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在*****酒业有限公司 2012&&&&&新春联谊会上的致辞

*****酒业有限公司总经理 杨潮恒










CE's speech at reception to celebrate 13th anniversary of establishment of HKSAR


Mr Donald Tsang


Thursday, July 1, 2010, Issued at HKT 09:59


Distinguished guests, colleagues, fellow citizens,今日是中华人民共和国香港特别行政区成立十三周年的大日子,我很荣幸在这里与各位一同庆祝这具有历史意义的一天。

Today marks the 13th anniversary of the establishment of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region of the People's Republic of China.I am honoured to celebrate this historic occasion with you all.一个星期前,立法会刚通过了香港回归以来其中一项最重要的议案,就是修正二○一二年行政长官和立法会的产生办法,增加民主成分。我亦在两日前正式同意了有关的修正。今次政改是标志香港的民主发展向前踏出坚实的一步,向二○一七和二○二○年双普选目标迈进。这实在是香港民主发展上重要里程碑,更加是许多香港人共同努力的成果,是庆祝香港回归纪念的一份最好礼物。

Just a week ago, the Legislative Council passed one of the most important motions since our reunification with the Mainland, that is, the amendments to the methods for selecting the Chief Executive and for forming the Legislative Council in 2012 to make them more democratic.I gave my formal consent to the amendments two days ago.The passage of the political reform package marks a decisive step towards democracy and the goal of universal suffrage in 2017 and 2020.It lays down a milestone in our democratic development and is indeed the result of concerted efforts by many Hong Kong people.It is the best gift as we celebrate our reunification.过去一年充满机遇和挑战。我们克服了金融海啸带来的影响,经济回复增长;人类猪流感袭港,我们全力控制疫情;去年底我们举办东亚运动会,香港运动员出色的表现令人振奋;经济上香港与内地日渐融合,我们为香港把握每个机会,包括拓展人民币业务,又和广东签订了「粤港合作框架协议」,推进与广东的全方位合作。

The past year has been a time of challenges and opportunities.Our economy has picked up following the global financial tsunami.We did our very best to contain the spread of human swine influenza.Our athletes achieved their best ever results in the East Asian Games staged here in Hong Kong at the end of last year.We seized every opportunity arising from our ever-growing

economic integration with the Mainland.For example, we have been expanding renminbi business in Hong Kong and we have signed the Framework Agreement on Hong Kong/Guangdong Co-operation to enhance collaboration between the two places on all fronts.在我们面前,仍然有很多经济民生议题需要我们齐心解决。政府会用心聆听市民大众的诉求,令施政更切合市民所需。

Still, there is much work left for us to do in addressing economic and livelihood issues.The Government will listen carefully to the community and respond to the aspirations and the needs of our citizens.早前,我在SOHO区遇到一位餐厅老板娘。她告诉我管理餐厅的心得,最重要是「用心来做事」。她语重心长的说话,大大触动了我。她令我更加相信,只要我们每个人都用心做好每件事,坚守岗位,香港的未来是充满希望的!

The other day, I spoke to a woman who operates a restaurant in SoHo.She told me the key to success in running her business is to “work with one's heart”.Her words touched me.They reinforced my belief that if all of us do every task with all our heart and give our best, we can look forward to a very promising future.现在,请大家和我一起,为香港和国家更美好的将来而干杯!

Now, please join me in a toast.To a better and brighter future for Hong Kong and our country!



Speech at the National Day Reception in Celebration of the 64th Anniversary of the Founding of the People’s Republic of China

香港特别行政区行政长官梁振英HKSAR Chief Executive, Mr C Y Leung

香港会议展览中心Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre

二零一三年十月一日 October 1, 201


Distinguished guests, dear colleagues and fellow Hong Kong people,今天,我们和全国人民一起,庆祝六十四周年国庆,我代表香港特别行政区政府,欢迎各位嘉宾莅临国庆酒会。

Together with all people of our country, today we celebrate the 64th anniversary of the founding of the People’s Republic of China.On behalf of the Government of the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region(HKSAR), I welcome all of you to this reception.过去一年,国家在社会和经济等方面的发展,继续取得可喜的成就,国际地位和影响力进一步提升。得到中央政府的支持和各兄弟省市的合作,香港既为自身发展取得一定的成绩,也继续为国家和民族的进步贡献力量。

In the past year, our country has again made encouraging achievements in its social and economic development, as well as in other areas.Its international status and influence continue to be on the rise.With the support of the Central Government and the co-operation of Mainland provinces and municipalities, Hong Kong has not only moved forward in its own development, but also continued to contribute to the progress of our country and our people.过去一年,香港继续按照「一国两制」,「港人治港」,高度自治的方针,既维持「一国」的地位,也实践了「两制」的特色;既保持高度开放和高度国际化的特点,也维护了国家的主权和香港的利益。

In the past year, under the principles of “One Country, Two Systems” and “Hong Kong people administering Hong Kong” with a high degree of autonomy, we have continued to preserve the integrity of “One Country” while giving play to the characteristics of “Two Systems”.We have also maintained our status as a highly open and international city, while safeguarding the sovereignty of our country and the interests of Hong Kong.特区政府和香港社会要一并发挥好「一国」和「两制」两方面的优势,要同时贡献好「国际联系」和「国内联系」两种力量,促进香港和内地的共同发展。

The HKSAR Government and our society should fully capitalise on the advantages of both “One Country” and “Two Systems”, and make contributions to the co-development of Hong Kong and the Mainland through our links both with the international community and with other parts of our country.去年十月,世界银行将香港的便利营商排名为全球第二位。今年初,美国传统基金会将香港连续十九年评为全球最自由经济体。今年九月,世界经济论坛将香港的竞争力排名提升两级,至全球第七位,亚洲第二位。在刚公布的《2013新华─道琼斯国际金融中心发展指数》,香港的综合排名为全球第三位。由此可见,香港在国际间的地位和竞争力继续得到肯定。

In October last year, the World Bank ranked Hong Kong the second easiest place to do business in the world.Early this year, the Heritage Foundation rated Hong Kong the world’s freest economy for the 19th year in a row.In the Global Competitiveness Report released by the World

Economic Forum last month, Hong Kong moved up two places to seventh in the world and second in Asia.And on the newly announced Xinhua-Dow Jones International Financial Centers Development Index 2013, Hong Kong is placed third for its overall performance.These are affirmations of Hong Kong’s international status and competitiveness.香港的竞争力来自香港各界市民的努力,也来自国家的支持和不断提升的国际影响力。本届特区政府高度重视今天和内地省市的合作关系,更重视未来和内地省市在更广阔的领域和更高的层面上合作的潜力。

Hong Kong’s competitiveness stems from the untiring efforts of all people in Hong Kong, as well as the support and ever-increasing international influence of our country.The current-term Government not only attaches great importance to co-operation with Mainland provinces and municipalities today, but pays even greater attention to expanding the scope and raising the levels of co-operation in future.香港和内地的关系愈来愈密切,今天,香港在内地的经济活动,地理上已经远远超越过去的珠三角,遍布大江南北的大小城市;产业面也已经大幅超越传统的制造业和房地产业,遍及渔、农、矿和服务业的各个范畴,为香港建立了最重要的经济腹地和最庞大的体外经济,巩固了香港总部经济的地位,令香港各行各业和各阶层的居民直接或间接得益。以银行业为例,截至2013年6月底,香港银行在广东省设立分支机构共154间。六家香港银行在广东设立异地支行58家,实现了港资银行对广东省的全覆盖。

The ties between Hong Kong and the Mainland are getting closer.Nowadays, our economic activities across the boundary have extended geographically from the Pearl River Delta region in the past to all cities, large and small, across the country.They have also gone beyond the traditional sectors of manufacturing and real estate to many other industries, including fisheries, agriculture, mining and services.These activities have created the most important economic hinterland and the largest external economy for Hong Kong and consolidated the status of our headquarters economy, benefiting all sectors and strata of our society directly or indirectly.Take banking, for example: as at the end of June 2013, 154 branches of Hong Kong banks were set up in Guangdong Province, while six Hong Kong banks had opened a total of 58 cross-location sub-branches there.This means that the services of Hong Kong-invested banks now cover the whole of Guangdong Province.符合双方已商定的CEPA原产地规则的香港产品,可以免关税进口内地,今年八月签署的CEPA「补充协议十」,更将服务贸易开放措施增至403项。除拓展香港和内地的经贸关系外,特区政府亦大力推动与外国的交往,根据香港投资推广署统计,现时有7,250家境外企业在香港落户,创下最高记录,约有四分之一外国投资企业表示,CEPA是他们决定到香港发展的重要考虑因素。

Under the Mainland and Hong Kong Closer Economic Partnership Arrangement(CEPA), Hong Kong products meeting the agreed rules of origin enjoy tariff-free treatment when imported into the Mainland.Supplement X to CEPA signed in August this year brings the number of liberalisation measures for trade in services to 403.Besides fostering a closer economic partnership with the Mainland, the HKSAR Government has also endeavoured to promote business with the international community.According to Invest Hong Kong, the number of overseas and Mainland companies with business operations here has reached an all-time high of 7 250.About a quarter of foreign-invested companies consider CEPA a key factor in their decision to operate in Hong Kong.根据政府统计处于2010年的统计调查,在统计前十二个月内曾在中国内地工作的香港


According to a survey conducted in 2010 by the Census and Statistics Department, around 175 000 Hong Kong residents had worked in the Mainland during the 12 months before the survey, not including those who had to stay in the Mainland for work on a long-term basis without returning to Hong Kong.The Mainland is also a major tourist destination for Hong Kong residents.In 2012, Hong Kong people paid over 78 million visits to the Mainland.香港和内地社会关系的发展,也体现在两地居民通婚的数字上。2012年,在香港注册的婚姻当中,有约百分之三十五是两地通婚。此外,香港人到内地养老和受教育的也愈来愈多。根据政府统计处2011年的调查,六十岁及以上,居留内地的香港人共有115,500人。这数字尚未包括在香港没有常设居所的短暂留港居民及已移居内地而没有回港的香港永久性居民。在升学方面,自2012年起,依据免试收生计划,内地部分高等院校试行对香港学生豁免内地联招考试。2013年,共有70所内地高校参与,共录取约1,200名香港学生。

The growing social ties between Hong Kong and the Mainland are also reflected in the number of cross-boundary marriages, which accounted for about 35 per cent of all marriages registered in Hong Kong in 2012.In addition, more and more Hong Kong people go across the boundary for retirement and education.A survey conducted in 2011 by the Census and Statistics Department found that there were 115 500 Hong Kong people aged 60 or above residing in the Mainland at the time of the survey, not including “short-stay Hong Kong permanent residents” with no usual place of residence in Hong Kong and Hong Kong permanent residents who had moved to the Mainland without returning to Hong Kong.On education, some higher education institutions in the Mainland have exempted Hong Kong students from taking the Joint Entrance Examination for Universities in the Mainland from 2012 onwards under a pilot scheme.In 2013, 70 Mainland institutions joined the scheme, admitting around 1 200 students from Hong Kong.各位嘉宾,各位同事,各位香港市民:世界在变化,中国在前进,香港要主动和积极面对新的合作和竞争环境,要寻找新的功能定位,要发挥新的作用,作为中国公民,我们要与全国人民一起,为国家的发展贡献力量,也为香港的繁荣稳定贡献力量。

Distinguished guests, dear colleagues and fellow Hong Kong people, the world is changing and China is moving forward.Hong Kong should actively adapt to the new environment of co-operation and competition, identifying new roles that we can play and new functions that we can perform.As Chinese nationals, we, together with all people of China, should make contributions to the development of our country while doing our best to maintain the prosperity and stability of Hong Kong.最后,请大家举杯,祝贺国家繁荣、富强、进步!

Now, please join me in a toast:

To the prosperity, success and progress of our country!




(2011年 月 日)









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