
时间:2019-05-13 05:27:07下载本文作者:会员上传





Topic: Only government action can solve housing shortages in big cities.To what extent do you agree or disagree?



• 房屋商业化(commercialization of housing)最大的受害人是低收人家庭(unaffordable to low-income families), 对此,政府可以多建经济适用房(economical housing),并采取措施对房地产行业进行干预(government intervention);

• 住房购买力的缺口加大(the housing affordability gap widens),而且租金(rental rates)也在不断增加低收人家庭(low-income families)没有能力买房(unable to buy houses);

• 人口过多和过分拥挤造成住房紧缺(the direct result of overcrowding and overpopulation),因此 政府应通过划地政策(zoning policies)、城市发展(urban development)规划、住房补贴(housing allowance)等措施,对房地产进行调控。


• 住房分配体系(house allocation system)会严重降低私人投资的热情(dampen the enthusiasm of individuals in housing investment),房屋建设的投资少(a grave shortage in the investment in house construction),很难减轻住房压力(ease the housing pressure);房地产是一个大的产业,对经济发展有着重要的意义,提高家庭收人才是解决房屋问题的关键;

• 当市场占据主导地位(the fundamental role)时,建筑工程质量

(construction quality)、房屋的功能(functionalily)、房屋的质量(housing quality)都会有所提高。此时,政府对房屋市场的完全控制会导致单调的城市景观(monotonous cityscape, uniformity of house design),不能够满足城市居民对生活条件的高要求(comprehensive requirements on living



Housing shortage has become a serious urban social issue in many parts of the world.It has been argued that only when the government has taken actions, can demand for homes be fulfilled.Yet to the best of my knowledge, the government alone cannot cope well with housing shortages.One of the main objections to government intervention is that it would



















Topic: Some people argue that the government should spend money only on medical care and education but not on theatres or sport stadiums.Do you agree or disagree?


• 教育可以帮助人们摆脱贫穷(break the cycle of poverty);如果没有政府资助,穷人的孩子上 不起大学,那么他们可能代代贫穷(remain poor throughout their lifespan and even across generations.);

• 教育可以提高一个人的工作能力(improve productivity),从而提高一个国家的产出能力,对 国家的繁荣(prosperity)有着深远的影响(have

far-reaching effects);

• 完善的医疗健康服务(high quality and availability of health care)可以赢得人们对国家的忠诚度(win the loyalty),使人们愿意在一个国家生活和工作,以此留住有生产能力和技术的工作者(productive and skilled

workers);为残疾人、退休者及贫穷的人提供帮助(render assistance to the disabled, retired and disadvantaged);提高国民的健康(improve health);

• 体育设施和歌剧院有私人企业赞助(privately financed),而且大部分时间只符合少数人的兴趣。政府投资体育设施或者歌剧院的好处:

• 满足人们的精神需求(spiritual needs),丰富人们的文化生活(enrich one's cultural life),是一个城市文明的标志(a sign of a civilized city),范文:

Where public money goes is an issue of broad interest to the general public.Some people advocate that the government should fund the sectors that bring tangible and immediate benefits to the public, such as medical care and educational systems, while opponents suggest that those large urban developments, such as stadiums and theatres, are worth government funding.In my opinion, the possibility remains that the two opinions can be reconciled and the government can coordinate budgeting to meet the needs of both.Medical care is essential to the economic and social well-being of a country, particularly of an underdeveloped country.Both empirical knowledge and academic research suggest that making education available throughout a country and eliminating illiteracy can pave the way for economic development.By receiving education, children from impoverished




1、Nowadays, there is a trend that reports of media focus on problems and emergencies rather than positive developments.Some people think it is harmful to individuals and to society.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(近似命中11.7澳洲A类大作文)

2、Some people think that robots are very important to human’s future development.Others think that they are dangerous and have negative effects on society.Discuss both opinions and give your personal view.3、Do you think how important it is for people to want success in life ? Is ambition a positive or negative characteristic?

4、In modern world, it is no longer necessary to use animals for food or use animal products, for instance, clothing and medicines.To what extent do you agree or disagree? //Some people think it is necessary to use animals for testing medicines intended for human use.Others, however, think it is cruel to do that.Discuss both of these views and give you own opinion.//Some people think that it is acceptable to use animals for the benefit of humans.Others, however, believe that it is wrong to exploit animals for human purposes.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.5、Many people believe that teachers should take the responsibility for the students to judge what is right and wrong and behave well, others feel that teachers should only teach academic subjects.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(命中10.24北美A类大作文一字不差)

6、Students from rural areas often find it difficult to access university education.Some people think that universities should make it easier for them to access higher education.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(10.26新增)

6、Many people believe that the human society has developed into a throw-away society, which is filled with plastic bags and rubbish.What are the causes and solutions?(命中9.26国内A类原题变形)

6、The government money should be invested in teaching science rather than other subjects so as to help a country make progress and develop.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(9.28新增)

7、Some people think that the government should decide the subject for students to study in university.Others believe that students should be allowed to apply for the subject they prefer.Discuss both views and give your opinion.8、Nowadays,full-time university students tend to focus on their studying.Some people think it is essential for university students to be involved in other activities.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

9、There are many advertisements directed at children, such as snacks, toys and other goods.Parents argue that children are under pressure.Advertisers claim that the advertisements provide useful information.Discuss the both sides and give your own opinion.Some people think that advertising aimed at children should be banned.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(12.7更新)

10、The spread of multinational companies and resulting increase of globalization produces positive effects for everyone.To what extent to you agree or disagree?

11、Some people think that the main purpose of schools is to teach children to be a good citizen or worker rather than to benefit them as individuals.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

12、Nowadays, not enough students choose science subjects in university in many countries.What are the reasons for this problem? What are the effects on the society?

13、Most of the urgent problems can only be solved with international cooperation.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(命中10.8澳洲A类原题,一字不差)

13、As countries develop, their populations tend to live individually or in small family units.In your opinion, what is this cause and what are the effects on society.(10.12新增)

14、Some people think that social skills are as important as academic qualifications.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(几乎命中10.10北美A类原题,再次近似命中11.21国内A类大作文)

14、Some people believe that studying in a college or university is the best way for students to prepare for their future career.Others think they should leave school as soon as possible to develop their career through work experience.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(11.7国内A类考了读大学前找工作的利弊)

14、A long-distance flight consumes the same amount of fuel and causes the same amount of pollution as a car does in several years.Some people think that to reduce environmental problems, we should discourage non-essential flights, such as tourist air travel, instead of limiting the use of cars.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(11.23新增)

15、Advertising encourage people to buy in quantity rather than promoting its quality.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

16、Some teachers say students should be organized into groups to study.Others argue students should be made to study alone.What is your opinion?(命中10.31北美A类大作文原题,一字不差!)

18、In many countries, there are 24-hour TV programs.Is it a positive or negative development?

19、Some people say that governments should spend money on measures to save languages that are used by few speakers, while others believe it's a waste of financial resources.Discuss both views and give your opinion.20、In most countries,prison is an effective solution to the problem of crime.Some people think it is a more effective solution to provide education for those who violate the law.To what extent do you agree or disagree?//Some people think that all the lawbreakers should be taken into the prison, while others believe that there are better alternatives,(for example, doing some work or learning some skills in the community).Discuss both views and give your opinion.(9.3国内A类考了是否能通过措施防止犯罪,9.26香港A类考了罪犯是否应该在监狱里接受教育)

20、Anyone can post information on the Internet.Some people say most of what we read on the Internent is inaccurate.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(9.28新增)

21Individuals can do nothing to improve the environment.Only governments and large companies can make a difference.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this opinion?(10.10国内A类考了政府是否应该解决环境污染和住房问题)

22、Some people say watching TV is bad for children in all ways, others say it is good for children to get knowledge.Discuss both views and give your opinion.(将 watching TV替换为computer games便基本是10.24国内A类大作文原题)

23、Some children think that some subjects such as mathematics and philosophy are too difficult for them to study at school, so they should be made optional rather than compulsory.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

24、In countries where there is a high rate of unemployment, most pupils should be offered only primary education.There is no point in offering secondary education to those who have no hope of finding a job.To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?//A large number of young people are leaving shool and can not find a job.what problems will youth unemployment cause in individual and for society?what measures should be taken to reduce the level of unemployment among young people?

25、Some people think that men and women have different qualities.Therefore, some certain jobs are suitable for men and some jobs are suitable for women.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

26、More and more people want to buy famous brands with clothes, cars and other items.what are the reasons? Doyou think it is a positive or negative development?

27、Some people think that parents have a great influence on their children, others believe that the media is a bigger influence.Discuss both views and give your opinion.28、Advertising encourages in quantity not in quality.To what degree you agree or not agree?

29、Some people think that schools should select pupils according to their academic abilities, while others believe that it is better to have pupils with different abilities study together.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.30、In some countries, young people are not only richer but also safer and healthier than ever before.However, they are less happy.What do you think are the causes of this? What solutions can you suggest?//

Some people think personal happiness is directly related to economic success, while others believe this depends on other factors.Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.(基本命中11.14澳洲A类原题)

31、If a product is good and can meet people’s needs, people will buy it.Advertising in the media is no more than a form of entertainment.Do you agree or disagree?(11.16新增)

32、In the past, buildings often reflected the culture of a society but today all modern

buildings look alike and cities throughout the world are becoming increasingly similar.What do you think is the reason for this? And is it a good thing or a bad thing?

33、Every year several languages die out.This is not important because life will be easier if there are fewer languages in the world.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(11.23变更)

34、Governments should spend money on the repairs and maintenance of old buildings.Do you agree or disagree?

35、Governments should control the amount of violence in the media.To what extent do you agree or disagree?


1、Some people claim that public museums and art galleries will not be needed because people can see historical objects and works of art by using a computer.Do you agree or disagree with this opinion?

2、More and more companies are allowing employees to work at home.Do you think this is a positive or negative development?

3、Some animal species such as dinosaurs and dodos become extinct because of natural processes.So, it is not necessary to try and prevent this from happening.Do you agree or disagree?There are many extinct species in the world nowadays.Some people say we should protect these animals from dying out,while others say we should concentrate more on problems of human beings.Discuss both opinions and give your personal view.4、In many countries prices of airplane tickets have dropped.Is it positive or negative situation? Write about your personal experience or knowledge.Air travel is cheap these days, allowing ordinary people to travel further.Some people say that airfare should be increased because this leads to environmental problems.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.International travel is cheaper and more convenient than ever.Do the advantages of this outweigh the disadvantages?(12.7更新)

5、Nowadays the trend of human beings to copy from one another is shown in the popularity of fashion in clothes and other consumer goods.To what extend do you agree or disagree?

6、Many developing countries are currently expanding their tourist industries Why is this the case? Is it a positive development?

7、Nowadays many parents are sending their kids abroad to acquire good education.Discuss the advantages and the disadvantages of this trend.Give your own opinion.(9.19澳洲A类考了国际交换生的利弊,近似命中)

8、Team activities can teach more skills for life than those activities which are played alone.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(近似命中11.14国内A类A卷大作文)

8、More and more people are moving from rural areas to cities in search of a better life, but city life has its own problems.What are these problems? Suggest some solutions.(11.16新增)

9、In some countries boarding schools are getting more popular.Is it a positive or negative development? What are the reasons behind it?

10、In many cities, planners have separated schools, homes, shops, offices in specific areas which were widely separated from each other.Do you think advantages of this policy overweigh disadvantages to the city residents?

11、It is believed that secondary school children should study international news as one of their school subjects.Others think that this is a waste of valuable school time.Discuss both views and give your opinions.(命中9.26澳洲A类原题变形)

12、Some believe advertisement is useful and informative.Others think it is false and only helps to raise prices.Discuss both views and give your opinion.13、In multi-cultural societies, people of different cultural backgrounds live and work together.Do you think the advantages of multi-cultural societies outweigh the disadvantages?(12.7更新)

14、Some people think news has no connection to people's lives, so it is a waste of time to read the news on the newspaper and watch television news programs.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

15、Some people think the main benefit of international cooperation is in protection of the environment, while others think that the main benefit is in the world business.Discuss both views and give your opinion.Solving environmental problems should be responsibility of one international organization instead of state or national governments.Do you agree or disagree?(12.5欧洲考了个人和国家解决不了环境问题,是不是要国际上来解决?几乎命中原题!)

16、some people think male leaders always lead us to violence and conflict, but female leaders are better than male leaders to give us the better governed and more peaceful society.Do you agree or disagree?

17、Advertising industry has a huge influence on the society.Do you think positive effects of advertising outweigh negative effects?(几乎命中国内12.5雅思A类原题!)

17、Some people think traveling abroad is a valuable experience for young people.Othersthink it wastes too much time and expense.Discuss both views and give your opinion.(12.7更新)

18、Professional workers like doctors, nurses and teachers make a greater contribution to society and so should be paid more than sports and entertainment personalities.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

19、Some people think we should keep all the money we earn and not pay tax to the state.To what extent do you agree or disagree? 20、The number of people who watch foreign films is much more than people who watch local films, describ the reasons and should the government provide financial support to the local film industries?

21、Some people give more importance to artists(painter,writers, musicians)in the current age of rapidly developing technology and science.What do you think? Do people prefer arts to technology in your view?(10.31国内A类考了是否应该资助艺术家)

21、Many parents today do not spend enough time with their children.What are the causes of this? Suggest some solutions.(11.2新增)

22、Some people think parents should read or tell stories to their children, others say it is not important and can be replaced by watching TV and movies instead.Discuss both views and give your opinion.23、Competition versus cooperation and group work for students.Do the disadvantages outweigh the advantages?//Competitiveness is seen as a positive feature by manymodern societies.What impact does it have on an individual? Is it a positive or a negative quality?

24、More and more people are becoming seriously overweight.Some people say that the price increase of fattening foods will solve this problem.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(9.19国内考了素食主义,近似命中)

25、Most of the schools are planning to replace sports and exercise classes with more academic sessions.What is your opinion on this change? How is this change will affect children’s life in your view?

26、The exposure of international media such as films, TV and magazines has impacts on local culture.What do you think of the impacts have been? Do you agree that the advantages outweigh the disadvantages?

27、Nowadays, children play less with others and this has an impact on their development.What are the reasons for this? Does it have a good or a bad effect on children?

28、Consumers are faced with increasing numbers of advertisements from competing companies.To what extent do you think are consumers influenced by advertisements? What measures can be taken to protect them?

29、Some people think the foreign visitors should be charged more than the local visitors when they visit the cultural and historical attractions in another country.To what extent do you agree or disagree? 30、Since money for postgraduate research is limited, some people think financial support from the government should be only provided for scientific research rather

than the research for less useful subjects.To what extent do you agree or disagree?

31、We live in cities or towns which have museums displaying objects of artistic, historic and cultural value, but people do not visit them.How do you think people do not visit museums in their local areas? What is the importance of museums to the society?

32、Leisure is a growing industry.People no longer entertain themselves as they used to because the use of modern technology has made them less creative.Do you agree or disagree?(近似命中10.10澳洲A类原题)

33、Some people think that national teams and individual men and women should be financially supported by government.However others argue that national teams and individual men and women should be funded by non-government sources(business, companies).Discuss both of the views and give your own opinion.34、It’s better for students to study at university rather than study at home with their parents.Do you agree or disagree?

35、Lifestyles and culture in many countries is becoming similar,is it positive or negative?

36、In some countries,the parents expect children to spend long time in studying both in and after school and have less free time.Do you think it has positive or negative effects on children and the society?

37、Many people think the government of the country should decide which subjects the students should study, when others think students should be able to apply to the subject they preferred.Discuss both sides and give your own opinion.38、In many countries, average life expectancy has been increasing.What problems will this cause for individuals and for society as a whole? Suggest some solutions.(10.26新增)


34、Some people believe that the government spends too much money on developing space exploration technology.There are many others financial needs that the government should address instead.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(530北美A类考了太空探索影响人们的生活)

35、Many people believe that university students should pay tuition fees in full themselves, because they gain education for their own benefit and not for the society.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(命中澳洲613A类大作文原题一字不差)

1、Some people think planning future is a waste of time and people should focus on the present.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(命中430澳洲区A类大作文,430澳洲和国内大作文不一样)

1、Today, the qualities of life of people in big cities are worse.What are the causes of this problem? Any measures should be taken to solve it?(国内613A类考了由于城市交通和住房问题鼓励企业搬往郊区,与此题相通)

6、In some countries old people are highly valued, while in some cultures young people are highly valued.Discuss both views and give your opinion.(1.10A类考了年轻人和老年人谁当领导,4.11A类大作文考了老年人和年轻人竞争产生的问题和解决办法,6.18澳洲A类考了是否应该回归家庭和社区的老传统价值观,9.12澳洲A类大作文原题)

8、News media are important in modern society.Why are they so important? Are their influences generally positive or negative?(命中欧洲考区4.25A类大作文原题,一字不差)

9、In the future,there will be a higher proportion of older people than younger people.Is it a positive or negative development?//In many countries, the proportion of old people is steadily increasing.Does this have more positive or negative effects on the society?(命中8.1澳洲A类原题)

10、Some countries and individuals try to deal with the problem of animal extinction.Others think it is more important to deal with problems of human beings.Discuss both views and give your own opinion.(命中欧洲区4.18A类大作文原题,一字不差)

10、Some people believe that some unpaid community service should be a compulsory part of high school programmes(e.g.working in a charity, improving the relationship of neighbourhood or teaching sports to children)To what extent do you agree or disagree?(近似命中7.4国内A类大作文原题)30、With the increase in the use of mobile phones and computers, fewer people are writing letters.Some people think that the traditional skill of writing letters will disappear completely.To what extent do you agree or disagree? How important do you think is letter-writing?(3.28考了电脑和手机对青少年读写能力的影响,10.24欧洲A类考了越来越少的人手写)

12、Some people think the technology makes life complex, so we should make the life simpler without using the technology.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(2.7G类考了电脑对生活的利弊分析)

12、People aim to achieve the balance between their work and lives.But few people achieve it.What are the causes of the problems? How to overcome it?(命中321北美雅思A类大作文原题一字不差,9.3澳洲A类亦考了本题一字不差!)

12、As part of education ,students should spend a period of time studying and living in a different county to learn language and culture.Do you agree or disagree?(8.13国内A类考了如何提高对其他国家文化的理解)

14、Some people think that young people should follow traditions of their society, and others think young people should be free to behave as they will.Discuss both views and give your opinion.(6.18澳洲A类考了是否应该回归家庭和社区的老传统价值观,7.4澳洲A类考了老传统对现代年轻人生活的影响)

18、Some people believe that governments should make investment in building public libraries in every town, while others think it is a waste of money because we have access to information via Internet.Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.(7.11北美考了因为图书馆能提供书籍,所以人们不应该浪费有限的资金来提供昂贵的计算机媒体,命中原题变形)

19、Some people think developing countries should invite foreign companies to open

branches, offices and factories to promote their economies.Others say that they should keep the foreign companies out and depend more on their own local companies.Describe both views and give your opinion.(命中北美725A类大作文原题一字不差!)

25、Some people think that older school children should learn wide range subjects and develop knowledge, but other people think that they should only learn a small number of subjects in details.Discuss both views and give your opinion.(命中欧洲613A类大作文原题,10.8国内A类再中原题)

32、People can perform everyday tasks, such as shopping and banking as well as business transactions, without meeting other people face-to-face.What are the effects of this on an individual and the society as a whole?(近似命中澳洲723A类大作文)

28、In the last, lecture lectures were used as a way of teaching large numbers of student, but now with the development of technology for education, many people think there is no justification for attending lectures.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(命中530欧洲区A类大作文原题,一字不差!530澳洲A类考的是学校教学重要还是网络教学重要,近似命中。)

2、People continue to commit crimes even after being punished for it.Why do you think this happens? How can crime be stopped?(命中5.16澳洲A类加试大作文原题,一字不差)

4、Schools don’t give proper health education to young people.Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Give your own opinion and examples based on your experience.(命中430澳洲区G类大作文,430澳洲和国内大作文不一样)

6、Young people who commit serious crimes, such as a rubbery or a violent attack should be punished in the same way as adults.To what extent do you agree or disagree?(命中4.25雅思A类大作文原题,而且本题在4.24晚10点于哥的新浪微博@人人网雅思哥 作为突击题发布,6.18加试国内A类考的是青少年犯罪的原因和处罚)

13、In some countries young people at the age of eighteen are considered adults and can drive a car, vote and get married, while other countries don’t allow it.What age do you think is the best to be considered an adult? Give reasons and examples from your own knowledge and experience.(2.12A类考了是否认同提高年龄底限来让驾驶更安全,近似命中)

14、Some people believe that cell phones should be for personal use only;others, however, feel cell phones should be used mostly for work.Discuss both views and give your opinion.(2.14A类考了在某些特定区域禁止使用手机,近似命中,10.24澳洲A类再次考到本题,稍有变化)

16、Nowadays companies and other organizations are requiring their employees to wear a uniform.Think about jobs where uniform is important.What are the advantages and disadvantages of wearing a uniform?(命中澳洲723G类大作文原题,一字不差!)

17、Tourism brings benefits to a country but it also may have harmful effects.How can a country ensure that tourism benefits its development?(命中530国内雅思A类原题变形)

21、Television has had a significant influence on the culture of many societies.To what extent do you think it has positively or negatively affected cultural development?(4.11G类大作文电视是否让生活变得有趣,近似命中)

27、People are eating a variety of foods these days which encourages the flow of food from every corner of the world to a local supermarket.Do you think this is negative or positive development? Why?(命中8.8北美A类大作文原题变形)

29、Sports help to a greater extent to build peace in world.Do you agree or disagree? Give some examples and include relevant experiences in your response.(近似命中澳洲725A类大作文)





With the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention.Quite a few people hold the opinion that… On the other hand, there are also a majority of people who firmly take the view that… In this essay, I will attempt to present both sides of this argument in order to establish my position on this issue of / that…

Those people who strongly believe that… have cogent reasons for it.First of all, … Secondly, … Finally, …

People rarely reach an absolute consensus on such a controversial issue.The other side of the coin has voiced strong opposition, saying that… To begin with, … Next, … , Furthermore, … From what has been mentioned above, we may see that there is some truth in both arguments.Personally, I side with the latter opinion that…


With the increasingly rapid economic globalization and urbanization, more problems are brought to our attention.Quite a few people hold the opinion that… On the other hand, there are also a majority of people who firmly take the view that… There is probably a little bit of truth in both arguments.For my mart, I totally agree with the latter ones.There are numerous reasons why I hold this opinion, and I would explore a few of the most important ones here.In term of substantive level, the reason mentioned below seems to be advisable and deserve more consideration…

What is also worth noticing is that …

Finally, the incomparable advantage of this view is that …

Taking into account all these factors, we may reach the conclusion that …


In recent years, much more attention than ever before has been paid to… It is crucial that we analyze the causes of this disturbing issue and explore the effective solutions.From my own perspective, the causes are multiple.Some of the most common factors will be discussed below, followed by some responsible solutions.In terms of substantive level, the reason mentioned below seems to be advisable and deserve more consideration.…

There is a further more subtle point we must consider.…

What is more, …

Given the severity of this phenomena, we have no alternative but to take prompt steps to address this situation.The most important approach is that … In the second place, … In addition, …



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