留学申请书范本 中英文(优秀范文五篇)

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第一篇:留学申请书范本 中英文


I am a student, graduated from BaoYang middle school, Nanning, GuangXi autonomous region, in 2006.I am still studying in high school now, because I was not enrolled by the ideal university last year.Recently, I have a dream to study abroad.Then I search online and find that it is more convenient and suitable for me to go to New Zealand for study.First, New Zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advanced education in the world.Second, the tuition is lower than other countries’, which I think is mo

re reasonable for me.Finally, the climate of New Zealand is similar with the climate of the South of China.Considering above reasons, I told my parents my plan on going to New Zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me.As a girl, I like preschool education since I was young.Nowadays, Chinese parents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention to preschool education.If I study specialized curriculums on preschool education, I will go back China and work hard on preschool education after leaving college.My plan is as follows: first, I plan to study English in language institute for about a half year in New Zealand.Then, I will study specialized curriculums on preschool education.I believe I have the ability of study abroad, because I have finished all high school curriculums.Besides, my parents both have job and have rich income, so they will support me to finish my study.After finishing my study, I will return to my homeland and work on preschool education, so as to realize my life value.出国留学计划



I am a student, Graduated from the yunnan national university sports education professional, I like directional movement, directional movement directional movement directional movement originated in Sweden ,so I have a dream to study in Sweden.Then I search online and find that it is more convenient and suitable for me to go to University of Gothenburg for study.First, Sweden is a multicultural country, which has the most advanced education in the world.Second, the tuition is lower than other countries, which I think is more reasonable for me.Finally, Sweden, picturesque, environment is graceful, suitable for living, the climate of Sweden is similar with the climate of the South of China.Considering above reasons, I told my parents my plan on going to Sweden for study, and my parent agreed with me.As a girl, I like directional movement since I was young.Nowadays, Chinese parents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention to education.If I study specialized curriculums on directional movement, I will go back China and work hard on directional movement after leaving college.My plan is as follows: first, I plan to study English in language institute for about a half year in Sweden.Then, I will study specialized curriculums on directional movement.I believe I have the ability of study abroad, because I have finished all high school curriculums.Besides, my parents both have job and have rich income, so they will support me to finish my study.After finishing my study, I will return to my homeland and work on preschool education, so as to realize my life value.




















I am a student, graduated from BaoYang middle school, Nanning, GuangXi autonomous region, in 2006.I am still studying in high school now, because I was not enrolled by the ideal university last year.Recently, I have a dream to study abroad.Then I search online and find that it is more convenient and suitable for me to go to New Zealand for study.First, New Zealand is a multicultural country, which has the most advanced education in the world.Second, the tuition is lower than other countries’, which I think is mo

re reasonable for me.Finally, the climate of New Zealand is similar with the climate of the South of China.Considering above reasons, I told my parents my plan on going to New Zealand for study, and my parent agreed with me.As a girl, I like preschool education since I was young.Nowadays, Chinese parents, who want their children to get better education, pay more attention to preschool education.If I study specialized curriculums

on preschool education, I will go back China and work hard on preschool education after leaving college.My plan is as follows: first, I plan to study English in language institute for about a half year in New Zealand.Then, I will study specialized curriculums on preschool education.I believe I have the ability of study abroad, because I have finished all high school curriculums.Besides, my parents both have job and have rich income, so they will support me to finish my study.After finishing my study, I will return to my homeland and work on preschool education, so as to realize my life value.出国留学计划





英文留学自荐信范文 xizhen chen, my former student in the d 《英文留学自荐信范文》正文开始>> 英文留学自荐信范文

i came to know him in september 1987 when mr.chen eolled in my class on fortran iv programming, a three semesters course.in the class he was one of the most outstanding students.at the semester final he earned a high grade of 81, which should be a according to our grading system.i also found him good at other studies.in view of his previous achievements in this college, i am firmly convinced that mr.chen will make a successful graduate student.your favorable consideration of his admission will be highly appreciated.to whom it may concern, 出国留学推荐信范文英文版二篇


出国留学推荐信范文(一)dear sir or madam, at the request of university of denver, my student in zhengzhou 19th high school, i’m providing this reference, which i hope can be useful for you to review her application to your undergraduate program.i have been the chinese teacher and class director in zhengzhou 19th high school for more than ten years.we are one of the most famous and high-quality high schools in the whole city, the faculties in our school are all renowned and highly-experienced.though i’m relatively young in the school, i have lots of experience in chinese teaching and student managing.i have been titled the outstanding young teacher and class-director by school and city.yadi wang came to my class in september 2006, the semester she entered our school.i know she is talent in music.she used to performance flute in our school activities, such as in talent show.in 2007, she passed the high level test of flute level 8.she loves music that is all her classmates and school teachers know.every word of her was incisive to get to the point, and also full of humors.her performance won both her teammates and opponents’ admiration.sincerely yours molly yu chinese teacher/ class director of zhengzhou 19th middle school 出国留学推荐信范文(二)dear sir/madam: i am the principle of the zhengzhou 19th high school, which is a key high school in henan province.in recent years, the 100 percent graduates from our school have been eolled by university, and in addition, 80% graduates in our school have been recruited by national key university.i got to know her as a student of our school.she has been keeping a good balance between the arts and sciences, gaining high grades in each of them.because of her diligent studying, she was titled several times “exemplary student” “excellent student cadres” “various abilities in a major”.more importantly, she owns the industriousness and inquisitiveness in learning, and an unusual ability of abstract and analytical thinking and in-depth exploration of knowledge.due to her outstanding performance in studying, in every semester, her ranking grade never fell down below top 5 in her grade.internationalization intellectual.i will highly appreciate your favorable consideration of her application.please feel free to contact me if there’s any further information you need.sincerely yours,(principal)校长 april 25, 2010 通过上面出国留学推荐信范文两篇的分享,相信对于很多计划申请美国研究生的学生可以参考上面的信息来提前做好出国留学推荐信的准备和规划。


留 学 推 荐 信




许丹丹同学就读的麒麟一中是云南省曲靖市的重点高中。近年来,我校毕业生的100%已经进入大学。因为她的勤奋学习,她多次被评为 “模范学生”、“优秀学生干部”等。更重要的是,她拥有勤奋与良好的学习习惯,一由于她的突出表现在学习,在每一个学期的学业测试中都名列前茅。










A push to learn letter

Dear sir/madam:

How do you do!

It is my great honor to my clever students for XuDanDan write this recommendation letter.She not only hard work and have a good moral character and the strong will.If my Suggestions can help you to assess her ability I will be very happy.XuDanDan students attended the first one is yunnan qujing key high school.In recent years, our school has already entered the university graduates to 100%.Because of her diligence study, she is evaluated many times “model student”, “outstanding student cadres”, etc.More important is, she had the diligence and good study habits, a because of her outstanding performance in the study, in each semester studies testing comes top.XuDanDan students in learning strong exploring spirit, deep thoughts and opinions is unique, have the pursuit-of-truth spirit.Remember in eleventh grade “culture life” a research study class, XuDanDan students in the study group on his behalf with the slide presentation to the class the ancient Chinese traditional culture “research results from the Beijing Olympic opening ceremonies video broadcast to the pre-qin times introduced by, from the” book of changes ", the tao-te to the idealist phylosophy of the original analysis, and much of the knowledge, fluent expression, let classmates and teachers deeply admit defeat.Later in the exchange, that XuDanDan students love reading, especially for the pre-qin times of Chinese classical quite have the research of Chinese traditional

art as a special love.From traditional culture can learn philosophy wisdom to guide their study and life, this for a modern students is very valuable.XuDanDan students study hard, hard working hard, with excellent results.Learning ability is stronger, class is good at listening to, independent thinking, often can put forward some valuable problem discussed with the teacher.Study on notice to the knowledge integration and inductive method, after school time can also often focus on current events, and published his current affairs comments.Since high school in all previous test made class and even the whole grade outstanding achievements.Language the number three lessons especially math scores obvious advantages, almost every test can obtain the class the first.Excellent win the teachers and students of praise.At the same time, in the social sector, she showed her a strong leader and organization skills.As the class cadre's XuDanDan students initiative, burden task, dedicated spirit.As the monitor of my class, XuDanDan students work at ordinary times initiative, a strong management ability, the teacher in charge at the leadership, independence bold to carry out all the class activities, from the campaign design, mobilization, coordinate to organizations to carry out, and then to activities of the summary after reflection, can arrange in order, participants to leave many enlightenment and deep impression, however, is that the teacher in charge teacher's right-hand man, by the students of the love.Not only eager to class management, to around the students care and help also give me a good impression: in class activities, XuDanDan students can help the students enthusiastically, in view of the students in studying in the ordinary weak

links with guidance, and reasonable suggestion, make the results have been significantly improved.These activities improve the XuDanDan students social practice ability.Enter your school for further study has been XuDanDan classmate elusive goal, I believe, had the comprehensive quality and the solid foundation of basic skills, plus the your school first-class environment for education, students can have a nice XuDanDan development prospects.In view of this, I seriously recommend to your school XuDanDan classmate, sincerely wish she would be in the talents gathered on the platform of the talent show, march toward success!


Single bit: yunnan qujing kirin secondary school

December 12, 2011

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