MW Vocabulary Builder Unit 10

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第一篇:MW Vocabulary Builder Unit 10

Unit No 10

词根1 PUT

源于拉丁putare,意为想法,理念 to think, consider or believe

见于reputation,名声,how others think of you;deputy, 代理人,someone that is considered as the one who appointed him

disputatious adj.好争辩的.想法理念不同,所以会争辩。

impute vt.归罪于, 归咎于.源于拉丁imputare,原指give credit to.: to lay the responsibility or blame for often falsely or unjustly: to credit to a person or a cause: ATTRIBUTE

*our vices as well as our virtues have been imputed to bodily derangement — B.N.Cardozo*

putative adj.推定的, 假定的.通常指对广泛相信的事物的怀疑。: commonly accepted or supposed: assumed to exist or to have existed

reputed adj.挂名的, 号称的,常指 believed to be a certain way by popular opinion

to reckon up, think over, from re-+ putare to reckon

词根 2 LOG

源于希腊logos, 意为word, speech, reason

见于英语中以-logy或-logue结尾的词.–logy多指the study of, 比如biology, 生物学,anthropology,人类学.-logue 多指a type of discussion, dialogue是两个人的对话;epilogue,结尾,last words on a subject or a discussion

eulogy n.赞词, 颂词.大多是在葬礼上用。eu-是好的意思。夸活人,要用eulogize。

monologue n.独白 mono-是一个,一个人的discussion,就是独白。

neologism n.新语,新词 neo-是新的意思。可以是久词的新用法。-log在这是词的。

genealogy n.系谱, 家系, 宗谱。

词根 3 TERR

源于拉丁terra,意为大地,earth.拉丁词组Terra firma意为firm ground。

见于terrace, 倾斜的平地;法语中potato为pommes de terre,意思是地里的苹果;territory, 领地,领土。

parterre n.花坛,花圃:在坛和小路上形成某种式样的装饰性花园

subterranean adj.地下的: being, lying, or operating under the surface of the earth: existing or working in secret: HIDDEN*a subterranean network of criminals*

terrarium n.陆地动物饲养所,玻璃容器。

terrestrial adj.陆地的,地球的,世俗的a : of or relating to the earth or its inhabitants*terrestrial magnetism*b : mundane in scope or character: PROSAICa : of or relating to land as distinct from air or water*terrestrial transportation*b(1): living on or in or growing from land*terrestrial plants**terrestrial birds*(2): of or relating to terrestrial organisms*terrestrial habits*: belonging to the class of planets that are like the earth(as in density and silicate composition)*the terrestrial planets Mercury, Venus, and Mars*

extraterrestrial 指地球外的词根4 MAR


见于marine, 海的;submarine, 水下的,潜艇。

aquamarine n.绿玉, 碧绿色

marina n.A boat basin that has docks, moorings, supplies, and other facilities for small boats.小船停靠区

mariner n.水手

maritime adj.海上的, 海事的, 海运的, 海员的词根5 PATH


见于pathetic, 见到别人受苦,我们才可怜他们;Pathos,在英语里也有起同情、怜悯、敏感或悲伤的意思。

apathetic adj.缺乏兴趣的,漠然的empathy n.源于希腊的passion

The attribution of one's own feelings to an object.把对人感情寄托到一样东西上

pathology n.病理学

The scientific study of the nature of disease and its causes, processes, development, and consequences.sociopath n.反社会者


源于拉丁poena,意为penalty, 或源于punire, 意为punish。

见于penalty, 惩罚;repentance,悔改。

impunity n.exemption or freedom from punishment, harm, or loss

不受惩罚, 免罚, 无患

penal adj.: of, relating to, or involving punishment, penalties, or punitive institutions: liable to punishment*a penal offense*: used as a place of confinement and punishment*a penal colony*

属于、有关或规定由于违法处于刑罚的penance vt.使...以苦行赎罪, 自我惩罚

punitive adj.刑罚的, 惩罚性的民事诉讼有时有惩罚性赔偿punitive damages,一般数目很大。




maternity n.a : the quality or state of being a mother: MOTHERHOODb : the qualities of a mother: MOTHERLINESS: a hospital facility designed for the care of women before and during childbirth and for the care of newborn babies

maternity leave,产假

matriculate v.被录取入学, 源于matrix.matrix原指专门用来配种的雌性动物或植物,后来有list or register的意思。被学校录取就是上了录取的名单。alma mater,指母校, 拉丁语原指fostering mother.matrilineal adj.Relating to, based on, or tracing ancestral descent through the maternal line.母系的:有关、基于或通过母系线索来追溯子孙后代的patrilineal, 父系社会

matriarch, 女族长,女家长

metropolitan n.大都市。古希腊原指 mother city

词根8 MONI

源于拉丁monere,意为警告,批评,to warn or to scold.警告跟批评的性质差不多。admonish n.轻责,告诫:温和但诚挚地责备

monitory adj.训诫的monitor v.监控

premonition n.A presentiment of the future;a foreboding.对未来的不祥预感;预兆

A warning in advance;a forewarning.预先警告;事先警告


cereal n.谷类食品, 谷类

古罗马掌管粮食生长的女神叫Ceres.Junoesque adj.高贵优美的古希腊女神juno是jupiter的老婆,本身高贵优美

martial adj.军队的,古罗马的战神是Mars

Promethean adj.独创性的普罗米修斯是给人类偷来火种的Titan。后来又叫人们写字,耕地,建房,识别天气。Sisyphean adj.徒劳的,困难的西西弗斯是希腊神话中最聪明的人。他靠耍小聪明让神把他起死回生。后来众神发现了他的把戏,就把他打入地狱,让他天天把石头推到山顶,然后看着石头滚回来起点,再重新推过。titanic 这个就不用解释了吧?大家都看过Jack and Rose吧?

Triton海里的一个神,波塞冬和安菲特里特的儿子,被描绘成具有人的头、躯干和鱼的尾 vulcanize v.硫化,硬化,古罗马神话中的火神叫Vulcan.vulcanize来自于橡胶。1839, Charles Goodyear发明了一种可以使橡胶树脂硬化方法,他给这个方法取名为vulcanization.美国内战当时正在进行,北方的间谍,用这种新技术指称的气球穿越南方军队的防线去搜集情报。

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