第一篇:本地01 武汉首条地铁线今天空载试运营2-js
记者:夏菲 杨德祥通讯员:郭文雅 实习生:高文茜周梦诗
【lead-in】 After 6 years of hard work and patient waiting, the Metro Group’s Second Line, the first subway line in Wuhan City, operated successfully during its final trial run.【记者现场出像】今天,我非常幸运的成为第一批搭乘武汉首条地铁的乘客,今天的体验从汉口火车站出发,将在不到20分钟内,穿越长江,抵达螃蟹岬站。
【gist】 Today, many reporters and officials were honored to be the first guests to travel on the new Wuhan subway.We started off from the Hankou Train Station and crossed the Yangtze River to finally arrive at the Optic Valley station, in under 50 minutes.Since the beginning of construction in November 2006, it has taken 6 years to finish this project.During this final trial operation, there were no public passengers as all the technical staff in charge of the operation, including management, maintenance and background technology monitors were in their final shakedown phase.The trial operations will last a further 3 months.The construction project is almost finished except for some of the passageways and escalators.But these works do not affect the trial operation.