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Take China as Your Partner

--Speech of Mrs Fu Ying, Vice minister of Foreign Affairs, at the diner of World Policy Conference

Marrakech,16 October 2010


Mme.AminaBenkhadra,Mr.Thierry de Montbrial,Distinguished Guests,Ladies and Gentlemen,很高兴应德蒙布里亚尔先生邀请,来参加第三届世界政策会议并发表演讲。

It's an honor and pleasure for me speak at this occasion.I want to thank Thierry who came all the way to China in summer, to convince me with a sincere invitation.Arriving today, I found there can't be a better choice of venue for the World Policy Conference than this mesmerizing city of Marrakech.最近,关于中国的议论不少,当中国第二季度GDP数据公布时,媒体开始称中国为世界第二经济大国,简称E2。Earlier in the year, when China's second quarter GDP figure came out, the media started calling China the No.2 economy in the world, namely E2.尽管季度GDP数据不足以成为经济分析的基础,但仍有许多人据此开始讨论中国的崛起以及对世界的重要影响。对中国的政治期待也与日俱增。

Though quarterly GDP normally is not a sufficient basis for economic analysis, it did not stop many from talking about a rising China and its significance to the world.The expectation is also high.那么我们中国人自己怎么看呢?中国很有影响的《环球时报》民调显示,78%的受访者认为中国仍是发展中国家。更有意思的是,多数中国人觉得说中国已经世界第二是一种“忽悠”。

Then, what's the view of the Chinese people? The Global Times, a popular newspaper in China, had a survey and found that 78% of those who responded insisted that China was still a developing country.More interestingly, when asked about E2, many Chinese thought it was a plot to big up China.如果你是一名中国人,并留意外界特别是发达国家对中国的看法和观点,你会感到非常困惑。对中国的评价和期待往往从一个极端到另一极端,落差很大。

If you were a Chinese and you follow the views and comments about China, especially in the developed world, you would likely be totally confused.Comments and expectations swing from one extreme end to the other, back and forth.一会儿有人说中国应拯救世界,一会儿又有人说中国是所有的麻烦之源。

One day China is expected to save the world, the next China is said to have caused all the troubles.一些国家无法停止过度消费,却指责中国人有储蓄的“坏习惯”。

Some countries can't stop overspending, and then the Chinese people are blamed for having the “bad habit” of saving.一日中国是一个崛起的大国,又一日中国必为即将崩溃的“纸龙”。

One day China is a rising power, and the next day China becomes a paper dragon on the verge of breaking apart.我在罗马的时候听人说,中国游客推高了奢侈品价格。的确,在当今世界,中国买什么,什么东西就会涨价,中国卖什么,什么就会降价。

I was in Rome shopping and was told that the Chinese tourists had pushed up the prices of luxury goods.Indeed, in today's world, whatever China buys, the price goes up and whatever China sells, the price comes down.在来这里的飞机上,我读到一则新闻,上面提到许多报纸刊登文章鼓吹中国是威胁,其中很多是美国的报纸。用《纽


On the airplane coming here, I was reading a news story about many newspapers carrying articles about how menacing China is, many of them American newspapers.To quote from the New York Times, China has become the scapegoat for all problems on earth.中国的确是一个非常容易找的替罪羊。因为,尽管这些国家的媒体高举言论自由的神圣大旗,但他们对向本国读者介绍中国看法的兴趣索然。中国民众的讨论也很难通达西方公众。

Yes, China must have been a very convenient scapegoat.Because, in spite of the sacred principle of freedom of speech, there is little interest among the media in those countries in informing their public the views from in China.The discussions among the Chinese public seldom find their way to the western public.这样一来,鉴于他们的人民不明故里,许多西方政客就可以随心所欲地谈论中国,而不必担心会受到老百姓的评判,更不用说在乎中国老百姓的意见了。

So, many politicians in the west may develop just about any view about China without the need to be judged by a well-informed public, even less the judgment of the Chinese public.这大概不是在座的各位在这个有着美酒与佳肴的晚宴上所期待的致辞。但我在飞机上对自己的讲稿做了些调整,因为我想让大家知道,我对近来中西方之间这种类似冷战的气氛有些担心。

Well, this may not be the kind of dinner speech you would expect with good food and nice wine.But I made changes to my nicer speech on the plane, because I want to share with you my concern of the current atmosphere between China and the west almost reminiscent of the Cold War.我认为当前最主要的问题是在理解方面存在的逆差。因此我想谈谈关于正确认识中国的两个特别重要的因素。

I feel probably the deficit in understanding is the key issue at this moment.So I would like to talk about two points that I think are essential to understanding China.第一点,永远不要忘记人的因素。中国不是一个符号,也不是GDP数据。这个国家有着13亿人口,有1.4亿在校学生,每年新增就业人口2000多万,其中包括600万大学毕业生。中国的残疾人就高达8000多万。中国正经历着快速的城市化,但一半以上的人口仍是农民。

First and most importantly, one should always keep in mind the people dimension.China is not just a symbol, or a GDP figure.It is a country that provides for 1.3 billion people, with 140 million students in schools and universities, over 20 million new job seekers every year including 6 million college graduates.The disabled community is as big as over 80 million people.It is quickly urbanizing and yet half the population is still rural.在人均收入10倍于中国的国家里,医疗和教育也许早已不再是人权活动者关心的事情,但对于中国而言,满足大多数人的基本生活需求仍然是最主要的人权问题。

Maybe in other countries where per capita income is 10 times or more than in China, such concerns as medical care and education are no longer in the sight of human right activists, but in China, to provide for many of the basic needs are still major human right concern.应对气候变化的措施也有人的因素。那些生活在贫困地区的人们有获得室内供暖的权利,而社区里的大妈们则在讨论怎样交电费才公平。农民工希望获得更高的工资和更好的工作环境,因高能耗工厂倒闭而失业的工人需要再就业,对于中国,这些都属于政府亟待解决的人权问题。

Measures to counter the climate change also have a human dimension.People living in poor regions need to secure their right to proper indoor-heating.Grandmas in urban communities are debating about a fairer way to pay electricity bills.The migrant laborers demand better pay and better working conditions.Workers laid-off when factories close due to poor energy efficiency need to be re-employed.For China, all these rank high on the government's agenda to address human right concerns.西方的很多人都轻易低估中国取得的人权成就,大概因为他们早已忘记在大卫·科波菲尔德时代他们人权斗争的着眼点是什么。

Many in the west tend to underestimate the human rights achievement in China, probably because they have forgotten the human rights they were fighting for in the days of David Copperfield.对于中国这样的发展中国家,没有什么比改善13亿人的工作和生活条件更加重要。我们还未能满足人们的全部需求。要理解中国,这个现实是不容忽视的。

In a developing country like China, nothing is more important and more relevant than to improve the living and working conditions of its 1.3 billion people.We are still lagging behind the people's needs.To understand China, one should not lose sight of such reality.第二点,要了解中国,就应正确认识中国的改革。在柏林接受《时代》周刊采访时,记者问我:“为什么当中国在经济上取得巨大发展的同时,在政治上却原地踏步?”从最近的西方言论看,不少人都这么看,如果在座也有人有这种看法也不足为奇。

The second point about understanding China is the need to put China's reform in the right perspective.When having interview with Die Zeit in Berlin, I was asked why “Economically China is a completely different country, but politically it is still the same?” This view came up in many of the recent statements in the west.I will not be surprised if it is shared in this room as well.但请允许我请各位退一步想想,在你们国家,政治制度、政府和政党的目的究竟是什么?

But may I invite you to take a step back and reflect: what is the purpose of the political system in your own society and that of the governments, and the political parties?


In my years in Australia and UK, I observed how the government and political parties tried hard to respond to people.判断政治制度的标准大体如下,即该制度能否保障社会稳定?能否让人民生活得更好?能否解决发展带来的社会问题?

The criteria for a good political system are more or less the same: Is it providing stability in the society? Is it making people's lives better? Is it capable of solving the social problems that come along with growth?


That has also been the driving force for our comprehensive reform over three decades.我仍然记得30年前中国报纸上的政治辩论,记得其后纷至沓来的改革措施,包括权力下放、法治建设等等。中国现行的233部法律中,超过 200部都诞生或修订于过去30年间。中国改革的清单很长很长,早已今非昔比。但如果有人只是一门心思地想在中国寻找西敏寺和国会山的影子,自然只能大失所望。

I still remember the political debate in Chinese newspapers three decades ago and the reform steps that followed, including delegating power to lower levels and developing a sound system of the rule of law.Of the 233 laws now in effect in China, over 200 were made or amended in the last 3 decades.The reform list can be long and we have come a long way.But if people are merely looking for a shadow Westminster or Capitol Hill in China, they are naturally disappointed.中国拥有绵延数千年的丰富政治和文化遗产,完全能够通过不断改革,在学习全球—当然不仅仅是西方国家—的成功经验的同时,根据本国社会实际推动自身政治建设,我们很清楚,中国的发展仍不完美,我们时刻感受到进一步深化全方位改革的紧迫性。

China, with a rich political and cultural heritage over the millennia, should be trusted to advance its own political infrastructure based on its social realities, through consistent reforms, and at the same time, drawing from the successful experiences around the world, not the least from the west.We are very well aware that our development is by no means perfect.We do feel the pinch of urgency for furthering all around reform.今天的中国是个充满活力的社会。我们有超过4亿的网民,位居世界第一,其中有2亿博主。每天都涌现400万条帖子和评论,其中很多都对改革提出批评和建议。此外,中国还有900份报纸和2000种杂志,经常关注政策问题。中国的改革不乏健康的辩论。我们完全有理由相信我们的国家将会继续前进,发展得更好。

China now is a very lively society.There are 400 million internet users, the largest in the world, including 200 million bloggers.At least 4 million new blog posts or comments appear every single day, many of them making criticisms and suggestions for reform, in addition to the 900 newspapers and 2,000 magazines which often focus on policy issues.China's reform is not short of healthy debates.There is every reason to believe that our country will continue to progress into an even better society.尽管如此,中国的改革仍然是渐进的过程,而且必须在不断凝聚共识和保持政治稳定的基础上进行。

Having said all that, China's reform is incremental and it has to take place on the basis of constant consensus building and political stability.我对文革造成的动荡有着切身经历,至今仍记得学校里几十个战斗队争权夺利造成的混乱。我小弟弟无学可上,是我教他认字。那时的日子过得很艰难,无政府主义将国民经济推向了崩溃的边缘。在吸取了痛苦的教训之后,我们坚信只有


I have personal experience of the fiasco of the Cultural Revolution and a clear memory of the chaos of a dozen student teams competing for power just in my school.I taught my young brother to read as there was no school for him to go to.Life was very difficult back then.The political anarchy brought the economy to the verge of bankruptcy.Having learned the lesson the hard way, we firmly believe that only by maintaining stability and developing the rule of law can our people have a chance to translate their dreams into reality and can our country stand in dignity.请允许我用数字来打个比方。无论是一百、一百万还是十亿,统统都要“1”开头。发展就是“1”后面的“0”。这个“1”就是社会稳定,如果没有了这个“1”,其余一切都会归零。

Let me use a metaphor with numbers.Be it a hundred, a million or a billion, stability is the “1” that leads them all.Development is like the zeros that follow.Without the “1”, the rest will all be reduced to zero.现在我谈谈更加切合本届大会主题的内容。

Now, let me move a bit closer to the subject of this conference.一个快速发展的中国对世界意味着什么?权力重心是否在从西方向东方转移?中国是否会取代当今的超级大国? Then, what does a fast growing China mean to the world? Is the power gravity moving from the west to the east? Is China going to replace the current superpower?


Honestly, if you ask an ordinary Chinese the superpower question, he'd likely to get very puzzled.Many would think you are joking.当然,我们的世界毫无疑问处在变化之中,问题在于,是朝哪个方向变化?

But there is no denial that the world is changing.The question is: in what direction?


We in China do not see it changing along the old path of power shifts.The changes, from our point of view, are not in a simple relationship of one center replacing another.Instead, the world is in a process of diffusion.Almost everything, technology, capital, information, consumption, in every aspect of human life, you see this diffusion.中国的孩子们所玩的电脑游戏与欧洲的孩子们没有很大的不同.Chinese children are playing much the same computer games as their contemporaries in Europe.我陪同阿什顿女士(欧盟外交与安全政策高级代)到中国贵州省一个贫困乡村参观的时候,当地小学生阅读优美散文的朗朗读书声深深感动了我。现代教育让他们同北京和上海的孩子们站在了同一条起跑线上。

When accompanying EU High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy Lady Ashton to a poor village in China's Guizhou province, I was very touched by the pupils who were reading a beautiful prose.Modern education brought them on a par with students in Shanghai and Beijing.我在肯尼亚旅游时,当地巴士司机的尖锐见解让我大为惊讶。显然他可以从当地报纸上了解各种关于国际事务的信息。When touring Kenya, I was amazed at the sharp views of a bus driver who was obviously well-informed of world affairs by local newspapers.既然我们都生活在同一个地球村,那么在前进的过程中,我们需要什么样润滑剂呢?

Now that we are in a world village, what should be the lubricants for progress?


In the Chinese value heritage, the top word is REN.It is a very simple Chinese character meaning two persons.It is believed in China that good relationship between two persons, with your boss, the minister, a friend or your spouse, forms the basic building block of a good society.In a good relationship, respect and tolerance are indispensable.It's probably true in the international community.世界不应再被意识形态、种族或其它分歧所割裂,这已成为21世纪大家日益增长的共识。战争,无论是冷战、热战还是温战,都不再被人们所接受。

In the 21 century the consensus is growing about the world not to be torn apart again by ideological, racial or any other differences.War is no longer accepted, be it cold, hot or warm.倘若我们可以成功地缔造一个建立在相互尊重和宽容基础上的伙伴关系,来应对共同挑战,我们或许能够将21世纪变成一个因合作和伙伴关系被铭记的世纪,开创人类历史的先河。

Should we succeed in building a partnership based on mutual respect and tolerance in meeting common challenges, we may be able to turn the 21 century into one to be remembered as a century of cooperation and partnership, which will be the first in the human history.中国致力于构建这样的伙伴关系。

China is committed to such a partnership.祝贺大会为全球合作所作出的贡献!我期待聆听各位与会嘉宾的见解。祝愿本次大会取得圆满成功!

I congratulate this conference for contributing to global partnership.I look forward to hearing and learning from the opinions of the other participants.With that note, I wish the conference a fruitful success.谢谢大家!

Thank you et Merci beaucoup.



——外交部副部长傅莹在第三届世界政策大会晚宴上的演讲 马拉喀什,2010年10月16日

Take China as Your Partner--Speech of Mrs Fu Ying, Vice minister of Foreign Affairs, at the diner of World Policy Conference Marrakech,16 October 2010


Mme.Amina Benkhadra, Mr.Thierry de Montbrial, Distinguished Guests, Ladies and Gentlemen,很高兴应德蒙布里亚尔先生邀请,来参加第三届世界政策会议并发表演讲。

It's an honor and pleasure for me speak at this occasion.I want to thank Thierry who came all the way to China in summer, to convince me with a sincere invitation.Arriving today, I found there can't be a better choice of venue for the World Policy Conference than this mesmerizing city of Marrakech.最近,关于中国的议论不少,当中国第二季度GDP数据公布时,媒体开始称中国为世界第二经济大国,简称E2。

Earlier in the year, when China's second quarter GDP figure came out, the media started calling China the No.2 economy in the world, namely E2.尽管季度GDP数据不足以成为经济分析的基础,但仍有许多人据此开始讨论中国的崛起以及对世界的重要影响。对中国的政治期待也与日俱增。

Though quarterly GDP normally is not a sufficient basis for economic analysis, it did not stop many from talking about a rising China and its significance to the world.The expectation is also high.那么我们中国人自己怎么看呢?中国很有影响的《环球时报》民调显示,78%的受访者认为中国仍是发展中国家。更有意思的是,多数中国人觉得说中国已经世界第二是一种“忽悠”。

Then, what's the view of the Chinese people? The Global Times, a popular newspaper in China, had a survey and found that 78% of those who responded insisted that China was still a developing country.More interestingly, when asked about E2, many Chinese thought it was a plot to big up China.如果你是一名中国人,并留意外界特别是发达国家对中国的看法和观点,你会感到非常困惑。对中国的评价和期待往往从一个极端到另一极端,落差很大。

If you were a Chinese and you follow the views and comments about China, especially in the developed world, you would likely be totally confused.Comments and expectations swing from one extreme end to the other, back and forth.一会儿有人说中国应拯救世界,一会儿又有人说中国是所有的麻烦之源。

One day China is expected to save the world, the next China is said to have caused all the troubles.一些国家无法停止过度消费,却指责中国人有储蓄的“坏习惯”。

Some countries can't stop overspending, and then the Chinese people are blamed for having the “bad habit” of saving.一日中国是一个崛起的大国,又一日中国必为即将崩溃的“纸龙”。

One day China is a rising power, and the next day China becomes a paper dragon on the verge of breaking apart.我在罗马的时候听人说,中国游客推高了奢侈品价格。的确,在当今世界,中国买什么,什么东西就会涨价,中国卖什么,什么就会降价。

I was in Rome shopping and was told that the Chinese tourists had pushed up the prices of luxury goods.Indeed, in today's world, whatever China buys, the price goes up and whatever China sells, the price comes down.在来这里的飞机上,我读到一则新闻,上面提到许多报纸刊登文章鼓吹中国是威胁,其中很多是美国的报纸。用《纽约时报》的话说,中国成了世界上所有问题的替罪羊。

On the airplane coming here, I was reading a news story about many newspapers carrying articles about how menacing China is, many of them American newspapers.To quote from the New York Times, China has become the scapegoat for all problems on earth.中国的确是一个非常容易找的替罪羊。因为,尽管这些国家的媒体高举言论自由的神圣大旗,但他们对向本国读者介绍中国看法的兴趣索然。中国民众的讨论也很难通达西方公众。

Yes, China must have been a very convenient scapegoat.Because, in spite of the sacred principle of freedom of speech, there is little interest among the media in those countries in informing their public the views from in China.The discussions among the Chinese public seldom find their way to the western public.这样一来,鉴于他们的人民不明故里,许多西方政客就可以随心所欲地谈论中国,而不必担心会受到老百姓的评判,更不用说在乎中国老百姓的意见了。

So, many politicians in the west may develop just about any view about China without the need to be judged by a well-informed public, even less the judgment of the Chinese public.这大概不是在座的各位在这个有着美酒与佳肴的晚宴上所期待的致辞。但我在飞机上对自己的讲稿做了些调整,因为我想让大家知道,我对近来中西方之间这种类似冷战的气氛有些担心。

Well, this may not be the kind of dinner speech you would expect with good food and nice wine.But I made changes to my nicer speech on the plane, because I want to share with you my concern of the current atmosphere between China and the west almost reminiscent of the Cold War.我认为当前最主要的问题是在理解方面存在的逆差。因此我想谈谈关于正确认识中国的两个特别重要的因素。

I feel probably the deficit in understanding is the key issue at this moment.So I would like to talk about two points that I think are essential to understanding China.第一点,永远不要忘记人的因素。中国不是一个符号,也不是GDP数据。这个国家有着13亿人口,有1.4亿在校学生,每年新增就业人口2000多万,其中包括600万大学毕业生。中国的残疾人就高达8000多万。中国正经历着快速的城市化,但一半以上的人口仍是农民。

First and most importantly, one should always keep in mind the people dimension.China is not just a symbol, or a GDP figure.It is a country that provides for 1.3 billion people, with 140 million students in schools and universities, over 20 million new job seekers every year including 6 million college graduates.The disabled community is as big as over 80 million people.It is quickly urbanizing and yet half the population is still rural.在人均收入10倍于中国的国家里,医疗和教育也许早已不再是人权活动者关心的事情,但对于中国而言,满足大多数人的基本生活需求仍然是最主要的人权问题。

Maybe in other countries where per capita income is 10 times or more than in China, such concerns as medical care and education are no longer in the sight of human right activists, but in China, to provide for many of the basic needs are still major human right concern.应对气候变化的措施也有人的因素。那些生活在贫困地区的人们有获得室内供暖的权利,而社区里的大妈们则在讨论怎样交电费才公平。农民工希望获得更高的工资和更好的工作环境,因高能耗工厂倒闭而失业的工人需要再就业,对于中国,这些都属于政府亟待解决的人权问题。

Measures to counter the climate change also have a human dimension.People living in poor regions need to secure their right to proper indoor-heating.Grandmas in urban communities are debating about a fairer way to pay electricity bills.The migrant laborers demand better pay and better working conditions.Workers laid-off when factories close due to poor energy efficiency need to be re-employed.For China, all these rank high on the government's agenda to address human right concerns.西方的很多人都轻易低估中国取得的人权成就,大概因为他们早已忘记在大卫·科波菲尔德时代他们人权斗争的着眼点是什么。

Many in the west tend to underestimate the human rights achievement in China, probably because they have forgotten the human rights they were fighting for in the days of David Copperfield.对于中国这样的发展中国家,没有什么比改善13亿人的工作和生活条件更加重要。我们还未能满足人们的全部需求。要理解中国,这个现实是不容忽视的。

In a developing country like China, nothing is more important and more relevant than to improve the living and working conditions of its 1.3 billion people.We are still lagging behind the people's needs.To understand China, one should not lose sight of such reality.第二点,要了解中国,就应正确认识中国的改革。在柏林接受《时代》周刊采访时,记者问我:“为什么当中国在经济上取得巨大发展的同时,在政治上却原地踏步?”从最近的西方言论看,不少人都这么看,如果在座也有人有这种看法也不足为奇。

The second point about understanding China is the need to put China's reform in the right perspective.When having interview with Die Zeit in Berlin, I was asked why “Economically China is a completely different country, but politically it is still the same?” This view came up in many of the recent statements in the west.I will not be surprised if it is shared in this room as well.但请允许我请各位退一步想想,在你们国家,政治制度、政府和政党的目的究竟是什么?

But may I invite you to take a step back and reflect: what is the purpose of the political system in your own society and that of the governments, and the political parties?


In my years in Australia and UK, I observed how the government and political parties tried hard to respond to people.判断政治制度的标准大体如下,即该制度能否保障社会稳定?能否让人民生活得更好?能否解决发展带来的社会问题?

The criteria for a good political system are more or less the same: Is it providing stability in the society? Is it making people's lives better? Is it capable of solving the social problems that come along with growth?


That has also been the driving force for our comprehensive reform over three decades.我仍然记得30年前中国报纸上的政治辩论,记得其后纷至沓来的改革措施,包括权力下放、法治建设等等。中国现行的233部法律中,超过200部都诞生或修订于过去30年间。中国改革的清单很长很长,早已今非昔比。但如果有人只是一门心思地想在中国寻找西敏寺和国会山的影子,自然只能大失所望。

I still remember the political debate in Chinese newspapers three decades ago and the reform steps that followed, including delegating power to lower levels and developing a sound system of the rule of law.Of the 233 laws now in effect in China, over 200 were made or amended in the last 3 decades.The reform list can be long and we have come a long way.But if people are merely looking for a shadow Westminster or Capitol Hill in China, they are naturally disappointed.中国拥有绵延数千年的丰富政治和文化遗产,完全能够通过不断改革,在学习全球—当然不仅仅是西方国家—的成功经验的同时,根据本国社会实际推动自身政治建设,我们很清楚,中国的发展仍不完美,我们时刻感受到进一步深化全方位改革的紧迫性。

China, with a rich political and cultural heritage over the millennia, should be trusted to advance its own political infrastructure based on its social realities, through consistent reforms, and at the same time, drawing from the successful experiences around the world, not the least from the west.We are very well aware that our development is by no means perfect.We do feel the pinch of urgency for furthering all around reform.今天的中国是个充满活力的社会。我们有超过4亿的网民,位居世界第一,其中有2亿博主。每天都涌现400万条帖子和评论,其中很多都对改革提出批评和建议。此外,中国还有900份报纸和2000种杂志,经常关注政策问题。中国的改革不乏健康的辩论。我们完全有理由相信我们的国家将会继续前进,发展得更好。

China now is a very lively society.There are 400 million internet users, the largest in the world, including 200 million bloggers.At least 4 million new blog posts or comments appear every single day, many of them making criticisms and suggestions for reform, in addition to the 900 newspapers and 2,000 magazines which often focus on policy issues.China's reform is not short of healthy debates.There is every reason to believe that our country will continue to progress into an even better society.尽管如此,中国的改革仍然是渐进的过程,而且必须在不断凝聚共识和保持政治稳定的基础上进行。

Having said all that, China's reform is incremental and it has to take place on the basis of constant consensus building and political stability.我对文革造成的动荡有着切身经历,至今仍记得学校里几十个战斗队争权夺利造成的混乱。我小弟弟无学可上,是我教他认字。那时的日子过得很艰难,无政府主义将国民经济推向了崩溃的边缘。在吸取了痛苦的教训之后,我们坚信只有通过保持稳定和建设法治,我们的人民才有机会实现梦想,我们的国家才能有尊严。

I have personal experience of the fiasco of the Cultural Revolution and a clear memory of the chaos of a dozen student teams competing for power just in my school.I taught my young brother to read as there was no school for him to go to.Life was very difficult back then.The political anarchy brought the economy to the verge of bankruptcy.Having learned the lesson the hard way, we firmly believe that only by maintaining stability and developing the rule of law can our people have a chance to translate their dreams into reality and can our country stand in dignity.请允许我用数字来打个比方。无论是一百、一百万还是十亿,统统都要“1”开头。发展就是“1”后面的“0”。这个“1”就是社会稳定,如果没有了这个“1”,其余一切都会归零。

Let me use a metaphor with numbers.Be it a hundred, a million or a billion, stability is the “1” that leads them all.Development is like the zeros that follow.Without the “1”, the rest will all be reduced to zero.现在我谈谈更加切合本届大会主题的内容。

Now, let me move a bit closer to the subject of this conference.一个快速发展的中国对世界意味着什么?权力重心是否在从西方向东方转移?中国是否会取代当今的超级大国?

Then, what does a fast growing China mean to the world? Is the power gravity moving from the west to the east? Is China going to replace the current superpower?


Honestly, if you ask an ordinary Chinese the superpower question, he'd likely to get very puzzled.Many would think you are joking.当然,我们的世界毫无疑问处在变化之中,问题在于,是朝哪个方向变化?

But there is no denial that the world is changing.The question is: in what direction?


We in China do not see it changing along the old path of power shifts.The changes, from our point of view, are not in a simple relationship of one center replacing another.Instead, the world is in a process of diffusion.Almost everything, technology, capital, information, consumption, in every aspect of human life, you see this diffusion.中国的孩子们所玩的电脑游戏与欧洲的孩子们没有很大的不同.Chinese children are playing much the same computer games as their contemporaries in Europe.我陪同阿什顿女士(欧盟外交与安全政策高级代)到中国贵州省一个贫困乡村参观的时候,当地小学生阅读优美散文的朗朗读书声深深感动了我。现代教育让他们同北京和上海的孩子们站在了同一条起跑线上。

When accompanying EU High Representative for Common Foreign and Security Policy Lady Ashton to a poor village in China's Guizhou province, I was very touched by the pupils who were reading a beautiful prose.Modern education brought them on a par with students in Shanghai and Beijing.我在肯尼亚旅游时,当地巴士司机的尖锐见解让我大为惊讶。显然他可以从当地报纸上了解各种关于国际事务的信息。

When touring Kenya, I was amazed at the sharp views of a bus driver who was obviously well-informed of world affairs by local newspapers.既然我们都生活在同一个地球村,那么在前进的过程中,我们需要什么样润滑剂呢?

Now that we are in a world village, what should be the lubricants for progress?


In the Chinese value heritage, the top word is REN.It is a very simple Chinese character meaning two persons.It is believed in China that good relationship between two persons, with your boss, the minister, a friend or your spouse, forms the basic building block of a good society.In a good relationship, respect and tolerance are indispensable.It's probably true in the international community.世界不应再被意识形态、种族或其它分歧所割裂,这已成为21世纪大家日益增长的共识。战争,无论是冷战、热战还是温战,都不再被人们所接受。

In the 21 century the consensus is growing about the world not to be torn apart again by ideological, racial or any other differences.War is no longer accepted, be it cold, hot or warm.倘若我们可以成功地缔造一个建立在相互尊重和宽容基础上的伙伴关系,来应对共同挑战,我们或许能够将21世纪变成一个因合作和伙伴关系被铭记的世纪,开创人类历史的先河。

Should we succeed in building a partnership based on mutual respect and tolerance in meeting common challenges, we may be able to turn the 21 century into one to be remembered as a century of cooperation and partnership, which will be the first in the human history.中国致力于构建这样的伙伴关系。

China is committed to such a partnership.祝贺大会为全球合作所作出的贡献!我期待聆听各位与会嘉宾的见解。祝愿本次大会取得圆满成功!

I congratulate this conference for contributing to global partnership.I look forward to hearing and learning from the opinions of the other participants.With that note, I wish the conference a fruitful success.谢谢大家!

Thank you et Merci beaucoup.原文链接:http://

第三篇:XX第三届世界互联网大会 马云演讲视频

XX第三届世界互联网大会 马云演讲视

XX年11月16日,为期三天的第三届世界互联网大会在乌镇召开,平时天南海北的互联网、科技圈大佬们又齐聚一堂了,又可以“互相伤害”了,比如马化腾、马云、李彦宏、雷军、丁磊、周鸿等,均将出席。以下是小编精心整理的相关内容,希望对大家有所帮助!XX第三届世界互联网大会 马云演讲视频


















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