Please welcome our hosts.汉:尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾,亲爱的同学们,大家下午好(合)!E: Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen,汉:欢迎来到….的结业典礼。
E: Welcome to the graduation ceremony of ………...汉:我是主持人XXX,欢迎大家今晚光临这里。
E: I’m ……..,your host for today.Thanks for being here tonight!
D :下面介绍来宾
T :Above all,now let us introduce our distinguished guests today.the Dean of the school of Foreign Languages, Professor Cui Dong, welcome.xxx总经理xxx先生,掌声欢迎!
The executive of the………., Mr.…, welcome!
The secretary of the………, Ms ……., welcome!
The director of the………, Mr…...welcome!
The director of the ………, Ms…...welcome!
L: 让我们再一次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位领导和老师的到来
T: Let’s warmly welcome again––the presence of the distinguished leaders and the honorable judges!
Ladies and gentlemen,please welcome xxx to give us the openning words.三、中间程序各个环节(我不知道你们都有什么环节,所以中间串词不知道怎么弄)
一、Now, show time is over.Thank you for all the players to give us the Super wonderful performance.二、That's all for today!Thank you for being co-oprotive.Enjoy your rest of the day
三、At last, we do hope you have enjoyed yourselves.And thanks again for your attendance!Goodbye!
Please welcome our hosts.D : 尊敬的各位领导,各位来宾,亲爱的同学们,大家下午好(合)!T : Good afternoon, ladies and gentlemen,D : 欢迎来到江汉大学第五届英语演讲比赛决赛的现场。
T:Welcome to the final of the 5th English speaking contest of Jianghan University.L : 本次大赛由江汉大学读者协会举办,从三月初到现在,经过层层筛选,八位选手从数百名选手中脱颖而出,来到我们决赛现场。
T : This contest is organized by the Readers Association of Jianghan University.8 prominent contestants have distinguished themselves in the preliminary and intermediate contests.G : 在此,我想说的是,你们每一位参赛选手都是优秀的,一路走来,还能够留在今天的舞台上更是了不起的,希望你们八位再接再厉,再创佳绩,同时给在场的各位带来一场更为精采感官性的饕餮大餐。
T : Tonight they will give us splendid show of English speaking.I believe it will be a feast for the ears of all the audiences.三、介绍嘉宾评委
D :下面介绍来宾
T :Now let us introduce our distinguished guests today.the Dean of the school of Foreign Languages, Professor Cui Dong, welcome.The executive of the Library of Jianghan University, Mr.Wu Xuesi, welcome!
The secretary of Youth League committee of Jianghan University, Ms Zhao Jing, welcome!The director of the Library of Jianghan University, Mr.Wang Jing, welcome!
The director of the Library of Jianghan University, Mr.Wang Jing, welcome!
The director of Students’ affairs office of school of education, Mr.Guo Huanquan, welcome!Last but not least, The adviser of Readers Association of Jianghan University, Ms zhang Hongyan.L : 下面介绍评委
T: And now our honorable judges, they are
The dean of the school of Foreign Languages, Professor Cui Dong, welcome!
Professor Chen Yue,welcome!
Ms Wei Lian from the library of Jianghan University,welcome!
Mr.Lynn from Rainbow Reading school,welcome!
Ms.Jill from Rainbow Reading school,welcome!
L: 让我们再一次以热烈的掌声欢迎各位领导和老师的到来
T: Let’s warmly welcome again––the presence of the distinguished leaders and the honorable judges!
Now I would like to introduce the rules for the contest
Today's competition has two phases: The first phase is a 5 minutes’ speech show, which composes 60% of the score.In this part, the contestants are supposed to make a 3 minutes’ impromptu speech according to the topics , and then they will answer the questions raised by our judges, and the time limit is 2 minutes.And the second phase is the role play of each contestant, which takes 40% of the final score.Every one of them will be given 5 minutes to display their role they selected beforehand.After the performance by the contestants, our judges will give fair judgment according to the comprehensive performance of each contestant.We will have one champion, two second prizes winners, three third prize and the rest contestants will get the Excellence Award.I wish all of them achieve a lot, and have good luck.五、有请外国语学院院长崔东致开场词
Ladies and gentlemen,please welcome Professor Cui Dong to give us the openning words.六、播放选手竞赛演说
Let's see the video of every contestants
The coolest ethnic
And now let’s start our contest.Ladies and gentlemen,let’s greet contestant number 1, *** from the school of ***.with our warm applause
Thank you for contestant No.1, now let’s welcome contestant No.2.Thank you for contestant No.2.Now, let’s welcome contestant No.3
as broad as the sea and sky
Here, ladies and gentlemen, I would like to announce the score of contestant No.1 is 86.6.Congratulations!
E:I am your host
F:I am your host,A:走过往昔,奋斗的汗水刚刚拭去
E:Walking through the past, the sweat of hard-working has just been wiped.Looking back on the trip, the smile of victory is spreading.F:Let’s hold on our hands today, to sing the praise of all the glory.Let's stay together, to create a better tomorrow.A:在这一年中,我们有欢笑,有泪水,有惊喜,有感动。。。E:In this year, there were laughter, tears, surprises, and impressions.B:在这一年中,我们全体员工奋力拼搏,在不寻常的一年里创造了不寻常的成绩。
F:(英语)In this year, after the hard work surrendered by the original metallurgical office, we have earned a notable achievement in this unusual year.C:辞旧迎新贺新春。新的一年给了我们新的希望,我们必将以激昂的斗志,饱满的热情,在各自岗位上谱写新的乐章!E:We get together here to memorize the old days in 2013 and welcome the new of 2014.The new year gives us new hope and we will fight for a greater development of our departments with our full courage, passion and enthusiasm.D:而今迈步从头越。我们将用永恒的信念,炽热的豪情为部门续写新的辉煌!
F:We are reaching the new starting point.Looking back on 2013 and looking forward to 2014, we will try our utmost to add a new glory to the department.A: 2014年新春团拜会
C:谢谢 总的祝福和勉励。我们坚信在即将到来的马年,同事们必将携手共进,马到成功,共同实现新的历史跨越!
D:听完了这么劲爆的歌曲,我们也应该做点游戏,活动活动。游戏:七拼八凑: 主持人开始宣读物品,相隔一定时间给队员准备,慢慢加快。采集物品来自日常的例如:眼镜、手表、皮带、袜子、口红、钱等,一定要有比较难的放在最后如药片、糖果、一毛钱
A:熟悉的旋律,演绎世代的激越,告别今天我将站在新的起点; E:The familiar melodies embody the spirit of this era.After today, I will stand at a new starting point.B:展望明天我们将用力奋斗,塑造更加壮美的画卷;
F:Tomorrow we will work hard and to create magnificent and beautiful future.C:我们用有力的臂膀让企业神采飞杨,我们用炽热的豪情,让凯歌嘹亮;
E:We let the company sparkling by using our strong arms, we let people to hear the song of victory by using our fiery passion.D:到这里我们的迎新会已接近尾声,但是我们永恒的主题是不变的,那就是用真诚与执著,勤奋与质朴,真情与汗水,书写冶金人自己的华章
F:Till now, our new year party is coming to an end, but the theme has never changed.That is the honesty and insistence, the hardworking and qualities, the true love and all the giving, which is
used to write our own chapters!
Dear the head of the kindergarten
思远、张维:亲爱的爸爸、妈妈、爷爷、奶奶、Dear Dad, Mom,Grandpa and Grandma.娇:可爱的老师小朋友们
Adorable teachers and kids
Good morning
The rosy clouds are slowly rising in the morning
娇娇: 最甜的彩梦做在六月
The sweet dreams are beginning to sprout in June
Stepping into June, we are coming to a colorful season.合:走进六月,就走进了童真的世界。
We are stepping into the world of purity.晶晶: 小朋友们,你们知道6月1日是什么节日吗?(六一儿童节)My little ladies and gentlemen, do you know what holiday is it today?
Yes!You are right!Today is Children’s Day, and is our own holiday!
Today we are going to celebrate our Children’s Day in a special way at this spectacularly verdant playground.合:现在.我宣布.《东湖洲.国际幼儿园.“庆六一”.幼儿早操.展示.暨.游园活动》.现在开始
Now I would like to declare that East Lakes International Kindergarten’s Celebration of Children’s Day is starting.晶晶:首先请运动员入场!
First, let’s give a warm welcome to the little athletes.晶晶:今天,我们所有的小朋友都是精神饱满、信心十足,希望你们能在快乐的游戏中度过一个难忘的六一儿童节!
Today all of you are so vigorous and confident.We believe you can have a very good time in the games and have a unforgettable Children’s Day.二:举行升旗仪式环节
晶晶:现在即将举行的是升旗仪式,Now is the ceremony of raising national flag.娇:请全体起立,升旗仪式现在开始
Please stand up, the ceremony now begins.思源:下面有请升旗手进场
Now please welcome the flag-bearers.娇:升国旗、奏国歌、行注目礼(请家长坐下)
Raising the national flag and playing the P.R.C.National Anthem.晶晶:请全体运动员向后转
All little athletes about fave!
Let’s give a warmest welcome to Head of the kindergarten to make an opening speech.娇:非常感谢钟园长对我们的祝福
Thanks very much to the best wishes of Miss Zhong.思源、张维:请小运动员代表讲话
Now please welcome the deputy of our little athletes to say something.三:各班艺术类表演活动开始
Now all the athletes please exit and next our artistic performances are starting.晶晶:首先请大家欣赏花花班小朋友给我们带来的表演《我真的很不错》掌声有请。。
The first to perform is the kids from Huahua Class.They will take with us “ I am really nice”.娇:好!非常感谢花花班的精彩表演。人人爱卫生、世界更漂亮!许多小朋友们爱玩,而我们最爱洗澡,接下来请欣赏苗苗班带来的表演《我爱洗澡》掌声有请。。
Great.Thanks to the wonderful show of Flowers Class.We all know that if everybody pays attention to hygiene and the world would become much cleaner.Some babies
like playing but we like having showers.So let’s welcome the next show “I love bathing” from Miaomiao Class.四:早操表演统一开始
晶晶: 非常感谢全体小朋友的精彩表演,我们也准备了很多好玩的游园活动,而且有丰富的奖品等着大家领取。
We are very happy watching these great shows from out little friend.And also we prepared a lot of games and prizes for you to get them.娇:现在请各班老师有秩序的带领小朋友回到班上休息十分钟,当音乐响起的时候,就请家长带领着自己的宝宝进行游园活动
Now let’s have a break for about ten minutes and all of you please follow your
teachers.By the way when music starts, parents can take your baby to have a visit at our beautiful kindergarten.Just have fun.六 :抽奖活动
晶晶:游园活动即将结束了,The kindergarten tour is about to end..娇:各位家长,现在是我们的抽奖活动时间,首先有请钟园给们抽出今天的四等奖。。。
Now it’s time to draw the winners.Let’s invite Miss Zhong to draw today’s Fourth Prize.晶晶:下面钟园长将抽出今天的三等奖……
Now is the Third Prize….娇:下面钟园长将抽出今天的二等奖……
Now is the Second Prize…
At last, we will reveal the First Prize
Here comes the most exciting moment, who will win the Grand Prize?
七 :结束
思源:六一的风是轻轻的,The breeze of June 1st is soft…
张维:六一的歌是甜甜的,The song of June 1st is sweet..晶晶:六一的祝福是深深的。
The wishes of June 1st is profound..娇:六一的小朋友是快乐的!
The children of June 1st are extremely happy…
At this day with love and happiness, we would like to repeat that blessing sentence..合:“祝所有的小朋友,天天快乐,身体健康,节日快乐!”
Best wishes to all the children.Happy Children’s Day..娇:东湖洲国际幼儿园“庆六一”幼儿早操展示暨游园活动到此结束
East Lakes International Kindergarten’s Celebration of Children’s Day is coming to the end.Thanks you for coming..
good afternoon, everyone.good afternoon.
welcome to the XX hit graduate level english speech final competition.to start with, we'd like to briefly introduce the whole process of the competition.from sep., 2300 graduates have participated in this competition, of those, more than 70 took part in the semi-final and today we have 10 outstanding speakers to compete in the final round.
at first, with great honor, we'd like to introduce the guests at present.they're...we are honored to have you here, and we hope you can enjoy yourselves today.
next, let me introduce the judges of today's contest.
they're...thank you for being a part of the competition.now, let's welcome professor...to give us the opening address.(address)
thank you professor...let me introduce the rules of today's contest.according to the performance of every contestant, 7 scores will be given by our 7 judges, the fullmark is 100.
the final score is the average excluding one of the highest and one of the lowest scores.
after the competition rules, let's meet our contestants, and welcome all of them to the stage now.each of you'll have 30 seconds to introduce yourself.
ok.all contestants have finished their introductions.(turn to contestants)
we all look forward to your wonderful performances, and we wish you the best of luck.now, the XX hit graduate level english speech final competition formally start.please welcome contestant no.1...(speech)
thank you c.n.1
judges, question please.(question)
judges, please show your scores.
let me announce, the scores of c.n.1 are...ok.let's welcome c.n.2...
question please.(question)
let me announce the final score of c.n.1 is...please give your scores.(score)
the scores of c.n.2 are...ok, let's welcome c.n.3...