2008-06-11 16:27:59
Third, comforting the affected population and coming them down.When the relief troops arrived in the disaster area, they carried banners reading “The party and the People’s soldiers will share will and wow with the people.” and the chanted slogan such as “victory will definitely belong the heroic Chinese people.” These not only boosted their own morale but helped to put the mind of the local people at ease.The General Political Department sent 71 psychologists and various units sent over 30 counseling teams to help the affected population recover from the disaster and helping them getting to more stable mood.杨庆堂:
Forth, they are full engaged in rehabilitation and reconstruction effects in the disaster area.As of yesterday, the soldiers all together cleared some 10 million cubic meters of rubble, they repaired over 10 thousand kilometers roads they helped set up over 267 thousand tents and they helped transport over 800 thousand tons of relief supplies.The relief troops also helped build 81 camp schools for the affected areas and helped 10 thousand and plus students to get back to school.2008-06-11 16:29:46
Fifth, maintaining the strickted of discipline.The relief troops and units facfully abided by the discipline laid down by the general political department.In the Yinxiu Township, for example, the local people saw that the relief officers and soldiers had to live on food rations for a few days in a road.Seeing this, the local people sent the few surviving pigs to the troops.But the officers and soldiers refuse to take the pigs.Then the locals slaughtered the pigs and again sent them.Not able to refuse this time, the officers and soldiers accepted them and paid for them.By now, our relief troops have retrieved hundreds of millions of Yuan in cash and larger amounts of valuable items.But all of these have returned to the owners or the local authorities.On the other hand, the Party committees, governments and people of the affected areas give strong support to the relief work of are officers and soldiers like backing the war days in particular the more than 50 thousand Militia men and reservists acted shoulder to shoulder with our soldiers creating a strong sinmerchy in overcoming the earthquake disaster.Thank you.2008-06-11 16:30:48
2008-06-11 16:34:05
Senior colonel Yang has just returned from the disaster area.That’s why he can give you such a comprehensive account of the efforts of the army of the five areas.土耳其世界通讯社记者:
您能不能告诉我们在抗震救灾行动中死亡或者受伤的解放军和武警官兵的人数? 2008-06-11 16:34:37
Would you please give us the exact figures about the dead or wounded soldiers or police officers during the rescue and relief so far? Thank you.马健:
2008-06-11 16:36:49
Five crew members on board of M-171, one transport helicopter were dead as the result of the crash.But other than that, we have no reports of death among the relief soldiers in Sichuan.And the leaders and leading officers such various levels laid down strickted instructions to insure the safety of the relief troops.But of course there are some reports of injuries among the relief troops.凤凰卫视记者:
I’m with Phoenix TV and I have two questions.1.We also been in the front line of the earthquake hit zones and we have seen many foreign media reports precing the Chinese military of the relief effort but we also read some comments saying the military is ill equipped.For example, it took the 11 days to find the missing helicopter.And they were also saying that the military does not have adequate number of planes and helicopters and many of the pilots become very exhausted after several day of non stopped work.What is your comment on that?
And my second question is this: the Chinese military received foreign military assistance in the relief efforts.It seems the first time they have done so.How would you comment on the cooperation you had with the foreign military defense team sent to China? And will you consider receiving similar help on the similar situations in the future.And the follow up question: did you quest foreign assistance or did those foreign troops offer to help you in the first place? 2008-06-11 16:38:58
Thank you for your interest armament development of the Chinese military.Let me answer your questions briefly as follow.The missing helicopter was M-171 and it was imported from Russia in 1993.It is equipped with automatic navigation systems and it was able to carry out operations on the complex circumstances.The crash happened all of a sudden when there was a suddenly strong turbulence and because of the difficult terrain and the topographical conditions on the ground.The Party Central Committee and Central Military Commission took the accident very seriously.And we try to search for the missing plane both in air and ground.And we employed traditional and high technologies and the military and the local authorities acted together in the search for the missing chopper.In terms of the technologist we employed, we use infrared remote sensing, satellite, synthetic aperture radar and radio positioning systems.2008-06-11 16:40:11
I think two reasons of contributed to the of time to took us to find the missing helicopter.One was the very complicated geographical conditions.There were very high mountains and dense forests.The area is almost inaccessible.On cannot get there on foot and helicopter could not have the place to land.And the second reason that of the contributed to the of time to find the missing chopper is because the many structures has collapsed in the earthquake.And many of them were made of metal, for example, there were power posts and wires.They were very similar to parts of the helicopter.And it very difficult and require time for us to decide the image of something is really the part of the helicopter.And after deciding that, we also need to send the people to visit the place on the ground.Sometime, this took two to three days.2008-06-11 16:42:25
关于我军大型运输机和直升机建设的问题。大家知道,这次我军共动用了近150架大型运输机、直升机,飞行4600余架次进行救灾,主要担负输送兵力和抗震救灾急需装备、后送受灾人员和投送救灾物资等任务。通过这次救灾行动,大型运输机、直升机地位日益凸显、作用越来越重要。我们将认真总结这次抗震救灾的经验,更加重视大型直升机、运输机和抗震救灾专用装备器材的建设,不断改善部队装备,切实增强遂行非战争军事行动的能力。You also asked about the large transport helicopters in the Chinese military.You probably know that almost 150 large helicopters were employed in the relief efforts and flew 4600 sorties.And they were used for transporting soldiers and the equipment and transferring the injured air lifting supplies.And from the relief operation, we can now see that the large transportation helicopters play increasing prominent role in a relief efforts.We will sum up our experiences of carrying out the relief operations, we will attach more importance to the develop of large transport helicopters and the development of special equipment and we will in the future be better able in
military tasks nonconflict situations.2008-06-11 16:44:02
The reception of foreign military assistance is also what marked the relief efforts this time from previous operations of the military.The following ministries have offered assistance including the United States, Russia, Belgium, the Republic of Korea, Serbia, Israel, Romania, Germany, Belle Russ, Ukraine, Singapore, Finland and the following two ministries provided cash donations from Vietnam and Mongolia.These general assistances and support showed the depth of good will of these militaries towards Chinese military and the effects that they place the interests of the people first.This was an evolutionary process in the years before the launch of the reform and opening up policy, our military are very cautions in receiving foreign assistance.But this time, we were positively receiving this foreign military assistance.This shows that after 30 years of reform and opening up, our military has become more open and confident.Thank you.2008-06-11 16:46:32
目前有十几万官兵在灾区已经有一个多月时间了,这对军队的后勤系统的保障能力是一个严峻考验,据说这次支援灾区还动用了战略储备。请问是否会影响军队的战备水平?谢谢。I’m with Wenhui Bao of Hong Kong
Now over a hundred thousand officers and soldiers have been battling aftermath the earthquake for a month.And this was a huge challenge to the sustained logistical support capability of the military.And it’s reported that in the relief efforts, even strategic reserves were used.My question is: Were this effect the preparedness of the armed forces?
2008-06-11 16:53:58
This is mean very important question and it is a key concern to the commanders and military units, because they want to provide a sustained and strong logistical support to the relief troops and to keep the troops in high morale.中国有一句古语,叫“兵马未动,粮草先行”。这次抗震救灾,在部队快速赶赴灾区的同时,各级后勤部门也在灾区建立了一套完善的后勤保障系统。这套系统包括救灾部队的队属后勤力量、成都军区战役后勤力量、总后勤部所属战略后勤力量。
There is an old saying China which is “before you deploy the troops and vehicle, you need to get food and other supplies in place.” In the relief efforts this time, while our troops were rushing to
the disaster areas, the logistical units and departments have also established a sound logistical support system in the disaster area.This included the tactical logistical support provided by the relief troops themselves, the battle ground logistical support by the Chengdu military command and the strategic logistical support provided by the general logistics department.依靠这套系统实施以战术后勤为基础的战略战役后勤支援的三级后勤保障,我们不但较好地保障了救灾部队自身持续保障问题,而且还力所能及为灾区群众提供服务保障。比如,为灾区群众每天提供七万份热饭,提供二十万人需要的饮用水,提供37000顶帐篷等在内的一大批救灾物资。
By the relying on the tactical logistical support, which was supplemented by the strategic battle ground logistical support system, we were not only meet the needs of the relief troops themselves but we were also able to provide logistical support to the affected populations.For example, we provide at the moment over 70 thousand hot meals to the local affected areas and populations, and we make sure that over the 200 thousand of the local population will have clean drinking water.We will also provide the large amount of supplies including 37 thousands tents to the affected populations.关于动用战略储备物资问题,这次抗震救灾的确动用了一部分战略储备物资。这部分物资主要是被装、给养、药品、帐篷等通用物资;武器装备器材、弹药、油料等作战物资的动用并不多。
We did use part of the reserves in our relief effort.And these are mainly general supplies including cloths, quilts, provisions, medicines and tents.And we hardly used any armament, militias or oil supplies.动用的物资呢主要来自成都军区掌握的战预储备,救灾部队掌握的战术储备,而总后勤部长官的战略储备,动用的比例也不高。
We mainly used the battle ground logistical support and the supplies of the Chengdu military command and the tactical logistical support of the relief troops.And we used very little of the strategic reserves controlled by the General Logistics Department.而且,按照“随耗随补”的原则,我们已经启动了应急生产,消耗的储备物资啊,将很快会恢复到原有的水平。谢谢。
And as those supplies were being used, we replenish them as soon as possible and with now organized production to make up for the used supplies.And I’m sure the supplies will soon be restored to the previous level.2008-06-11 16:54:39
2008-06-11 16:58:15
2008-06-11 16:59:42