
时间:2019-05-14 17:37:40下载本文作者:会员上传


Subject: My Friend

I have a new girl friend, whose name is Cao Xingxing.She is thirteen years old and very pretty.She is not tall(or: she is short

and slim.)and not heavy, either.Her hair is long and her eyes are a little small, compared to others.She wears glasses because her eyes are of near-sight.Therefore, she looks very cute to me.Her English is very good and she often helps me in my learning English.She is one of my good friends.well------一般的好, 比 good 的好, 稍差一點.


Subject: My Life in the Summer Vacation

In the morning from July 1 to July 15, 2014, I had extra(or: additional)learning classes in the Summer.From July 16, 2014 and on, I live with my grand parent in their home, where is at the fifth floor in their apartment building.Hence(or: Therefore), I have to play or do my exercise outside their home.After that, I come back upstairs and complete my home work as assigned by our learning classes.In the meantime, I am waiting for the end of my Summer Vacation so that I will attend my regular school classes in our school.


Gulliver's Travel

钟旭萍 英语2010-1班 2010444810

After reading The Adventures of Tom Sawyer, I soon started a new book named Gulliver’s Travel.They have something in common but also differ from each other.Gulliver’s Travel is a recall of my childhood.I do remember I would listen to part of Gulliver’s Travel before falling asleep when I was in my childhood.The story goes like this:

When Lemuel Gulliver sets off from London on a sea voyage, little does he know the many incredible and unbelievable misadventures awaiting him.Shipwrecked at sea and nearly drowned, he washes ashore upon an exotic island called Lilliput-where the people are only six inches tall.Next he visits a land of incredible giants called Brobdingnagians.They are more than sixty feet tall.He travels to Laputa, a city that floats in the sky, and to Glubbdubdrib, the Island of Sorcerers.His final voyage brings him into contact with the Yahoos-abrutish race of subhunmans-and an intelligent and virtuous race of horse, the Houyhnhnms.From the brief introduction, I am sure that you may have the idea like that it just a simple novel which is quite convenient tool to help children fall asleep.It is really an interesting novel which can easily catch our attention at the first sight.However, the true theme of this novel was so critical.It made a shape comment on the England government.In Lilliput, even though the people are in a mini shape, they are really hardworking and clever.Gulliver was moved by them and helped them a lot.However, Gulliver’s kindness didn’t pay back.Instead, he was misunderstood by the people in Lilliput.As a result, Gulliver was forced to leave that country.In the Brobdingnagians, Gulliver was just a little kid to them because he was too short among them.In that case, Gulliver suffered from lacking confidence.He cannot do what he did in Lilliput because he thought he was not strong enough to help them.But when traveling in the Houyhnhnms, Gulliver was surprised by them.The people there only cared about music and never took others into consideration

This three main part of the novel described a quite uncommon world which is so different from the real world.It seemed that it just drew a picture of a world in memory.Therefore, some of us will take it as a funny story.If we just take it as a short humorous story, Gulliver’s Travel makes no sense.It is absolutely written to criticize the England Government.The author obvious showed his own unsatisfactory through the book Gulliver’s Travel.It actually wrote about the darkness of the government, the useless competition between the parties, and the war against France.However, as for me, I still prefer taking the book as a common novel which brings me a lot of happiness.While reading, I was deeply impressed by the words the author used to describe the people, the land, and the environment.From this novel, I learned a lot.In daily life, we may face a lot of conflicts when playing with friends, talking with family.The best way to solve the problem is to communicate with each other, and try to trust other.Moreover, we may meet different people in the world.We should also be respect for them.This is what I learned about Gulliver’s Travel.


On Little Load Fauntleroy

I.Introduction The Little Load Fauntleroy was written by Burnet, a famous writer in America.She was born in England and spent his childhood in there, and moved to American with his family in sixteen.As a matter of fact, she lived a hard life for her father died when she was four years old and she lived poorly with his mother.She experienced a lot of things that others haven’t imagined, but all of this can’t change her enthusiasm about the literature.She began to release stories when she was in American, in this way she could make some money for the family’s daily life.The book is about an American boy’s story of becoming to an English earl.Because of this book, Burnet became one of the best and popular writers.II.The Story

Cedric was born in America, and his grandfather, Earl of Dorincourt, was a very rich and important old nobleman, with a very bad temper and a very violent dislike to Americans.he had there sons, but it so happen that Nature had given to the younger son gifts which she had not bestowed upon his elder brothers.He had a beautiful face and a fine, strong, graceful figure;He had a bright smile and sweet voice;he was brave and generous, and had the kindest heart in the world, and seemed to have the power to make everyone love him.But it was not so as his older brothers;neither of them was handsome, or kind, or clever.There was on doubt that the young one was Cedric’s father.He loved an American girl after his father sent him off to travel in American, and he wrote to his father to tell him he would marry the girl.When the old Earl received the letter, he was furiously angry.He told his son might live as he pleased, and died where he pleased, that he should be cut off from his family forever.The younger son was very sad and he knew he need expect on kindness experience, but he had courage and plenty of determination.With his hardworking he had a small house in a quite street and his little boy was born there, and everything was so gay and cheerful, in a quite small way.In the first place, the boy was always well and never gave trouble.In the second place, he had so sweet temper as his father and always so charming that he was a pleasure to everyone.His greatest charm was the cheerful, fearless, quaint

little way of making friends with others.I think it arose from his having a very confiding nature, and a kind hearted that sympathized with everyone, and wished everyone as comfortable as he like to be.So when he knew his father would not came back and saw how sad his mother was, there gradually come into his kind little heart the thought he must do what he could do to make her happy.To everyone’s surprise, Cedric’s uncle were both died, and he was to be an earl after his grandfather’s death-and for the present he was Lord Fauntleroy, and his grandfather had sent him to come to England.Before he left the American, he helped Dick, and a woman and Bridget to give them a better life with the money that his grandfather gave him.This made him happy and made the relationship with his lovely friends deeper.He was not so willing to leave the place that he lived, but he must face it.As a matter of fact, he didn’t knew that his grandfather hated his mother, and he didn’t knew the exactly reason why his mother can not live with him, but he listened to his mother to be a good boy.When the old Earl saw the boy, he was surprised and he was changed from then.The old Earl was lonely and bad tempered tyrant in people’s eyes, but when he found Cedric was not only smart, charming but also honest, virtuous, generous, they became friends.After getting along with each other for several months, Cedric changed his grandfather to be kind and cared about the people around him.Once upon a time, the old Earl hated Cedric’s mother a lot.In his opinion, it was her, a American women, changed his younger son’s life.He totally believed that his son’s death had something with the woman.Even Cedric tried to persuade him, he did not listen.But when it came to whether Cedric was the legal heir to an English Earldom.The old man changed his tough attitude.In another way, we can say that he loved the grandson so much.When he saw her, he began to realize that she had so sweet a face and voice, and a pretty dignity when she spoke or moved.Very soon, by the quiet magic of these influence, he began to feel less gloomy and can’t help accepting and loving her.He also admitted that, it was because of her, Cedric had been taught to think kind thoughts always and to care for others.In the end, he let her to live with them in the castle.The castle became full of joys and harmonious, and the people around them all get excellent result.In a word, they all lived happily.III.My View on the Book I have to say that I learnt a lot from the book.First of all, the good qualities, such as be true, be kind, be beautiful are all important in our life.It not only determines people around us like us or not, but also determines whether we can grow to be real men.When we do a favor to others, we may solve a series of problems.The life is that we don’t known what will happen next, so helping others is helping ourselves.Moreover, we should believe that we can defeat the vicious things if we are justified.No matter what situation we are in, do not lose heart and things will turn good in the end.Believe ourselves and try to do the best, and the good results are waiting for us not far away.Last but not least, it’s never too old to be a kind man.No matter what we have experienced and what wrong things we have done, do not lose heart.When we change to be good, people will like us all the same.What we should do is that show the best aspect of us and let it last long.Life is a long journey that we will spend our energy to make it wonderful.Do what we can do and share what we have with people.I am sure that we will enjoy our lives.

第五篇:Pride and Prejudice 英文读后感

Pride and Prejudice

As is known to all ,“ Pride and Prejudice ”is a romantic story ,mainly tells the love between Elizabeth and Darcy ,which is still prominent and classic nowadays.I'm fond of this book very much and I also watched the film seriously.Now I'd like to introduce some characters of the story briefly.First of all ,the major characters are Mr Darcy and Elizabeth.Mr Darcy is a rich , proud young man at first who seems to always feel superior to all the others.While Elizabeth ,the second eldest daughter of Mr and Mrs Bennet, is a easygoing ,clever and independent girl who always has her own views.Next I want to tell some features about Elizabeth's sisters.First ,Jane ,the oldest girl in the family is a simple ,innocent ,graceful and beautiful girl who never speaks evil of others.Then Mary is a pedant to some degree because she is always absorbed in books.Opposite to Elizabeth , Kitty is a reliable girl who doesn't have her own opinion but likes to follow her sister,Lydia.As for Lydia ,she can be called a fashionable girl who excitedly follows exotic things ,handsome man, and is somehow a little profligate.At last , I'd like to introduce Mrs Bennet ,a typical woman at that time ,who is vulgar and snobbish.She always makes great efforts to marry off her daghters to rich ,royal men.She regards money ,property and status as the standard for her to choose young men to marry her daughters.The story began with the young ,rich man, Bingley's arrival.One day when Mrs Bennet heard that Bingley arrived Netherfield ,a house near hers.She was so excited and eager to arrange one of her five daughters to marry the rich man.At a ball ,luckly, Bingley and Jane fell in love at he first sight.Darcy ,a friend of Bingley's ,was attracted to Elizabeth ,a lively and spirited girl.But Darcy greatly offended her by supercilious behavior.What's worse ,the prejudice of Elizabeth to Darcy was greatly increased by Wickham ,a dashing young militia officer who lied to Elizabeth that Darcy deprived his property while he squandered the money by himself in reality.Darcy and Bingley's

sister disgusted with the vulgarity of Mrs Bennet and her two youngest daughters ,which effectively separated Bingley and Jane.Meanwhile ,Collins, a cousin of Mr and Mrs Bennet ,married a friend of Elizabeth's after Elizabeth's refuse.But one day Darcy sent Elizabeth a letter ,in which he justified the separation of his friend Bingley and Jane and made it clear what Wickham had done.Eventually , Elizabeth changed her opinion and ideas towards him.Once when Elizabeth visited her uncle and aunt in the north of England ,she met Darcy there and witnessed his changes through series of behaviors , no longer pride and became gentle and attentive.All these made Elizabeth eliminate her prejudice to him and finally engaged with him and lead a happy marriage.I like this story very much.After I finished it ,I really felt great happy that both Darcy and Elizabeth ,the two lovely ,kind girls possessed a happy marriage.As for me , I really appreciate a happy ending of the novels.As a result ,the love story , “ Pride and Prejudice ”appeals to me very much.



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