
时间:2019-05-13 19:14:05下载本文作者:会员上传


Ladies and Gentlemen , Good evening!I’m very glad to stand here and give you a short speech.First of all, I want to introduce myself to everybody.My name is Ayiguli.As you see, I’m a Uyghur girl and I come from Xinjiang.In my life, there are many wonderful things.University days are the best part of them.I can never forget the days when I stepped into my university.I was impressed by its garden-like campus, its enthusiastic students and especially its learning atmosphere.I at once fell in love with it so that I hope sing a song to express my emotion.^Sing^

And then, I

Finally, I do hope everybody can try their best to become a worthy citizen of the country.I do hope everybody can become the backbone of our nation and make great contributions to society!

That’s all!Thank you.女士们,先生们,晚上好!我很荣幸能够站在这里并做个简短的演讲。





Thank you, people in University of South China

Good evening, ladies and gentlemen.I’m LiuTian, Contestant NO.1.I really hope this number will bring me good luck.What’s there to be grateful for? The first, I think, are my parents, because my parents are the first drop of my gratitude journey.However, I now focus most of my attention on are developing myself, wanting to live a simpler and more enjoyable life.I now find what there is to be grateful for.This has been very important in changing the way I see life and circumstances.So today I would like to speak loudly “Thank You, People in University of South China”.Maybe someone present can’t help wondering you choose the topic just because of your audience.Not exactly.Now, attention.It happened last semester, the first time I was far away from home to Heng Yang for study.Unlike other freshmen who filled with enthusiasm, on the contrary, I had had some bad experiences,because I was not sure what would happen next, good or bad? Failure or success? I was careful in doing everything,’ cause I do not want to bother anyone, especially, there are 26 girls in my class, only two boys.I thought it must quite difficult to get along well with anyone.In short, I met quite a lot so-called difficulties as a 17-year-old freshman.Depression,suspicion, frustration were full of my mind.But now, I’m pretty good, am I not?

Thank you, my family 115 and friends in USC, it is you, who reminded me of giving thanks for “negative” things in my life, problems can be seen as opportunities to grow, to be creative.I remembered what you

always said’ you can make it, I believe you ’, in fact, maybe, you yourself even didn’t know how the words you said pushed me forward.You

valued me so much.I'm grateful that I have a class at school that I really like and grateful for having such good friends.Thank you, my dear college teachers, you are the candle in my life lighting my future, each day the knowledge you taught in class was warm like the sun, helping me set goals and catch opportunities.Finally, I would like to say “Thank you, my opponents, or even the enemies”.It is you who led me out of confusion and made me more determined.It is all of you that made me understand that obstacles and challenges not only make me stronger, but force me to explore outside of the comfortable routine that I've settled into.Here, you give me the feeling of being home;here, you make me understand there is true affection everywhere;Here, you help me grow up, being independent.I am very lucky to have met you in my life, I thank all of you!That’s all.Thanks for your listening!


编号15姓名 孙阳

Self-confidence is the mother of success

Hi, this is SunYang, I come from the college of food science.I have always been an outgoing and curious person and enjoy many thing, in particular reading, swimming and playing basketball with my friends.Thought I have many interests, english is what I like the most.I want to keep on learning new things to improve myself and broaden my horizons.I am very greatful for the chance you give to me to speak about myself in this special occasion.I hope everybody has a good and productive time here.Today the speech I want to give you is Self-confidence is the mother of success

As is known to us all, a famous proverb says “failure is the motherof success”.Yes , it’s true.History informs us that stories of successare also stories of great failure.As a matter of fact.There are many factors that can contribute to a preson’s success in life.Today I will give you a new idea―self-confidence is the mother of success.Success is getting up one more time than you fall down.But when failures knocks you down.Will you have the confidence to get up?So self-confidence is essential to success.Self-confidence means the firm belief that you can do things well.It is believed to be the first secret of success.If you want to succeed in doing anything, you must have confidence in your abilities.and I

deeply aware that nothing can defeat a person who full of confidence.Self-confidence gives you light when you are in dark, and gives you encouragement when you are disappointed.It is self-confidence that inspires you to cope with any hard task.With self-confidence, you believe that you can and will succeed, and this gives you the courage to try new things.Some people find most of the things impossible, saying, “It is beyond my ability to do the task.” or “I am not fit for it.” these are only lame excuses.When our heart is void of self-confidence, every hope is gone, we will always living in the moments of fear and thoughtless.So ladies and gentlemen do you have it in you? If you think you don’t, boost up youself as your mind is your greatest mentor.If you have a goal to pass CET 4 and CET 6 college English exam easily with high marks, just believe in yourself.Yes you can

If you want to be a great man in the future and never let your parent down.Just believe in yourself.Yes you can

If you have a dream that conqur English to make China stronger.Just believe in youself.Yes you can.Thank you so much for your listening.


Attitude Matters Most

Napoleon once said He who doesn’t want to be a general isn’t a good soldier.So can I draw an analogy to say that he who doesn’t want to be an award winner in speech contest is not a good speaker? And what do you think about it? From my point of view, winning a reward is a wonderful thing indeed and I am longing for that too, but I cherish more the opportunities to be on stage and share my standpoints with you all.For such opportunities can help me learn a lot and get practiced even I may fail to win the prize.That’s why I am here and more importantly, it is my attitude toward this speech contest.I firmly believe that a good attitude is the first pace to success and attitude matters most.But what is attitude? It is our perspective,viewpoint or outlook.Attitude is how we view the people, the objectives, the lives, the everything.A right attitude is positive, active and optimistic leading a person to be in a good state of mind and therefore it plays an important role to one’s full development.Holding a right attitude is the precondition to be successfulbecause we are always doing something under the direction of our attitude, realise it or not.We all heard of this story: After a long distance of travel in desert, two persons found there was half bottle of water left, one man said oh God we have only half botttle of water left while the other one said oh thankgodness we still have half bottle of water.The first one is a typical pessimistic person because what he views is always beginning with bad things lacking of hope while the latter one is an optimistic person and he always find hope even in tough conditions.What makes their points different are the attitudes they hold.Attitude is optional.We have choices and we can choose how we think.In other words, we can alter our lives by altering our attitudes of mind.Sometimes I can complain for looking for a delicious dish on campus in vain, or I can be gratful that I can enjoy my hot supper in such a cold winterday after a whole day’s study.I can complain the faniancial embarassed condition of my family, or I can feel grateful to God for blessing me such a warm and harmonious family with loving parents and good siblings.I can complain the obstacles I encounter in my life, or I can consider them as indispensible part of life leading to final success.I consider that the worst part of life is waiting, because the process of waiting is lonely and boring and it is hard to see any hope.Or I can hold the view that life is so good to have someone worth waiting for, because this positive attitude makes me feel so lucky therefore my life is full of energy and hope.I am the master of myself, since I can make choices why don’t I choose the positive attitude?

Amy Tan, a famouse Chinese Amarican writer says if you can’t change your fate, then change your attitude.Other people may cast an influence on our attitudes, but they cannot control our attitudes.And we shall not let others dominate our attitudes.So be an optimitic and positive person and exert our endevors with perseverence and then success is not far from us.But don't forget to hold a right attitude because attitude is first and attitude matters most!

Today,I would like to begin with a story.Once,there was a fine 50-year-old gentleman who suddenly discovered he was gonna die in a short time.He got a serious sickness and there was no cure for it.At first ,he was so upset,depressed and angry,feeling he didn`t deserve to get this terrible disease.But then he realized that he really had only 2 choices:

Number 1: He could live the rest of his short life complaining and making life miserable for himself and his family.And then die an angry,bitter person full of hate.Or number 2: he could choose to enjoy and be thankful for the remaining health and strengh he still had,and make the most of each day by loving and helping his wife and kids.So when he died,he would know he had won and overcome this disease by not letting it ruin his heart and character.Ladies and gentlemen,if you were the dying man,which one would you choose?

The man chose for remaining years of his life to be happy and make his family happy.Every day,he ate lots of fresh vegetables and other food which did good to his health.Always keep optimistic attitude;keep physical exercises;live his life with his heart and soul.Guess what? Miracle happened,he didn`t die until he was

85.Amazing,right?It is the positive attitude saved his life.From the story,we can see that you can not choose what to happen,but you can choose to either let it make you bitter,or let it make you better.You know,there are somethings in life we simply can not change or control,like certain disease,laws,the weather.At the meanwhile,we can not control other people`s

attitude toward us,but we can always control our own attitude!And friends,what will matter most when we get to the end of our life is how much love or care we put into everything we did.It is the attitude that you choose change your life or your fate.Different attitudes lead to differet results.And I heard that there were three people,employed by a company on the same day.Having worked in the same company for years,received different wages.Why?It is their different attitudes toward their work that results in their different wages.People who take positive attitude towards their work will be rewarded more.Now,I am fully convinced that attitude means everything.A poor attitude can bring us nothing but failure while a good attitude can keep us going

further,especially when we face seemingly hopeless situations.Above all,as a young generation,we should try our best to keep a right and positive attitudes toward the studies and lives.Because in life,it is the attitude that matters most.Attitude Is What Counts

Attitude matters.That is the message that Canon,the world's leading optical company,sends to those who are interested in working for it.Attitude decides everything,said Huang Song,deputy-director of the Human Department of Canon(China)CO;LTD.Good attitude is a prerequisite.We have no special requirement for an applicant's education level,gender or age.Huang made the remarks while speaking with 21st Century last week and explaining their plans to recruit 100 new employees by the end of this year.The company is expanding its marketing network in China rapidly and expects to set up a dozen branches here by the end of the year.So,we need a lot of talented people Huang said,especially someone good at marketing and personnel training.But, first of all,he emphsized they want good attitude.Canon has high employee standards,Huang said,the favorite of them being someone with commitment professionalism,teamwork spirit and strong will.That's what they mean by good attitude.These qualities make employees work hard,and that usually mean success.Huang went on to explain:If a salesperson has a good attitude,he can easily make friends with others to win their trust.With high market sensitivity,good communication skills and strong will.he can easily successed.He says the company also does its best to help employees successed and sum up the corporate philosophy with Japanese word “kyosei”,or coexistence,meaning working and living together for the common interest.Canon(China)is tiying to create an easy atmosphere where employees enjoy their work,he said.Canon(China)has about 450 employees.Its plan is to have 550 by the end of the year and 1000 by the end of 2005.Of course,we pefer people with related majors of specialities but,as long as they're qualified,school background is not the most important criterion.Canon is of course looking for university grads,he added,nothing that his best advice was improve your English,which is their working language.He also had a word of advice about career plans:Don't reach for what is beyond your grasp.





Traditionand modernization are imcompatible.One must choose between them.(传统和现代是水火不容的。人们必须二选其一)。

Good evening ,Ladies and gentlemen,I am a member of the representative team of the law institute.It is my great honor to stand here again and give you a speech about the following statement:“Tradition and modernization are incompatible.One must choose between them.”

First of all, all of our team members really do not agree with the above statement.We can find the reasons from the intensions of the tradition and modernization that we do not agree with the person who come up with the idea.Personally I think, we not only can overcome the contradiction between tradition and modernization, but also can make a perfect combination between them and ultimately use them for the development of the society as well as ourselves.Secondly,I think, the intension of tradition is the excellent

tradition that is of great use to the development of modern society.We can inherit the fine traditions to improve ourselves and develop the society.Traditional festivals like the spring festival and the mid-autumn day are occasions for people to reunite regardless of the long distances between each other.;Thanks to the tradition, we can find ways to relax ourselves under the heavy societal pressure;Our society can incorporate many excellent factors from the tradition so that we can build our harmonious society smoothly;Thanks to the traditions, our society can develop smoothly and our country can keepourselves manner in communication with the foreigners.Thirdly, we think that we can combine the tradition and modernization perfectly as long as we have the right and wise methods to tackle the contradiction between the two.Do you agree with us? We sincerely hope thatyou can think the same as us so that we can communicate with each other and share our opinions with each other.At last,we want to restate our point, That is:We can combine the tradition and moderzination perfectly and make them ofgreat use to our society and other aspects.



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