
时间:2019-05-13 21:36:12下载本文作者:会员上传


1.总结陈词:The world in which we live is constantly evolving.We are demanding more and more from our citizens than ever before and in order to live up to the demands of the world we need ahigher education upon which to base our skills and knowledge.The first reason that you should consider a university degree is the fact that it will substantially{ səbˈstænʃəli] increase your earning potential.If nothing else appeals to you, this is typically the one reason that most people return to school after years in the work place.1.moneyyou should be aware that you need to choose your major wisely if money is your sole motivation.Not all careers pay equally when compare to the education required to enter them.2.Insurance.This may seem like a strange term to use when discussing why you should get a university education but this is perhaps the best insurance you can find as far as employability goes.Having a university degree gives you a competitive edge over those who do not.In many cases you will find that education is beginning to trump:[trʌmp] experience as employers are seeking workers with more rounded skills rather than those with very specific skills.3.Employability.Believe it or not, those with degrees are much more employable than those that do not have them.There was a

time when the trend was to employ those who had experience over those who had education.That trend is rapidly evaporating as companies want employees that can fill multiple roles more and more often.4.Confidence.There is nothing quite like believing in yourself.Getting a four-year education is one way to build confidence not only on a personal level but also on a professional level.Whether or not you realize it, this is often the best reason for pursuing a university degree.This reason, as a matter of fact, will actually affect all of the other things I mentioned above.Therer is no doubt that education background plays an important role in our daily life.1.反驳工作经验在求职中很重要

People‘s Working experience needs education to pave the way for it.Without a diploma, you have no chance to work, so there would be no work experience.More and more companies demand for at least a college diploma.In addition, if you do not havehigher education,there will also be something you do not understand。

2.大学学不到什么 不如早点工作。---学不到是自己的事。

Students can not only learn knowledge,but also good learning ability, communication skills, and ability to survive.No matter how their future work career change, they can rapidly adapt to their working environment.we learn these seemingly “useless” to

learn to think/Observe / consider / analyze the problem.it is the biggest difference.For each student and the parents should first ask themselveswhether they only want a degree, the opportunity to become famous overnight, or to enter a four-year institutions of higher education learning and edified [ˌedifiˈkeiʃən].so it is your attitude towards education influence the education result but not college education itself.So no one can take college education for granted.3.大学生太普遍了 现在没什么竞争优势。

(1)you said..ordinary,but right here statistics show that Bachelor's degree covers only 3% of the popularity,so I don”tthink diploma is not important.(2)According to statistics, in china the number of applicantswho attend college entrance exam is about 10.1 million this year, the number of planned enrollment is 5.67 million, which reachs a new record.For most young people, though the

diploma can’t change their fate, but if you do not go to college, the opportunity to change the fate is even slimmer.We are in the age of the knowledge economy, we all know that though knowledge can’t change all our fate,but it would still have universal significance.4.教育体制有问题,不公正

As for educational equity, justice,and something about

education system.it is government that should pay attention to solve.the problem.and government attention in turn provesthat college education has more value.5.工作可以优先回报社会,兼职的问题

Go to society early so that we can contribute to the society ,but if we finish college education we will have more capable to achieve the best.“Work experience” is hard to match with the job in order to meet the needs of society, many of the students had to use study time or part-time to participate in social practice, in order to accumulate experience.They feel that even a short work experience, will also add your resume and exciting future stroke.Facts have proved that these part-time tutor or commodity promotion through the accumulation of “work experience”, only style and no substance, little consistent with the profession, and it is far from the employer requires of a “practical experience.6.举例子说比尔盖茨等伟人的成功,及大学生卖猪肉。

(1)比尔future is unpredictable, how do you know that Bill Gates won’t have a brighter future ,if he finished the study in Harvard? Do you know that it is during his junior year in

Harvard that Gates left Harvard and devoted his energy to creat in Microsoft? It means that till then he had almost finished the course in college.and himself said that Harvard helped him a lot!He just didn’t have the time and energy to finish the education ,but it

doesn’t mean that education has less value than working experience!However, minority of people can achieve this without higher education.Not every one can become gates,you know.(2)北大猪肉男Zhurou..but he succede!Sell better than those who do not have a college education.Only when tools handled by right person ,they can achieve maximum results.If you can't take good adventage of college education, it’s your own business ,but not the college education ‘ fault!


Simple example: cooking, every can do it more or less.But why some taste bad.Some delicious? Even if he felt learn nothing duiring the four years.when you work, you will feel that who have a college education are more potential than those who haven;t in some areas.If you want to climb to the top, you have to learn.One’s position is limited by his education


”Why do I need this?" is a common question when students are studying seemingly unrelated-but-required subjects in college.Only later will they realize the importance of well-rounded higher education in the formation of a well-educated individual, and therefore, a well-prepared and valuable employee.Many examples could be cited along these lines.Much of what the college-educated employee has studied has not been directly related to their field of work, but has helped enlarge the individual's horizons, promoting a broader and more enlightened view of life, and most importantly, a greater ability to think critically and make wise decisions using the critical thinking skills obtained in college.




Steps of an English debate

say your opinion

1.The first debater in pros speaks.(about 3 minutes)

2.The first debater in cons speaks.(about 3 minutes)

ask questions to each other

1.The third debater in cons asks.2.The first debater in pros answers, then asks.3.The first debater in cons answers,then asks.4.The second debater in pros answers, then asks.5.The second debater in cons answers, then asks.6.The third debater in pros answers, then asks.7.The third debater in cons answers.(30 seconds per people, all are 3 minutes)

sum up the questions and the answers

1.The second debater in pros.(1.5 minutes)

2.The second debater in cons.(1.5 minutes)

free debate

The pros speak first, then the cons speak.Pros and cons take turns to speak.(4 minutes per people)

sums up all the arguments

1.The fourth debater in cons speaks.2.The fourth debater in pros speaks.(4 minutes per people)


The rules of asking part

The speach of each debater should includes answer part and ask part.The answer should be clear and easy and the question also should be clear.(only one question each time)

The rules of free debate

1.Free debate should be around two teams.A debater in pros speaks first then a debater in cons speaks.Two teams take turns, until the time is up.2.The time that each team takes should be calculated the total time.When one team end the speaking, we begin to record the time of the other team.3.In the total time.It doesn't matter that how long and how many times a debater speak.4.If one of the teams uses out the time, the other team can give up speaking or keep on taking turns until the time is up.Giving up speaking cannot influence the score.During the debate, debaters cannot read the imformation that is prepared before.But they can show the summary of any newspaper or book.During the debate, debaters cannot leave sets.They also cannot stop the speaking of the other side debater or their side debater.




正反两方愈战愈勇,正当辩论会进行到高潮的时候,有位同学说了一句话:“有些人,即使你用善意的谎言欺骗他,他也会很愤怒,甚至会怨恨,所以还是不要说谎的好。”他一说完,我立刻站起来反驳他的话,“你刚才也说了是„有些人‟并不是所有的人啊,在本单元的《唯一的听众》这一课里老教授就是用善意的谎言帮助„我‟,如果„我‟像那一位所说的那样记恨老教授的话,小提琴为什么会成为„我‟无法割舍的爱好;„我‟为什么能望不了那位„耳聋‟的老人?” 正方也不甘示弱,说:“庄子说过„不精不诚,不能动人‟。人要讲诚信,诚信是中华民族的美德。”顿时,掌声四起,如雷鸣一般。


老师语重心长地说:“ 诚信是美德, 是大前提, 社会应该弘扬诚信,时时讲诚信,事事讲诚信,做到诚信从我做起,从身边的每一个人做起,不论大小长幼,进而形成良好的诚信环境,营造强有力的诚信氛围,诚信很重要,但是有些场合还是需要善意的谎言。"辩论会结束了。我感觉生活中既需要诚信,也需要善意的谎言























第一分钟结束时--举牌提示,第四分钟结束时--举牌提示,第五分钟结束时---举牌提示 注意事项: 在提示牌提示结束后,有20秒宽限期,发言者必须在此期间内完成自己的发言,如果超过宽限期,则扣分.如果发言者发言时间远远少于规定时间,则评委会将此看作没有充分展开自己的观点而给发言者扣分.在前1-4环节中,对方可以根据发言者正在申诉的论点提出本方的观点(point of information,简称为POI)提问者提出POI的注意事项: 1)POI要简短,切题,机智。严禁针对比赛规则和个人提出问题; 2)提出POI时要从座位上起立,并举手示意.提问者可以用类似on that point,Sir/Madam的话引起发言者的注意;



5)POI只能在前四个环节中提出,最后两个环节不能提出,前四个环节内第一分钟和最后一分钟内不可以提出POI; 6)发言者如果接受POI,那么就应针对提问并围绕自己的发言回答问题; 7)除非要提出POI,否则没有轮到发言的辩手不得在别人发言时起立。如果辩手违反规则提问或有扰乱正常比赛的行为,那么此选手将被主持人宣布犯规; 8)评价POI的提出是否得当,应该看它对正反两方接下来的辩论的影响如何; 9)发言者在发言时须至少接受2次POI,提问者至少要站起4次示意提POI。辩手若没有抓住机会提POI或者在发言中没有接受POI,评委可酌情扣分;




1)内容:观点陈述明确,有条理,论点和论据内容是否正确、充实,引用资料和实例是否恰当。30% 2)技巧:语言连贯,反应迅速,辩手语言是否流畅,说理、分析是否透彻,反驳和应变能力是否强,说服力和逻辑性是否强。20% 3)各队在POI环节中的识辩能力、说明能力和逻辑性是否强,接句是否合适,回答是否中肯,反驱是否有力、有理,反应是否机敏,用语是否得体。20% 4)遵守比赛规则,准确把握时间。10% 5)形象气质:仪表,着装整齐辩手的表情、动作是否恰当,是否有风度及幽默感。10% 6)团队合作:全队各辩手的论点是否一致,结构是否完整,队员之间的配合、合作是否默契。10%

Steps of an English debate say your opinion 1.The first debater in pros speaks.(about 3 minutes)2.The first debater in cons speaks.(about 3 minutes)

ask questions to each other 1.The third debater in cons asks.2.The first debater in pros answers, then asks.3.The first debater in cons answers,then asks.4.The second debater in pros answers, then asks.5.The second debater in cons answers, then asks.6.The third debater in pros answers, then asks.7.The third debater in cons answers.(30 seconds per people, all are 3 minutes)

sum up the questions and the answers 1.The second debater in pros.(1.5 minutes)2.The second debater in cons.(1.5 minutes)

free debate The pros speak first, then the cons speak.Pros and cons take turns to speak.(4 minutes per people)

sums up all the arguments 1.The fourth debater in cons speaks.2.The fourth debater in pros speaks.(4 minutes per people)

Rules The rules of asking part The speach of each debater should includes answer part and ask part.The answer should be clear and easy and the question also should be clear.(only one question each time)

The rules of free debate 1.Free debate should be around two teams.A debater in pros speaks first then a debater in cons speaks.Two teams take turns, until the time is up.2.The time that each team takes should be calculated the total time.When one team end the speaking, we begin to record the time of the other team.3.In the total time.It doesn't matter that how long and how many times a debater speak.4.If one of the teams uses out the time, the other team can give up speaking or keep on taking turns until the time is up.Giving up speaking cannot influence the score.During the debate, debaters cannot read the imformation that is prepared before.But they can show the summary of any newspaper or book.During the debate, debaters cannot leave sets.They also cannot stop the speaking of the other side debater or their side debater.


蚌埠学院 大学生英文辩论赛




























1.主持人自我介绍及比赛程序 2.主持人介绍评委、参赛队及其所持立场,参赛人员由正方开始,各个参赛队员依次进行自我介绍 3.主持人宣布比赛开始,比赛正式进行

4.比赛结束,请评委代表点评本场辩论赛,并评出双方得分,主持人宣布比赛结果 5.赛后相关人员清洁教室




2.反方一辩针对正方一辩进行盘问,时间一分钟三十秒 3.反方一辩发言,时间为三分钟

4.正方一辩针对反方一辩进行盘问,时间一分钟三十秒 5.正、反方二辩发言,时间各两分钟; 6.正、反方二辩进行盘问,时间为一分三十秒 7.正、反方三辩进行盘问,时间为一分三十秒 8.自由辩论,时间各四分钟 9.反方四辩总结陈词,时间为四分钟 10.正方四辩总结陈词,时间为四分钟; 11.评委提问








(1)陈词流畅,说理透彻,用语得体 10分(2)反驳有利,反应机敏,幽默风趣 10分(3)台风与辩风 10分(4)口语 20分







2.选手不按时到场: 比赛前20分钟查看选手到达情况,如未到达及时通知





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