The Romanticism and Realism in
The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Han Xu
Abstract: This paper mainly illustrates the realism and romanticism in the novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer written by Mark Twain through describing the background, plots, and the writer’s writing style.In the first part, the romanticism shown in this novel will be illustrated by three parts, outgoing characteristics and purely love, vivid language and sophisticated mind, interesting plot and uncommon life.In the second part, readers will see the realism reflected in this novel through the composing direction of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, and three aspects that affect Mark Twain’s composition, which includes the influence of his childhood, culture and society progress.The novel is filled with realism as well as the emotional expression of romanticism.It perfectly combines his artistic styles of realism and ideal romanticism.Key words: Mark Twain;the Adventures of Tom Sawyer;realism;ideal romanticism
This paper mainly illustrates the romanticism and realism in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain uses his humorous writing style to show us a living story of Tom Sawyer and his friends.In the novel, Mark Twain writes something about bourgeoisie’s vulgarity, conservatism and greed, taboos on bourgeois children’s education, and religion.And he also describes Tom and his friends’ pursuit of adventurous, romantic and happy life.The novel is filled with true life of realism as well as the emotional expression of romanticism.Realist authors opted for depictions of everyday and banal activities and experiences, instead of a romanticized or similarly stylized presentation.Romanticism found recurrent themes in the evocation or criticism of the past, the cult of “sensibility” with its emphasis on women and children, the heroic isolation of the artist or narrator, and respect for a new, wilder, untrammeled and “pure” nature.Romanticism also helps in the emergence of new ideas and in the process led to the emergence of positive voices that were beneficial for the marginalized sections of the society.In this novel, Mark Twain shows us the realism by illustrating the life people live in the small town, and satires bourgeoisie’s vulgarity and greed, the hypocrisy of the children’s education, the morality, and the religion.On the other hand, Mark Twain also states something about Tom and his fellows pursuing the legendary, adventurous, romantic, and happy life, to express the beautiful hope to life and dream.However, in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain combines the realism and romanticism together, which contributes to the total
composition style of the book.2.The romanticism in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
1.Outgoing characteristics and pure love
At the beginning of the novel, Tom is a mischievous child.When Tom’s adventures goes on, however, critical moments show Tom moving away from his childhood concerns and behaving just like a matured adult, making responsible decisions.Fro example, Tom’s testimony at Muff Potter’s trial, he prevents Becky from punishment, and his calm navigation out of the cave.By the end of the novel, Tom is persuading Huck into staying at the Widow Douglas’s, urging his friend to accept tight collars, Sunday school, and good table manners.He is a disobedient character breaking the adult order, but a defender of respectability and responsibility.In the end, growing up for Tom means stepping into the social custom and sacrificing the freedoms of childhood.Yet Tom’s development isn’t totally coherent.The novel jumps back and forth among several narrative lines: Tom’s general misbehaviors, which climaxes in the Jackson’s island adventure;his courtship of Becky, which culminates in his acceptance of blame of the book that she rips;and his struggle with Injun Joe, which ends with Tom and Huck’s discovery of treasure.Because of the picaresque, or episodic, nature of the plot, Tom’s character can be seen in consistent, as it varies depending upon his situation.Tom is a paradoxical figure in some respects, for example, he isn’t in the determinate age.Sometimes Tom shows the naïve of a smaller child, with his interests in make-believe and superstitions.On the other hand, Tom’s romantic interests in Becky and his fascination with Huck’s smoking and drinking, which seems more like the concerns of an adult
Whether or not a single course of development characterizes Tom’s adventures, a single character trait---Tom’s unflagging energy and thirst for adventure---propels the development of the novel.Disobedient though he may be, Tom ends up as St.Petersburg’s hero.2.Vivid language and sophisticated mind
As a writer, Twain starts with humorous style.While The Adventures of Tom Sawyer retains some of the fragmented, episodic qualities of Twain’s earlier working, the novel represents, in general, a significant literary departure for Twain.He tones down the large-scale social satire that characterized many of his early works, choosing instead to depict the sustained development of a single, central character.Mark Twain uses a happy style to describe the naïve words and mind of young Tom, build an imaginary, brave, free and happy boy.Mark Twain based The Adventures of Tom Sawyer largely on his personal memories of growing up in Hannibal.In the novel, nearly every figure in the novel comes from the young Twain’s village experience.In the book, Twain uses a humorous writing displaying
the innocent behaviors and words, manners and mind of young Tom, shapes a brave, imaginative, free and happy boy to readers.He cheats the tickets from his fellows just like an experienced businessman;he tries his best to get the admiration of Becky, and so forth.The author compares the innocence and freedom of the child to the vulgarity and conservation of the citizens, sharply expresses the boring and oppression of that time, satires the bourgeoisie’s greed and vacuity, exposes the stagnancy and backward of the American urban life.3.Interesting plot and uncommon life
Tom Sawyer, a plain American boy, lives with his younger brother Sid and Aunt Polly in St.Petersburg, a little town on the bank of the Mississippi River.Tom is not a obedient, demure, and sneaky boy.He dissatisfied with his school and the monotony of the little town.He is always on the alert to do some mischief.At school he disobeys the cruel and unjust teacher and busies himself with outside matters at the lessons.Tom’s best friend is Huck Finn, a boy cherished by his drunkard father, and looked upon as an outcast in the town.But Tom is not only engaged in mischief and tomfooleries.He has read many books and wants to make his life just as bright as it is depicted in the stories.He devises games in which the boys play the role of brave outlaws and warlike Red Indians who are the terror of the rich and the oppressors.One night, while testing their pluck in a grave-yard, the boys in voluntaries witness the murder of Dr.Robinson.An innocent man is charged with the crime.But on the day of trail Tom fearlessly exposes the criminal the Indian Joe who escape through an open window of the court-room.Fearing revenge and pursuit, the boys go through a lot of scares, but are lucky in all their enterprises.They sally out several times at night to dig for hidden treasures near a dilapidated house three miles from town.There they almost fall into the hand of the murderer who accidentally finds a box filled with gold coins.Shortly after the incident Tom goes to a picnic with a party of schoolmates.Exploring a cave, he gets lost with Becky.Tom behaves like a brave boy, clams Becky’s fears and finds the way out of the cave.In a few days’ time Tom and Huck return to the cave.They find the dead body of their pursuer, the Indian Joe, and the hidden treasures.Although the boys become rich, they still possessed with the idea of piracy.3.The realism in The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
1.The composing direction of The Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Mark Twain has plenty of social experiences, in the process of embracing the society, he is good at looking into people’s mind and thoughts, observing the society, and tasting his own life.In his composition, he is asked by himself to write with the tendency of realism, describe the real life and reality.He is a realist author at the beginning of his composition.While writing The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain integrates his own childhood experiences, merges his observation about the
world, attitude, cognition, ideality into the novel The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.And Twain satires the social superstition and school rules, criticizes the bourgeoisie children’s education, mocks the vulgarity, greed and conservation of the citizens, expresses the yearning for the happy, free, beautiful life of the common people in 1930s and 1940s.2.Two aspects which influence Mark Twain’s composition
2.1.The influence of his childhood
Mark Twain has a special childhood, which makes him step into the real life so early.Mark Twain was born on November 30, 1835,in Florida, Missouri in the United States.He is the sixth of seven children of his father, a country merchant John Marshall Clemens and mother Jane Lampton Clemens and only three of his siblings could survive into their adulthood.At age four, Mark along with his family, moves to a port town Hannibal, situated on the bank of world’s second largest river Mississippi.He spends his boyhood in nearby Hannibal, observing its busy life, fascinated by its romance, but chilled by the violence and bloodshed it bred.Twain is eleven years old when his lawyer father died.In order to help the family earn money, the young Twain begins working as a store clerk and a delivery boy.He also begins working as an apprentice working to learn a trade, then a compositor, a person who sets type, with local printers, contributing occasional small pieces to local newspapers.In 1853 Twain begins wandering as a journeyman printer to St.Louis, Missouri;Chicago, Illinois;New York, New York;and Philadelphia, Pennsylvania;settling briefly with his brother, Orion, in Iowa before setting out at twenty-two years old to make his fortune, he hopes, beside the lush banks of the Amazon River in South America.Instead, traveling down the Mississippi River, he becomes a steamboat river pilot until the outbreak of the Civil War, when Northern forces clashed with those of the South over slavery and secession.As a child, Mark Twain receives no formal schooling, but a keen learner, he widens his circle of knowledge by finding information in public libraries.It is his traveling to New Orleans in 1857, that he grew immensely fascinated with the steamboats and became an apprentice cub river pilot, earning his license in 1858.While working as a successful river pilot, he develops a huge attachment for the river, which would become a subject of his books in later life.He losses his brother named Henry in 1858 who is also working with him on the boat.2.2.The influence of culture
In his childhood, Mark Twain is attracted by the humorous writing stories written by the commons.Mark Twain gets the fanny story from his mother, father, brothers his schoolmates, even the story teller meet on the street by accident.In his teen age, in the southwest of the country there are lots of famous humorous writers,Mark Twain learns so many skills to write humorous stories.Mark Twain has read many books, which makes his full of knowledge, and he is interested in the realism works.He learns along with his life and reads lots of jokes and jestings, in the area of culture, he is a diligent student.Because of reading so many books and learning other scholars’ knowledge, he eventually builds Tom Sawyer, the typical image in the typical environment.2.3.The influence of society progress
Mark Twain experiences the revolution, which make him have the faith to face any difficulties.And he experiences the development of the western US.In his childhood, his family moves from the east of America to the west.He goes through his memorable childhood in Hannibal, and his teen life on the broad Mississippi river, and developing California.Based on his experiences, he could write a book named The Adventures of Mark Twain.The young Twain in his autobiography we see is the counterpart of Tom Sawyer in his book The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, who is innocent, naughty, pursuing freedom and justice.Or we can say that we can find Twain’s shadow in his childhood from Tom Sawyer, and the steadfast, just, adventurous, affirmative, and imaginative colonized spirit is combined with the social, economical life and the special history of the United States.Twain is a common person, and observes the beautiful hope of the common people with his alert perception, lively and truly shows us the spirit of that time by describing the behaviors and words.4.Conclusion:
Mark Twain’s masterpiece The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is traditionally regarded as a great work to criticize the stale social conventions.However, readers are liable to neglect the importance and necessity of social conventions.A deep analysis shows that they can be a criterion to establish and distinguish identities, an essential requirement for the social acceptance and an importance means to retain and arouse desires.And Mark Twain uses his own writing style to show us an interested and surprised child world.Everyone has an amazing childhood, and Mark Twain gives us a fantasy story with a child’s sight.In this book, we can see the innocence of the children.In The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, Mark Twain sharply satirizes urban petty bourgeoisie’s vulgarity, conservatism and greed, taboos on bourgeois children’s education, hypocrisy of bourgeois ethics and religion.And he also describes Tom and his fellows’ pursuit of legendary, adventurous, romantic and happy life.The novel is filled with true portrayal of realism as well as the emotional expression of romanticism.It perfectly combines his artistic styles of realism and ideal romanticism.Works Cited
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Brave boy: Tom sawyer Today, I was read the book which called “The Adventures of Tom Sawyer.” This story is about a clever boy called Tom Sawyer.今天,我读了一本叫做“汤姆索亚历险记”的书。这本书是关于一个叫做汤姆索亚的聪明的小男孩。
Tom Sawyer does not like school.He does not like work, and he never wants to get out of bed in the morning.But he likes swimming and fishing, and having adventures with his friends.And he has a lot of adventures.汤姆索亚不喜欢学校,他不喜欢工作,他从不想要在早上起床。但是他喜欢游泳和钓鱼,和他的伙伴们一起去探险。他有很多历险记。
But Tom’s adventures can be dangerous, too.One night in the graveyard he and Huck Finn see three men.Then Tom and his friends saw a murder.What can they do? Next they experienced an exciting adventure……
End of the story, Tom and Huck get a lot of money, they were the richest people in St Petersburg.故事的最后,汤姆和费恩得到了许多钱,他们成了圣彼得堡最富有的人。
I think Tom Sawyer is a brave boy.He always gives his friends courage in danger and he tries his best to help other people.我认为汤姆索亚是个勇敢的男孩。他总是在危险中给他的伙伴们勇气,他尽自己最大的努力去帮助别人。
Of course we know, Tom is a very naughty boy, and his aunt Polly is often angry with him.But I think he also is a good boy.He always can make other people happy.当然我们知道,汤姆是个非常顽皮的男孩,他经常惹波莉姨妈生气。但是我认为他也是个好男孩。他总是能够让别人快乐。
People always grow, besides height, body has grown stronger, and people’s thoughts are long.Your view on the world is different, sensible, and no longer childish.But people are getting better.Don't like the adventures of the ruthless villains, and his quest do bad, people see people hate.But at last he still Las Toman, got a starved to death in the cave.人总是会长大的,除了个儿长高了,身子强壮了以外,人的思想也在长。你对世界的看法不同了,懂事了,不再幼稚了。不过人是会越变越好的。千万不能像历险记里的那个心狠手辣的坏蛋卓伊一样,他坏事做尽,人见人恨。但最后他还是恶有恶报,得到了一个活活饿死在山洞里的下场。
After reading the “Adventures of Tom Sawyer,” I really envy Tom to have such an interesting experience.It seems this book with relish, and even sleepless nights.读完了“汤姆索亚历险记”,我真的很羡慕汤姆有一个这么有趣的经历。这本书看起来津津有味,甚至晚上睡不着。
In my heart, I respect Tom.Maybe he is a hero.And I think I should learn something from Tom Sawyer.在我的心里,我尊重汤姆。可能因为他是个英雄。我认为我应该从汤姆索亚哪里学到些什么。
Reading Impression of the Adventures of Tom Sawyer
Recently, I have read a very interesting book, the Adventures of Tom Sawyer.And the companion volume is the Adventures of Huckleberry Finn.This book described an American boy, Tom Sawyer’s fantastic adventure.The author of this novel is one of my favorite writers, Mark Twain, who was honored as “the literary giant” and was good at writing satirical novels.The reason that I enjoy Mark Twain’s composition is that he always brought me into a funny world by using very simple description but perfect writing skills and attractive story structures.Nevertheless, when I finished reading his words, I would think some deeper and serious things that he wanted to convey to us.The style of Mark Twain’s composition is humorous but actually very sharp, which exposed the weakness and the hypocrite of human nature and expressed his desiring for a perfect and ideal world.You don't know about me if you haven't read a book called the Adventures of Tom Sawyer.Mr.Mark Twain wrote the book and most of it is true.The heroin of this novel, Tom Sawyer, was a brave and active boy.But he got tired of his family, his school as well as the church.He was not satisfied with a hidebound life but dreamed of a free and venturesome life.This naughty but clever boy lost his parents since child.Thus he lived with his aunt who loved him very much.He always escaped from school, and played various games with his friends.He even fell in love with a girl and tried again and again to win her favor.One day, Tom and his friend Huck came across a murdering.An Indian Joe killed a doctor because of disagreement and imputed it to another partner Porter.The two young boys were extremely frightened and decided to keep the secret.But actually Tom was anxious all the time.After that, Tom had conflict with the girl, he leaved at home with Huck angrily and started their adventure.People in the town thought that they had died.When they held funeral for these boys, Tom and his friends appeared.Since then, Tom became hero in school, and reconciled with that girl.Soon, the court was about to judge that murder case.When everyone considered Porter as the murderer, Tom bravely exposed the true murderer Joe.But unfortunately, Joe ran away, so Tom was trapped into enormous anxiety.Once time, Tom met a partner of Joe in a haunted house.He heard that they would go to find treasure.Several days later, Tom went to a picnic with his friends.But he and the girl Becky got lost in a cave.They had suffered from hunger, thirsty, darkness and coldness for days in that cave.Worse still, they found that Indian Joe also in that cave.This time, all the town folk believed that they must have die.Especially Tom’ aunt and Thatcher were in deep sorrow.Beyond people’ expectation, Tom and Becky found the way, and was sent to their home by others.And because of this accident, the cave was sealed.When Tom heard that, he told the judge that Joe was still stay at that cave.When the judge fetched someone to check it, Joe had died in the cave.Then, Tom and Huck got into that cave again, and found the treasure that Joe and his partner were finding.Tom got a happy ending, he became a rich man and was popular in his town.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a clear reflection of the child's life is full of Children's novels.I have to say that clever Tom reminded me of my childhood.We
always lost something as we grow up and gradually got lost in our life.A child would not tell lies to other, a child would speak out their feelings without hesitation, a child would care too much about other’s opinions, and a child would bravely do what they wanted.Likewise, in that time, people were pretty reserve, and they did not dare to tell their own ideas, neither fight against the tradition.But Tom was brave.He challenged the tradition.He never restricted himself into school or homework like other child, he loved adventure and different challenges instead.He exposed the true murderer even though he might be dangerous.So the author Mark Twain designed a good ending for Tom.It was Mark Twain’s humor that attracted me most.But there was not only humor, people who read his books would learn something serious.He told us: tell the truth forever, such of words you need not record you to once say somewhat.Someone said that Mark Twain gave pleasure—real intellectual enjoyment to millions, and his work will continue to give such pleasure to millions yet to come.His humor was American, but he was nearly as much appreciated by Englishmen and people of other countries as by his own countrymen.He has made an enduring part of American literature.In a word, I gained much from this fantastic novel, and learned a lot from Tom Sawyer.And I believe that these harvests will have great effects on my whole life.
I believe that one of the factors that makes a piece of literature or even a movie a masterpiece is how well the reader can relate to the story.This is definitely a book everyone can relate to.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a literary masterpieces, written in 1876 by the famous author Mark Twain.Tom Sawyer is a mischievous young boy who lives in the small town on the Mississippi River called St.petersburg.The story line is simple, the book reads like a biography or a memoir of a summer in Tom Sawyer's life.Tom Sawyer seems to be the precursor of and the template for misfit kids such as Dennis the Menace, Malcolm in the Middle, and Calvin and Hobbs.What makes this story great is that Tom Sawyer represents everything that is great about childhood.The book is filled with Tom's adventures playing pirates and war with his friend Joe Harper.Tom has a trusted friend, Huck Finn, who few of the adults approve of.The book is filled with ideas of how the world works, such as how pirates and robbers work, that are so innocent, they could only come from a child.It is a story filled with action, adventure, ingenious ideas, love, and schoolyard politics.The whole story is seemingly a complication of what people did or wish they did during their childhood.The book is a little difficult to read at first.personally, it takes me a little while to get used to the 19th century dialect in the book.Other than referring to persons of African decent in derogatory terms(which I'm sure uses terms even young children already know), the book would be an enjoyable read for people of all ages.I highly recommend this book for anyone looking to feel young again, if just for a few hundred pages.
today, i was read the book which called “the adventures of tom sawyer.” this story is about a clever boy called tom sawyer.this book describes the nineteenth century, the mississippi river in a small town people's lives, it can be said at the time the united states are a microcosm of social life.small characters tom sawyer and his junior partner and seriously childish words and deeds can give us deep insight.they hate priests pack of lies, and do not like boring school of education and decently adults, and children a rival show.they smart and lively , integrity and courage, especially in some major events happened when, in a battle between justice and evil, in the moment of crisis comes, they will not hesitate to come forward.i think tom sawyer is a brave boy.he always gives his friends courage in danger and he tries his best to help other people.of course we know, tom is a very naughty boy, and his aunt polly is often angry with him.but i think he also is a good boy.he always can make other people happy.people always grow, besides height, body has grown stronger, and people’s thoughts are long.your view on the world is different, sensible, and no longer childish.but people are getting better.don't like the adventures of the ruthless villains, and his quest do bad, people see people hate.but at last he still las toman, got a starved to death in the cave.after reading the 'adventures of tom sawyer,' i really envy tom to have such an interesting experience.it seems this book with relish, and even sleepless nights.篇二:汤姆索亚历险记英文读后感
I believe that one of the factors that makes a piece of literature or even a movie a masterpiece is how well the reader can relate to the story.This is definitely a book everyone can relate to.The Adventures of Tom Sawyer is a literary masterpieces, written in 1876 by the famous author Mark Twain.Tom Sawyer is a mischievous young boy who lives in the small town on the Mississippi River called St.Petersburg.The story line is simple, the book reads like a biography or a memoir of a summer in Tom Sawyer's life.Tom Sawyer seems to be the precursor of and the template for misfit kids such as Dennis the Menace, Malcolm in the Middle, and Calvin and Hobbs.What makes this story great is that Tom Sawyer represents everything that is great about childhood.The book is filled with Tom's adventures playing pirates and war with his friend Joe Harper.Tom has a trusted friend, Huck Finn, who few of the adults approve of.The book is filled with ideas of how the world works, such as how pirates and robbers work, that are so innocent, they could only come from a child.It is a story filled with action, adventure, ingenious ideas, love, and schoolyard politics.The whole story is seemingly a complication of what people did or wish they did during their childhood.The book is a little difficult to read at first.Personally, it takes me a little while to get used to the 19th century dialect in the book.Other than referring to persons of African decent in derogatory terms(which I'm sure uses terms even young children already know),the book would be an enjoyable read for people of all ages.I highly recommend this book for anyone looking to feel young again, if just for a few hundred pages.篇三:汤姆索亚历险记英文读后感
The first impression that the boy Tom gave me was a naughty, mischievous boy, just as what Aunt Polly said.He never lacked the curiosity to explore new places, sometimes even risking his life, which I did not dare to!There were some great adventures of him with Huck or Joe.Huck was an orphan, and Joe was Tom’s classmate.Everybody in the small village knew Tom, mainly for Tom’s—you know kind of gallantry!
I should tell you the adventures.The origin of the attempt was that Tom and Huck was getting curious to the world of outside, and they made an effort to run-away.However, when they were in the graveyard, some people appeared.They were Injun Joe, Huck’s father, named Potter, and a doctor.Tom and Huck quickly hid behind the bush, and they saw them digging the coffins out, probably finding something valuable.They did not realize that what they witnessed was a murder!Tom and Huck were extremely afraid, and they ran away rapidly.On the court, Potter was being accused of the murderer;however, Tom declared that it was Injun Joe who used Potter’s knife to kill the young doctor.On hearing this, Injun Joe broke the glass and ran away!This scared everybody, and Tom’s brother, Sid, said that he always heard Tom mumbling something when he was asleep, and sometimes even shouting.Indeed, the accident was fluttering everybody in the town with fear.Before, Tom once fell in love with a girl called Lawrence.And he showed off in front of the girl, trying to win the girl’s heart, but Lawrence ignored Tom’s appearance, and it made Tom sad.At present, Tom went for another girl for Becky.Yet, when Becky knew that Tom once loved Lawrence(it was probably childish thoughts),she refused Tom.Tom got so depressed that he resolutely committed the second escape.He made contact with Huck and Joe that afternoon, about where to meet, the code words of meeting, and the route, and so on and so forth.Each of them brought some food, and Huck brought some pipes(remind that Huck had no real home, and I had no ideas where he got the things)。At midnight, they met at the place, and they took a raft down the river.After drifting for about several hours, they finally reached the destiny.There they lived for about several weeks, and while everybody thought they were drowned, they had a great time.They were no problems of food or water shortages.They promised to be a pirate, and would live there forever.If you were out from your relatives for a long time, wouldn’t you miss home? It was the same for those children.After several weeks, Joe felt that he missed home very much, and Tom could not seem to stop him.On this, Tom brought Joe and Huck his secret.On one night, when the rest of the boys fell asleep(of course they slept outside),Tom crept from the camp, and headed toward the town.He sneaked to his aunt’s room, and hid under the bed, while everybody-Mary(Tom’s sister),Sid, Aunt Polly and Joe Harper’s mother were having a meeting.There were a lot of tears, about how the boys were killed, and how they would treat the boys if they ever lived again, such things.Tom almost wanted to get out of the bed and hug Aunt Polly, but he couldn’t.At last, everybody went to sleep.Tom went out from the bed, and flew to the camp.That was the secret— that the boys will go to their own funeral!
While the boys were outside, all of the people in the town were discussing about the accidents.The town was immediately covered with a sense of doom.So the funeral was raised.Everybody wore a black suit, and they prayed something along with the priest.Just then, they saw somebody entering the gate, and what they saw was unbelievable.Three young souls came out from their coffins and showed up in front of everybody!The change of the atmosphere was imaginable.Aunt Polly, Joe Harper’s mother, Mary and Sid were astounded to find that Tom came so vivid in front of them, and so Tom and Joe became a hero in the school, even in the town.The real adventures of Tom were finding the treasures.