多, 不少 40..according to 根据

41..be willing to do sth.乐意做某事 42.have similar hopes有着相似的梦想/希望 43.have a good education 受到好的教育

44.hold on to sth继续,坚持做某事 45.have a “winner’s” attitude拥有成功者的心态

46.take it easy从容,轻松,不紧张 47.translate …into… 把…翻译成… 48.A be similar to B


(sb.)be familiar with sth.某人对某事熟悉

(sth.)be familiar to sb某事对某人来说很熟悉



1.过去常常used to/be used to doing习惯于做/be used to do =be used for doing 被用于做2 对了。That’sright.3.be interested in对……感兴趣4 wait a minute.稍等5 on the swim team 在游泳队6 people sure change.人的确在变7 alone 单独强调数量lonely 孤独强调感情8 in front of 在……前面 in the front of在……前部(内部)9 be afraid of something/doing /be afraid to do sth./be terrified of 害怕10 do about 对……采取某种办法11.with the bedroom light on /off 让卧室的灯开着/关着12 with the door closed/open让门关着 13 in the dark在黑暗中 14 play the piano 弹钢琴15 play soccer踢足球16 walk to school/go to school on foot步行上学 17 all the time 一直18 so much +不可数名词/so many+可数名词复数 19 all day 一整天20 spend ….doing/on something花费时间 21 it takes sb.some time to do something 做某事话费某人多长时间22 pay for 付款、;赔偿/cost 物作主语23 不再no longer /not ….any longer时间上不再延长 /no more /not…any more 次数上不在增多24 in the past /last few years 再过去的几年中(用于现在完成时)25 in the past 在过去(用于过去时)26mind doing/one’s doing介意(某人)做27 move to 搬到……28 it seems that …..似乎29 change one’s life 改变某人的生活30 afford to do something能够做…… 31 take care of /look after 照顾32 as …as one can /possible 尽可能33 get into trouble with sb.与某人发生冲突34 be patient with sb./of sth.对……有耐心 35 give up doing 放弃做……(代词放中间)36 make a decision 下决心37 to one’s surprise令某人吃惊的是 /in surprise吃惊地38 even though 尽管/even if 39 take pride in /be proud of以……自豪 41 pay attention to +名词/代词/ving 注意……42 one of +形容词最高级+可数名词复数……之一43 waste one’s time浪费某人时间44be able to能;会 45 change one’s mind 改变主意46 join sb.加入到某人当中47make sb.Stressed out 使某人感到有压力 48 I used to be afraid of the dark.49--Did you use to be short ?—yes, I did /no, I didn’t

I didn’t used to be afraid of the tests.51 I go to sleep with the bedroom light on

My biggest problem is that I’m too busy.53 I really miss the old days.54 my life has changed a lot in the last few years.55 It seems that yu mei has changed a lot.56 It’s necessary for Martin to talk with his mother.It is +形容词+for sb.To do sth.57 How I’ve changed!

he is a 15-year-old boy.the boy is 15years old.他是一个15 岁的男孩。

第三篇:人教版 九年级英语 第九单元词组总结

Unit nine

sth be invented before… it's used for scooping it was invented by change the styles of shoes shoes with adjustable heels battery-operated slippers the most helpful invention light bulb

it would be better to do sth potato chips by mistake in the end 第九单元

…于…之前被发明 它被用来舀… 它是由…发明的 改变鞋子的风格 后跟可调的鞋子 电动拖鞋 最有用的发明 灯泡 ….会更好 土豆片 误做了某事 最后

guide the ball into the basket one end of the court move towards

throw the ball to each other it is believed that..became an Olympic event use the experience to do sth develop the game at home the popularity of basketball the number of players a sport for people to watch be important for sb

National Basketball Association 引导篮球进筐 场地的一端 向….方向运动 互相传球 人们相信…

成为一项奥运会项目 运用这些经验来做某事 在国内发展这项运动 篮球的普及性 运动员的数量

一项供人们观赏的运动 对某人来说很重要 全(美)国篮球协会 14 a chef called… 15 sprinkle lots of salt on… 16 by accident 17 not…untilbring sth to the western world 19 according to20 ancient Chinese legend 21 boil drinking water 22 over an open fire 23 fall into the water 24 remain there for sometime 25 produce a pleasant smell 26 decide to do sth 27 taste the hot mixture 28 in this way 29 flying disk 30 add salt

I prefer lemons to oranges 32 I like the sour taste 33 crispy cookies 34 they are easily broken 35 tennis racket 36 a very popular activity 37 everywhere you go

a much-loved and active sport 39 including China 40 be asked to do sth 41 play indoors 42 during the long winter 43 play on a hard wooden floor 44 the safety of the player 45 knock into sb 46 fall down

devide sb into two teams 48 the aim of sth

get a ball into the basket 50 metal hoop

shoot from below the basket

一个名叫…的厨师 在…上撒盐 偶然地 直到…才… 将…带到西方世界 根据… 古代中国神话 烧开水 在篝火上 落入水中

在…里面停留了一段时间 产生一种迷人的气味 决定去做某事 品尝这种热的混合物 这样 飞盘 加盐

我喜欢柠檬多于桔子 我喜欢这种酸味 催饼干 它们容易碎 网球拍

一种非常流行的运动 你去到的任何地方

一种深受喜爱的活泼的运动包括中国在内 被要求做某事 在室内玩 在漫长的冬季 在硬木地板上玩 运动员的安全 撞到某人 摔倒 将…分成两队 …的目标 让球进筐 金属圈 从篮下投球



1.How big are manatees?海牛多大? 2.10/ten feet long10英尺长 3.2/two meters tall两米高

4.weigh1000 pounds重1000在磅(How heave are the …)5.There used to be a lot of manatees.过去曾有许多海牛 6.be against/for doing sth/sth反对、赞成做某事 7.be suitable for对……适用

8.keep sth in tiny cages把某物保存在小笼子里 9.care for sb(them)关心、照顾他们10.endangered animals濒是临灭绝的动物 11.ride in cars坐车兜风 12.ride a bike骑自行车 13.the house of trash垃圾房

14.build/make sth out of /of/from sth由…建成的 15.be built/made out of/of/from sth被用….建成的 16.pull down推倒

17.be an inspiration to us对某人来说是个灵感

18.in her spare/free time在他的空闲时间

19.raise money for the Children’s Hospital为儿童医院募集钱 20.urge sb.to do sth强烈要求某人做某事

21.hear of =hear about听说23.hear from 收到…的来信 24.provide sth for sb =provide sb with sth 为某人提供某物 25.educate sb about sth 教育某人某事 不规则动词

1.burn burned burned2.prefer preferred/ preferredburntburnt

3.sink sanksunk4.trektrekkedtrekked 5.setsetset6.throw threwthrown 7.shoot shot shot8.riseroserisen 9.flee fledfled10.lendlentlent 11.shakeshookshaken12.stick stuckstuck 13.chopchopped chopped15.leadledled 14.lightlitlit16.feed fedfedlightedlighted

1.海牛多大? 2.10英尺长 3.两米高

4重1000在磅(How heave are the …)5.过去曾有许多海牛 6.反对、赞成做某事 7.对……适用

8.把某物保存在小笼子里 9.关心、照顾他们10.濒是临灭绝的动物 11.坐车兜风 12.骑自行车 13.垃圾房 14.由…建成的 15.被用….建成的 16.推倒


18.在他的空闲时间 19.为儿童医院募集钱 20.强烈要求某人做某事 21.听说23.收到…的来信 24.为某人提供某物 25.教育某人某事 不规则动词


2.prefer4.trek6.throw8.rise10.lend 12.stick 14.light 16.feed



1.制作香蕉奶昔make a banana milk shake2.扒三个香蕉peel three bananas

3.切三个西红柿 cut up three tomatoes 4.把香蕉和冰淇淋放入搅拌机中

put the bananas and ice cream into the blender5.把牛奶倒入搅拌机中pour the milk into the blender 6.两勺蜂蜜two teaspoons of honey7.一杯酸奶a cup of yogurt

8.把他们都混合起来mix it /them all up 9.打开搅拌机turn on the popper

10.把盐加入面条里add salt to the noodles 11.煮面条boil the noodles12.一片面包a slice of bread 13.三片鸭肉three slices of duck 14.将另一片面包放在顶部

put another slice of bread on the top15.一个超级火鸡三明治的食谱

a recipe for a great turkey sandwich16.看说明 read the instructions 17.检查答案check the answer 18.让我想一想let me think19.多少鸡肉how much chicken 20多少土豆 how many potatoes 21.一个洋葱an onion 句子

1.我们怎样制作水果沙拉? How do we make fruit salad? 2.--你们需要多少黄油?--三勺

--How much butter do you need ?----Three teaspoons of butter 3.--他需要多少西瓜?---两个

--How many watermelons does he need ?—He needs two.4.加入一些蜂蜜多然后把材料混合起来

add some honey and then mix up the ingredients

1.制作香蕉奶昔_________________________________________________ 2.扒三个香蕉___________________________________________________

3.切三个西红柿_____________________________________________________ 4.把香蕉和冰淇淋放入搅拌机中________________________________________ 5.把牛奶倒入搅拌机中_________________________________________________ 6.两勺蜂蜜___________________________________________________________ 7.一杯酸奶________________________________________________________ 8.把他们都混合起来__________________________________________________ 9.打开搅拌机______________________________________________________ 11.煮面条__________________________________________________________ 12.一片面包__________________________________________________________ 13.三片鸭肉_____________________________________________________________ 14.将另一片面包放在顶部________________________________________________ 15.一个超级火鸡三明治的食谱___________________________________________ 16.看说明____________________________________________________________ 17.检查答案___________________________________________________________ 18.让我想一想__________________________________________________________ 19.多少鸡肉___________________________________________________________ 20多少土豆____________________________________________________________ 21.一个洋葱__________________________________________________________ 句子


_____________________________________________________________________ 2.--你们需要多少黄油?--三勺

____________________________________________________________________ 3.--他们需要多少西瓜?---两个

______________________________________________________________________ 4.加入一些蜂蜜多然后把材料混合起来

______________________________________________________________________ 改错:




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