
时间:2019-05-14 14:21:33下载本文作者:会员上传



1. 十年后,你会过一种什

麽样的生活,从事什么样的职业?请以My life in ten years为题,写一篇80字左右的英语短文,合理想象自己十年后的工作和生活情况。My life in ten years(My dream)

Hey , I’m I’m a student at No.1 Middle school.In ten years, I will be a professional play basketball in the NBA.I’ll buy a big house in New York and live there because it is a very beautiful and exciting place.I will fall love with it.On weekends , I’ll dress casually and take my parents to Central park.In order to realize my dream , I should practice basketball everyday.2.生活中,总会遇到一些烦恼,你有哪些不顺心的事呢? 请写一篇80字左右的书信,向Mr Know 说说你在家庭或学校生活中遇到的烦心事。Dear Dr Know ,I never have any fun.At home I have too many rules.Every moring I have to get up early and practice English with my brother.On school nights, I can’t watch

TV.On weekends, I have to go to extra classes to learn math and English.I hardly ever have time to relax.What’s worse, my mother is always comparing me with other children.I’m very upset and tired.What should I do ? Could you give me some advice ?Yours ,Li Yuan.3.人们很容易记住重大事件






I never forget that special day!People usually remember what they were doing when they heard the news of important events.So do I!On October 1st, 2010 Chang’e-2 was sent up into space successfully.At that time my mother and I were shopping in the supermaket.My father was watching TV at home.He called and told us about it.When we heard this , we cheered.Oh , we are all proud of our great country.4.假如你是李涵,在外地读




Dear Mom ,Do you want to know about my life in my new school ?Don’t worry about me.Well, I am having fun in my new school.My teachers and classmates are very friendly to me.I get on well with them.Oh, last Thursday we finishen our mid-term exams and yesterday I got my report card.My chinese teachersaidI was hard-working.My English teachersaidIwasgood at writing.My history teacher

said I didi well.My math teacher said I was very clever and he liked me very much.All the teachers were pleased with me.Yours ,Li Han.5.你理想的职业是什么?如果有一天你的理想成为现实,你一定很开心吧!请以If I become------或者以I want to be----------为题,写一篇短文,谈谈自己理想的工作。For me , becoming a teacher is a dream job because I love children.If I become a teacher , I’ll happy.I will work in a school in a poor mountain village in GuiZhou

province.I’ ll help open up my students’ eyes to the outside world and give them a good start in life.I’ll teach them how to study and how to behave in society.I hope all my students will love me and if they want to be

teachers too , I will be happier.第二篇:

I like singing , I want to be a pop singer.If I become a pop singer, I’ll be able to make a living doing something I love.Oh, I’ll be happy.If I sing well , I’ll give some of my money to Project Hope.Of course , a pop singer can also have many problems.People will watch me all the time.This can make my life difficult , but I’m sure I can get over it.6.生活中有苦有乐,我们可以尽情享受“乐”,但遇到困难时我们该怎么做呢?请以Believe yourself , and you will win 为题,写一篇短文,描述自己在学习生活中遇到并战胜它的过程。


yourself , and you will winOne night , I was doing my math exercises when I met a difficult problem.Twenty minutes passed but I still couldn’t work it out.The answer was on the last few pages of the book.How much I wanted to see the answer!But I told myself I shouldn’t do that.My father said he would like to help me.But I refused.I studied the note and read my text book again and again.Finally , using an example my teacher gave us.I worked out the problem!I was so happy that I did it all by myself.7.你业余时间喜欢做什么?喜欢收集什么东西?请以“My hobby ”为题,介绍


My hobby My hobby is collecting stamps.I write to my friends all over the world , and they send letters to me , too.As a result , I collect lots of stamps.Oh, I have been collecting stamps for seven years.Now I have 1,800 of them.Last weekend I had a yard sale.I sold four stamps and got 1,200yuan.with the money , I paid for my deskmate’s education and stopped her from dropping our of school.My hobby I have several hobbies , and one of the most interesting ones is collecting pencil cases.I’ve been collecting pencil cases since I was seven yeass old.My mother gave me a nice pencil case as a birthday present and I fell in love with it at once.I think pencil cases are as beauitiful as art.and they are really colorful.Eight years has passed I have had 40diffferent pencil cases.I’m sure you will love them when you see them.8.给别人提建议文章:爷爷的八十岁生日要到了,张


Dear Zhangxin , Time flies.Next Monday is yourgrandpa’s birthday.Your grandpa likes animals.Why not get him a parrot ? These days the trendiest pets are parrots.They are beautiful and clean , and they are cheaper than cats , Also, it’s easy to take care of them.Oh, this kind of pets can talk.When you and your parents don’t have enough time to stay with Grandpa , this parrot can talk with him.So Grandpa won’t feel lonely.Do you think so ?Yours,Han Rui9.假期你经常去哪里旅游?请写一篇短文,介绍你曾经去过的一处旅游地。During last summer vacation , I went to HongFeng lake by bus with my parents.While we were sitting on the bus , I kept looking out of the window.The scenery was really beautiful.We stayed in a hotel quite near the lake.In the daytime , We went swimming , took photos and went to lots of islands , went shopping.At night we watched games ,and

looked at the stars in the clear sky.we ate a lot of delicous food there.It was such a wonderful trip that I

will never forget it.



Smoking It is almost known to all that smoking is bad for people's health.Scientific researchs show that smoking can lead to heart disease,cancer and other problem.The World Health Organization says diseases linked to smoking kill at least two million five-hundred-thousand persons each year.Still,many people find it difficult to stop smoking.One reason is that smoking usually becomes a habitual behaviour,and habits,whether good or bad are not easy to be given up.Another reason is the effect of

nicotine,the substance found in cigarettes works on people somewhat as drugs do.Measures have been taken to help people keep away from the harm of smoking.In many cities,smoking is forbidden in public places.The danger of smoking is warned of everywhere.And newspapers are asked not to publish advertisements for cigarettes.World “No Tobacco Day” is observed every year as the biggest compaign against smoking.它几乎都知道吸烟危害人的身体健康。科学研究表明,吸烟会导致心脏病、癌症和其他问题.世界卫生组织说,与吸烟有关的疾病杀死至少200万five-hundred-thousand人每年。尽管如此,许多人发现很难戒烟原因之一是,吸烟通常成为习惯性行为,而习惯,不论好坏都不容易被放弃了另一个原因是,这种物质对尼古丁的影响对人的作品中发现的香烟有点像毒品。已经采取措施来帮助人们远离了吸烟的危害。在许多城市,公共场所禁止吸烟吸烟的危害是警告,到处都是.和报纸刊登广告要求不抽烟世界无烟日”是“观察每年作为世界上最大的反对

吸烟的宣传活动。My first Job

Before I started at university,I took my first job as a waitress in a nice restaurant.At the night before my first day.I was too excited to go to sleep and as a result,I got up late in the morning.I threw on my clothes and rushed over to the restaurant.In a great hurry,I didn't hear clearly the head waiter's instruction that we should go into the kitchen through one door and out from the other.So when I took two plates of eggs and bacon and an orange juice out to the restaurant,I went straight towards the wrong door and collided with another waiter coming in!

Worst of all was that I wore a pair of smart shoes but with high heels!A few hours later I was in agony yet had no time to change them.By the time we finished serving dinner

at about 10:30 I was completely exhausted.Nevertheless, I 之前,我就开始上大学的时候,我把我的第一份工作,当服务员在一家餐馆在前一晚我第一天我太兴奋了,因此,我早上起晚



当我拿两盘的鸡蛋和咸肉和桔子汁去餐馆,我径直走向了门,撞上了另一个服务生进来!最糟糕的是,我穿了一双运动鞋,但高跟鞋!几小时后,我又被痛苦却没有时间去改变它们。我们干完约10:30我精疲力竭了。不过,我学会 lear

Birth control

Since the Chinese Government singled out family planning as one of the basic state policies in 1978,the country has adopted various measures and achieved great success in birth control.The total birth rate has been decreasing gradually.However,at present China's population is still growing very rapidly.It is reported that every year the population of this country increases by an extra 15 million and China is encountering a birth peak during the 1990s.It is abvious that China's economic development and improvement of people's living standards have been and will be greatly affected by the population.Therefore,to control population growth more strictly is clearly essential to the country's reforms and economic development.We should restress the importance of birth control and call on the whole nation to make more effective actionsnt something through my experience.节育







Advertisements are getting their way into people's lives.People depend on advertisers in their daily lives because they are cusumers.The advertisers are always manufacturers.Sometimes they are salesmen.Their merchandise needs advertising.Thus nearly every

product is advertised.To some extent, good dvertising means success while bad advertising can means failure.There are many ways to advertise and 'ads' come in different forms.Newspaper carry advertisements.Some products are announced on TV and radio which have a wide

audience.Billboards also carry advertising.Advertising is a big industry now and many agencies are set up to furnish a variety of services for it.However, advertising is not always truthful.A product is often misrepresented.The advertiser exaggerates the benifits of the merchandise he wants to sell.Thus, he misrepresents the truth.The consumer falls victim to such advertising.Millions of people have bought advertised products and they haven't always been satisfied.广告,广告越来越进入人们的生活。人们依靠广告在日常生活中,因为他们是消费者。广告商总是制造商。有时他们是推销员。他们的商品需求的广告。因此几乎每个产品广告的.在某种程度上,好dvertising意味着成功,坏的广告可以意味着失败。



.Fighting Criminals

Today the crime rate in soe cities of our country is rising.Many citizens often complain about the thefts and robberies that have taken palce in the areas they live in and appeal to the governments at all levels to take effective measures to reduce the crime rate.Faced with criminals,some people are so frightened that they shamelessly give up the fight and other people turn a blind eye to them.However,some people are brave enough,to risk their lives to fight the criminals.Their fearless actions prevented the criminals from doing evils,saved the victims,and protected the public properties.To reduce the crime rate,we all the people should first receive a law education.Criminals must be severely punished.Meanwhile we should set up a foundation to reward those who fight criminals.It is also important to call on people to learn from those heroes and encourage more people to stand up to crime.战斗罪犯,今天的犯罪率在我国国有企业的城市正在上升。许多市民抱怨偷窃经常和抢劫,已经死去的地区,他们生活在和呼吁各级政府应积极采取有效措施以减低犯罪率。




My dream job

Everyone has a dream, so do I.My dream job is to be a reporter.If I become a famous reporter, I will be famous and I will make lots of money.I will be rich.I can do lots of things.For example, I will be able to travel around the world.I will buy a big house for my parents and a car for myself.But if I am famous, I may have lots of trouble, my people will watch me all the time and they will follow me here and there, I can’t do everything I like to do and also it will be hard for me to realize who my really friends are , maybe I won’t be as happy as it it now.Do you think so ?

My hobby(my after-school activities, my summer holiday)

My hobby is rich and colorful.I always read in the morning.I think reading is interesting.I can get a lot of knowledge from books.I like listening to English at noon.I think English is important and interesting.Sometimes I listen to popular music.Because music can relax myself.I often play basketball with my classmates after school.I think playing basketball is good for our health.It can get on with my friends.I like playing the piano very much.I practice playing the piano in the evening.Then I finish my homework.I am busy every day and I am very happy.My hobby

Everyone has his own hobby.I have many hobbies, too.I like singing, I like swimming, but my favorite hobby is making model planes.In my spare time, I read many books about planes.I collect many model planes.I build the model planes myself.They are made of plastic and metal.At first, it was hard to build.But I didn’t give up.I encouraged myself.I joined a club.Sometimes we compete.When I won , I was so excited.It’s fun and exciting to build model planes.It makes my life happier.Summer Vacation

I enjoy summer vacation very much.Because summer vacation is the longest vacation of the year.We have more than fifty days to rest.Though it is very hot, we can either go to swim or stay in the air-conditioned room.In the evening, I like to go shopping with my friends.We can eat many things in summer, such as ice creams, watermelons, grapes, so on.In summer, I always go on a trip with my parents.It's a good chance for us to visit some nice interesting places.My dream job

Everybody has his dream job.I also have my dream job.My dream is to work for foreign tourists as a tour guide.Why do I want to be a tour guide? First of all, I‘m an outgoing girl, and I like doing some exciting things.Maybe being a tour guide is the best choice.If I become a tour guide, I can travel all around China, and know more about our country.Then I will tell the foreign tourists about our colorful history.Second, I like making friends.If I work as a tour guide, I can make a lot of friends all over the world.This may be great.Perhaps someday my foreign friends will ask me to visit their countries.I really like to go to their countries to know something about their culture.What’s more, I like singing.Singing English songs is my favorite.I believe I will be popular with foreign tourists.Their trip will be excellent.How to protect/save our environment/world?

How to protect/save our environment/world? 为题写一篇短文。提示:存在问题:1.水污染越来越严重 2.砍伐森林严重 3.大气污染严重 4.白色垃圾 等 要求 : 如何改善/保护环境?至少:3---4个方面, 80字左右的。范文:

范文: How to protect/save our environment/world?

The environmental pollution is worse and worse /more and more seriously today.Water is polluted we have no clean water to drink Many trees are cutting down some animals is getting less and less.Some factories is poring dirty air in the sky the population is increasing faster and faster resources is getting less and less…etc.Not only does it affect our lives and health it also has a great affection in the future.people's health has been greatly affected by air noise and water pollution.Many people died of diseases.In order to live a better life we need protect our world.We shouldn't throw away rubbish everywhere.We want to recycle reduce reuse things.Don't waste things This saves money and reduces pollution.Use things for as long as possible.We don’t use plastic bags.We must plant more trees and stop the people cutting them.We hope our world is more and more beautiful.I want to be a player(my dream)

Everyone has a dream.But I think my dream is to be a football star when I grow up.I liked playing football when I was a child.No matter what the weather is like, I often play football with my friends on the playground after school.I like Ronaldo best.Now I will do my best to study hard in the school.I believe my dream will come true in the future.At that time, I am not only proud of my parents, but also proud of all the people in Yunnan.Now I am still a middle school student.I must try my best to work hard at my lessons.I think my dream will come true some day in the future if I work hard.My future(my life in the future, my life in 15 years)

Hello, everyone!My name is Yang Fan.I am a student and I study at school now.I like playing basketball and surfing on the internet.I go to school by bike every day.I often go to the country for my vacation.I think I will change greatly in 15 years.Then I will be a doctor.I will enjoy reading books.I will go to work by car.I will go to Europe to spend my holiday.I will make a lot of money.I will have a beautiful building with garden.I think my life will be more interesting and wonderful in the future.I think it will come true if I work hard.My summer holiday plans(My summer holiday)

Now that summer holiday is coming, I need to make a holiday plan.First, I plan to

with the knowledge, but also change the world around them.At the same time, I think I’ll help my parents enjoy their lives.All in all, I can do a lot of wonderful things and make contribution to our country.The life in the future In the future ,there will be computers in each home.They will help us know more about the world ,We will be able to talk online.Kids won’t go to school and study at home on computers.Scientists will make lots of robots.They can help us do some homework.For example, cooking ,cleaning.And I think there will be more cars and pollution.So we should grow more trees and find other useful solutions to protect our environment.In a word ,the life in the world will be wonderful.My hobby

I like to collect many things, such as nice stones, names of movies,books,toys,photos of famous people.But I like collecting stamps best.I have been collecting stamps for five years.When I was very young, my uncle sent me a stamp from Australia.I loved it at once.Since then I tried to collect stamps and fell in love with it.I

have more than one hundred stamps.Some were sent by my friends, some were collected by myself;some were from foreign countries, some were Chinese.I like them.Often,I take them out and show them to my friends.My pet

介绍宠物 Many people like animls.I like dogs best.They are popular pets.Because they are easy to take care of.They are cheaper than rabbits or cats.But they are not quiet enough.I like

my dog very much.At night he watches TV on my legs with me When I do my homework,he is always around me.When I have some sad things ,I enjoy talking with him.He`s my best friend..致谦信:Dear Tom, Thank you very much for inviting me to your birthday party.I'd love to go but I can't.My parents are out on business.They are coming back next month.And now I have to look after my grandma because she is ill in bed.And I also need to study for my coming end-of-year exam.I'm very sorry but I can't go to your party.Thank you for asking me.I hope you can have a good time.Yours, Jim

my pleasant day Some days are unforgettable in our life.I had a pleasant day last month.In the morning, I got up lateand then began to do my homework.It took me about two hours to finish it.Next, I watched TVand had fun playing computer games.While my mother was cooking lunch, I cleaned the houseand washed my clothes.We had delicious food.In the afternoon, I went shopping with my mother,and then I played tennis happily with my friends.Before I went to bed, I listened to music.It made me relaxed.What a happy day I had!




Last summer, my family and I went to Hawaii for a holiday!

We flew across the Pacific to the tiny island from Beijing.After we booked into a hotel, we rested.Our fun started the next day and lasted for two long weeks.During our time there, we ate delicious exotic food and drank numerous fruit juices.The Hawaiians are very proud of their unique food, often 'spiced up' with slices of juicy pineapple and strings of delicious cheese.There were also fantastic beaches right accoss the tiny atoll.The water was sparkling blue and the sand dunes radiated with an inviting warmth of gold.The place was wonderful and the locals were really nice;I really enjoyed my holiday.1.提示:向你的朋友托尼表示问候。你告诉他,你和同学王飞打算学习英语。打算听广播,星期六上午到英语角去练口语。下个月你打算到上海去旅游,邀请他一起去。词数:60—80词。

Dear Tony,How are you? Thank you for your letter.My classmate Wang Fei and I are going to learn English.We'll listen to English on the radio.We will go to the English Corner in the park near our school on Saturday morning.We will speak English there.I will go to Shanghai next month.Would you like to go with me?

Yours ever

Liu Ming

2.My life

My school life is a lot of fun.I like studying in the classroom with my lovely classmates.We get on well with each other.We play sports and sing together.I often miss my classmates and teachers if I don’t see them for a long time.But sometimes our teachers give us too much homework.Parents and teachers often put great pressure on us.I wish a happy life in a big city in the future.I will live in a big house with a garden, and drive to work.I will travel a lot in my spare time.I’ll work hard so that I can go to a good university.Then I can get a good job in the future and my dream will come true.3.想象一下你们未来的学校、教室,写一篇短文介绍你们未来的学校、教室或未来的你。题目自拟。

When I was dreaming just now, my robot woke me up.Oh, it was nine o' clock.Now I get up.It' s time to get up!This morning I will study science lesson on the computer.I needn' t go to school.There are fewer schools now.It is a sunny day today.My parents work in the other city.They often ask me about my lessons through the television.But I always want to play with my friends.Now the robot is helping me clean my house and the garden.After that it will stay with me till I go to bed.It will work out the problems of the computer and cook meals for me.4.某个星期天,你是家里的主人,有来客造访。用英语写写你怎样招待Uncle John和Aunt Mary的。词数80以上,文体不限。

Today is Sunday.I didn' t go to school.When the door bell rang, I was watching TV in the morning.I opened the door.Oh, my god!They' re my uncle and aunt!They are from Australia.I let them in and sit down on the sofa.Then I brought some Chinese green tea for them.They both said the tea was wonderful.Uncle John is a computer program-mer.Aunt Mary is a actor.They didn' t come to my house for a long time.I talked with them, and showed them my photo album.At noon, we went out to have our lunch in a restaurant.I paid for the meal.In the afternoon my parents came back home.We went shopping together.I knew my uncle and aunt were interested in our city.5.请你谈谈在本学期有何打算或计划,就此写一篇短文,题目自拟,词数80左右。

This term I should study harder.I am good at math, physics and science lessons.My English is not good.I think I should learn from my friend Nari.His English is good.Perhaps he would like to help me.Teacher said, my compo-sitions were not good.So I should read more useful books after class.I believe I will do well in English.On the other way, I should do more exercise, this will make me strong.I like playing ball games.After class I should make more friends, because the more we are together, the happier we are.6.你和你的好朋友Jean发生了争执,在自我反省过后,你觉得有必要给她写一封信向她道歉,并向她提一些意见。请就此向她发一封e-mail表示你的诚意,60词以上。Dear Jean,I am sorry to argue with you several days ago.We haven' t talked with each other these days.You are my best friend, aren' t you?

Few days ago when I heard you lost my lovely book, I was really mad, so I argued with you, and said that I could not be your friend from then on.Later, I didn' t sleep well those days.I always remembered a lot of fun we had.So I decided to write a letter to say sorry to you.I also think you should be careful and take good care of your things.Let' s be best friends again, OK?

Yours ever,Julia

7.以“My Beautiful Dream”为题用英语写一篇短文,词数在60左右。

My Beautiful Dream

Last night I had a beautiful dream.I had turned into an alien.I flew my UFO in the sky.Suddenly I saw some people playing in a park.They were very happy.I wanted to join them.So I landed in the park and got out of the UFO.When the people saw me, they were scared.I said hello to them.But they didn' t understa-nd me.After a while, only a kid came to me and asked, “Who are you?” “I am your friend.”The boy got happy.He moved to my UFO.“May I play with you?” “Sure.You can play in the UFO with me.”When we got into the UFO, it started to fly into the sky.Suddenly it fell to the ground.I was scared and

jumped up from the bed.Oh!It was a dream!


My father

My father is a businessman.He sells computers.He is a kind man.He isn' t good at talking.He is very busy.Last week he flew to London.I told him to bring some interesting things to me.But when he came back home, he brought nothing.I was mad.But he said he had bought some snacks and some books for me.When he flew back to this city, in the street, he met a poor girl.She didn' t have enough money to go to school.She was begging in the street.My father gave her the snacks and books and some money.So I had nothing.But I was also happy.I am proud of my father.9.你有集邮(collect stamps)的爱好吗?请谈谈你集邮的历史。如果没有,也可以谈谈你别的爱好,以此为内容写一篇60词左右的短文。

I like to collect many things, such as nice stones, names of movies, books, toys, photos of famous people.But I like collecting stamps best.I have been collecting stamps for five years.When I was very young, my uncle sent me a stamp from Australia.I loved it at once.Since then I tried to collect stamps and fell in love with it.I have more than one hundred stamps.Some were sent by my friends, some were collected by myself;some were from foreign countries,some were Chinese.I like them.Often, I take them out and show them to my friends.10.帮助他人是一件快乐的事,请写一件你经历过的帮助别人的乐事,并谈谈你的快乐,80个词左右。

I am a friendly boy.I like to make friends.But I like to eat, too.My mother gives me some money every day.I always go to buy something to eat.I eat in the class, after school and while playing.One day I went to school with 10 yuan.Suddenly I saw a little boy sitting at the gate of a shop.He was asking people for money.I was surprised.A boy, younger than me!He should go to school like me!I walked to him, asked, “What' s wrong, little brother?” “My parents were dead.So I had nothing.”He was sad.I touched my money.I really wanted to buy some delicious snacks to eat.At last, I gave him my money!He was very happy, so was I.11.选取你和你母亲之间发生的一件事情作为材料写一篇短文,这件事有可能是愉快的,也有可能是不愉快的,或印象深刻的,词数在80以上。

I like little animals.I want to get a cat long ago.But my mother doesn’t like them.Last month my friend gave me a white cat.I was so glad that I often played with it after school.My mother was annoyed by the cat' s voice.She said it always broke the things and the sofa ,and its hair could be seen here and there.So last Friday when I came back home and wanted to play with my pet, it didn’t appear.I asked my mother, she told me she had sent the cat to the zoo.I was mad at her.I shouted and cried, and didn’t listen to her.When my father

came home, I told him the event.He also said it wasn’t an important thing.Later, I said sorry to my mother and so did she.



My Dream(一般将来时态)

Everybody has a dream.Do you want to know what I want to be in the future? Well, I want to be a singer, because I love singing very much.And I think that I can sing on the stage(舞台).I will move to New York and be a singer there.And I will sing my favorite English songs there.Although it is a tiring job, I love it.Because when I’m sad, I can sing songs to be happy and I will become very popular.That’s so interesting and exciting.For my dream, I will sing every day and sing well.I hope that day comes quickly, I can’t wait!How about you? What’s your dream?What Should I Do(请求建议)

I have a problem.I need your help.I always thoughtIwaspopular at school.But I just found out that my friends werepla nninga birthday party for my best friend.Everyone else wasinvited,they didn't invite me.butI'm very upset and don't know why.I don’t know what I did wrong.Can you help me? Can you give me some advice?

Last Sunday(过去进行时态)

Last Sunday, all my family were at home.My father was was

hing his car outside our house.My mother was doing the housework.She was trying to clean the whole house at the weekend.My grandmother was watching TV in the sofa.I was playing computer games in my

room.I received a phone call and went shopping with my friends.In the evening, our family were eating dinnertogether.How do you get on well with your classmates?


Today, many students say they don't know how to get on well with their classmates.They are in trouble.Now, I will give you some advice.First of all, believe everyone.Believing is very important.Believe others and you can be believed.Secondly, give a hand when your classmates need help.Last, whenever being on time is very important.If you follow the advice above, I believe you can get on well with everyone.我想成为一名志愿者(I Want to Be a Volunteer)

I want to be a volunteer, because I think it's very happy to help others.I’ll volunteer for children.I’ll going to teach

children who have trouble in reading.And I want to be a teacher and I love children and reading, so it is important for me to be a teacher.And I believe everyone can be happy.I will work hard for my dream.Being a volunteer is great.健康一直是人们关注的问题,我校要举行以“关爱健康”为题的主题班会,请根据以下内容谈谈你的看法。



注意:1.文中不能出现校名和自己的姓名;2.内容可适当扩展。3.字数为60—80词; 4.文章开头和结尾已给出,但不计入总词数。

It is very important for us students to keep healthy.There are many ways to be healthy.We’d better eat more fruits and vegetables.Take exercise for at least one hour every day.We need enough sleep and rest so it is important to go to bed early and get up early.Besides, we should wash our hands as often as possible.In my opinion, we mustn't drink wine or smoke.They are bad for our health.I.根据首字母填空。(5分)

1.If you have no friends, you may feel l_______.2.Tom f_____the exam again.3.My mother didn’t a______ with my father’s advice.4.He saw a snake l_______ on the road.5.We should make a d________ on where to spend our holiday.6.At the b_______ of the term, we had a test.II.用所给单词的正确形式填空。(10分)

2.They couldn’t help________(jump)happily when they heard the news.3.He will let you know about it as soon as he______(get)the news.4.They organized a show_________(raise)money.5.He drives as _________(careful)as Tom.6.The little girl is afraid of _________(speak)in front of people.7.Jack was so________(luck)that he caught the bus.8.The movie made me_______(feel)sad.9.I would like________(book)two tickets to Beijing.10.It takes me ten minutes_______(get)to school by bike.



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