
时间:2019-05-14 10:52:43下载本文作者:会员上传





到了(来源:好范文 http://www.xiexiebang.com/)盛夏,天气闷热,我一人在家,如果开着空调,人是舒服了,但是,耗电不说,排放出的大量二氧化碳对人的影响很大,这样,哪怕天气再热,我也从来不开空调,有时一把竹扇网在手,也是凉风习习。















First, I want to ask everyone a question: What is the relationship between nature and we? Enemy, or friend? In my opinion, it’s funny that we treat our creator as an enemy and even want to conquest her ,in ancient China ,there is a theory that man is integral part of nature.Thus even if we are unwilling to make friend with nature ,it is necessary that we should respect her as well.But, do we do this actually? Since the Industry Revolution took place centuries’ ago.Human civilization has been developed rapidly, we dug up the ground in order to find oil and coal;we launch the rockets and spaceships in order to conquer the universe and do scientific research;we invent cars ,planes in order to shorten the distance between you and me…We fight with the nature to rob the resource we need;we kill the wild animals for their fur and meat , even sometimes just for entertainment…In this battle , however ,our nature seems to be a loser.And us, human beings, the cleverest creature on the Earth.Seems to be a conqueror.Do you think that we conquest the nature? I must say: Of course not.The serious environmental problem generates amounts of destructive effects to the entire planet: ice melting, climate change, animals and plants’ extinction, and threat of human society.It will also cause the infectious diseases too easy to spread and infect.Bacteria will be hard to control because they have adapted to the environment.The house will be eroded by destructive insects, hence people will lead a homeless life eventually.So, what cause these disasters? The answer is simple: the global warming cause by us.Global warming is the increase in the average temperature of Earth's near-surface air and oceans since the mid-20th century and the temperature will still go up.According to the 2007 Fourth Assessment Report by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, global surface temperature increased 0.74 ± 0.18 °C(1.33 ± 0.32 °F)during the 20th century.Since the 1980s, the temperature has been ascending obviously.Luckily, Even though the situation is such serious, we still have the chance, to save us and make friends with the nature.The chance is that: man should live a low carbon-dioxide lifestyle from today!In that case I’d like to ask you another question: When it comes to the low Carbon-dioxide, what comes into your mind first, the leaflet that the environmental-protection organization send, the speeches that politicians make, the topic that scientists research? More practical, reduce, reuse, and recycle? So, are you a politician? Are your family runs a recycle business? Come on, the things you think is too far away, and we are just ordinary people.Then ,what can we do for reduce Carbon-dioxide emission? In my view, the chances we can take for reduce the CO2 emission is everywhere, even we are just senior high school student: In the morning you go to school by private car, why not try to ride to school instead? Then when you attending the class like math, you can use each side of one paper to write.At noon, classes are over, when the last one leaves the classroom, please make sure that all appliances have been switched off.By doing this you can not only reduce the expenses of the school but also embodies the awareness of the environmental protection.Whether you are in school or at home, you can also do something to live a low Carbon dioxide lifestyle: First, you can use handkerchief instead of using a tissue.Second, as the summer approaches, try not turning on the air conditioning unless it’s too hot to stand.We have many ways to make our house feel cool, open appropriate windows to make fresh air blow in, or just use the fan as an alternative way.Furthermore, save water, would you know that the fresh water we use and drink need large amount of energy to purify? It is only the fresh water that we can drink or use.As you see, the things mentioned above are in our daily life.Tomorrow when you go to school or stay at home, these things will all take place.We still have the chance today;we must put the awareness in our mind.Reduce the CO2 emission from the daily life.There are so many people say so, but I wonder how many people want to do this actually? For example, how many of us still use plastic bags instead of a paper one or basket to hold the food when they go to the market? How many of us turn on the air conditioning so early even the temperature below 30℃? How many of us only use one side of papers? How many of us still lead an old, power-wasting life style just because they think it is convenient? As we have known the importance of the global warming.I hope the pioneer should be us.Let’s go into action OK? No wait, do it from today: low-Carbon dioxide lifestyle!



低碳生活从我做起,从1972年环境问题出现以来,一直都是从生产上来控制,大家都倾向在生产的过程中,尽量的减少排污,减少排放,但是后来发现,问题并没有解决,我们这些环境组织越来越多,环境问题也越来越多。像我们在座的很多都是从事环境保护的工作的,那我们是应该感谢他提供给我们就业呢,还是反过来希望地球上没有环境问题的出现呢? 确确实实的来说,我们生产和消费、和生活是一体的,我们不能简单的(把责任)推卸出去——“你来环保吧”,不能这样的。因为你的星球需要你啊,需要我们每个人都做出努力,换一种观念,换一种生活方式。也就是说要改变两个方面:一个是我们头脑里的概念,一个是我们的生活方式。




根据IPCC(联合国政府间气候变化专门委员会)的研究,1906年至2005年,百年内由于人类活动超量排放温室气体,导致地球平均温度上升0.74℃。0.74℃算什么啊? 每天早晚的温差都好几度啊!但地球平均温度上升是过去六千年地球历史中从没发生过的,这是最热的一百年,也是最热的五十年,这意味着-全球变暖!















英文:Now, I have heard in the advocacy of urban low-carbon life, I gradually came to understand some.I started the “low-carbon life.”

First, low-carbon way of life, that is, pay attention to the details of life save energy.In addition to homework must turn on the lights, the rest of the things that rely on the lighting outside the window to help.Because of our large living room, lights shining through the window can be visible for all to see the room, food, really like a table “candlelight dinner”, which is a big cup of “natural light ah!”

As long as I wash the players to tap the screw tightly regarded not let the water “escape” out, so I can relax.But I worry about Mom and Dad will not do a good job, Mom and Dad into the toilet every time he saw hands and go with the flow of the tap closed, I am very happy, I hope the “carbon family” would do better.Placed a mess of things in the fridge, my mother said it was a waste of electricity, I had an idea came up coup: So, I picked up before the mountains of cardboard, put it into a box of different sizes, the above paste on the various classifications of signs, then, to organize by category, and soon became the refrigerator clean and tidy, new look, a neat place to see things.In this way, both to help us, but also saves electricity.Originally, electric open, even the little cell phone battery when plugged in the socket of

carbon dioxide will be emitted horrible, as long as the fully charged battery should be immediately removed.I thought, carbon dioxide only vehicle exhaust, coal combustion emissions of these would had no idea that life everywhere weak “carbon” in the infringement of our lives and our planet.When I saw my mother throw away the bucket make detergent, I went to stop the meeting.I will make it into a small trash can, and some like a doll, pink toot face, very cute!Also like some little animals, vivid, and really like a beautiful “scenery”!

When night fell, after dinner, the roadside neon glory to add a night, Dad always at home all the lights are turned off, leaving only the darkness of a pitch-dark, and then, lying on the windows, , enjoying the scenery, while singing a song: “The moon represents my heart......” It's tone deaf, a mess.(Flowering plants is a loving mother.Chlorophytum home, ivy is green all year round.In each of the heat of summer, my mother moved into the house the flowers always, we look at those green, allowing absorption which Those green, heart suddenly feel the slightest chill, with good air and seductive, really kill two birds with ah!

Such a good home environment, and full of innovative small joy.Hot summer, I feel bored at home, the air-conditioned and too wasteful.So, I want to go swimming with my dad.Dad said to me: “We drove the rain.” I shook my head and said: “Drive to the consumption of energy, a swimming pool not far from here, than go on foot.” Dad praised: “Good idea, do you really know how to save the boy.”So we rode bikes to the swimming pool, so that only exercise the body, but also saves energy.What do both.Once, we went further for shopping, my mother picked a small number of things, is ready to pay, and my father quickly stepped forward to stop, said: “Shopping is not too good, as far as possible one-time shopping, the less several shopping cart will save the oil.”Mother said:“ This is a good way.”Therefore, we needed something to try to buy enough time, this is really save time and effort.Usual, our family always used the water cycle.Usually, my mother always used to water the flowers Taomi Shui wash rice poured the rest of the grass.And in terms of more than Taomi Shui water for flowers and nutritious, so that not only saves water, but also allows plants to better growth.There used washing machine in my house, always behind the times will be relatively clean after washing water collected with a large bowl, use it do not mop the floor, but also use it to wash the toilet, although this took some work more , but

because they can make better use of water resources, we are always happy this is not the other.Students, friends, is just an attitude to achieve low-carbon environment, rather than ability, we should save electricity, water, carbon, fuel-efficient, solar terms such little things together to build low-carbon green lifestyle As long as we all go action, will be able to make our lives more low-carbon environment, so that our common planet for a better tomorrow.



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